• Title/Summary/Keyword: Forest program

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Perceptions and Demands Analysis on the Creation and Management of School Forests (명상숲 조성·운영에 관한 인식 및 요구도 분석)

  • Jeong, Seongyeop;Lee, Yeonhee
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.108 no.2
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    • pp.259-268
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    • 2019
  • The aim of this study was to investigate whether the schools and local governments were aware of the creation and operation of school forests. A survey was conducted of 45 teachers of schools selected as having the best practices in the school forest and 153 local government officials within the district where the school forests were built. The school teachers attributed the necessity to create school forests to the importance of beautifying the environment. The results showed that the area in which the school forest was created, the school environment after the school forest was created, and use of the school forest were generally satisfactory, but maintenance of the school forest was not somewhat unsatisfactory. Additionally, the results indicated that continuous maintenance was necessary for the effective use of the school forest, and there was a great need for professional personnel to conduct the maintenance program. Furthermore, local government officials recognized that beautification of the school environment was the best effect of creating the school forests. They also realized a great need for local government's support of a maintenance program and its cooperation with related ministries and agencies to create and operate the school forest. Thus, it is crucial to devise measures for maintenance and to establish a system by which schools and local governments can work closely to promote the creation and operation of these school forests.

The Forest Experience Program and Improvement of Depression, Anxiety, and Self-concept in Adolescents (산림 체험 프로그램이 청소년의 우울감, 불안감, 자아상에 미치는 영향)

  • Chang, Jisoon;Kim, Nam Young;Lee, Suk Hee;Kim, Bongseog
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.104 no.1
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    • pp.127-132
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    • 2015
  • Aim of this study was to investigate the influence of forest experience program on depression, anxiety, and self concept in adolescents living in urban area. A total of 47 adolescents living in Seoul, South Korea were recruited for the study and participated in a series of forest experience programs that the Korea National Park Service had developed. Before and after applying the program, their depression, anxiety, and self concept were evaluated using Children's Depression Inventory (CDI), Revised Child Manifest Anxiety Scale (RCMAS), and Offer Self Image Questionnaire-Revised (OSIQ). The outcome measures were analyzed using paired-t tests. CDI score was significantly reduced after the program (before:$12.41{\pm}8.34$, after:$8.65{\pm}9.48$). Excluding 16 participants whose scores of Lie Scale in the RCMAS were more than 8 on the analysis, the total RCMAS score showed significant reduction after the program (before:$14.87{\pm}7.30$, after:$10.81{\pm}7.81$). There was no significant difference in the total score of the total self-image scale in the OSIQ. However, the Self-confidence (SC) which was used as subscale of the OSIQ was significantly higher after the program (before:$29.94{\pm}3.71$, after:$38.11{\pm}6.45$), and the Idealism scale (I) in the OSIQ increased significantly after the program (before:$21.03{\pm}3.80$, after:$23.17{\pm}3.89$). On our analysis, the forest experience program showed considerable positive effects on depression and anxiety in adolescents. This result leads the postulation that the program might be helpful for adolescents to adapt to their surrounding experiences and to achieve improvement in interpersonal relationship.