• 제목/요약/키워드: Furniture design

검색결과 1,010건 처리시간 0.029초

Critical Discourse of Postmodern Aesthetics in Contemporary Furniture (II) - The Characteristics of New Design Furniture in terms of the Postmodern Aesthetics of Communication

  • Moon, Sun-Ok;Vesta A. H. Daniel
    • 한국가구학회지
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    • 제12권1호
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    • pp.113-124
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    • 2001
  • This study explored the characteristics of contemporary furniture called New Design furniture design in terms of aesthetics of communication in the postmodern era. Qualitative conceptural analysis as the principal methodology was used to explore the characteristics of New Design furniture, which is accessible to the broadest possible public. Thereby, the communicative elements of symbol, metaphor, narrative, animation, imagination, humor, and/or wit expressed in New Design furniture were analyzed according to the designers'concept and work. As a result the postmodern aesthetics of communication made New Design furniture accessible to the largest number of People through cultural considerations in New Design furniture as it influences designers 'concept and work. However, it showed problems of New Design furniture in connection with postmodern aesthetics affecting mass production. Therefore, the designers have begun rethinking, redefining, and redesigning their furniture aesthetically, functionally, economically, and ecologically.

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1980년대 이후 스웨덴 가구디자인의 특성에 관한 연구 - 동시대 디자인 패러다임 변화와 관련하여 - (A Study on the Characteristics of the Swedish Furniture Design since 1980s - In Reference to Changes of Contemporary Design Paradigms -)

  • 홍민정;최정신
    • 한국가구학회지
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    • 제23권1호
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    • pp.10-25
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    • 2012
  • This article aimed at understanding the characteristics of Swedish furniture design since 1980s in the reference to the major paradigm changes in the contemporary design field. For this, the authors examined the theoretical background of modern and post-modern design paradigms to identify today's design tendencies. And we used this frame in the analysis of the latest examples of Swedish furniture design. The main characteristics of Swedish furniture design since 1980s included 'furniture as art object', 'the succession of the Swedish Modern (neo-modernism)', and 'conscious design for sustainable development'. These could be viewed as the consequences of the choices that the Swedish furniture industry and designers made during the last decade, that was to take plurality and contradiction as the accompanying values of the traditional Swedish modern design.

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Critical Discourse of Postmodern Aesthetics in Contemporary Furniture (I) - The background of New Design furniture in the postmodern era

  • Moon, Sun-Ok;Vesta A. H. Daniel
    • 한국가구학회지
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    • 제12권1호
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    • pp.103-112
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    • 2001
  • This study explored the background of contemporary furniture design called New Design furniture, which newly expresses the aesthetics of communication in the postmodern era. Qualitative conceptual analysis as the principle methodology was used to explore the background of the decorative and meaningful contemporary furniture in postmodernism. Thereby, the postmodern concepts of Charles Jencks, Robert Venturi, and Michael Graves were analyzed in terms of their postmodern architecture and furniture. As initiatives of postmodern architecture and furniture, Jencks, Venturi, and Graves explored the pluralism and eclecticism, the decoration, the semantics, and the materials reestablished from the traditions of craft. As a result, their furniture was expressed by various wood and color; the furniture was beautiful, decorative, pluralistic, and eclectic for communicating symbol, metaphor, narrative, and/or humor with people; the furniture has influenced the communicative elements on the contemporary furniture design called New Design furniture design, which shows the blurring of fine arts and craft distinctions.

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창살문양과 LED조명의 병치(併置) 혼합적 특성을 적용한 가구디자인 연구 (A Study on the Furniture Design Applied with the Juxtaposition Mixture Characteristic of the Lattice Pattern and Led Lighting)

  • 송윤섭
    • 한국가구학회지
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    • 제24권2호
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    • pp.113-120
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this research is to provide new direction on the field of the furniture design and to establish the identity of Korean furniture design as the flow of craft's juxtapose mixture era where it mix and match Korean traditional craft style materials with the modern furniture design. In other words, it is intended to create new furniture design and propose beautiful Korean luxury furniture design based on the precious unique culture with the traditional craft style, juxtaposition of modern furniture, and reinterpretation. It should grant artistic values that can satisfy consumers having various tastes and scarcity values, plus it should put out aesthetic and creative expressions in furniture design putting into the beautiful traditional craft form values. Furthermore, it is required to create new design through values and spirit, materials, techniques, forms, pattern, and usages by interacting, coordinating, and combining tradition and modern East and West, plus craft and design.

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디지털 테크놀로지를 이용한 가구디자인 연구 - 표현양상의 분석을 중심으로 - (A Study on Furniture Design Using Digital Technology - Focused on the Analysis of Expressive Aspects -)

  • 백은;박민찬
    • 한국가구학회지
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    • 제25권3호
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    • pp.173-181
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    • 2014
  • Since the onset of the 21st century, digital technology has been widely adopted in various fields of art; it has enabled artists or designers to try diverse and brand-new ways of expression in literally every possible field of art, including painting, sculpture, and other design work. Furniture design is no exception. From the initial design step to the final production of furniture, modern digital skills are broadly utilized, creating a whole new set of designs that would otherwise be hardly conceivable and realizing a highly efficient furniture-making mechanism. More recently, the 3D printing technique, which is called a 21st century alchemy, has been successfully commercialized and is getting more popular, heralding yet another innovative shift in the area of furniture design and production. In this context, this study discusses the background of the furniture design using digital technology, and identifies the correlations between the modern digital technology and furniture design by redefining the concept of such digital technology. By reviewing multiple real-life cases, some of the key digital expressions found in modern furniture design are also analyzed. This study aims at suggesting the reason why digital technology is significant and promising in diverse ways for the development of modern furniture design.

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의자디자인을 위한 프로그래밍에 관한 연구 (A Study on Programming for Chair Design)

  • 김진우
    • 한국가구학회지
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.61-69
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    • 2002
  • Compared to the fields of Interior Design and Architecture, there have been very few research studies peformed to analyze the history of furniture design in Korea. If our Country wishes to become a participant in the world of global furniture design, it will be necessary to perform more offensive research in both the design of furniture, as well as a complete documentation of our Country's history of furniture design. This study aims to detail the method of chair design by analyzing two examples of chair design. The study, once complete, will be a reference for furniture designers as a practical method, and will become basic material for ongoing studies of the Programming for chair design.

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도서관가구의 디자인방향에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Design of the Furniture the Library)

  • 천혜선
    • 한국가구학회지
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    • 제27권4호
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    • pp.412-425
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    • 2016
  • This study is creating furniture design strategies that can upgrade the library function. Today, everyday life is in very strong relationship with the library. In most cases, however, to focus on building libraries. In fact, Because users are living libraries inside the building was in contact with furniture. The selection of furniture and design library is very important. The first thing the process of study, research purposes, surf the web and through a literature search for the second time, and refers to cases examined, and analyzes more than libraries. Furniture Design strategies. The study's conclusion can be summarized as follows. Direction of Library Furniture Design 'identity or symbolism', 'flexibility', 'sustainability', 'charm', 'hybrid' to clean up. And propose a design guide, showing specific examples.

산업화 과정에서 나타나는 가구디자인 변화 요인 연구 - 1960년대에서 2010년대까지 한국 가구산업을 중심으로 - (A Study of Furniture Design Changes Factors Appearing in the Industrialization Process - Focused on the Korea Furniture Industry, 1960~2010 Year -)

  • 김경수
    • 한국가구학회지
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    • 제27권4호
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    • pp.399-411
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    • 2016
  • Korea Furniture design development process is repeated a number of changes by the change of residence and type of market demand derived from the process of industrialization. The modernization process of industrialization advances by large-scale population moves to the city to urbanization proceeds rapidly. Housing problems are concentrated in cities and sparked the furniture industry, furniture design by changes in marketing concepts that appear in the industrialization phase, growth must necessarily accommodate the needs of consumers. Including kitchen furniture, living room furniture and master bedroom furniture has been sensitively adapted changes in the structure of these houses, particularly structural changes Apartments. Starting in the 1990s, jumping over furniture industry has adapted quickly to the market demand, changes in marketing concepts. Furniture industry is growing market share in most of the country, but the entire industry had to undergo a competitive marketing overheating due to excessive supply in excess of market demand since the mid-1990s. Changes in furniture design in this process was the change in furniture design more than the change of the residential structure. The study industrial development and marketing concepts are changing to construct a model to track the changes varied styles and time changes affect whether the main furniture design.

가구의 예술성에 관한 연구 -현대 아트 퍼니처 작품분석을 중심으로- (A Study on the Artistic-quality of Furniture -Focused on the Analysis of Contemporary Art Furniture-)

  • 최병훈;홍민정
    • 한국가구학회지
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    • 제22권1호
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    • pp.42-53
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    • 2011
  • This article aimed at identifying the concept of 'artistic-quality' of furniture and presenting the concept of 'artistic-quality based furniture creation' as the future direction of furniture design. For this, the authors approached to the theoretical background of the concept of artistic-quality, and then examined the prospect of practical application of the concept by analyzing the tendencies in today's art furniture. In this light, 'artistic-quality' of furniture could be understood as a quality that triggers the designer's venturous spirit throughout the process of furniture creation, so that the designer keeps seeking for the novelty and innovation in his experimental design and process. The feature of the current tendencies of art furniture in terms of the expression and effect, which could explain this venturous spirit of artistic-quality based furniture creation, could be summarized as follows; first, High-touch: Furniture that exemplifies the artistic-quality by specific texture of handmade quality, second, High-feeling: Furniture that arouses the new feelings and new concepts of furniture structure & function by experiments on new abstract forms of furniture, and third, High-mentality: Furniture that leads us to the sphere of subtle aesthetic recognition and mentality with its specific poetic expression and sensibility.

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공간적 개념이 적용된 가구디자인의 사례와 특성에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Cases and Characteristics of the Furniture Design of Spatial Concept)

  • 김진우
    • 한국가구학회지
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    • 제19권1호
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    • pp.44-54
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    • 2008
  • The blur phenomenon, in which the boundaries of fields or roles become vague, has become an important concept of design in the 21st century. In furniture design, the physical boundary between furniture and space and that between space and furniture has been broken down and their meaning tends to be redundant. This concept was begun by a variety of furniture designers who led the trends about 30 years ago. A progressive exhibition titled ${\ulcorner}$Living Tomorrow${\lrcorner}$, which was included in the Koln International Mobelmess from 1968 to 1970, showed that the blur phenomenon in furniture design has never actually been novel. These exhibitions and the works exhibited in the events are still recognized as progressive examples that proposed an avant-garde concept of life. They are in line with the current furniture design based on spatial concepts, which has been created by the blur phenomenon. The purposes of this study are to determine the cases of furniture design that enable the so-called spatial functions beyond the simple functions of seating, use, and display, from those of furniture design and to research their characteristics. In this study, furniture based on spatial concepts means furniture that creates 3D spaces consisting of the floor, walls, and ceiling by the blur phenomenon that occurs from the spaces among these pieces of furniture. The organization of this study is as follows; In Chapter 2, a background on the generation of furniture design based on spatial concepts is described based on the research literature of this socio-cultural phenomena. In Chapter 3, the cases of relevant furniture design redescribed. In Chapter 4, the collected cases are analyzed and their characteristics described. In Chapter 5, Chapter 1 to Chapter 4 are summarized and conclusions are given. In addition, future research is proposed.

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