• Title/Summary/Keyword: Fish consumption

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Comparison of Maternal Food Intakes during Pregnancy in Children with and without Atopic Dermatitis (어머니의 임신기 동안 식품섭취와 영유아의 아토피피부염 유무와의 관계)

  • Lee, Heejin;Ahn, Kangmo;Han, Youngshin;Chung, Sang-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.141-154
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    • 2012
  • The prevalence of atopic dermatitis (AD), chronic cutaneous disease, has increased rapidly worldwide. Since AD is the most common disease affecting infants, maternal food intake during pregnancy as well as lactation is important. The purpose of this research was to examine the difference in maternal food intake during pregnancy between mothers having children with or without AD. One hundred forty-eight mothers with children aged under 2 years with AD (AD group, n=74) or without AD (non-AD group, n=74) were included in the study. Diet during pregnancy was examined using a food frequency questionnaire. There were no differences in the status of mothers' food consumption during pregnancy between the AD and non-AD groups. Mothers in the AD group consumed significantly less white fish (P<0.05), carrot & pumpkin (P<0.01), walnut & pine nut (P<0.05), mandarin & orange (P<0.05), and peach (P<0.05) than those in the non-AD group. As food frequencies were categorized according to <1/month, 1~3/month, 1~6/week, and 1~3/day, lower consumption of carrot & pumpkin (Odds Ratio (OR)=6.67, 95% Confidence Interval (CI)=1.98~22.44), tomato (OR=5.11, 95% CI=1.62~16.08), mandarin & orange (OR=8.64, 95% CI=1.59~46.81), and walnut & pine nut (OR=3.85, 95% CI=1.26~11.77) increased the risk of childhood AD. According to the results, maternal food intakes during pregnancy were significantly different between the AD and non-AD groups. Therefore, further studies are necessary to examine the causal relationship between maternal food intake and prevalence of AD in children.

Evaluation of Diet Quality according to Food Consumption between Highly Educated, Married, Unemployed and Employed Women (고학력 기혼여성의 취업여부별 식품섭취상태로 본 식사의 질 평가 - 전업주부와 교사의 비교 -)

  • Choi Ji-Hyun;Chung Young-Jin
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.274-285
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    • 2006
  • The differences in food consumption between highly educated, married, unemployed and employed women were analyzed by food group and common food item intake, DDS (dietary diversity score), and DVS (dietary variety score) & DVSS (dietary variety score including condiment). In food group intake, the total amount of food intake of the unemployed women (1,554.0 g) were significantly higher than those of the employed (1,477.9 g), while the amount of food from fungi and mushrooms (4.2 g), seaweeds (2.4 g), and fish and shellfish (60.5 g) of the unemployed women was significantly lower than those of the employed. And the amount of meat, poultry and their products (102.8 g), eggs (29.9 g), and animal oil and fats (4.0 g) was significantly higher than those of the employed. Moreover, the common food items of the unemployed women were ranked as eggs (29.7 g), pork (28.9 g), chicken (27.2 g), and beef (26.7 g) at 7, 8, 9, and 10, respectively. When counting the major food groups consumed, DDS=4 has the highest proportion in both groups (unemployed 47.4%, employed 49.1 %). In case of the subjects who had not consumed one particular food group in DDS=4, dairy group was the first (83%), followed by fruit, meat, and vegetables. This order is same in other DDS levels. In dietary variety score (DVS & DVSS), the average number of foods consumed per day of employed women was higher than those of the unemployed. The level of DVSS in the employed women (31.9), especially, is significantly higher than in the unemployed women (30.6). Consequently, highly educated women should pay more attention to increasing dairy intake, and they have need of various foods, over thirty foods without condiments in their diet every day. In addition, encouraging unemployed women to have a nutritionally balanced diet, and offering nutrition education and guidance, such as appropriate choices about animal foods, are needed.

Consumers' Response and Purchasing of Traditional Fermented Foods Marketed in Taejon (시판 전통발효식품에 대한 대전지역 소비자들의 반응 및 구입현황)

  • 구난숙
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.388-395
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    • 1997
  • A survey was conducted to investigate housewives' perception and consumption of Korean fermented foods marketed in Taejon. Most subjects know how to prepare Kimchi(seasoned and fermented vegetables), 65-67% can make Kochujang(fermented red pepper soybean paste), Toenjang(Korean style soysauce) and Jang-atchies(pickled basic side dishes), 56% can make Kuk-ganjang(Korean style coysauce), 45% can make Chonggukjang (fermented soybean) and 34% can make Jot-kals(salt-fermented fish products). With decreasing age(p<0.0001), not many other subjects could make other fermented foods besides Kimchi. The percentages of subjects buying fermented foods were 71.5% for Chin-ganjang(Japanese style soysauce), 51.7% Jot-kals, 27.1%Kochujang, 25.7% Chonggukjang, 20.1% Jang-atchies, 10.4% Toenjang, 5.9% Kuk-ganjang, and 3.8% Kimchi. the uounger in age, the higher the tendency to buy marketed Kimchies(p<0.05) and Kochujang(p<0.01). The resons for purchasing fermented foods were convenience (52.9%), lack of preparation knowledge(17.5%), lack of time for preparation(12.5%), and lack of space for food storage(8.2%). Subjects indicated that their reasons for mot buying were as follows : use of additives or unreliability with regard to manufacturing dates(45%), bad taste(21%), unsanitary treatment(16%) and to keep their indigenous taste(14%). They cosidered expiration dates, taste, crpteria and safety as the important standard in selecting marketed foods. Younger subjects insisted on the improvement of sanitary condition and partial change of taste to increase the consumption of fermented foods. However, older subjects thought it best to keep the taste original for more utilization of fermented foods.

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  • Park, Woo-Shin;Jang, Nam-J.;Hyun, Seung-H.;Kim, In-S.
    • Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.181-190
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    • 2005
  • Severe loss or hydrogen occurred in most anaerobic hydrogen fermentation reactors. Several selected methods were applied to suppress the consumption of hydrogen and increase the potential of production. As the first trial, pH shock was applied. The pH of reactor was dropped nearly to 3.0 by stopping alkalinity supply and on]y feeding glucose (5 g/L-d). As the pH was increase to $4.8{\pm}0.2,$ the degradation pathway was derived to solventogenesis resulting in disappearance of hydrogen in the headspace. In the aspect of bacterial community, methanogens weren't detected after 22 and 35 day, respectively. Even though, however, there was no methanogenic bacterium detected with fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH) method, hydrogen loss still occurred in the reactor showing a continuous increase of acetate when the pH was increased to $5.5{\pm}0.2$. This result was suggesting the possibility of the survival of spore fanning acetogenic bacteria enduring the severely acidic pH. As an alternative and additive method, nitrate was added in a batch experiment. It resulted in the increase of maximum hydrogen fraction from 29 (blank) to 61 % $(500\;mg\;NO_3/L)$. However, unfortunately, the loss of hydrogen occurred right after the depletion of nitrate by denitrification. In order to prevent the loss entangled with acetate formation, $CO_2$ scavenging in the headspace was applied to the hydrogen fermentation with heat-treated sludge since it was the primer of acetogenesis. As the $CO_2$ scavenging was applied, the maximum fraction of hydrogen was enhanced from 68 % to 87 %. And the loss of hydrogen could be protected effectively.

The Study on Dietary Habits , Dietary Behaviors and Nutrition Knowledge of Middle School Students in the Small City (소도시지역 중학생의 식습관 , 식생활 행동 및 영양지식)

  • Jin, Yeong-Hui
    • Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.320-330
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    • 2001
  • This study was to obtain information about the dietary habits, the dietary attitudes, nutrition knowledge, and the food consumption of middle school students and to assess relationships between the dietary habits, the dietary attitudes, and nutrition knowledge of middle school students. Data were collected from 390 middle school students in Kimcheon. In the dietary habits, the regularity of breakfast showed the highest point and the snack consumption showed the lowest point. Female students were lower in the regularity of breakfast, and male students were higher in overeating of dinner and night. In the dietary attitudes and the perceived importance of nutrition, male students showed more favorable attitudes and perceived more importance of nutrition. In the nutrition knowledge, the responses to items 'Cola or cider doesn't have calories' and 'An egg contains lots of cholesterol' were the lowest point. Female students had higher knowledge than male students. In the food intake, grains, milk.yogurt.cheese, and fruits were always eaten or frequently eaten. While fast food, spicy and salty food, seaweeds, carbonated drinks, and yellow or green vegetables were eaten in lower frequency than other foods. Male students consumed more meat.ham.egg.fish, fried.stir-fried food, fast food, carbonated drinks, and spicy and salty food than female students. The correlation between dietary attitudes and dietary habits was statistically significant. The correlation between dietary attitudes and the perceived importance of nutrition was statistically significant. But the correlation between dietary attitudes and nutrition knowledge was statistically significant for female students, not significant for male students. Nutrition knowledge was related to the perceived importance of nutrition. It might be suggested that effective nutrition education program might be developed and implemented to ensure the good eating behaviors of middle school students.

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A Survey on Chinese's Preference for Korean Kimchi in Shandong Province (김치에 대한 중국 산동성 지역 성인의 기호도 조사)

  • Zhang, Xiang Mei;Nam, Eun-Sook;Park, Shin-In
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.29-40
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    • 2009
  • This study investigates the preferences Chinese have of Korean Kimchi and improvements for Chinese market adaptation of Kimchi through a survey. The questionnaire was conducted on 298 Chinese(108 males, 190 females) residing in Weihai, Yantai and Qingdao in Shandong province. The questionnaire form was developed and used for self-administration. The collected data were analyzed by SAS package. Among the subjects, 88.9% had experienced eating Kimchi and 58.8% liked Kimchi. The preference of Kimchi was significantly higher among males, workers, persons who had visited Korea, and persons interested in Korea compared to females, university students, persons who hadn't visited Korea, and persons with no interest in Korea. The reasons for liking Kimchi, in order of popularity, were for its 'refreshing taste'(64.9%), 'spicy taste'(57.7%), 'chewy texture'(47.2%), and 'sour taste'(35.1%). The reasons for disliking Kimchi were for its 'smell'(19.6%), 'sour taste'(16.2%), 'salty taste'(14.3%), and 'appearance'(8.7%). Of those surveyed, 97.6% had a positive opinion of Kimchi intake in the future. The intention of future consumption of Kimchi was significantly higher in females than males. The type of Kimchi wanted by Chinese was 'less seasoning'(53.4%), 'less spicy'(46.0%), 'sweeter taste'(39.3%), 'less salty'(37.2%), and 'no fish-like smell'(35.6%). Improvements for increasing Chinese Kimchi consumption were 'development of Kimchi according to Chinese preference'(81.2%), 'improvement of sanitation'(73.5%), 'decrease in the sale price of Kimchi'(72.8%), and 'convenient place for the purchase of Kimchi'(63.8%).

Feeding Habits of Acentrogobius pflaumii in the Eelgrass(Zostera marina) Bed in Kwangyang Bay (광양만 잘피밭에 서식하는 줄망둑(Acentrogobius pflaumii)의 식성)

  • Huh, Sung-Hoi;Kwak, Seok-Nam
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.24-31
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    • 1998
  • Feeding habits of Acentrogobius pflaumii collected from the eelgrass bed in Kwangyang Bay from January 1994 to December 1994 were studied. Acentrogobius pflaumii was a carnivore which consumed mainly gammarid amphipods, polychaetes and gastropods. Its diets included minor quantities of cope pods, tanaids and crabs. It showed ontogenetic changes in feeding habits. Individuals of 1~2cm SL preyed heavily on gammarid amphipods. However, polychaetes and gastropods were selected with increasing fish size. Although gammarid amphipods, polychaetes, and gastropods were major prey organisms for all seasons, the relative proportion of these food items changed with season. Consumption of gammarid amphipods and polychaetes was relatively high in summer, and consumption of gastropods was relatively high in winter.

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Association between nutritional status and cognitive functions of the Korean elderly

  • Chung, Hae Kyung;Shin, Dayeon;Kim, Mi-Hye
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.13.1-13.10
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    • 2017
  • Nutrition is one of the factors influencing cognitive functions. But, the role of nutrition on cognitive functions within the elderly is recognized to a lesser degree. The aim of this academic endeavor was to analyze the affiliation between nutritional status and cognitive functions of the elderly in Korea. 316 subjects, of 114 male and 201 female aged above 65 years, were gathered from university hospital clinics, Elderly Welfare Centers, and Health Welfare Centers located in the district of Seoul, Gyeonggi province, and Incheon in Korea. The cognitive function was tested by the Korean-Mini Mental State Examination (K-MMSE) questionnaire. Nutrition intake was assessed by a 24-hour recall, a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). Nutrition adequacy and quality were assessed by the Nutrition Screening Initiative (NSI) checklist, the nutritional adequacy ratio (NAR), and the mean adequacy ratio (MAR). The elderly with normal cognitive function status displayed significantly higher levels of calcium, riboflavin, thiamin, folate, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B6, phosphorous, potassium, iron, niacin, zinc, animal fat, animal protein, polyunsaturated fatty acids, total protein, vegetable oil, vegetable protein, fiber than levels of the elderly with moderate cognitive impairment. The K-MMSE score positively correlated with of high consumption of pork, white radish, sea mustard, tomato, tangerine, grape, apple, and ice cream, and K-MMSE was negatively associated with high intake of potato, anchovy, fish cake, and mushroom. The findings suggest that nutritional status is affiliated with cognitive function within the elderly of Korea. The consumption of variety of foods and nutrients ensures adequate cognitive function in the Korean elderly.

The Evaluation of Lidocaine-hydrochloride as Anaesthetic for the Transportation of Rhynchocypris steindachneri (버들개, Rhynchocypris steindachneri 운송을 위한 마취제 lidocaine-hydrochloride의 평가)

  • PARK In-Seok;LIM Chel Ho;CHOI Moon Sul
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.785-790
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    • 1998
  • The experimental transportation of Rhynchocypris steindachneri was carried out to study the effects of lidocaine-hydrochloride on water parameters. The dissolved oxygen, ventilation rate, ammonia nitrogen, and pH of control group, sham control group, and lidocaine-hydrochloride treated groups of 2,5 ppm, 5 ppm, 10 ppm and 20 ppm at time of 30 min, 60 min, 90 min, 120 min, 240 min and 360 min after elapsed from treatment were tested. During the experiment time it was found that lidocaine-hydrochloride treated groups were most effective, followed by sham control and control, in decreasing the oxygen consumption and the excretion of ammonia by the fish. There were lidocaine-hydrochloride dose-related decrease in oxygen consumption and the excretion of ammonia. Decreasing in pH value of lidocaine-hydrochloride groups and sham control group was much more higher than that of control group. These results reveal lidocaine-hydrochloride is effective as sedative for transportation mixture in R. steindachneri.

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Comparison of Food Intakes between Newly Diagnosed Diabetics and Nondiabetics by Food Frequency Questionnaire in Adults Living in Rural Area of Korea (한국 농촌 성인의 당뇨 신환군과 비당뇨군의 식품섭취빈도 조사법에 의한 식품섭취 비교 연구)

  • 백희영;안윤진;이홍규;박용수
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.182-190
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    • 1998
  • This study was conducted to compare food intakes between newly diagnosed diabetics and non-diabetics by food frequency questionnarie in adults in rural area. Food frequency questionnaire containing 65 food items was executed to 2,406 subjects over 30 years of age living inYeonchon-gun, Kyungki province. Frequency of consumption of each food items were divided into 9 categories ranging from 'over 3 tiemes a day' to 'never'. Fasting blood glucose levels were measured and 2-hour glucose tolerance test was administered for each subject. Newly diagnosed diabetics were identified as those with fasting blood glucose level ≥ 140mg/dl or 2-hour postprandial glucose level ≥200mg/dl and without previous diagnosis of diabetes. Intake frequencies of food items were compared between newly diagnosed diabetics and nondiabetics. For each food item examined, odds ratios for developing diabetes were calculated for people consuming more frequently, after adjusting for age, BMI and sex. Food intake frequencies were compared according to the occurrence of diabetes. Twenty four items were more frequently consumed by nonidabetics and 12 items were more frequently consumed by newly diagnosed diabetics. Odds ratios for diabetes were significantly lower for breads, biscuit, beef loin, beef tender loin, pork belly, fish paste, coffee, cola/cider, candy, beer, chongak kimchi, carrot, mushrooms and other white vegetables, banana, melon and juice. On the other hand, odds ratios for diabetes were higher for zucchini and garlic. Although this was a cross over prevalence study, the results indicate that consumption frequencies of several food items were related with the occurrence of diabetes in the study subjects.

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