• Title/Summary/Keyword: Flow area

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A study on the characteristics of wastewater flowrate in land-use of Sogwipo-city in Cheju (제주도 서귀포시지역의 용도지역별 하수발생량 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, Gwang Ok;Ryu, Seong Pil
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.251-262
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    • 2004
  • To identify the characteristics of wastewater flow generated in treatment basins of Seogwipo-city, we selected 3 stations representing the basin and performed 7 times of field survey including 5 times in dry periods and 2 times in wet periods from Feb. 25 to May 27, 2002 for the selected stations. From the analysis of flow data measured for more than 60 days in the interval of 5 minutes and concentration data obtained from laboratory analysis, we can draw several conclusions. First, in the analysis of diurnal variation of wastewater flow for land-use types, we could find the following results: in the residential area, it is observed that wastewater flow rates rise early in the morning for the office-going hour and fall gradually and rise again after the office-leaving hour, showing typical residential wastewater flow pattern, while for the residential and commercial area flow rates rise early in the morning at the office-going hour and move up and down repeatedly within wide range and last till the office-leaving hour, which can be resulted from wastewater that is generated by tourists activated after early in the afternoon, while for the touristy area flow rates rise early in the morning and fall gradually and rise again within wide range. Second, in the analysis of temporal variation of wastewater flow for monthly, it can be observed that in the residential area, in the residential and commercial areas the flow rate of May is higher than that of Feb., March, while for the touristy area flow rate is without monthly because it reflects the movement of population, Third, in wet periods concentration of water-quality item such as SS, BOD, and COD_{cr}$ is high in the beginning of rainfall by first flush, and falls down gradually to reach the steady state, which is the level of wastewater in dry periods after the cease of storm water due to diluting effect resulting from additional runoff water through storm sewers.

Numerical Study of Channel Area Effects on the Performance Characteristics of Regenerative Type Fuel Pump (재생형 연료펌프의 채널 면적 변화가 성능 특성에 미치는 영향에 대한 수치해석적 연구)

  • Lee, Kyoung-Yong;Choi, Young-Seok;Son, Kwang-Eun
    • The KSFM Journal of Fluid Machinery
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.41-45
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    • 2007
  • The effects of channel area on the performance of regenerative type fuel pump were numerically studied by commercial CFD code (ANSYS CFX-10). To examine the effects of channel area, the shapes of the side channel and blade were simplified. The channel area affected the flow characteristics of the internal recirculation flow between the side channel and the blade groove and also made a difference in the overall performance. These loss mechanism with circulation flow were adopted as a loss coefficient in the performance prediction program. The loss coefficient was newly derived from the results of calculations with different channel area, and compared with the experimental results in the reference paper and used to modify the performance prediction program. The circulation flow characteristics with different channel area, which is related with loss mechanism, were also discussed with the results of 3-dimensional flow calculations.

Discharge Computation from Float Measurement in Vegetated Stream (부자 측정 시 식생을 고려한 유량산정에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Tae Hee;Jung, Sung Won
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.307-316
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    • 2019
  • Development of vegetation in stream channel increases resistance to flow, resulting in increase in river stage upon flood and affecting change in stage-discharge relationship. Vegetation revealed in stream by water level reaching a peak and then declined upon flood is mostly found as prone. Taking an account of flow distribution with the number of vegetation, prone vegetation layer might be at height where discharge rate is zero (0) (Stephan and Guthnecht, 2002). However, there is a tendency that flow rate is overestimated when applying the height of river bed to flow area with no consideration of the height of vegetation layer in flow rate by float measurement. In this study, reliable flow measurement in stream with vegetation was calculated by measuring the height of vegetation layer after flood and excluding the vegetation layer-projected area from the flow area. The result showed the minimum 4.34 % to maximum 10.82 % of flow deviation depending on the scale of discharge. Accordingly, reliable velocity-area methods would be determined if vegetation layer-projected area in stream is considered in flow rate estimation using the flow area during the flood.

An Experimental Study on Flow Characteristics for Optimal Spacing Suggestion of 45° Upward Groynes (45° 상향수제의 적정 간격 제시를 위한 흐름특성 실험 연구)

  • Kim, Sung Joong;Kang, Joon Gu;Yeo, Hong Koo
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.47 no.5
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    • pp.459-468
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    • 2014
  • Groyne to control the direction and velocity of flow in rivers is generally installed for the purpose of protecting riverbanks or embankments from erosion caused by running water. In particular, as interest in river restoration and natural river improvement increases, groynes are proposed as a key hydraulic structure for local flow control and riparian habitat establishment. Groynes are installed mainly in groups rather than as individual structures. In case of groynes installed as a group, flow around the groynes change according to spacing in between the groynes. Therefore, groyne spacing is regarded as the most important factor in groyne design. This study aimed at examining changes of flows around and within the area of groynes that take place according to the spacing of groynes installed in order to propose the optimal spacing for upward groynes. To examine flow characteristics around groynes, this study looked at flows in main flow area and recirculation flow area separately. In main flow area, it examined the impact of flow velocity increasing as a result of conveyance reduction that is exerted on river bed stability in relation to changes in the maximum flow velocity according to installation spacing. As a factor causing impacts on scouring and sedimentation within the area of groynes, recirculation flow in the groyne area can lead problems concerning flow within the area and stability of embankment. As for recirculation area, an analysis was conducted on the scale of rotational flow and the flow around embankment that exerts impacts on stability of the embankment. In addition, a comparative analysis was carried with reference to changes of the central point of rotational flow that occur within the area of groynes. As a result of compositely examining the results, the appropriate installation spacing is proposed as min. four times-max. six times considering a decrease in flow velocity according to the installation of upward groynes, river bed stability and stability of embankments against counterflow within the area of groynes.

A Study on Flow Characteristics of Branch Type Sparger in Drain Tank for Depressurization (감압용 배수탱크내의 분기형 증기분사기의 유동특성에 관한 연구)

  • 김광추;박만흥;박경석
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.356-367
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    • 2001
  • A numerical analysis on branch type sparger in drain tank for depressurization is performed to investigate the flow characteristics due to the change of design factor. As the result of this study, sparger\\`s flow resistance coefficient(K) is 3.53 at the present design condition when engineering margin for surface roughness is considered as 20%, and flow ratio into branch pipe ($Q_s/Q_i$) is 0.41. The correlation for calculating flow resistance coefficients as design factor is presented. Flow resistance coefficient is increased as section area ratio of branch pipe for main pipe and outlet nozzle diameter of main pipe decreasing, but the effects of branch angle and inlet flow rate of main pipe are small. As the change rate of ($Q_s/Q_i$)becomes larger, the change rate of flow resistance coefficient increases. The rate of pressure loss has the largest change as section area ratio changing. The condition of maximum flow resistance in sparger is when the outlet nozzle diameter ratio of main pipe ($D_e/D_i$) is 0.167, the section area ratio ($A_s/A_i$) is 0.1 and the branch angle ($\alpha$) is 55^{\circ}$.

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Flow Analysis Approach to Triggering Phenomenon of Ground Sinking in a Metropolitan Area (도심지 지반함몰의 초기발생현상에 대한 흐름해석적 접근)

  • Jo, Young-Seok;Jang, Yeon-Soo
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.13-22
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    • 2017
  • In this study, triggering mechanism of ground sinking was analyzed through groundwater flow analysis on the basis of a case of the ground sinking occurred in Yongsan in 2015. The results of geotechnical investigation performed before and after the ground sinking were analyzed for the accurate understanding of geological features in the study area. The numerical groundwater flow analysis was performed to evaluate the influence of the flow behavior from the surrounding area toward the excavated site using software of Visual MODFLOW. As a result, it was found from the geotechnical analysis that the strata of sedimentary layer along the sunken area in the vertical direction was mixed significantly after the ground sinking compared with the status of the soil condition before the ground sinking. Piping was occurred at the toe of cut-off wall in the sandy gravel layer, and this phenomenon was predicted by the numerical flow analysis. Sequential ground displacement scenario of the ground sinking was derived from the geotechnical in situ test and numerical flow analysis performed in this study.

A Study on Steady and Unsteady Behavior of Helium Jet in the Stationary Atmosphere (헬륨 기체분류의 정상적 비정상적 거동에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, B.G.;Suh, Y.K.;Ha, J.Y.;Kwon, S.S.
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.1 no.3
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    • pp.34-45
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    • 1993
  • This study aims to analyze the mixing characteristics of hydrogen considered as a new fuel for internal combustion engines. As the physical property of helium gas is similar to that of hydrogen, helium gas was used in this study. To analyze the steady and unsteady behavior of jet, helium gas was injected into the stationary atmosphere at the normal temperature and pressure. Concentration of helium gas in the center of jet flow is in inverse proportion with axial distance from the nozzle tip. This agrees with the free jet theory of Schlichting. The relative equation for dimensionless concentration to radial/axial distance the axial distance of potential core region, the cone angle a of the jet flow and the relative equation for arriving distance of the front of jet flow to the lapse of time are obtained. But free jet theory of Schlichting in the dimensionless concentration is not in agreement with the present experimental results of the distance of the radial direction. It needs more study. When the arrival frequency of jet flow is used as a parameter, the transition area changing from unsteady flow area into steady flow area becomes gradually wider downstream, but its ratio for the whole unsteady flow area gradually decreases.

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Experimental Study on Flow Characteristic and Wave Type Flow at Downstream of Stepped Weir (계단형 보 하류 흐름특성과 Wave Type Flow에 관한 실험연구)

  • Kang, Joon-Gu;Yeo, Hong-Koo;Lee, Keum-Chan;Choi, Nam-Jeong
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.41-49
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    • 2010
  • Stepped weir of this study was suggested a type of natural type structures. Unique flow, such as Wave type flow, at downstream of mild slope stepped occurs. WTF(Wave type flow) is different with hydraulic jump occurred at Round crest weir. WTF is phenomenon to rise the water level by recirculation area occurred by step height at downstream of mild slope stepped. Wave height of WTF condition is higher than tailwater level and maximum velocity of WTF condition occurs in area of water surface. In this results, WTF presents to be important factor for design of join area of weir with levee. This study got and analyzed hydraulic condition occurred of WTF, scales of WTF and velocity profiles on flow patterns using experiments. WTF was not consider to stepped weir design and this results can be important data for design of stepped weir and structures.

The Improvement of Weldline and Flow mark Defection by using Injection Molding Analysis (사출성형 해석을 통한 Weldline 및 Flow mark 개선사례)

  • Lee, Yeong Chang
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.30 no.12
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    • pp.1295-1301
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    • 2013
  • The cause of flow mark defect is known as non-uniform temperature of mold surface when the flow front meets the cold cavity. The exact definition and classification of Flow mark is not clear because the mechanism of flow mark is not figured out till now. Any injection molding analysis software can not predict the flow mark phenomena. To solve weldline and flow mark defects, the gate thickness is reduced to increase the melt front velocity and the melt front velocity of the flow mark area is increased from 82.3mm/s to 104.7mm/s. In addition, the bulk temperature of the flow mark area is increased from $178.3^{\circ}C$to $215.2^{\circ}C$ by adding a cold slug well. The flow mark phenomena can be greatly reduced by increasing the flow front velocity and elevating the bulk temperature.

Visit Push Motivation for a Trading Area and Flow, Satisfaction, and Revisit Intention (상권방문 추진동기와 몰입, 만족, 재방문 의도)

  • Lee, Soo-Duck;Lee, Yong-Ki
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.16 no.9
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    • pp.65-77
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    • 2018
  • Purpose - A trading area is very closely related to consumer life. A trading area is a cultural and social space that consumes culture and promotes human relationships as well as an economic space where consumers live their daily lives. In this context, a trading area research should be conducted objectively and empirically because it deals with the activities of consumer's life. The purpose of this study is to identify the intrinsic psychological motivation(push motivation) caused when consumers visit a trading area and to demonstrate how the push motivation for a trading area influence on consumer's flow, satisfaction, revisit intention. Research design, data, and methodology - In order to develop research hypotheses for this study, the development procedures for push motivation scale are as follows; (1) generating initial pool of items based on previous studies, (2) expert judgement to evaluate content and face validity, and (3) assessing convergent and discriminant validity using confirmatory factor analysis. In order to achieve these purposes, online surveys were conducted on frequent or familiar visitors to the trading areas around the Gangnam, Kunkuk University and Hongik University Station. Among the 1,343 questionnaires collected, 1,157 cases were analyzed by using SPSS 22.0 and SmartPLS 3.0 statistical package program, except for 186 responses in which responses were judged to be unfaithful. Results - The push motivation was classified into five sub-dimensions of excitement/stimulus, rest/relaxation, exit/refreshing, knowledge/learning and human relationship promotion as multidimensional and complex factors composed of individual and social-related dimensions. The excitement/stimulus and human relationship promotion of push motivation have positive effects on satisfaction. However, all dimensions of the push motivation have positive effects on flow. And flow has a positive effect on satisfaction and revisit intention. Meanwhile, the mediation test using boostrapping shows that flow plays a full mediating role in the relationship between rest/relaxation, exit/refreshing, knowledge/learning and satisfaction, but a partial mediating rol e between excitement/stimulus, human relationship promotion and satisfaction. Finally, satisfaction plays a partial mediating role between flow and revisit intention. Conclusions - This study shows that the push motivation is multidimensional and compositive depending on the situation of a consumer. In addition, it is found that the human relationship promotion(a social-related motivation) has a much more important effect on flow and satisfaction than other push motivations of individual dimensions. It also shows that satisfaction increases when consumers are being flowed at their visit and degree of revisit intention also grows as satisfaction increases. As implications of this study, a marketer should try to understand consumer's visit motivation at first and then develop factors that increase their flow, satisfaction, revisit intention. It also requires a marketer to approach subjects on a trading area more objectively and empirically based on the psychology and behavior of consumers, in order to establish a proper and efficient strategy on development of a trading area.