• Title/Summary/Keyword: FuzzyES

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A Design of Fuzzy Logic Controllers for High-Angle-of-Attack Flight Control of Aircraft Using Adaptive Evolutionary Algorithms (적응진화 알고리즘을 이용한 항공기의 고공격각 비행 제어를 위한 퍼지 제어기 설계)

  • Won, Taep-Hyun;Hwang, Gi-Hyun;Park, June-Ho;Lee, Man-Hyung
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.6 no.11
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    • pp.995-1002
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    • 2000
  • In this paper, fuzzy logic controllers(FLC) are designed for control of flight. For tuning FLC, we used adaptive evolutionary algorithms(AEA) which uses a genetic algorithm(GA) and an evolution strategy (ES) in an adaptive manner in order to take merits of two different evolutionary computations. We used AEA to search for optimal settings of the membership functions shape and gains of the inputs and outputs of FLC. Finally, the proposed controller is applied to the high-angle-of-attack flight system for a supermaneuverable version of the f-18 aircraft and compares with other methods.

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A Design of Fuzzy PI Controller for Improving AE System of Mobile Digital Camera (모바일 디지털 카메라의 AE 시스템 개선을 위한 퍼지 PI 제어기 설계)

  • Cho, Sun-Ho;Kim, Dong-Han;Park, Chong-Kug
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.15 no.8
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    • pp.786-791
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    • 2009
  • Recently, digital camera module has been extensively utilized in mobile devices. The digital camera module should be smaller and lighter than digital still camera module to be used in mobile device. But, mobile camera can't get high quality image as good as the one of digital still camera due to the optical limitation of minimized module. Especially, AE system of mobile camera occurs excessive hunting and oscillation due to miniaturization of module. In this paper, improved AE algorithm which is applied fuzzy PI control is suggested to compensate this point.

Design of Fuzzy Logic Controller of HVDC using an Adaptive Evolutionary Algorithm (적응진화 알고리즘을 이용한 초고압 직류계통의 퍼지제어기 설계)

  • Choe, Jae-Gon;Hwang, Gi-Hyeon;Park, Jun-Ho
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers A
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    • v.49 no.5
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    • pp.205-211
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    • 2000
  • This paper presents an optimal design method for fuzzy logic controller (FLC) of HVDC using an Adaptive Evolutionary Algorithm(AEA). We have proposed the AEA which uses a genetic algorithm (GA) and an evolution strategy (ES) in an adaptive manner in order to take merits of two different evolutionary algorithms. The AEA is used for tuning fuzzy membership functions and scaling constants. Simulation results show that disturbances are well damped and the dynamic performances of FLC have better responses than those of PD controller when AC system load changes suddenly.

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Design of Fuzzy-PD controller for Inverted Pendulum Using Adaptive Evolutionary Computation (도립진자의 각도 및 위치제어를 위한 적응진화연산을 이용한 퍼지-PD제어기 설계)

  • Son, W.K.;Kim, Hyung-Su;Mun, Kyeong-Jun;Hwang, Gi-Hyun;Park, J.H.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1998.11b
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    • pp.490-492
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    • 1998
  • In this paper, fuzzy-PD control system is designed to control angle and position of the inverted pendulum. To optimize parameters of fuzzy-PD controller, we used adaptive evolutionary computation(AEC). AEC uses a Genetic A1gorithm(GA) and an Evolution Strategy(ES) in an adaptive manner in order to take merits of two different evolutionary computations.

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Intelligent 3-D Obstacle Avoidance Algorithm for Autonomous Control of Underwater Flight Vehicle (수중비행체의 자율제어를 위한 지능형 3-D 장애물회피 알고리즘)

  • Kim, Hyun-Sik;Jin, Tae-Seok;Sur, Joo-No
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.323-328
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    • 2011
  • In real system application, the 3-D obstacle avoidance system for the autonomous control of the underwater flight vehicle (UFV) operates with the following problems: the sonar offers the range/bearing information of obstacles in a local detection area, it requires the system that has reduced acoustic noise and power consumption in terms of the autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV), it has the UFV operation constraints such as maximum pitch and depth, and it requires an easy design procedure in terms of its structures and parameters. To solve these problems, an intelligent 3-D obstacle avoidance algorithm using the evolution strategy (ES) and the fuzzy logic controller (FLC), is proposed. To verify the performance of the proposed algorithm, the 3-D obstacle avoidance of UFV is performed. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm effectively solves the problems in the real system application.

Intelligent Obstacle Avoidance Algorithm for Autonomous Control of Underwater Flight Vehicle (수중비행체의 자율제어를 위한 지능형 장애물회피 알고리즘)

  • Kim, Hyun-Sik;Jin, Tae-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.635-640
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    • 2009
  • In real system application, the obstacle avoidance system for the autonomous control of the underwater flight vehicle (UFV) operates with the following problems: it has local information because the sonar can only offer the obstacle information in a local detection area, it requires a continuous control input because the system that has reduced acoustic noise and power consumption is necessary, and further, it requires an easy design procedure in terms of its structures and parameters. To solve these problems, an intelligent obstacle avoidance algorithm using the evolution strategy (ES) and the fuzzy logic controller (FLC), is proposed. To verify the performance of the proposed algorithm, the obstacle avoidance of UFV is performed. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm effectively solves the problems in the real system application.

FuzzyES for Environmental Risk Assessment of Ship Navigation (항행 선박 주변 환경의 위험도 평가를 위한 퍼지 전문가 시스템)

  • Kim, Do-Yeon;Yi, Mi-Ra;Park, Gyei-Kark
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.541-547
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    • 2010
  • Marine accidents do not correspond with another accidents because of a serious loss of lives and property. The many marine accidents can be attributed to human error like as carelessness and decision faults, and hence there is a strong need for decision-support tools for marine navigation. Much of researchers have introduced the techniques about the tools, but they hardly consider environmental factors (water depth, the width of waterway, a fishing ground, a current, the number of surrounding marine accidents, marine obstacles, etc), which are very important to the decision making of officers. In a previous research, we proposed the conceptual model of environmental risk assessment of ship navigation using fuzzy. This paper describes the detailed design of the environmental factors based on the opinion of navigation experts, and shows the validity of the conceptual model through a prototype system.

Intelligent Feature Extraction and Scoring Algorithm for Classification of Passive Sonar Target (수동 소나 표적의 식별을 위한 지능형 특징정보 추출 및 스코어링 알고리즘)

  • Kim, Hyun-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.629-634
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    • 2009
  • In real-time system application, the feature extraction and scoring algorithm for classification of the passive sonar target has the following problems: it requires an accurate and efficient feature extraction method because it is very difficult to distinguish the features of the propeller shaft rate (PSR) and the blade rate (BR) from the frequency spectrum in real-time, it requires a robust and effective feature scoring method because the classification database (DB) composed of extracted features is noised and incomplete, and further, it requires an easy design procedure in terms of structures and parameters. To solve these problems, an intelligent feature extraction and scoring algorithm using the evolution strategy (ES) and the fuzzy theory is proposed here. To verify the performance of the proposed algorithm, a passive sonar target classification is performed in real-time. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm effectively solves sonar classification problems in real-time.

A Design of Fuzzy Power System Stabilizer using Adaptive Evolutionary Computation (적응진화연산을 이용한 퍼지-전력계통안정화장치 설계)

  • Hwang, Gi-Hyun;Park, June-Ho
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers A
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    • v.48 no.6
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    • pp.704-711
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    • 1999
  • This paper presents a design of fuzzy power system stabilizer (FPSS) using adaptive evolutionary computation (AEC). We have proposed an adaptive evolutionary algorithm which uses a genetic algorithm (GA) and an evolution strategy (ES) in an adaptive manner in order to take merits of two different evolutionary computations. FPSS shows better control performances than conventional power system stabilizer (CPSS) in three-phase fault with heavy load which is used when tuning FPSS. To show the robustness of the proposed FPSS, it is appliedto damp the low frequency oscillations caused by disturbances such as three-phase fault with normal and light load, the angle deviation of generator with normal and light load and the angle deviation of generator with heavy load. Proposed FPSS shows better robustness than CPSS.

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Implementation and Design of a Fuzzy Power System Stabilizer Using an Adaptive Evolutionary Algorithm

  • Hwang, Gi-Hyun;Lee, Min-Jung;Park, June-Ho;Kim, Gil-Jung
    • KIEE International Transactions on Power Engineering
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    • v.3A no.4
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    • pp.181-190
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    • 2003
  • This paper presents the design of a fuzzy power system stabilizer (FPSS) using an adaptive evolutionary algorithm (AEA). AEA consists of genetic algorithm (GA) for a global search capability and evolution strategy (ES) for a local search in an adaptive manner when the present generation evolves into the next generation. AEA is used to optimize the membership functions and scaling factors of the FPSS. To evaluate the usefulness of the FPSS, we applied it to a single-machine infinite bus system (SIBS) and a power system simulator at the Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute. The FPSS displays better control performance than the conventional power system stabilizer (CPSS) for a three-phase fault in heavy load, which is used when tuning FPSS. To show the robustness of the FPSS, it is applied with disturbances such as change of mechanical torque and three-phase fault in nominal and heavy load, etc. The FPSS also demonstrates better robustness than the CPSS. Experimental results indicate that the FPSS has good system damping under various disturbances such as one-line to ground faults, line parameter changes, transformer tap changes, etc.