• Title/Summary/Keyword: Fusion Center

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Development of a Duplex RT-PCR Assay for the Simultaneous Detection and Discrimination of Avirulent and Virulent Newcastle Disease Virus (NDV) (뉴캣슬병 바이러스 검출 및 병원성 감별을 위한 Duplex RT-PCR법 개발)

  • Kim, Ji-Ye;Lee, Hyun-Jeong;Jang, Il;Lee, Hee-Soo;Yoon, Seung-Jun;Park, Ji-Sung;Seol, Jae-Goo;Kim, Seung-Han;Hong, Ji-Mu;Wang, Zillian;Liu, Hualei;Choi, Kang-Seuk
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.93-102
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    • 2017
  • A duplex RT-PCR (dRT-PCR) assay was developed for the simultaneous detection and discrimination of non-virulent and virulent Newcastle disease virus (NDV) in a single PCR tube. Primers targeting the large polymerase protein (L) gene and the fusion protein (F) gene of NDV were designed to detect all NDVs (by common type PCR primers) and virulent NDVs (by pathotype PCR primers), respectively and evaluated experimentally with reference NDV strains and other poultry viral pathogens. PCR products of the expected size of 386 bp were amplified from all NDV samples whereas PCR products of the expected size of 229 bp were amplified from virulent NDV samples alone. Cross reaction was not observed with other avian viral pathogens. The detection limit of NDV by the dRT-PCR was estimated to be $10^3$ 50% egg infectious dose/0.1 mL. In the dRT-PCR using field isolates of NDV, the pathotype PCR primers detected specifically all of virulent field isolates of NDV from Malaysia, Pakistan and China whereas common type PCR primers detected 94.4% (51/54) of field isolates of NDV from China. Three Chinese NDV isolates with false negative result were non-virulent viruses. Our results indicate that the dRT-PCR might provide a rapid and simple tool for rapid simultaneous detection and discrimination of non-virulent and virulent NDVs. Therefore the developed dRT-PCR assay provides a powerful novel means for the rapid diagnosis of Newcastle disease.

Effects of oxypeucedanin hydrate isolated from Angelica dahurica on myoblast differentiation in association with mitochondrial function (백지에서 추출한 oxypeucedanin hydrate의 미토콘드리아 기능 관련 근생성 효과)

  • Eun-Ju Song;Ji-Won Heo;Jee Hee Jang;Yoon-Ju Kwon;Yun Hee Jeong;Min Jung Kim;Sung-Eun Kim
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.57 no.1
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    • pp.53-64
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: Mitochondria play a crucial role in preserving skeletal muscle mass, and damage to mitochondria leads to muscle mass loss. This study investigated the effects of oxypeucedanin hydrate, a furanocoumarin isolated from Angelica dahurica radix, on myogenesis and mitochondrial function in vitro and in zebrafish models. Methods: C2C12 myotubes cultured in media containing 0.1, 1, 10, or 100 ng/mL oxypeucedanin hydrate were immunostained with myosin heavy chain (MHC), and then multinucleated MHC-positive cells were counted. The expressions of markers related to muscle differentiation, muscle protein degradation, and mitochondrial function were determined by quantitative reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. To investigate the effects of oxypeucedanin hydrate on mitochondrial dysfunction, Tg(Xla.Eef1a1:mito-EGFP) zebrafish embryos were treated with 5-fluorouracil, leucovorin, and irinotecan (FOLFIRI) with or without oxypeucedanin hydrate and analyzed for mito-EGFP intensity and mitochondrial length. Results: Oxypeucedanin hydrate significantly increased MHC-positive multinucleated myotubes (≥ 3 nuclei) and increased the expression of the myogenic marker myosin heavy chain 4. However, it decreased the expressions of muscle-specific RING finger protein 1 and muscle atrophy f-box (markers of muscle protein degradation). Furthermore, oxypeucedanin hydrate enhanced the expressions of markers of mitochondrial biogenesis (peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma coactivator 1 alpha, transcription factor a mitochondrial, succinate dehydrogenase complex flavoprotein subunit A, and cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1) and mitochondrial fusion (optic atrophy 1). However, it reduced the expression of dynamin-related protein 1 (a mitochondrial fission regulator). Consistently, oxypeucedanin hydrate reduced FOLFIRI-induced mitochondrial dysfunction in the skeletal muscles of zebrafish embryos. Conclusion: The study indicates that oxypeucedanin hydrate promotes myogenesis by improving mitochondrial function, and thus, suggests oxypeucedanin hydrate has potential use as a nutritional supplement that improves muscle mass and function.

Outcomes of Combined Mitral Valve Repair and Aortic Valve Replacement (대동맥판막 치환술과 동반시행한 승모판막 성형술 결과)

  • Baek, Man-Jong;Na, Chan-Young;Oh, Sam-Se;Kim, Woong-Han;Whang, Sung-Wook;Lee, Cheol;Chang, Yun-Hee;Jo, Won-Min;Kim, Jae-Hyun;Seo, Hong-Ju;Kim, Soo-Cheol;Lim, Cheong;Kim, Wook-Sung;Lee, Young-Tak;Choi, Hyun-Seok;Moon, Hyun-Soo;Park, Young-Kwan;Kim, Chong-Whan
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.36 no.7
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    • pp.463-471
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    • 2003
  • The long-term results of combined mitral valve repair and aortic valve replacement (AVR) have not been well evaluated. This study was performed to investigate the early and long-term results of mitral valve repair with AVR. Material and Method: We retrospectively reviewed 45 patients who underwent mitral valve repair and AVR between September 1990 and April 2002. The average age was 47 years: 28 were men and 17 women. Twelve patients had atrial fibrillation and three had a previous cardiac operation. The mitral valve disease consisted of pure insufficiency (MR) in 34 patients, mitral stenosis (MS) in 3, and mixed lesion in 8. Mitral valve disease was due to rheumatic origin in 24 patients, degenerative in 11, annular dilatation in 8, and ischemia or endocarditis in 2. The functional anatomy of mitral valve was annular dilatation in 31 patients, chordal elongation in 19, leaflet thickening in 19, commissural fusion in 13, chordal fusion in 10, chordal rupture in 6, and so on. Aortic prostheses used included mechanical valve in 32 patients, tissue valve in 12, and pulmonary autograft in one. The techniques of mitral valve repair included annuloplasty in 32 patients and various valvuloplasty of 54 techniques in 29 patients. Total cardiopulmonary bypass and aortic cross clamp time were 204$\pm$62 minute and 153$\pm$57 minutes, respectively. Result: Early death was in one patient due to low output syndrome (2.2%). After follow up of 57$\pm$37 months, late death was in one patient and the actuarial survival at 10 years was 96$\pm$4%. Recurrent MR developed grade II or III in 11 patients and moderate MS in 3. Three patients required reoperation for valve-related complications. The actuarial freedom from recurrent MR, MS, and reoperation were 64$\pm$11%, 86$\pm$8%, and 89$\pm$7% respectively. Conclusion: Combined mitral valve repair with AVR offers good early and long-term survival, and adequate techniques and selection of indication of mitral valve repair, especially in rheumatic disease, are prerequisites for better long-term results.

Variation on Estimated Values of Radioactivity Concentration According to the Change of the Acquisition Time of SPECT/CT (SPECT/CT의 획득시간 증감에 따른 방사능농도 추정치의 변화)

  • Kim, Ji-Hyeon;Lee, Jooyoung;Son, Hyeon-Soo;Park, Hoon-Hee
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.15-24
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    • 2021
  • Purpose SPECT/CT was noted for its excellent correction method and qualitative functions based on fusion images in the early stages of dissemination, and interest in and utilization of quantitative functions has been increasing with the recent introduction of companion diagnostic therapy(Theranostics). Unlike PET/CT, various conditions like the type of collimator and detector rotation are a challenging factor for image acquisition and reconstruction methods at absolute quantification of SPECT/CT. Therefore, in this study, We want to find out the effect on the radioactivity concentration estimate by the increase or decrease of the total acquisition time according to the number of projections and the acquisition time per projection among SPECT/CT imaging conditions. Materials and Methods After filling the 9,293 ml cylindrical phantom with sterile water and diluting 99mTc 91.76 MBq, the standard image was taken with a total acquisition time of 600 sec (10 sec/frame × 120 frames, matrix size 128 × 128) and also volume sensitivity and the calibration factor was verified. Based on the standard image, the comparative images were obtained by increasing or decreasing the total acquisition time. namely 60 (-90%), 150 (-75%), 300 (-50%), 450 (-25%), 900 (+50%), and 1200 (+100%) sec. For each image detail, the acquisition time(sec/frame) per projection was set to 1.0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 15.0 and 20.0 sec (fixed number of projections: 120 frame) and the number of projection images was set to 12, 30, 60, 90, 180 and 240 frames(fixed time per projection:10 sec). Based on the coefficients measured through the volume of interest in each acquired image, the percentage of variation about the contrast to noise ratio (CNR) was determined as a qualitative assessment, and the quantitative assessment was conducted through the percentage of variation of the radioactivity concentration estimate. At this time, the relationship between the radioactivity concentration estimate (cps/ml) and the actual radioactivity concentration (Bq/ml) was compared and analyzed using the recovery coefficient (RC_Recovery Coefficients) as an indicator. Results The results [CNR, radioactivity Concentration, RC] by the change in the number of projections for each increase or decrease rate (-90%, -75%, -50%, -25%, +50%, +100%) of total acquisition time are as follows. [-89.5%, +3.90%, 1.04] at -90%, [-77.9%, +2.71%, 1.03] at -75%, [-55.6%, +1.85%, 1.02] at -50%, [-33.6%, +1.37%, 1.01] at -25%, [-33.7%, +0.71%, 1.01] at +50%, [+93.2%, +0.32%, 1.00] at +100%. and also The results [CNR, radioactivity Concentration, RC] by the acquisition time change for each increase or decrease rate (-90%, -75%, -50%, -25%, +50%, +100%) of total acquisition time are as follows. [-89.3%, -3.55%, 0.96] at - 90%, [-73.4%, -0.17%, 1.00] at -75%, [-49.6%, -0.34%, 1.00] at -50%, [-24.9%, 0.03%, 1.00] at -25%, [+49.3%, -0.04%, 1.00] at +50%, [+99.0%, +0.11%, 1.00] at +100%. Conclusion In SPECT/CT, the total coefficient obtained according to the increase or decrease of the total acquisition time and the resulting image quality (CNR) showed a pattern that changed proportionally. On the other hand, quantitative evaluations through absolute quantification showed a change of less than 5% (-3.55 to +3.90%) under all experimental conditions, maintaining quantitative accuracy (RC 0.96 to 1.04). Considering the reduction of the total acquisition time rather than the increasing of the image acquiring time, The reduction in total acquisition time is applicable to quantitative analysis without significant loss and is judged to be clinically effective. This study shows that when increasing or decreasing of total acquisition time, changes in acquisition time per projection have fewer fluctuations that occur in qualitative and quantitative condition changes than the change in the number of projections under the same scanning time conditions.

Seedling Quality and Early Yield after Transplanting of Paprika Nursed under Light-emitting Diodes, Fluorescent Lamps and Natural Light (발광다이오드, 형광등 및 자연광 하에서 육묘된 파프리카의 묘소질 및 정식 후 초기 수량)

  • Lee, Jae Su;Lee, Hye In;Kim, Yong Hyeon
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.220-227
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    • 2012
  • This study was conducted to analyze the seeding quality of paprika and the growth and early yield after transplanting of paprika nursed under artificial light and natural light. In this study, blue LED, red LED, and white fluorescent lamps (FL) were used as artificial lighting sources. Photoperiod, average photosynthetic photon flux, air temperature, and relative humidity in a closed transplants production system (CTPS) were maintained at 16/8 h, $204{\mu}mol{\cdot}m^{-2}{\cdot}s^{-1}$, 26/$20^{\circ}C$, and 70%, respectively. Leaf length, leaf width, leaf area, top fresh weight and dry weight of paprika seedlings, and chlorophyll content in paprika leaves nursed under LED and fluorescent lamps for 21 days after experiment were significantly affected by light treatments. As compared with the control (white FL), leaf area of paprika grown under blue LED, red LED, and natural light was decreased by 63%, 63%, and 28%, respectively. Top dry weight of paprika grown under blue LED, red LED, and natural light was 64%, 50%, and 22%, respectively, compared with the control. Number of leaves on 18 days after transplanting showed with red LED, blue LED, and natural light by 86%, 84%, and 48%, respectively, compared with the control. On 114 days after transplanting, paprika nursed under blue LED and red LED had relatively short plant height. This result might be caused that the elongation of its internodes was suppressed by the illumination of sole blue or red light. Average number of fruits per plant harvested during 4 weeks after first harvest was 3.5 with red LED, 3.3 with blue LED, 1.0 with natural light, and 2.2 with control, respectively. Early yield of paprika nursed under red LED, blue LED, natural light, and control were 453 g/plant, 403 g/plant, 101 g/plant, and 273 g/plant, respectively. Larger fruit of 136 g was harvested with red LED treatment. Even though the early yield of paprika was greatly increased with artificial lighting, but total yield was almost similar as the harvest period after transplanting in greenhouses was lengthened. From the above results, we could understand that paprika nursed under white FL, blue LED, and red LED showed good growth after transplanting and was early harvested by a week as compared to the natural light. Therefore, the white FL, blue LED, and red LED as the artificial lighting sources in CTPS could be strategically used to enhance the seedling quality, to shorten the harvest time, and to increase the yield of paprika.

Craniofacial morphologic alteration induced by bone-targeted mutants of FGFR2 causing Apert and Crouzon syndrome (어퍼트 및 크루즌 증후군을 유발하는 골조직 특이성 FGFR2 돌연변이에 의한 두개안면 형태의 변화)

  • Lee, Kee-Joon;Nah, Hyun-Duck;Tjoa, Stephen T. J.;Park, Young-Chel;Baik, Hyoung-Seon;Yun, Tae-Min;Song, Jin-Wook
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.284-294
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    • 2006
  • Objective: Activating mutations in the fibroblast growth factor receptor-2 (FGFR2) have been shown to cause syndromic craniosynostosis such as Apert and Crouzon syndromes. The purpose of this pilot study was to investigate the resultant phenotypes induced by the two distinctive bone-targeted gene constructs of FGFR2, Pro253Arg and Cys278Phe, corresponding to human Apert and Crouzon syndromes respectively. Methods: Wild type and a transgenic mouse model with normal FGFR2 were used as controls to examine the validity of the microinjection. Micro-CT and morphometric analysis on the skull revealed the following results. Results: Both Apert and Crouzon mutants of FGFR2 induced fusion of calvarial sutures and anteroposteriorly constricted facial dimension, with anterior crossbite present only in Apert mice. Apert mice differed from Crouzon mice and transgenic mice with normal FGFR2 in the anterior cranial base flexure and calvarial flexure angle which implies a possible difference in the pathogenesis of the two mutations. In contrast, the transgenic mice with normal FGFR2 displayed normal craniofacial phenotype. Conclusion: Apert and Crouzon mutations appear to lead to genotype-specific phenotypes, possibly causing the distinctive sites and sequence of synostosis in the calvaria and cranial base. The exact function of the altered FGFR2 at each suture needs further investigation.

Very Small Putative Stem Cells Detected in Human Endometrium (인간 자궁내막에서 발견되는 극소형 추정줄기세포)

  • Choi, Jong-Ryeol;Joo, Jong-Kil;Jun, Eun-Sook;Ko, Kyoung-Rae;Lee, Hong-Gu;Lee, Kyu-Sup;Kim, Won-Gyu
    • Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.99-113
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    • 2010
  • Objective: It has been recently reported that very small stem cells with pluripotency are detected in murine and human. The purposes of this study are to confirm whether very small putative stem cells (VSPSCs), which have the proper characteristics of stem cells as well as the expression of stem cell markers, are detected in human endometrium. Methods: The endometrial cells of 5 women, which were obtained by endometrial biopsy, were cultured for 2 weeks and were confirmed for the expressions of alkaline phosphatase, OCT-4 and CXCR4 by immunochemistry. Subsequently VSPSCs were separated by percoll density gradient method and were cultured. Also VSPSCs and their derived cells were confirmed for the expressions of OCT-4 and CXCR4. Results: The colonies, which is composed with VSPSCs less than 3 ${\mu}m$ and the 5~15 ${\mu}m$ sized hyperchromatic round cells, were detected in the endometrium of all of women and showed the strong expressions of alkaline phosphatase, OCT-4 and CXCR4. In culture after the separation of VSPSCs by percoll, these cells showed the morphological and functional characteristics of stem cells; self-renewal, colony formation, embryoid body-like formation and differential plasticity. VSPSCs formed gradually the 5~15 ${\mu}m$ sized hyperchromatic round cells and the 10~20 ${\mu}m$ sized sphere-shaped cells by cell-to-cell aggregation or cell fusion. Then these cells differentiated the various cells including fibroblast-like cells, nerve-like cells and endothelium-like cells. VSPSCs and their derived cells often showed the strong expressions of OCT-4 and CXCR4. Conclusion: VSPSCs less than 3 ${\mu}m$ and their derived cells are detected in human endometrium and these cells have the proper characteristics of stem cells and the expressions of stem cell markers as alkaline phosphatase, OCT-4 and CXCR4.

Study of Selective Etching of GaAs over AlGaAs and InGaP Semiconductors in High Density Planar Inductively Coupled BCl3/SF6 Plasmas (고밀도 평판형 유도결합 BCl3/SF6 플라즈마를 이용한 GaAs/AlGaAs와 InGaP 반도체의 선택적 식각에 관한 연구)

  • Yoo Seungryul;Ryu Hyunwoo;Lim Wantae;Lee Jewon;Cho Guan Sik;Jeon Minhyon;Song Hanjung;Lee BongJu;Ko Jong Soo;Go Jeung Sang;Pearton S. J.
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.161-165
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    • 2005
  • We investigated selective dry etching of GaAs over AlGaAs and InGaP in high density planar inductively coupled $BCl_3/SF_6$ plasmas. The process parameters were ICP source power (0-500 W), RE chuck power (0-30W) and gas composition $(60-100\%\;BCl_3\;in\;BCl_3/SF_6)$. The process results were characterized in terms of etch rate, selectivities of GaAs over AlGaAs and InGaP, surface morphology, surface roughness and residues after etching. $BCl_3/SF_6$ selective etching of GaAs showed quite good results in this study. Selectivities of GaAs $(GaAs:AlGaAs\~36:1,\;GaAs:InGaP\~45:1)$ were superior at $18BCl_3/2SF_6$, 20 W RF chuck power, 300 W ICP source power and 7.5 mTorr. Addition of $(5-15\%)SF_6\;to\;BCl_3$ produced relatively high selectivities of GaAs over AlGaAs and InGaP during etching due to decrease of etch rates of AlGaAs and InGaP (boiling points of etch products: $AlF_3\~1300^{\circ}C,\;InF_3>1200^{\circ}C$ at atmosphere) at the condition. SEM and AFM data showed slightly sloped sidewall and somewhat rough surface$(RMS\~9nm)$. XPS study on the surface of processed GaAs proved a very clean surface after dry etching. It shows that planar inductively coupled $BCl_3/SF_6$ plasmas could be a good candidate for selective dry etching of GaAs over AlGaAs and InGaP.

Functional Result of Limb Salvage Surgery with Tumor Prosthesis for Osteosarcoma of Proximal Tibia (근위 경골 골육종의 종양대치물을 이용한 사지 구제술 후의 기능 평가)

  • Bahk, Won-Jong;Sohn, Jong-Min;Chung, Yang-Guk;Kang, Yong-Koo
    • The Journal of the Korean bone and joint tumor society
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.139-143
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    • 2001
  • Purpose : Limb salvage for osteosarcoma of proximal tibia is challenging problem due to difficulties in mobilizing or retracting the main neurovascular structure, inadequate soft tissue coverage, and unsolved problem of patellar tendon reattachment to endoprosthesis. The authors analyzed the functional result of limb salvage using tumor prosthesis with medial gastrocnemius rotation plasty for osteosarcama of the proximal tibia. Materials and Methods : Eleven patients with histologically proven osteosarcoma of the proximal tibia, treated with adjuvant and neoadjuvant chemotherapy and limb salvage operation with tumor prosthesis between January 1992 and December 1998 at our Medical Center, were selected. There were 6 male and 5 female. Age ranged from 15 years to 23.7 years with an average of 23.7 years. Follow-up period ranged from 1 year to 4.5 years with an average of 2.5 years. The final functional result was evaluated using the method by ISOLS, 1993. The factors include pain, functional activities, emotional acceptance, use of external supports, walking ability and gait. Each of the factors has been scored from 0 to 5 depending on the appropriate description or data. The rating score is determined by dividing the individual factor scores into the total score and indicates percentage of normal function. Results : The overall functional result ranged from 53,3% to 86.7% with an average of 68.3% of normal function. In details, the averages were 82.5% for pain, 62.5% for functional activities, 67.5% for emotional acceptance, 77.5% for use of external supports, 62.5% for walking ability, and 57.5% for gait. The average range of motion of the knee joint was $5^{\circ}$ extension and $85^{\circ}$ flexion. Five patients have extension lag ranged from $5^{\circ}$ to $15^{\circ}$ with an average of $10^{\circ}$. Two patients suffered postoperative infection. One was treated with antibiotics injection only, but the other needed removal of the prosthesis and knee fusion. Both of them showed unsatisfactory result. C o n c l u s i o n : The overall functional result after limb salvage using tumor prosthesis with medial gastrocnemius rotational flap for osteosarcoma of the proximal tibia was relatively satisfactory in case of no postoperative infection. The patients were less satisfactory in functional activities, emotional acceptance and gait than pain, use of external supports due to limitation of motion and extension lag. More aggressive postoperative physical therapy and protection with brace for 6~9 months as well as surgical technique is mandatory for more satisfactory result.

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Improvement of Energy Efficiency of Plants Factory by Arranging Air Circulation Fan and Air Flow Control Based on CFD (CFD 기반의 순환 팬 배치 및 유속조절에 의한 식물공장의 에너지 효율 향상)

  • Moon, Seung-Mi;Kwon, Sook-Youn;Lim, Jae-Hyun
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.57-65
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    • 2015
  • As information technology fusion is accelerated, the researches to improve the quality and productivity of crops inside a plant factory actively progress. Advanced growth environment management technology that can provide thermal environment and air flow suited to the growth of crops and considering the characteristics inside a facility is necessary to maximize productivity inside a plant factory. Currently running plant factories are designed to rely on experience or personal judgment; hence, design and operation technology specific to plant factories are not established, inherently producing problems such as uneven crop production due to the deviation of temperature and air flow and additional increases in energy consumption after prolonged cultivation. The optimization process has to be set up in advance for the arrangement of air flow devices and operation technology using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) during the design stage of a facility for plant factories to resolve the problems. In this study, the optimum arrangement and air flow of air circulation fans were investigated to save energy while minimizing temperature deviation at each point inside a plant factory using CFD. The condition for simulation was categorized into a total of 12 types according to installation location, quantity, and air flow changes in air circulation fans. Also, the variables of boundary conditions for simulation were set in the same level. The analysis results for each case showed that an average temperature of 296.33K matching with a set temperature and average air flow velocity of 0.51m/s suiting plant growth were well-maintained under Case 4 condition wherein two sets of air circulation fans were installed at the upper part of plant cultivation beds. Further, control of air circulation fan set under Case D yielded the most excellent results from Case D-3 conditions wherein air velocity at the outlet was adjusted to 2.9m/s.