• Title/Summary/Keyword: Funding Agencies

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Analysis of Korean Corporates' Direct Giving to the Social Welfare Activities (한국기업의 사회복지활동 분석: 직접기부(direct giving)행위를 중심으로)

  • Han, Dong-Woo
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.37
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    • pp.407-428
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    • 1999
  • Corporates' participation in the social welfare activities in Korea was analyzed through literature reviews and empirical survey. Literature reviews on the previous studies were implemented to identify the corporates' motivations, methods, types and funding sources of social welfare activities. The empirical survey results show that 37% (83 firms) of respondents among 222 companies has participated in direct giving to the social welfare activities by various methods and types. The bigger amount of last fiscal year's sales, the more amount of gifts to social welfare activities. The average amount of gifts was \ one billion forty-six million per company in the monetary tenn which is 0.06% of the last FY's average sales of respondents. The most frequently implemented program of the corporates' social welfare activities was 'scholarship to unprivileged adolescent', while the program which the largest amount of gifts were donated was 'support for the social welfare agencies'. For the participation methods, most corporates implement social welfare program directly, and the rest of the companies take the methods of supporting the existing social welfare agencies and institutions. The cash benefit was salient for the modes of gift transfer. Funding sources for the gifts were various such as certain portion of the amount of sales, pretax-profits, or posttax profits, and even rare, independently established funds for the social welfare activities. Among them, a certain portion of the last FY's amount of sales was the dominant source of corporates' social welfare activities.

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Entrepreneurial Financing: Program Review and Policy Perspective

  • Ham, Jin Joo
    • STI Policy Review
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.75-97
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    • 2014
  • Entrepreneurial financing, such as publicly initiated venture capital or grant schemes, serves as an important policy instrument that aims to bridge the financing gap facing young, innovative businesses, a gap that is mainly due to higher risk and growing uncertainty, and to strategically promote the creation of new ventures through the revitalization of their venture capital industries. This study examines public venture capital initiatives in Australia, Canada, and Sweden, and discovered that all three countries actively foster their venture capital industry through the formation of funds or the provision of tax incentives. It is notable that the majority of financing initiatives heavily depend on supply-side measures rather than demand-driven policies that focus on stimulating private investment in technological innovations and discoveries. This paper discusses in-depth the policy impact of public financing initiatives and their subsequent side-effects raised in the process such as overlapping in funding structure across the country, lack of monitoring and evaluation for feedback, fragmentation across the government ministries and agencies, and competition with the private sector, which may cause inefficiency as a result of public intervention. Financial constraints may arise for many reasons, partly resulting from the lack of investment readiness of young entrepreneurs. This signals a policy shift towards the creation of market-driven demand away from the traditional supply-push approach, and is a grand challenge to policymakers in entrepreneurial financing. Attention is leaning towards the efficiency and effectiveness of these public-financing initiatives in terms of their policy roles. It is worth noting that policy should focus on generating synergy so available resources can be channeled into the early, risky stage of new ventures, working as facilitator to the achievement of an intended policy goal.

Investigation of Current Practice on Hot In Place Recycling (HIR) in USA: Literature Review (현장가열재생 아스팔트 포장의 현재 미국 내의 적용 현황 연구: 문헌조사)

  • Im, Jeong Hyuk;Cho, Seong-Hwan;Hwang, Sung-Do
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.73-89
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    • 2014
  • PURPOSES : The objective of this study is to investigate the current state of the practice, examining the steps in the process recommended by various agencies and the Asphalt Recycling and Reclaiming Association (ARRA)-namely mix design, structural design, structural capacity evaluation, and material characterization-in order to better understand the implications of hot in-place recycling (HIR). METHODS : In addition, the current practice of state departments of transportation (DOTs) is here reviewed with the purpose of learning from successful past experiences so as to forestall any difficulties that may emerge under similar circumstances. Also, HIR benefits, including reduced costs, improved construction processes, and environmental friendliness are presented, as well as advantages and disadvantages of HIR application. RESULTS : Most of the United States highway system is now deteriorating so that rehabilitation or reconstruction techniques are required for the most distressed roads, taking into account ways to increase the effectiveness of existing budgets. Several options are available in rehabilitating distressed roads, and the choice among these depends on many factors, including pavement distress condition, funding, and design life. Among these techniques, Hot In-Place Recycling (HIR) has emerged as a cost-effective treatment for deteriorated pavements, and has been proven an effective long-term strategy for pavement rehabilitation.

A Study on the Quantitative Analysis of Scientific Communication (학술 커뮤니케이션의 수량학적 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Kim Hyun-hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.14
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    • pp.93-130
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    • 1987
  • Scientific communication is an information exchange activity between scientists. Scientific communication is carried out in a variety of informal and formal ways. Basically, informal communication takes place by word of mouth, whereas formal communication occurs via the written word. Science is a highly interdependent activity in which each scientist builds upon the work of colleagues past and present. Consequently, science depends heavily on scientific communication. In this study, three mathematical models, namly Brillouin measure, logistic equation, and Markov chain are examined. These models provide one with a means of describing and predicting the behavior of scientific communication process. These mathematical models can be applied to construct quality filtering algorithms for subject literature which identify synthesized elements (authors, papers, and journals). Each suggests a different type of application. Quality filtering for authors can be useful to funding agencies in terms of identifying individuals doing the best work in a given area or subarea. Quality filtering with respect to papers can be useful in constructing information retrieval and dissemination systems for the community of scientists interested m the field. The quality filtering of journals can be a basis for the establishment of small quality libraries based on local interests in a variety of situations, ranging from the collection of an individual scientist or physician to research centers to developing countries. The objective of this study is to establish the theoretical framework for informetrics which is defined as the quantitative analysis of scientific communication, by investigating mathematical models of scientific communication.

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Entrepreneurial Universities - Towards a Revised Paradigm

  • Meissner, Dirk
    • STI Policy Review
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.23-40
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    • 2017
  • This article provides a comprehensive review of the entrepreneurial university concept and its place and role in the triple helix of university, industry, and government. This is increasingly important because stake-holders' expectations towards universities are growing; this growth in turn leads to increased pressure on universities to move beyond their traditional roles and models towards taking responsibility for economic development, large scale basic education and targeted further education and the development of value from research. These expectations provide opportunities for universities, but impose threats on the existing models and practices. It further elaborates on implications for university management, departments, faculty members and supporting organizations. Moreover it reflects on the meaning of the entrepreneurial university for stakeholders, i.e., university boards, regional and national policy and administrative bodies, funding agencies, the business community, university ranking institutions and the global university community overall. Recent literature on entrepreneurial universities is incomplete and mostly focused on the commercialization of research, technology transfer and the third mission of universities. The article expands the predominant thinking about entrepreneurial universities and gives a broader structured definition. Eventually the article shows the need for STI policy to intervene and measures for developing entrepreneurial universities further.

Policy Suggestions to Improve Patient Access to New Drugs in Korea (환자의 신약 접근성 강화 정책 제안)

  • Choi, Yoona;Lee, Howard
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2021
  • Objective: This study aimed to overview and assess the effectiveness of the policies and regulations that have governed new drug access in Korea, and to propose policies to enhance patient access to drugs, particularly for new innovative medicines. Methods: We approached drug access issues in two perspectives: approval lag (or availability) and reimbursement lag (or affordability). The issues were identified and evaluated through the review of literature, public documents, reports published by the government agencies and private organizations, and news articles. Results: To shorten approval lag, it is recommended to hire and train more reviewers at the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. Increasing user fees to a realistic level can facilitate this process. To reduce reimbursement lag, flexible incremental cost-effectiveness ratio threshold, alternative cost-effectiveness evaluation, and establishment of funding source other than the national health insurance are identified as the areas to be improved. Conclusion: The current policies and regulations had to be supplemented by new systems to drastically promote patient accessibility to new drugs, consequently in order to promote national public health.

A Cross-tabulation Analysis Indonesian Social Research in the COVID-19 Pandemic

  • Yusnaini;Nengyanti;Mery, Yanti;Anang Dwi Santoso
    • Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.131-154
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    • 2023
  • This study investigates the productivity of Indonesian social scientists during the COVID-19 pandemic, with a particular concentration on their contributions to COVID-19 prevention and management. By categorizing social science research according to themes such as authors' gender, authors' institution of origin, forms of collaboration, and journal quality, this study examines the patterns and factors that influence research output. Using information from the Scopus database, 1,071 journal articles were analyzed in total. The findings indicate that collaborations with foreign researchers considerably improve productivity and publication quality, with Malaysian and Australian institutions serving as the most active partners. Nevertheless, there are gender disparities, as female authors write and are cited less frequently than male authors. The study stresses the importance of increasing international collaboration among Indonesian authors and implementing affirmative action policies to support and empower female researchers. This study contributes to the existing body of knowledge by providing policymakers, funding agencies, and academic institutions with recommendations for fostering a more inclusive and influential research environment in Indonesia.

Thirty Years of International Aid to North Korea: An Analysis of Humanitarian Aid Operations and Sectoral Allocation

  • Jong-Woon Lee
    • Analyses & Alternatives
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.201-230
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    • 2024
  • This paper aims to better understand the trajectory and contributions of international humanitarian assistance to North Korea over the last three decades, while examining the status of international aid and constraints placed on humanitarian operations in the country, as well as allocations of humanitarian aid by sector. A survey of UN documents and statistics demonstrates the roles of major actors and channels of international aid to North Korea. The majority of humanitarian aid to North Korea has been channeled through UN agencies and NGOs, contributing to improving the livelihoods of vulnerable people and access to basic services. About 63 percent of international assistance to North Korea was allocated to food aid and agriculture. The remainder was largely used for health, WASH and multi-sector operations. By examining the significant shortfall of funding, the paper also investigates multiple operational constraints on the aid delivery of international organizations. In highlighting the status and changing trends of humanitarian aid by sector, the paper assesses the features of sectoral allocation of international aid and associated problems. This paper suggests some policy implications for the resumption of international organizations' in-country operations and the expansion of humanitarian aid to North Korea.

An Empirical Study on the Contextual Features of the Program Components during the Process of Social Work Program Design in the Social Service Agencies (사회복지 프로그램 구성요소개발활동의 실태 및 구성요소의 동질적인 범주성에 대한 실증적 연구 : 3단계 디자인 활동 중심으로)

  • Seo, In Hae;Kong, Gye Soon
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.237-269
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    • 2013
  • The purposes of the study are to describe the feature of the program components, and to identify their changes in the process of designing the social work programs in the community service agencies in Korea. In order to achieve these purposes, the researchers constructed an analytical framework including 24 program components derived from the related literatures. Data was collected by questionnaires answered by the social workers who were in charge of the program development and implementation. Descriptive statistics analysis and factor analysis were applied to exam the features of the program components in 195 social service programs developed by the funds from the Community Chest of Korea and a private funding foundation. As the result of the analysis, the three noticeable features are found; (1) the agencies have very actively involved in the designing work in the process of developing practice guideline, however they have less involved in the designing work in the process of implementing program; (2) program components which are low level in design activities are intervention models, staff education, and practical ethics; (3) 8 categories of components derived from the theoretical perspective are reduced to 6 categories in the process for developing practice guidelines, finally to 4 categories in the process for implementing the programs. The implications of major findings were discussed in academic and practical perspectives in Korea, including future research works in the area.

The Analysis of Organizational Factors Affecting the Outcome of Federal FOIA Implementation for National Security (국가 안보를 위한 미국 정보 자유법 시행의 결과에 미치는 조직적 요인의 분석)

  • Kwon, Hyck-Bin
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.24
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    • pp.1-31
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    • 2010
  • This article aims to identify organizational factors that influence the performance of implementation of the U.S. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and to investigate the strength and direction of their effects. Explanatory variables include administrative resources, organizational culture, litigation cost, and the complexity of FOIA requests. The study will analyze quantitative secondary data from official statistics of federal agencies and the 2006 Federal Human Capital Survey as well as qualitative data from semi-structured interviews of FOIA officers. The results of statistical analyses are as follows : FOIA funding significantly affects median processing time and number of requests pending. There is a significant relationship between bureaucratic culture and number of requests pending, but not between bureaucratic culture and number of requests pending. There exists a significant relationship between the cost of FOIA litigation to federal agencies and the performance of FOIA implementation. There exists a significant relationship between the complexity of FOIA requests and the performance of FOIA implementation. This study also has important implication in South Korea, which has been under a sharp confrontation with North Korea for more than 50 years. As illustrated by the conflict between people's right to know and national security during the investigation of recent Sinking of the ROKS Cheonan, efforts should be made to prepare legal and institutional mechanism for freedom of information policy which can maintain a balance between conflicting values as well as efficient information disclosure in Korea.

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