• 제목/요약/키워드: Flood area

검색결과 1,175건 처리시간 0.03초

A Study on Meayres to Minimize Human Damage in Natural Disaster Vulnerable Areas (자연재해 취약지역 인명피해 최소화 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Seo, Jung Pyo;Cho, Won Cheol
    • Journal of Korean Society of Disaster and Security
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.17-25
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    • 2014
  • Due to the recent climate change impact, natural disasters occur due to sea surface rising, typhoon attacks, flash floods, local heavy rainfalls, landslides, and coastal area erosion, continuing to cause human and property damage. These impacts, coupled with urbanization and industrialization activities, are turning the previously safe areas into disaster-vulnerable areas, increasing human and economic damage. This paper aimed to prepare measures designed to minimize human damage in natural disaster vulnerable parts of South Korea in summer. Toward that end, how vulnerable areas were managed and what the damage was like were studied. Also, cases of human damage and statistics there of were reviewed and analyzed, relevant problems were derived, and thus structural and non-structural measures designed to minimize human damage were presented.

Research on radar-based risk prediction of sudden downpour in urban area: case study of the metropolitan area (레이더 기반 도시지역 돌발성 호우의 위험성 사전 예측 : 수도권지역 사례 연구)

  • Yoon, Seongsim;Nakakita, Eiichi;Nishiwaki, Ryuta;Sato, Hiroto
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • 제49권9호
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    • pp.749-759
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    • 2016
  • The aim of this study is to apply and to evaluate the radar-based risk prediction algorithm for damage reduction by sudden localized heavy rain in urban areas. The algorithm is combined with three processes such as "detection of cumulonimbus convective cells that can cause a sudden downpour", "automatic tracking of the detected convective cells", and "risk prediction by considering the possibility of sudden downpour". This algorithm was applied to rain events that people were marooned in small urban stream. As the results, the convective cells were detected through this algorithm in advance and it showed that it is possible to determine the risk of the phenomenon of developing into local heavy rain. When use this risk predicted results for flood prevention operation, it is able to secure the evacuation time in small streams and be able to reduce the casualties.

Runoff Analysis of Urban Watershed using MIKE SWMM Model (MIKE SWMM 모형을 이용한 도시유역 유출분석에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jong-Suk;Ahn, Jae-Hyun;Oh, Tae-Suk;Moon, Young-Il
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • 제38권11호
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    • pp.907-916
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    • 2005
  • For an urban watershed modeling, the ILLVDAS and SWMM model were the popular rainfall-runoff models using in Korea. However, combined sewerage systems in urban area produce some problems when a flood event happens because of the surcharged precipitation amounts which drain to streams directly. Also, rack of pipe line data and difficulties of modeling yield inappropriate modeling results in urban runoff analysis. In addition, rainfall-runoff models in an urban which using channel routing could be inaccurate and complicated processes. In this paper, the MIKE SWMM model has been applied for a stable urban area runoff analysis. Watershed and pipe line data were established by using past inundated records, DEM data and numerical pipe line data. For a runoff modeling, the Runoff block was adapted to a basin and the Extran block using dynamic equation was applied for sewerage system. After a comparisons against existing models yield that the MIKE SWMM model produce reliable and consistence results without distorting parameter of the model.

The Estimation of Areal Reduction Factor(ARF) in Han-Rwer Basin (한강유역의 면적감소계수 산정)

  • Jeong, Jong-Ho;Na, Chang-Jin;Yun, Yong-Nam
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • 제35권2호
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    • pp.173-186
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    • 2002
  • Rainfall-runoff model is usually used in estimating the design flood, and the most important elements in this model are probable rainfall and unit hydrograph. So, it is the most important step to estimate probable rainfall reasonably and exactly. If a basin area exceeds a certain scale, probable areal rainfall should be used as probable rainfall, but, Probable point- mean rainfall be usually used in Korea. Consequently, probable rainfall is used too high and unit hydrograph is used relatively too low. Thus the improvement is unavoidable. So, in this study, the parameters are proposed that transform the 1day, 2day rainfall to 24hr, 48hr rainfall, and areal rainfall data series are composed by using the same time rainfall data. Also, the areal reduction factor(ARF) is developed as the increase of area by the calculated probable point mean rainfall and probable areal rainfall by frequency analysis in Han-River basin. It can be the measure to easily transform probable point- mean rainfall to probable areal rainfall.

A Study on the Classification of Types of Han Riverside Forests -In the Case of Yangpyeng and Yeoju gun- (남한강변 강변숲 조성을 위한 유형분류연구 -경기도 양평·여주군 구간을 중심으로-)

  • Jang, Dong-Su
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.3-10
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    • 2010
  • Riverside forests make a river bank stable because trees of them hold together the stone and soil by roots and decrease the speed of running fluid by trunks. So they become known to have positive effects on flood prevention. So This study will be a basic study to preserve and restore of riverside forests. The goal of this study is to classify types of Han riverside forests between Yangpyeng and Yeoju gun. and find out sites of planting. Results of this study can be summarized as follows; The evaluation indicators were set up based on literature review and site survey. Two indicator categories were developed: natural environment and human environment. And they were divided into 5 sub-categories for calculating weights. As for the major indicator categories, the weighted index of natural environment is at 0.5. And the weighted index of human environment is at 0.5 followed by access at 0.15, the range of user at 0.15, cultivated land at 0.1 and legislation at 0.1. This study selected 53 sites for riverside forests planting. They were classified with types of bank(11), level-upped riverside(32), island(10). The amount of the length of 11 bank types is 23,050m, the area of 32 level-upped riverside types is $4,490,000m^2$ and the area of 10 island types is $4,590,000m^2$. After the evaluation of 53 riverside forests, this study selected 12 sites of riverside forests. They were two bank types, nine level-upped riverside types, and one island type. Rebuilding riverside forests are to accomplish the green network which links and divides region. It will be one of the best ecological methods to construct friendly environmental region.

Review on the Improvement Works of Ecological Stream in Rural Areal - A Focused on Sijeon-ri Dogo-myeon Asan City - (농촌지역 하천정비공사 실태와 제언 -아산시 도고면 시전리를 대상으로-)

  • Nam, Yun-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.51-58
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    • 2015
  • 10 years ago, in Sijeon-ri, Dogo-myeon, Asan-si, the existing stream was repaired to develope Mt. Dogo trail and irrigation systems through road expansion pavement construction and small stream repair construction. The trees such as persimmon and willow are eliminated that rowed on both sides of the stream and dredging work to dig the rock and sand have been performed. As a result, wide asphalt road was built, also flood damage worries were reduced. 10 years passed and now, how did local residents think about the stream repaired before and after? Village residents, public officials, and the stream construction engineer were interviewed. Villagers indicated a problems that brook became a place where water peppers were taking over and water was stagnating due to the slow velocity so nothing could live and natural landscape like a wash place and the cascade disappeared, because rock and sand were taken out brought soil into the brook. Public officials and engineers were aware of the problems at the time of the stream. Now that construction is completed after 10 years, Both realistically and budgetary to restoration would be difficult. However, it is necessary to seek for waterfront space which can be restored or replaced by a part of the stream like similarly before. In addition, it is necessary to restore to the progression of a natural stream which connect with stairs(or slope) - small waterfalls - pools - wash place. In this paper, we hope to take a lesson from the Sijeon-ri model and make rural stream construction be prepared with consideration about not only distinct characteristics of specific area but also the opinion of local resident.

A Study on Flooding Prevention Scheme due to Sea Level Rise at Young-do Coast in Busan (부산 영도 해안의 해수면 상승에 따른 침수대책 연구)

  • Hong, Sung-Ki;Kang, Yong-Hoon;Lee, Han-Seok
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • 제37권4호
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    • pp.409-418
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    • 2013
  • On the assumption of the rise of sea level, the inundation vulnerabilities on coastal areas of Korea are evaluated in different ways. The propose of this study is to find out the influences of sea level rise caused by global warming at Young-do coastal area, and to suggest the prevention schemes against the flooding damage caused by the sea level rise. The potential rates of sea level rise are assumed and with these rates the inundation vulnerabilities are simulated using CAD program. With the virtual maps, as the results of the previous CAD simulation, this study attempts to suggest the flood prevention schemes for each sector of damage-expected coastal area.

The Type Classification and Function Assessment at Small Palustrine Wetland in Rural Areas (농촌지역 소규모 소택형습지의 유형분류 및 기능평가 연구)

  • Son, Jin-Kwan;Kim, Nam-Choon;Kang, Bang-Hun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • 제13권6호
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    • pp.117-131
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    • 2010
  • This study was conducted to utilize as basic information for the construction of conservation and estimation system for Palustrine wetland, which was badly managed and imprudently reclaimed, through the analysis of distribution characteristics and the estimation of conservation value for sample sites (eight wetlands) in rural area. As the result of wetland type classification, these wetlands was classified by 4 types (Permanent freshwater marshes/pools, ponds, Aquaculture ponds, and Seasonally flooded agricultural land) by Ramsar system, 3 types (Emergent Wetland, Aquatic Bed, and Scrub-Shrub Wetland) by NWI (Cowardin) System, 5 types (Farm Pond Depression, Under-flow wetland, Man-made Pond Depression, Abandoned Paddy Fields Wetland, and Reservoir Shore) by National Wetland's Categorical System, and 3 types (Aquatic Bed Wetland, Emergent Wetland, and Forested Wetland) by Lee (2000) System. These results suggest us developing the new type classification system for small Palustrine wetland in Korean rural areas. The score of function assessment (The Modified RAM) for small Palustrine wetlands was high at the wetlands nearby hills and rice paddy fields, and low at those nearby upper fields, which was mainly affected by land-use and vegetation. The functions as 'Flood/Storm Water Storage', 'Runoff Attenuation', 'Water Quality Protection' were resulted by the structural difference of inflow and outlet. Some functions as 'Wetland size', 'Wetland to immediate watershed ratio', 'Presence of boat traffic', 'Maximum water depth', 'Fetch of water's body' of RAM were not appropriate in evaluation of small wetlands in rural area. Which suggest us developing the new function assessment system for small Palustirne wetland in Korean rural areas.

A study on the derivation of Dimensionless Unit Hydrographs by the Linear model in the small watersheds (선형 Model에 의한 소류역에 있어서의 무차원 단위도 유도에 관한 연구)

  • 이순혁;한중석
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • 제23권3호
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    • pp.78-87
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    • 1981
  • This study was attempted to get dimensionless unit hydrograph by linear model which can be used to the estimation of flood for the development of Agricultural water resources and laid emphasis on the application of dimensionless unit hydrographs for the ungaged watersheds by applying linear model. The results summarized through this study are as follows. 1.Peak discharge is found to be Qp= CAR (C =0. 895A-o.145) having high significance between peak discharge, Qp and effective rainfall, R within the range of small watershed area, 84 to 470km2. consequently, linearity was acknowledged between rainfall and runoff. Reasonability is confirmed for the derivation of dimensionless unit hydrograph by linear model. 2.Through mathematical analysis, formula for the derivation of dimensionless unit hydrograph was derived. qp--p=(tp--t)n-1[e-(n-1)](tp--t-1) 3.Moment method was used for the evaluation of storage constant, K and shape parameter, n for the derivation of dimensionless unit hydrograph. Storage constant, K is more closely related with the such watershed characteristics as length of main stream and slopes. On the other hand, the shape parameter, n was derived with such watershed characteristics as watershed area, river length, centroid distance of the basin and slopes. 4.Time to peak discharge, Tp could be expressed as Tp=1. 25 (√s/L)0.76 having a high significance. 5.Dimensionless unit hydrographs by linear model stood more closely to the observe dimensionless unit hydrographs On the contrary, dimensionless unit hydrographs by S.C. S. method has much difference in comparison with linear model at the falling limb of hydrographs. 6.Relative errors in the q/qp at the point of 0.8 and 1.2 for the dimensionles ratio by linear model and S. C. S. method showed to be 2.41, 1.57 and 4.0, 3.19 percent respectively to the q/qp of observed dimensionless unit hydrographs. 7.Derivation of dimensionless unit hydrograph by linear model can be accomplished by linking the two empirical formulars for storage constant, K, and shape parameter, n with derivation formular for dimensionless unit hydrograph for the ungaged small watersheds.

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System Analysis for Water Management Information Strategy of Agricultural Reservoir managed by City and County (시군관리 저수지의 물관리 정보화를 위한 시스템 분석)

  • Kim, Dae-Sik;Kim, Jin-Taek;Kim, Jeong-Dae;Koo, Hee-Dong;Lim, Hye-Ji
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • 제22권2호
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    • pp.165-173
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    • 2016
  • Water management information system used by KRC(Korea Rural Community Corporation) operates widely including RIMS, RAWRIS and etc. Other systems are operated by each government department, for example, K-water(Korea Water Resources Corporation)'s WAMIS. Even though small scale reservoirs managed by city/country is just about 12% of total water resource, the reservoirs are important for controlling and securing water resource as the reservoirs, including about 14,700 reservoirs nationwide, are located at main subwater shed. So, it is necessary for KRC to execute integrated informatization. In this research, system analysis was performed to comprise the integrated water management information system including the reservoirs controlled by city and country at first. And then, improvement plan for informatization of the reservoirs controlled by city and country was proposed. This study proposed the improvement plan for informatization of the reservoirs managed by the city and country, which was systematically proposed through systemic analysis including from reservoir site to the integrated water management information system. The objects includes 1. Reservoir (basin, facilities, water depth-area curve, benefiter area), 2. Field supervision organization for the reservoir 3. Local government administrative organization, 4. Center organization 5. Network for information transfer, 6. integrated water management information system. As the reservoirs controlled by city and country are important considering managing water and facilities, operated by local government with minimum budget due to budget problem, securing sufficient budget is necessary to form an specialized organization controlling facilities and the water management system in terms of drought and flood control.