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Characteristics of Environmental Factors and Vegetation Community of Zabelia tyaihyonii (Nakai) Hisauti & H.Hara among the Target Plant Species for Conservation in Baekdudaegan (백두대간 중점보전종인 댕강나무의 식생 군집 및 환경인자 특성)

  • Kim, Ji-Dong;Lee, Hye-Jeong;Lee, Dong-Hyuk;Byeon, Jun Gi;Park, Byeong Joo;Heo, Tae-Im
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.111 no.2
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    • pp.201-223
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    • 2022
  • Currently, species extinctions are increasing due to climate change and continued anthropogenic impact. We selected 300 species for conservation with emphasis on plants co-occurring in the Baekdudaegan area, which is a large ecological axis of Korea. We aimed to investigate the vegetation community and environmental characteristics of Zabelia tyaihyonii in the limestone habitat among the target plant species in the Baekdudaegan region to derive effective conservation strategies. In Danyang-gun, Yeongwol-gun, and Jecheon-si, we selected 36 investigation sites where Z. tyaihyonii was present. We investigated the vegetation, flora, soil and physical environment. We also found notable plants such as Thalictrum petaloideum, Sillaphyton podagraria, and Neillia uekii at the investigation sites. We classified forest vegetation community types into 4 vegetation units and 7 species group types. With canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) of the vegetation community and habitat factors, we determined the overall explanatory power to be 75.2%, and we classified the environmental characteristics of the habitat of Z. tyaihyonii into a grouping of three. Among these, we detected a relationship between the environmental factors elevation, slope, organic matter, rock ratio, pH, potassium, and sodium. We identified numerous rare and endemic plants, including Thalictrum petaloideum, in the investigation site, and determined that these groups needed to be preserved at the habitat level. In the classification of the vegetation units analyzed based on the emerging plants and the CCA, we reaffirmed the uniqueness and specificity of the vegetation community in the habitat of Z. tyaihyonii. We anticipate that our results will be used as scientific evidence for the empirical conservation of the native habitats of Z. tyaihyonii.

Trends in Pre-service Science Teacher Education Research in Korea (우리나라 예비 과학교사 교육 연구의 동향)

  • Lee, Gyeong-Geon;An, Taesoo;Mun, Seonyeong;Hong, Hun-Gi
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.127-147
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    • 2022
  • Pre-service science teacher education is important to elaborate the quality of science teaching and learning in schools. Therefore, many pre-service science teacher education researches have been done in Korea. However, almost no research has comprehensively reviewed those literatures including secondary teacher education context. This study reviewed 410 pre-service science teacher education researches in Korea, from 1995 to 2021 published by 17 journals in KCI. The trends were analyzed with respect to the number of article according to period, keyword frequency, and qualitative features. The qualitative features were coded in multiple aspects of pre-service teachers' type, major, subject-matter in research context, research approach, data type, and the number of participants. The results indicate that the number of research articles has increased by about 40 for every 5-year period. JKASE has published most articles, and the diversity of journals has increased since 2010. Keyword frequency revealed that scientific concepts, science teaching efficacy, nature of science, and other teaching and learning contexts were emphasized. In qualitative features, the most frequent pre-service type was secondary in 'general' science context. For research topic, 'pre-service teacher education program' and 'perception and cognitive domain' were the most frequent. Most of the articles have 'analyzed' the phenomena or consequence of educational issue. Most research was conducted with 11 to 30 participants. These patterns of qualitative features have differed according to period, and types of pre-service teacher. Suggestions for the future pre-service science teacher education research topic were explored, such as policy-administrative research, integrated science teacher education, teacher agency, and environmental education.

Study on Plant Indicator Species of Picea jezoensis (Siebold & Zucc.) Carrière Forest by Topographic Characters - From China (Baekdu-san) to South Korea - (가문비나무림의 지형특성에 따른 식물 지표종에 관한 연구 - 중국 백두산 일대에서 남한까지 -)

  • Byeong-Joo, Park;Tae-Im, Heo;Jun-Gi, Byeon;Kwang-il, Cheon
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.388-408
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    • 2022
  • This study was conducted to select the indicator species (plant) according to the topographical characteristics in the Picea jezoensis forests, endangered subalpine coniferous trees. In South Korea and China (close to Baekdusan), the southern tree line limit of Picea jezoensis has meaningful geographical and latitudinal values for analyzing the ecological characteristics of P. jezoensis forests. Latitude greatly affects the geographical values of plant ecology, and the difference in latitude and habitat affects the change in species composition in forests. With prolonged environmental change, the habitat of subalpine plants will become smaller, and the plants may become extinct. As the P. jezoensis forests of South Korea and China, in particular, are in danger of disappearing without protection, it is important to monitor the population and develop a conservation strategy. Eighty-seven circular plots were established in P. jezoensis forests in South Korea and China. Through processes such as MRPP-test and NMS ordination, indicator species were selected based on this, and basic data for biodiversity assessment were presented. As a result of the Indicator Species Analysis (ISA), 5 taxa were selected from the upperstory vegetation and 18 taxa from the understory vegetation at the altitude(p<0.05). Indicator species by aspect were analyzed as 3 taxa for upperstory vegetation and 16 taxa for understory vegetation (p<0.05). In the case of indicator species according to the slope, 6 taxa for upper vegetation and 24 taxa for understory vegetation were selected(p<0.05). As for the indicator species according to their habitat, 8 taxa in upper vegetation and 65 taxa on understory vegetation were selected. As a result of MRPP-test, it was analyzed that the species composition was heterogeneous in the group of understory vegetation than that of upperstory vegetation. As a result of NMS ordination, the correlation with environmental factors of indicator species was analyzed by rock exposure for upperstory vegetation and latitude for understory vegetation (cut off level=0.3).

Exploring the Priority Area of Policy-based Forest Road Construction using Spatial Information (공간정보를 활용한 산림정책 기반 임도시공 우선지역 선정 연구)

  • Sang-Wook, LEE;Chul-Hee, LIM
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.94-106
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    • 2022
  • In order to increase timber self-sufficiency, Korea's 6th Basic Forest Plan aims to increase the density of forest roads to 12.8 m ha-1 by 2037. However, due to rapid re-forestation, current management infrastructure is insufficient, with just 4.8 m ha-1 of forest roads in 2017. This is partly due to time and cost limitations on the process of forest road feasibility evaluation, which considers factors such as topography and forest conditions. To solve this problem, we propose an eco-friendly and efficient forest road network planning method using a geographic information system (GIS), which can evaluate a potential road site remotely based on spatial information. To facilitate such planning, this study identifies forest road construction priorities that can be evaluated using spatial information, such as topography, forest type and forest disasters. A method of predicting the optimal route to connect a forest road with existing roads is also derived. Overlapping analysis was performed using GIS-MCE (which combines GIS with multi-criteria evaluation), targeting the areas of Cheongsong-gun and Buk-gu, Pohang-si, which have a low forest-road density. Each factor affecting the suitability of a proposed new forest road site was assigned a cost, creating a cost surface that facilitates prioritization for each forest type. The forest path's optimal route was then derived using least-cost path analysis. The results of this process were 30 forestry site recommendations in Cheongsong-gun and one in Buk-gu, Pohang-si; this would increase forest road density for the managed forest sites in Cheongsong-gun from 1.58 m ha-1 to 2.55 m ha-1. This evaluation method can contribute to the policy of increasing timber self-sufficiency by providing clear guidelines for selecting forest road construction sites and predicting optimal connections to the existing road network.

Effect of Nitrogen component and Ge Composition on Growth in the Cultivation of ICT-based Ginseng Process (ICT 기반의 인삼 공정 육묘 시 질소 형태와 게르마늄(Ge) 유무가 생장에 미치는 영향)

  • Dong Hyun, Kim;Yeon Bok, Kim;Hyun Jung, Koo;Hyun Jin, Baek;Su Bin, Lee;Jeei Hye, Choi;Eui Gi, Hong;Kwang Jin, Chang
    • Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.11-17
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    • 2022
  • Ginseng hydroponic cultivation was cultivated as a nutrient solution and the growth was investigated 60 days later. The length(cm) increased from EC1.0 and EC2.0 concentrations to 5.47cm before, followed by EC0.5, 2.5, 1.5, and 0.0. The weight(g) increased from EC1.0 concentration to 2.39g before, followed by EC1.5, 2.5, 0.5, 0.0 and 2.0. The width(mm) increased from EC1.0 concentration to 1.9mm than before, followed by EC2.5, 0.5, 1.5, 2.0, and 0.0. In the ginseng growth experiment according to nutritional components, the average length of NO3-N mixed experiment increased to 0.33cm, the average weight of 0.04g, and the average width of 0.35mm. In the experiment in which NH4-N was mixed without NO3-N, the growth was reduced to 0.37cm in average length, 0.03g in average weight, and 0.22mm in average width. In an experiment in which germanium(Ge) is mixed with a nutrient component, the average length is increased to 0.33cm, the average weight is increased to 0.04g, and the average width is increased to 0.35mm, but in an experiment excluding germanium(Ge), the growth is reduced to 0.11cm, the average weight is 0.04g, and the average width is 0.03mm.

Does Science Motivation Lead to Higher Achievement, or Vice Versa?: Their Cross-Lagged Effects and Effects on STEM Career Motivation (과학 학습 동기가 높은 학생이 과학 학업 성취도가 높아지는가, 또는 그 역인가? -양자가 지닌 교차지연 효과 및 이공계 진로 동기에 미치는 효과-)

  • Lee, Gyeong-Geon;Mun, Seonyeong;Han, Moonjung;Hong, Hun-Gi
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.371-381
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    • 2022
  • This study causally investigates whether high school student with high science learning motivation becomes to achieve more or vice versa, and also how those two factors affect STEM career motivation. Research participants were 1st year students in a high school at Seoul. We surveyed their science learning motivation three times in the same time interval in the fall semester of 2021, and once a STEM career motivation in the third period. We collected data from 171 students with their mid-term and final exam scores, with which, we constructed and fitted an autoregressive cross-lagged model. The research model shows high measurement stability and fit indices. All the autoregressive and cross-lagged paths were statistically significant. However, standardized regression coefficients were larger in path from motivation to achievement compared to the opposite. Only science learning motivation shows significant direct effect on STEM career motivation, rather than achievement. For indirect effects, the first science learning motivation affected the final exam score and STEM career motivation, and the final exam score affected STEM career motivation. However, the final exam score did not have a total effect toward STEM career motivation. The result of this study shows reciprocal and cyclic causality between science learning motivation and achievement - in comparison, the effect of motivation for the opposite is larger than that of achievement. Also the result of this study strongly reaffirms the importance of science learning motivation. Instructional implications for strengthening science learning motivation throughout a semester was discussed, and a study for the longitudinal effect of science learning motivation and achievement in high school student toward future STEM vocational life was suggested.

Soil CO2 Monitoring Around Wells Discharging Methane (메탄 유출 관정 주변의 토양 CO2 모니터링)

  • Chae, Gitak;Kim, Chan Yeong;Ju, Gahyeun;Park, Kwon Gyu;Roh, Yul;Lee, Changhyun;Yum, Byoung-Woo;Kim, Gi-Bae
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.55 no.4
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    • pp.407-419
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    • 2022
  • Soil(vadose zone) gas compositions were measured for about 3 days to suggest a method for monitoring and interpreting soil gas data collected around wells from which methane(CH4) is outflowing. The vadose zone gas samples were collected within 1 m around two test wells(TB2 and TB3) at Pohang and analyzed for CO2, CH4, N2 and O2 concentrations in situ. CO2 flux was measured beside TB2. In addition, gas samples from well head in TB2 and atmospheric air samples were collected for comparison. Carbon isotopes of CO213CCO2) of samples collected on the last day of the study period were analyzed in the laboratory. The two test wells (TB2 and 3) were 12.7 m apart and only TB3 was cemented to the surface. According to the bio-geochemical process-based interpretation, the relationships between CO2 and O2, N2, and N2/O2 of vadose zone gas were plotted between the lines of CH4 oxidation and CO2 dissolution. In addition, the CH4 concentrations of gas samples from the wellhead of the uncemented well (TB2) were 5.2 times higher than the atmospheric CH4 concentration. High CO2 concentrations (average 1.148%) of vadose zone gas around TB2 seemed to be attributed to the oxidation of CH4. On the other hand, the vadose zone CO2 around the cemented well(TB3) showed a relatively low concentration(0.136%). This difference indicates that the vadose zone gas(including CO2) around the CH4 outflowing well were strongly affected by well completion(cementing). This study result can be used to establish strategies for environmental monitoring of soil around natural gas sites, and can be used to monitor leakage around injection and observation wells for CO2 geological storage. In addition, the method of this study is useful for soil monitoring in natural gas storage and oil-contaminated sites.

Feeding Habits of the Sandfish, Arctoscopus japonicus in the Coastal Waters of East Sea, Korea (한국 동해 연안에 출현하는 도루묵(Arctoscopus japonicus)의 식성)

  • Jin, Suyeon;Kim, Do-Gyun;Seong, Gi Chang;Kang, Da Yeon;Lee, Ju Eun;Park, Hyun-sol;Yang, Hye-jin;Soh, Ho Young;Baeck, Gun Wook
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.113-118
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    • 2022
  • The feeding habits of sandfish, Arctoscopus japonicus were studied using 781 specimens collected by Eastern Sea Danish and gill net from January 2020 to December 2021 in the coastal waters of East Sea, Korea. The size of the specimens ranged from 14.8 to 25.4 cm in total length. A. japonicus were fed mainly on amphipods that constituted 54.7% in IRI. Cephalopods were the second largest prey component. The diets also include small quantities of euphausiids, crabs, shrimps, fishes, and worms. The diet composition of A. japonicus showed changes in season. The cephalopods feeding rate was highest in summer, whereas the proportion of euphausiids was higher in spring than in other seasons. The proportion of cephalopods has increased as the body size of A. japonicus increased, whereas the proportion of amphipods and euphausiids decreased gradually. As the body size of A. japonicus increased the mean weight of prey per the stomach (mW/ST) tended to increase significantly (One-way ANOVA, P<0.05).

Comprehensive and synthetic inventory of Dokdo Island, Republic of Korea

  • Ui Wook Hwang;Hyun Soo Rho;Bia Park;Eun Hwa Choi;Cho Rong Shin;Sa Heung Kim;Jongrak Lee;Hack Cheul Kim;Mann Kyoon Shin;Taeseo Park;Jumin Jun;Heegab Lee;Jong Eun Lee;Yoon Sik Oh;Jung-Goo Myoung;Chang Geun Choi;Jin Hee Park;Seon-joo Park;Jimin Lee;Jaeho Lee;Hyeok Yeong Kwon;Kyu Tae Park;Chun Woo Lim;Seung Wook Jung;Mi Jin Lee;Yucheol Lee;Yeongheon Shin;Hee-Jung Choi;Young Wook Lee;Hyun Jong Kil;Jin-Han Kim;Myung-Suk Kang;Eun-Young Lee;Sang-Hwa Lee;Young Hyo Kim;Jongwoo Jung;Kuem Hee Jang;Young Jin Lim;Shi Hyun Ryu;Won-Gi Min;Joo Myun Park;Hyojin Lee;Minsu Woo;Yun-Bae Kim;Sehun Myoung
    • Journal of Species Research
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    • v.12 no.spc
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    • pp.1-69
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    • 2023
  • This study aims to establish a comprehensive, synthetic inventory system for the fauna and flora of Dokdo Island, Republic of Korea, which has been conducted by a specialized research group consisting of more than 50 experts. The research was conducted over five years(2015-2019) and supported by the National Institute of Biological Resources, Ministry of Environment, Republic of Korea. All possible publications on the fauna and flora of Dokdo Island over the last 68 years from 1952 to 2020 were reviewed. As a result, 1,302 species were found on Dokdo Island during the study period. An updated list of 1,963 species was created. This is expected to be of great help for the conservation and national publicity of important indigenous biological resources of Dokdo Island.

Species Composition and Vegetation Structure of Abies koreana Forest in Mt. Jiri (지리산 구상나무림의 종조성 및 식생구조)

  • Jin-Soo Lee;Dong-Bin Shin;A-Rim Lee;Seung-Jae Lee;Jun-Soo Kim;Jun-Gi Byeon;Seung-Hwan Oh
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.259-272
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    • 2023
  • This study set up 49 survey areas with an area of about 400 square meters in Abies koreana natural habitat to identify the species composition and vegetation structure of the A. koreana forest in the Mt. Jiri Nation Park, conducted field surveys using phytosociological methods, and performed the cluster analysis using the Two-Way Indicator Species Analysis (TWINSPAN) and Table manipulation. Subsequently, species composition analysis using the importance value, species diversity analysis, DBH analysis, sapling analysis, and similarity analysis was conducted by each cluster type. The cluster analysis classified the A. koreana forest in Mt. Jiri into five clusters, A, B, C, D, and E. The forest was divided into two clusters, Magnolia sieboldii-Dryopteris crassirhizoma-Sasa borealis and Betula ermanii-Solidago virgaurea-Calamagrostis arundinacea. The former was classified as type A and B by Cornus controversa-Hydrangea macrophylla, and the latter was classified as type E, a typical community, and a Sorbus commixta-Rhododendron mucronulatum cluster. And the S. commixta-R. mucronulatum cluster was divided into C type and D type by Picea jezoensis-Ligularia fischeri and Ainsliaea acerifolia. Through vegetation analysis, the importance value of A. koreana, Quercus mongolica, Acer pseudosieboldianum, Fraxinus sieboldiana, and B. ermanii was highly expressed in the A. koreana forest in Mt. Jiri. Regarding species diversity, the results were similar to those reported in other studies of A. koreana forests in Mt. Jiri. The analysis of diameter at breast height (DBH) showed that A. koreana dominated all layers, and the growth of saplings was also good, indicating that the dominance of A. koreana is expected to continue for a while. However, when considering the value of biodiversity that is expected to increase and threats caused by climate change, systematic preservation and management are required to respond to various threats based on continuous monitoring.