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Dynamic Behavior of Reactor Internals under Safe Shutdown Earthquake (안전정기지진하의 원자로내부구조물 거동분석)

  • 김일곤
    • Computational Structural Engineering
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.95-103
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    • 1994
  • The safety related components in the nuclear power plant should be designed to withstand the seismic load. Among these components the integrity of reactor internals under earthquake load is important in stand points of safety and economics, because these are classified to Seismic Class I components. So far the modelling methods of reactor internals have been investigated by many authors. In this paper, the dynamic behaviour of reactor internals of Yong Gwang 1&2 nuclear power plants under SSE(Safe Shutdown Earthquake) load is analyzed by using of the simpled Global Beam Model. For this, as a first step, the characteristic analysis of reactor internal components are performed by using of the finite element code ANSYS. And the Global Beam Model for reactor internals which includes beam elements, nonlinear impact springs which have gaps in upper and lower positions, and hydrodynamical couplings which simulate the fluid-filled cylinders of reactor vessel and core barrel structures is established. And for the exciting external force the response spectrum which is applied to reactor support is converted to the time history input. With this excitation and the model the dynamic behaviour of reactor internals is obtained. As the results, the structural integrity of reactor internal components under seismic excitation is verified and the input for the detailed duel assembly series model could be obtained. And the simplicity and effectiveness of Global Beam Model and the economics of the explicit Runge-Kutta-Gills algorithm in impact problem of high frequency interface components are confirmed.

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A Study on Oral Health Related Quality of Life in Elders Concerning to Residence at Urban and Rural (도시농촌 노인의 구강건강과 삶의 질에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Young-Suk
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.23-28
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    • 2006
  • This study was conducted to investigate the oral health related quality of life in elders concerning to residence at urban and rural. The subjects were 215 old persons who were over the 60 years old, living at Sahagu in Busan(113persons) and Geojer Si in Kyungnam (102persons). The data for this study were collected by direct interviewing method from May 30 th to June 30 th and September 12 th, 2005. Cushing & Sheiham's Sociodental Scale which measures oral health related quality of life was used for this study. The data were analysed by a computerized program named statistical package for social science including frequency, percentage, t-test. The results of this study were summarized as follows; 1. Mean score of the oral health related quality of life in elders is $2.42{\pm}1.03$ 2. There was a significant difference in oral health related quality of life in elders between the age 60 ~ 70 years group and the over than 71 years group(P < 0.01). 3. There was a significant difference in oral health related quality of life in elders between the urban and rural group(P < 0.05). Above findings suggest that further study about proper program for geriatric oral health evaluation is necessary in improving the oral health related quality of life in elders.

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Dental Hygienists' Turnover Intention and its Related Factors (치과위생사의 이직요인에 대한 조사연구)

  • Yoon, Mi-Sook;Lee, Kyung-Hee;Choi, Mi-Sook
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.11-17
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to help prevent the turnover of competent dental hygienists in a bid to boost the efficiency of personnel management for dental health care workers and provide higher-quality oral health services. After relevant literature and data were reviewed, a survey was conducted on dental hygienists, who worked at dental institutes, for approximately four months from September to December 2004 to identify what affected their turnover. The findings of the study were as below: 1. Regarding turnover experience, 39.7 percent of the dental hygienists investigated had such an experience. As to turnover frequency, those who took up another employment once made up the largest group(28.2%), followed by twice(8.0%) and three times(2.9%). The most dominant turnover reason was working conditions(66.7%), followed by seeking being hired by larger institutes(36.2%), pay(21.7%), relationship with dentists(11.6%) and commuting distance(11.6%). 2. As for their hope for turnover, 82.8 percent hoped to take up another employment, and working conditions were cited as the most common reason(44.4%), followed by pay(33.3%), commuting distance(18.1%), marriage(13.2%), health/use of leisure time(11.8%), and commuting time(10.4%). 3. Concerning preference for future workplace, 38.5 percent, the largest group, wanted to work at public health clinics. As to a preferred term of working as dental hygienists, 50.0 percent, the greatest group, hoped to serve as dental hygienists until they are financially secure. 34.5 percent, the second largest group, intended to keep working until they reach the age limit. In regard to their responsibility for family economy, 47.7 percent, the greatest percentage, shouldered the partial responsibility for that, and 31.6 percent assumed no responsibility. 4. As to their intention to quit working as dental hygienists, 61.5 percent were willing to do that, and marriage(29.0%) was singled out as the most frequent reason, followed by working conditions(27.1%), child birth(22.4%), health/housework(18.7%), pay(15.9%) and learning/use of free time(15.0%).

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Analysis on the Effect of the Dental Health Characteristics of Adult on the Status of Recognition and Practical Application of Dental Hygiene Devices (성인의 구강건강 특성이 구강위생용품의 인지도와 사용 실태에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Eun-Ju;Lee, Mi-Oak
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.241-250
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study, which was processed from March $22^{nd}$ to April $9^{th}$ of 2010, was to figure out recognition, well-formed instructions, and Practical application about dental hygiene devices based on the dental health characteristics of 350 adults who dwell in Busan and Gyeongnam regions. Also, this study recommended the adults to use dental hygiene devices and provided such devices to help individuals take care of their dental health at home. The collected data was statistically processed with a statistics SPSS (Statistical Packages for Social Science 14.0. SPSS Inc. USA) program. First of all, in order to demonstrate the characteristics of the sample population statistics and that of the descriptive data, frequency analysis was performed and to find out the relationship between variations of the dental health, Chi-squared test through Crosstabs was operated. According to the study, recognition and Practical application of dental hygiene devices were very low. Therefore, public announcement about necessity and effectiveness of such devices should be reinforced nationwide and instructions on choosing the right device and using of the dental hygiene devices based on patients' conditions by dental hygienic human efforts gathered from dental health organization should be carried out.

Patterns of Snake Roadkills on the Roads in the Northeast Region of South Korea (남한 동북부지역 도로에서 뱀류 로드킬의 양상)

  • Park, Daesik;Jeong, Soo-Min;Kim, Seung-Kyu;Ra, Nam-Yong;Lee, Jeong-Hyun;Kim, Ja-Kyeong;Kim, Il-Hun;Kim, Dae-In;Kim, Seok-Bum
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.42-53
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    • 2017
  • One of the negative ecological effects following road construction is roadkill; animals die on the roads after being struck by vehicles. Roadkills have been a major concern in South Korea due to the large mountain areas in the country and have been mentioned as a causal factor for the decline in wildlife. Although snake roadkills frequently occur, as with mammals, birds, and amphibians, there are not many related studies done on snake roadkills. In this study, we determined snake roadkill patterns in the northeast part of South Korea including most of the Gangwon-do areas and parts of Gyeonggi-do, Chungcheongbuk-do, and Gyeongsangbuk-do by analyzing the snake roadkills found between May 2007 and Aug 2012. We identified a total of 155 roadkilled snakes from 10 different species. Red-sided water snake (Rhabdophis tigrinus), Red-tongue viper snake (Gloydius ussuriensis), Cat snake (Elaphe dione), Red-banded snake (Dinodon rufozonatus), and Viper snake (Gloydius brevicaudus) accounted for more than 90% of the total cases. It was found that more active forager snakes were killed than sit-and-wait foragers, more male snakes were killed than female snakes, and more adult snakes were killed than subadult snakes. The snake roadkill frequency was the highest in September between the altitudes of 200 and 400 m, and on roads between either a mountain and a body of water or between a mountain and a crop field. Our results are expected to enhance the understanding of snake roadkills in general and to determine the areas, specific sites and species for planning projects for snake roadkill reduction in the northeast of South Korea.

Temperature-dependent Development and Its Model of the Greenbug, Schizaphis graminum (Rondani) (Homoptera: Aphididae) (보리두갈래진딧물 [Schizaphis graminum (Rondani)]의 온도발육과 발육모형)

  • Lee, Jang-Ho;Kim, Tae-Heung;Kim, Ji-Soo;Hwangn, Chang-Yeon;Lee, Sang-Guei
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.213-219
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    • 2007
  • The development of Schizaphis graminum (Rondani) was studied at various constant temperatures ranging from 15 to $32.5^{\circ}C$, with $65{\pm}5%$ RH, and a photoperiod of 16L:8D. Mortality of the $1_{st}-2_{nd}\;and\;the\;3_{rd}-4_{th}$ stage nymphs were similar at most temperature ranges while at high temperature of $32.5^{\circ}C$, more $3_{rd}-4_{th}$ stage individuals died. The total developmental time ranged from 13.8 days at $15^{\circ}C$ to 4.9 days at $30.0^{\circ}C$ suggesting that the higher the temperature, the faster the development. However, at higher end temperature of $32.5^{\circ}C$ the development took 6.4 days. The lower developmental threshold temperature and effective accumulative temperatures for the total immature stage were $6.8^{\circ}C$ and 105.9 day-degrees, respectively and the nonlinear shape of temperature related development was well described by the modified Sharpe and DeMichele model. The normalized cumulative frequency distributions of developmental period for each life stage were fitted to the three-parameter Weibull function. The attendance of shortened developmental times was apparent with $1_{st}-2_{nd}\;nymph,\;3_{rd}-4_{th}$ nymph, and total nymph stages in descending order. The coefficient of determination $r^2$ ranged between 0.80 and 0.87.

Biological Identity of Hwangchung and History on the Control of Hwangchung Outbreaks in Joseon Dynasty Analyzed through the Database Program on the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty and the Enrollment of Haegoeje (조선왕조실록과 해괴제등록 분석을 통한 황충(蝗蟲)의 실체와 방제 역사)

  • Park, Hae-Chul;Han, Man-Jong;Lee, Young-Bo;Lee, Gwan-Seok;Kang, Tae-Hwa;Han, Tae-Man;Hwang, Seok-Jo;Kim, Tae-Woo
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.49 no.4
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    • pp.375-384
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    • 2010
  • We tried to establish the history of outbreaks and control methods of 'hwangchung' in Joseon Dynasty, uncovering the biological reality of the 'hwangchung' (called hwang or bihwang) analyzed through the Database program on 'the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty' and 'the Emollment of Haegoeje', two of the finest examples of classical historical records. The total number of articles on the outbreak of the hwangchung is 261 in the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty and 65 in the Emollment of Haegoeje. There were four peaks by hwangchung throughout the Joseon Era. Among them, the periods of King Taejo to King Sejong had the highest incidence. By comparing the number of records of the hwangchung from the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty with that in the Emollment of Haegoeje during the same period, results show the former was less than the latter, 35 vs 65. However, both records were relatively inconsistent with each other. Insect pests in forests as well as in agriculture were included in the biological identities of the hwangchung in the Joseon Dynasty periods, which is in accordance with those of Saigo's. The taxonomic identity could be confirmed in only 25 cases (9.5%) among the articles on hwangchung. It largely coincided with Paik's opinion: II in armyworm, nine in moth larva, one in rice stem borer, two in migratory locust, one in planthopper and one in rice-plant weevil. Therefore, it is not reasonable to regard hwangchung as a migratory locust or grasshopper only. The number of reports on the occurrence of hwangchung in the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty was 173 (66% of the total) and 47% of them were just simple reports, which means the report itself on the appearance of hwangchung was very significant. The reports on controlling insect pests were of low frequency, in 20% (34 cases) of the total reports, capturing insect pests or holding traditional ceremony called 'Poje'. Among them, only one case related to the treatment of seeds to prevent the damage by hwangchung was published in the King Sejong period. There were 37 discussions about changes and management of government policies due to disasters by hwangchung. They were mostly about relief or tax cut to the people who suffered damage and about cancellation of recruiting people to military training, constructing castles, and so on. It seems that not only the people but also the king was influenced by the hwangchung. In the case of King Seongjong, he referred to the stress of the prevention measure of locusts in 10 articles. The damage also had an effect on abdication in the reign of King Jeongjong.

Non-farming family's Food Habits and Health Behavior Compared with Farming Family living in Rural, Korea (농촌 거주 비농업 종사 가족의 식습관과 건강 행동)

  • Chung Kum iu;Cho Sook Ja;Cho Young Sook;Park Dong yean;Won Hyang Rye;Rhie Seung Gyo
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.139-157
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    • 2005
  • In rural area, as the source of family income is related with the agriculture works, the living condition of non-farming family used to be lower except some family groups with a little higher income. In order to find out the improvement in rural life, data about the health behavior and diet habits of non-farming family were observed. This study evaluated the health behavior and diet habits of non-farming families by comparing them with those of the farming families in rural area. The survey was made by trained interviewers and a total of 1,870 subjects from 9 provinces were questioned to collect the data through sampling probability proportional to size. The non-farming families were $29.6\%$ of the total and they were with no spouse($38\%$), low number of family members(2.86), and aged husband(66.8 years) or wife(58.5 years). $83.1\%$ of the non farming families were having breakfast however, $95.1\%$ of the farming families were doing it. And the number of side dishes in non farming families was low(1-2 kinds: $17.7\%$). Out of non farming families, $47.3\%$ took no nutritional supplements and out of the farming families it was 40.8 $\%$ With regard to having snacks, $22\%$ of non-farmers had snacks daily and it was greater than that of farmers($16.6\%$). But the ratio of non-snack taking of the non-farmers($29.6\%$) was higher than that of farmers($24.5\%$). The sorts of snacks also varied and for farmers it used to be fruit and noodles and for non-farmers it was bread and milk. Instant foods were often selected by $35.6\%$ of non-farmers. Dining out with a frequency of once per month was reported in $23.2\%$ of non-farming families, but $47.6\%$ of them did not dine out at all. In case of food production for family consumption, small portion of non-farmers cultivated pepper($13.3\%$), Korean cabbage ($16.2\%$), and sesame($6.2\%$) but almost all of the farmers cultivated such crops. However, non-farmers produced soybean sprouts($0.7\%$), soybean curd($0.2\%$), and eggs($7.2\%$) and it was compared with the fact that farmers produced soybean sprouts($9.7\%$), soybean curd ($4.6\%$), and eggs($5.1\%$). Non-farmers stocked the fermented foods: Doenjang ($57.8\%$), Kochujang ($56.1\%$), Kanjang ($53.6\%$), Kimchi ($77.9\%$) and Jangajji ($37.2\%$), and this ratios were smaller than those of farmers: Doenjang ($93.6\%$), Kochujang ($92.9\%$), Kanjang ($87.9\%$), Kimchi ($97.7\%$) and Jangajji ($66.7\%$). As to health behavior of the subjects, non-farmers had less medical examinations and bathing than farmers did. Non-farmers and their wives used public bath facilities more often and it may be due to the low condition of bathing facilities. And the ratio of daily alcohol consumption was $15\%$ and it was higher than that of the farmers. Most of the spouse of the farmers did not drink($78\%$), but the wives of the non-farmers were drinking more frequently. More farmers smoked than non-farmers and $45\%$ of male farmers were smokers.

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Daily Shoot Growth Measurement of Zoysiagrass (Zoysia japonica) to Determine Mowing Interval (한국잔디(Zoysia japonica)의 깎기주기 결정을 위한 지상부 생육 조사)

  • Lee, Hyo-Soon;Yang, Geun-Mo;Choi, Joon-Soo
    • Asian Journal of Turfgrass Science
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.16-23
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    • 2010
  • Mowing is an important practice in golf course management. Mowing interval and height can affect net photosynthesis of turfgrass and finally shoot density, tillering, rooting and regrowth of turfgrass. The objectives of this study were to investigate the regrowth rate of zoysiagrass shoot under different mowing height for determination of proper mowing frequency. Recommended mowing interval were calculated by a rule that no more than 33% of the above ground height be removed in a single mowing. Daily shoot growth of zoysiagrass at 10 mm mowing height were 2.1~4.7 mm (July), 1.9~2.9 mm (August), 0.9~1.5 mm (September), and 0.6 mm (October). These results indicate that recommended mowing interval were 1.1~2.3 day for July, 1.7~2.4 day for August, 3.5~5.4 day for September, and 8.5 day for October, respectively. Daily shoot growth of zoysiagrass at 15 to 17 mm mowing height were 4.0~5.3 mm (July), 2.9~4.5 mm (August), 1.4~3.7 mm (September), and 1.3 mm (October). These results indicate that recommended mowing interval were 1.4~1.9 day for July, 1.7~2.5 day for August, 2.3~6.3 day for September, and 6.8 day for October, respectively. Daily shoot growth of zoysiagrass at 18 to 21 mm mowing height were 3.5~4.7 mm (July), 2.9~4.9 mm (August), and 1.5~1.8 mm (September). These results indicate that recommended mowing interval were 1.9~2.6 day for July, 1.8~3.1 day for August, and 5.9~7.0 day for September, respectively. Daily shoot growth of zoysiagrass at 50 mm mowing height were 4.6~4.9 mm (July), 5.0~6.5 mm (August), and 2.5~4.7 mm (September). These results indicate that recommended mowing interval were 5.1~5.4 day for July, 3.9~5.0 day for August, and 5.3~9.8 day for September, respectively.

Correlation Analysis of Cause factor through Ship Collision Accident, and Cause factor Analysis through Collision Time (선박 충돌사고의 원인요소 간 상관관계 및 충돌시간에 따른 원인요소 분석)

  • Youn, Donghyup;Shin, Ilsik
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.26-32
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    • 2017
  • Enlargement and speed-up of a ship and diversification of ship's type have served to greatly increase the importance of marine transport means. It's reported that accident occurrence frequency of collision is high next to engine damage among the ship accident types, and that the accident ratio according to human factors is also high. In addition, ship accidents come to occur caused by complex cause factors rather than a sole cause factor, it is necessary to investigate the cause factors through the written verdict. This study proposed the cause factors of collision ship accident on the basis of human factors in collision ship accident among the written verdicts provided by the Korean Maritime Safety Tribunal, and inquired into the cause factor and effect through the correlation analysis of accident occurrence factors. Also, this study predicted the collision accident through analyzed the major cause factor of the occurrence at the zero minute when collision on the basis of the time taken from the time point of detecting collision of ships to the time point of collision occurrence. This study used commercial software-Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS Ver21.0) to do correlation analysis. For time analysis, this study analyzed the cause factor and time by analyzing the time taken from the time point of detected ships to the time point of collision occurrence on the basis of the written verdicts. The study analysis showed that there were many cases of collision ship accidents occurrence caused by more than two sorts of cause factors, and that the case (zero minute) where there is no time to spare for collision avoidance accounted for 36.1 %, and negligence in guard or surveillance of the other ship, and sailing while drowsy, or drinking was a contributor to an accident. Poor watch keeping is very strong relationship with pool ready for sail.