• Title/Summary/Keyword: GEO-DB

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Real-time Geotechnical Information Database Development Using Location Based Service (LBS를 이용한 실시간 지반정보 DB 구축 시스템 개발)

  • Woo, Je-Yoon;Koo, Jee-Hee;Lee, Sang-Hoon
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.5 no.2 s.10
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    • pp.91-103
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    • 2003
  • There are currently tremendous amount of geotechnical information saved, which has been qcquired for essential application of site selection, plan, design, constructin, repari in the builing work. However, due to the lack of the location data attribute, there has been a trouble in its analysis and GIS implementation. In this study, the geotechnical information aquisition program(PGeo) for real-time database in the field and geotechnical information reporting program(GeoReport) by Web-GIS for additional data input and its reporting function has been developed.

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Soil Depth Information DB Construction Methods for Liquefaction Assessment (액상화 평가를 위한 지층심도DB 구축 방안)

  • Gang, ByeongJu;Hwang, Bumsik;Kim, Hansam;Cho, Wanjei
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 2019
  • The liquefaction is a phenomenon that the effective stress becomes zero due to the rapidly accumulated excess pore water pressure when a strong load acts on the ground for a short period of time, such as an earthquake or pile driving, resulting in the loss of the shear strength of the ground. Since the Geongju and Pohang earthquake, liquefaction brought increasing domestic attention. This liquefaction can be assessed mainly through the semi-empirical procedures proposed by Seed and Idriss (1982) and the liquefaction risk based on the penetration resistance obtained from borehole DB and SPT. However, the geotechnical information data obtained by the in-situ tests or boring information fundamentally have an issue of the representative of the target area. Therefore, this study sought to construct a ground information database by classifying and reviewing the ground information required for liquefaction assessment, and tried to solve the representative problem of the soil layer that is subject to liquefaction evaluation by performing spatial interpolation using GIS.

A case study on the DB using geological data for mitigation of slope failure (사면붕괴 피해저감을 위한 지질 DB 구축사레)

  • Park, Sung-Wook;Kim, Choon-Sik;Kim, Yang-Hee;Kang, In-Joon;Lee, Soo-Gon;Yoon, Yong-Sun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2007.04a
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    • pp.277-281
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    • 2007
  • Quite a while ago, Organizations which have slope DB system was running slope of management in several. Frequently, Slope failure was happened by abnormal weather and limit of valuation system at the managed slope. Analysis of other organization slope DB systems is very important that slope DB system maintains same regions on geology. In Korea, slope DB system was running at KEC(Korea Expressway Corporation), Korail(Korea Railroad), and KIGAM(Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources). We research theirs DB constructing. For reviewed slope DB system of other country, we searched NLIC(Natural Landslide Information Center)'s DB system in U.S.A., GEO's LPM(landslide Prevention Measures) program in Hongkong, DPRI' ILC(International Consortium on Landslides) program in Japan, and AGSO(Australian Geological Survey Organization)'s NGVUC program in Australia.

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Construction and Utilization Plan of Steep Slope and Underground Spatial Information DB for Steep Slope Disaster Prevention (급경사지방재를 위한 급경사지정보 및 지하공간정보 DB 구축과 활용 방안 연구)

  • Lee, Kyungchul;Jang, Yonggu;Song, Jihye;Kang, Injoon
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.15 no.7
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    • pp.13-21
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    • 2014
  • Recently, a great number of natural disasters have more frequently happened than the past. The National Emergency Management Agency of Korea has made preparation for the integrated management system of steep slope lands. There is information based on the steep slope inspection sheets and the underground spatial information related to the prevention against steep slope disasters. Nevertheless, building a complete DB System to prevent the hazards and secure the safeties should be urgently dealt with. It is mainly because the information of the National Disaster Management System is restricted to the text-based brief data. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to suggest the method as to building steep slope DB system for disaster prevention and maximizing the availabilities. This study shows the way of building a web-based DB system having its root in the steep slope inspection sheets. The method of establishing the ideal DB system that has liaisons between the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and the National Emergency Management Agency is discussed in this study. Furthermore the optimization of DB utilization will assist the various integrated steep slope management systems based on U-IT which are ongoing projects.

Precision Analysis of Geotechnical Information for the 3D Integrated Underground Space Map (3차원 지하공간통합지도 구축을 위한 지반정보 정밀도 분석)

  • Lee, Boyoung;Hwang, Bumsik;Cho, Wanjei
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.5-12
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    • 2017
  • Since 2000, the national geotechnical information DB has been constructed by Transport and Maritime Affairs (present Ministry of Land) and recently, it provides more than 210 thousands borehole informations through the geotechnical information DB portal systems. The initial project of underground space information computerization was begun in 2007, focusing on collecting the informations after then additional studies had been conducted to verify the precision and accuracy of collected informations in 2013~2014. In accordance with the recent initiation of the 3D integrated underground space mapping project, it is necessary to construct 3D image of the geotechnical information and evaluate the accuracy and precision of the information. Therefore, in this research, the basic information regarding the precision of the geotechnical DB is provided by kriging method and analysis of RMSE for the systematic 3D construction of geotechnical information. In addition, the elevation data errors of boring information are verified by analysis of elevation data such as boring information data and DEM data.

A Study on Construction and Utilization Plan of Underground Spatial Information DB for Earthquake Disaster Prevention (지진방재를 위한 지하공간정보 DB 구축 및 활용 방안 연구)

  • Kim, Soogyeom;Jang, Yonggu;Kim, Changkyu;Kang, Injoon
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.14 no.9
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    • pp.49-56
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    • 2013
  • Looking at the changes in the earthquake of 33 years of South Korea, earthquake in the magnitude of 3.0 or stronger have been conducted about nine times a year on average, and the epicenter of the earthquake is moving towards the inland from the coast. As the possibility of earthquakes increase, it is time to require utilization of underground space integrated information for earthquake disaster prevention. But, now the data related to the characterization of the ground and geology in the areas weak against earthquakes is insufficient, so we need to collect new geology and the ground survey data on nationwide scale and have to establish earthquake disaster prevention plans through the joint use of the existing underground space information. In this study, we determined the scope of construction of underground space DB information that is needed for earthquake disaster prevention, presented the construction plan of DB static and dynamic information of underground space. It also suggested the utilization of underground space scheme information for built earthquake disaster prevention. The underground space information for earthquake disaster prevention that was built through determining the scope and constructing, planning the utilization of underground space information is supposed to used as DB of the integrated management system of underground space and steep slopes information for steep slopes and earthquake prevention by Emergency Management Agency.

Optimal Input Database Construction for 3D Dredging Quantification (3차원 준설물량 산출을 위한 최적의 입력DB 구축방안)

  • Gang, ByeungJu;Hwang, Bumsik;Park, Heonwoo;Cho, Wanjei
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.23-31
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    • 2018
  • The dredging project became more important with the recent construction of off shore structures and reclamation projects. Accordingly, more exact quantitative estimation of the dredged amount should be required. The sub-sea ground information can be obtained generally by the boring investigation and the dredged amount can be estimated based on the depth or the deeper bound of a ceratin layer via 3D visualization program. During the estimation process, the input DB should be constructed with 1D elevation information from boring investigation for the spatially approximated distribution of a deeper bound of each ground layer. The input DB can be varied with the application of the borings and the approximation targets. Therefore, the 3D visualized ground profile and dredged amounts are compared on the actively dredged sites, vicinity of Saemangeum area and outer port area in Gunsan with regard to the input DB construction methods. Conclusively, the input DB based on the spatially approximated depths show higher precision results and more reasonable 3D visualized ground profiles.

Development of 3D Mapping System for Web Visualization of Geo-spatial Information Collected from Disaster Field Investigation (재난현장조사 공간정보 웹 가시화를 위한 3차원 맵핑시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Seongsam;Nho, Hyunju;Shin, Dongyoon;Lee, Junwoo;Kim, Hyunju
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.5_4
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    • pp.1195-1207
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    • 2020
  • With the development of GeoWeb technology, 2D/3D spatial information services through the web are also has been used increasingly in the application of disaster management. This paper is suggested to construct a web-based 3D geo-spatial information mapping platform to visualize various spatial information collected at the disaster site in a web environment. This paper is presented a web-based geo-spatial information mapping service plan for the various types of 2D/3D spatial data and large-volume LiDAR point cloud data collected at the disaster accident site using HTML5/WebGL, web development standard technology and open source. Firstly, the collected disaster site survey 2D data is constructed as a spatial DB using GeoServer's WMS service and PostGIS provided an open source and rendered in a web environment. Secondly, in order to efficiently render large-capacity 3D point cloud data in a web environment, a Potree algorithm is applied to simplifies point cloud data into 2D tiles using a multi-resolution octree structure. Lastly, OpenLayers3 based 3D web mapping pilot system is developed for web visualization of 2D/3D spatial information by implementing basic and application functions for controlling and measuring 3D maps with Graphic User Interface (GUI). For the further research, it is expected that various 2D survey data and various spatial image information of a disaster site can be used for scientific investigation and analysis of disaster accidents by overlaying and visualizing them on a built web-based 3D geo-spatial information system.

Time-series Analysis of Precision the Domestic Boring Investigation Data (국내 시추조사 자료 정밀도 시계열 분석)

  • Jang, Yonggu;Kim, Youngsun;Chae, Deokho;Cho, Wanjei
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.15-21
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    • 2015
  • Since the introduction of 'the rule for computerizing subsoil investigation results and its application' in 2007, the DB construction of the national geotechnical information by Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs (MOLTMA) has been performed. According to the Integrated DB Center of National Geotechnical Information, there have been 180 thousands borehole information stored in the system. In this study, the time-series analyses of precision on the most used information, the depth of stratum and ground water level, were performed to evaluate the effect of the initiation of the rule established in 2007. The precisions were evaluated based on the statistical analyses using kurtosis and normal distribution. Based on the results, the increase of precision after 2007 and the affirmative effects of the rule established in 2007 are confirmed. Furthermore, the precision of the regional information can be achieved with the precision analyses on the information from various areas.

VS Prediction Model Using SPT-N Values and Soil Layers in South Korea (표준관입시험 및 시추공 정보를 이용한 국내 전단파속도 예측)

  • Heo, Gi-Seok;Kwak, Dong-Youp
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.38 no.8
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    • pp.53-66
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    • 2022
  • The national ground survey database (GeoInfo) distributes numerous ground survey data nationwide. Many standard penetration test results exist in this database; however, the number of shear wave velocity (VS) data is small. Hence, to use abundant standard penetration test-N values to predict VS, this study proposed a new empirical N-VS relationship model using GeoInfo data. The proposed N-VS model is a single equation regardless of geological layer types; the layer type only specifies the upper limit of VS. To validate the proposed model, residual analysis was performed using a test dataset that was not used for the model development. Therefore, this study's proposed model performed better than N-VS models from previous studies. Since the N-VS model in this study was developed using sufficient data from GeoInfo, we expect that it is the most applicable to GeoInfo dataset for VS prediction.