• Title/Summary/Keyword: Force sense

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Development of One PC-Based the Haptic Interface and Tactile Apparatus System (단일 PC기반의 역감 및 촉감 제시 시스템 개발)

  • 김동옥;류재민;김영동
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Industry Society
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.217-226
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    • 2004
  • This paper proposes the electric stimulus tactile apparatus system(TESTAS) loaded on the haptic interface using ultrasonic motors (USMs) To touch the virtual object like wall in graphic, the 6 DOF haptic interface provides force feedback to users as if it is real. But the case of sharp virtual object like a puncture, it could not provided the sense of pain, but only the reaction-force. After the TESTAS had been loaded on this haptic interface, it could provide not only the force but also the pain to users. In this way, when users take the haptic and tactile informations at the same time, they easily have a correct understanding of virtual object.

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Study of 7 Degree of Freedom Desktop Master Arm (7자유도 탁상식 마스터 암의 설계 연구)

  • Choi, Hyeungsik;Lee, Dong-Jun;Ha, Kyung-Nam
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.59-65
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    • 2012
  • In this research, a novel mater arm was studied as a teaching device for an underwater revolute robot arm used as a slave arm. The master arm was designed to be a seven-degree-of-freedom (DOF) structure, with a structure similar to that of the slave arm, and to be desktop size to allow it to be worn on a human arm. The master arm with encoders on the joints was used as an input device for teaching a slave robot arm. In addition, small electric magnets were installed at the joints of the master arm to generate the haptic force. A control system was designed to sense excessive force and torque in the joints of the master arm and protect it by controlling the position and velocity of the slave arm through the encoder signal of the master arm.

Image segmentation Using Hybrid Level Set (하이브리드 레벨 셋을 이용한 이미지 분할)

  • Joo Ki-See;Kim Eun-Seok
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.8 no.7
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    • pp.1453-1463
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    • 2004
  • The conventional image segmentation method using level set has been disadvantage since level set function in the gradient-based model evolves depending on the local profile of the edge. In this paper, a new model is introduced by hybridizing level set formulation and complementary smooth function in order to smooth the driving force. We consider an alternative way of getting the complementary function(CF) which is much easier to simulate and makes sense for most cases having no triple junctions. The rule of thumb is that CF must be computed such that the difference between their average and the original CF function should be able to introduce a reliable driving force for the evolution of the level set function. This proposed hybrid method tries to minimize drawbacks the conventional level set method.

The Real-Time Virtual Environment Control Using Haptic Interface System (촉각시스템을 이용한 실시간 가상환경제어)

  • Kang, Won-Chan;Kim, Young-Dong
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers P
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    • v.52 no.3
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    • pp.121-126
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, we propose the haptic system for the real-time virtual environment-control, which controls the sense of sight, hearing and touch. In order to maintain the stable haptic system in this study, we apply the proxy force rendering algorithm and the real-time graphic deformation algorithm based on the FEM. The applied proxy algorithm makes the system possible to be more stable and prompt with a virtual object. Moreover, the haptic rendering algorithm is applied to work out a problem that the tactual transaction-period is different from the graphic transaction- period. The graphic deformation algorithm is developed in the real-time using the deformed FEM. To apply the FEM, a deformed material-model is produced and then the graphic deformation with this model is able to force. Consequently, the graphic rendering algorithm is deduced by the real-time calculation and simplification because the purpose of this system is to transact in the real time. Applying this system to the PC, we prove that it is possible to deform the graphics and transact the haptic. Finally we suggest the variable simulation program to show the efficiency of this system.

Design of the Electric Stimulus Tactile Apparatus Loaded on the Haptic Interface Using Ultrasonic Motors (초음파 모터 구동 역감 장치에 부착한 전기자극 촉감 장치의 설계)

  • Kim Dong-Ok;Kang Won-Chan;Kim Sung-Cheol;Oh Geum-Kon;Kim Young-Dong
    • Proceedings of the KIPE Conference
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    • 2001.07a
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    • pp.9-13
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    • 2001
  • This paper proposes the electric stimulus tactile apparatus system(TESTAS) loaded on the hap-tic interface using ultrasonic motors(USMs). To touch the virtual object like wall in graphic, the 6 DOF haptic interface provides force feedback to users as if it is real. But the case of sharp virtual object like a puncture, it could not provided the sense of pain, but only the reaction-force. After the TESTAS had been loaded on this haptic interface. it could Provide not only the force but also the pain to users. To estimate the capability of TESTAS, we did experiments of three cases, one was very sharp, another was dull, the other is continuative contact.

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Elementary School Students형 Conceptions of Buoyance related with Cognitive Levels (초등학생의 부력 개념 형성과 인지 수준의 관계)

  • 권도현;권성기
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.131-143
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    • 2000
  • The unit of a buoyant force included in the 7th national science curriculum for 6th grade students. On the contrary, it seldom that students' conception about buoyant phenomena is studied, even though there has been many studies of students' conceptions of basic science contents. The purpose of this study was to survey the elementary school students' conceptions of a buoyant force, to analyze their cognitive levels, and to explore the relationships between them. Sixth grade students (total numbers is 192) were selected .from 5 .lasses in two elementary schools in a local city of Kyungsangdo. They were asked to respond two kinds of test, which are the Logical Thinking Ability (GALT) to investigate students' cognitive levels and the Buoyant Force Questionnaire (BFQ). We developed BFQ test, based on the 7th national science curriculum for 6th grade and the previous researches of a buoyant force. We, qualitatively, analysed students' frequency of responses about a buoyant force and their types of explanation, and, quantitatively, analysed the relationships between cognitive levels and conceptions of a buoyant force with SPSS/ PC 7.0 programmes. The results of cognitive level showed that half of 6th grade students were in the concrete operational stage, 43.2% in the transitional stage, 6.8% in the formal stage. However, their sub-logical thinking abilities in a combinational, conservational, controlling variables, proportional, probability and correlational logic were very fluctuated from 91% to 8%. The results that only 4.8% of elementary students had correct conceptions of a buoyant force suggest that 6th grade students had great difficulties in understanding of that concept. Their difficulties would originated from the frequent common-sense explanations of a buoyant phenomena in terms of the weight or the unique properties or the contact area of an object or with/without air. Furthermore students' explanations, frequently, changed with context of problems of a buoyant force. Scheffe test of quantitative results that elementary students in the concrete level had 50.6% of concept formation in a buoyant force, the transitional level 54.5%, and in the formal operational level 62.8% showed significant differences of conceptions of a buoyant force with cognitive levels. Therefore the concrete operational elementary students had more difficulties of understanding of a buoyant force than the transitional and formal level, which is required to higher cognitive levels. This conclusion have implications that the unit of a buoyant force have to be presented with concrete activities for majority of students who are in concrete and transitional levels.

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Drilling force and speed for mandibular trabecular bone in oral implant surgery

  • bin Kamisan, Mohammad Aimaduddin Atiq;Yokota, Kenichiro;Ueno, Takayuki;Kinoshita, Hideaki;Homma, Shinya;Yajima, Yasutomo;Abe, Shinichi;Takano, Naoki
    • Biomaterials and Biomechanics in Bioengineering
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.15-26
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    • 2016
  • Based on a survey done recently in Japan, 30 percent of the serious accidents occurred in oral implant surgery were concerned with the mandibular canal and 3/4 of them were related to drilling. One of the reasons lies in the lack of the education system. To overcome this problem, a new educational system focusing on drilling the mandibular trabecular bone has been developed mainly for dental college students in the form of an oral implant surgery training simulator that enables student to sense the reaction force during drilling. On the other hand, the conventional system uses polymeric model. Based on these systems, two approaches were proposed; the evaluation by experienced clinicians using the simulator, and experimental works on the polymeric model. Focusing on the combination of the drilling force sensed and drilling speed obtained through both approaches, the results were compared. It was found that the polymeric models were much softer especially near the mandibular canal. In addition, the study gave us an insight of the understanding in bone quality through tactile sensation of the drilling force and speed. Furthermore, the clinicians positively reviewed the simulator as a valid tool.

The Relationship between the Grief of Loss and the Sense of Ego-Integrity of the elderly (고령자의 상실감과 자아통합감의 관계)

  • Hu Kyung Kim ;Soon Chul Lee ;Ju Seok Oh
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.17-32
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    • 2007
  • The word "Loss" means being deprived a person's meaningful property, people or idea by irresistible force, and it is not avoidable in one's life. Especially, the elderly have higher possibility to experience this "Loss" than any other age groups on account of their characteristics. Feeling grief of loss after going through any kind of loss is natural and normal. However, if someone has severe trouble with overcoming this grief, it would affect negatively to his/her psychological or social inelastic. Therefore, we tried to find out which factors consists the "Grief of loss" and how it affects on the elderly's quality of life, especially on the sense of ego-integrity through this study. 97 of the elderly over age 65 participated in the survey and the results as follow; grief of loss is classified into four factors, 'economical loss', 'loss from being parted by death', 'loss of physical functions' and 'loss of relations'. These four factors of "Grief of loss" showed negative correlations with the scores of the sense of ego-integrity factors except 'acceptance of death'. Especially, the 'economical loss' affects on every factor of the sense of ego-integrity negatively except 'acceptance of death' and 'acceptance of aging'. Moreover, 'loss of physical functions' and 'loss of relations' affect negatively on elderly's satisfaction to their lives. On the other hand, the 'loss from being parted by death' of "Grief of loss" and 'acceptance of death' of the sense of ego-integrity showed no statistically significant effect in every process of analysis.

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PID-Supervision Hybrid Controller for Robust Control of DC Motor (DC 전동기의 강인 제어를 위한 PID-관리 복합형 제어기)

  • Jeon, Jeong-Chay;Oh, Hun;Park, Wal-Seo;Cho, Hyeon-Seob;Ryu, In-Ho
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1998.07a
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    • pp.244-246
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    • 1998
  • Robust control for DC motor is needed according to the highest precision of industrial automation. However when a motor control system with PID controller has an effect of load disturbance, it is very difficult to guarantee the robustness of control system. As a compensation method solving this problem, in this paper, PID-supervision hybrid control method for motor control system is presented. If the PID control system (without the supervisory controller) is stable in the sense that the error is inside the constraint set, the supervisory control is idle. If the error hits the boundary of the constraint, the supervisory controller begins operation to force the error back to the constraint set. We prove that the PID-supervision hybrid control system is globally stable in the sense that the error is guaranteed to be within the tolerance limits specified by the system designer.

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The Speed Control of a DC Servo Motor by the PID Self Tuning Control Method (PID-자기동조 제어방식에 의한 DC 서보 전동기의 속도제어)

  • Cho, Hyun-Seob;Ku, Gi-Jun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.1560-1564
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    • 2008
  • Robust control for DC motor is needed according to the highest precision of industrial automation. However, when a motor control system with PID controller has an effect of load disturbance, it is very difficult to guarantee the robustness of control system. In this paper, PID-Self Tuning control method for motor control system as a compensation method solving this problem is presented. If the PID control system is stable in the sense that the error is inside the constraint set, the supervisory control is idle. If the error hits the boundary of the constraint, the supervisory controller begins operation to force the error back to the constraint set. We prove that the PID-Self Tuning control system is globally stable in the sense that the error is guaranteed to be within the tolerance limits specified by the system designer.