• 제목/요약/키워드: Fire events

검색결과 156건 처리시간 0.019초

원자력발전소의 화재사건 확률론적안전성평가 모델 구축에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Constructions of Fire Events Probabilistic Safety Assessment Model for Nuclear Power Plants)

  • 강대일;김길유
    • 한국안전학회지
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    • 제31권5호
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    • pp.187-194
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    • 2016
  • A single fire event within a fire area can cause multiple initiating events considered in internal events probabilistic safety assessment (PSA). For an example, a fire event in turbine building fire area can cause a loss of the main feed-water and loss of off-site power initiating events. This fire initiating event could result in special plant responses beyond the scope of the internal events PSA model. One approach to address a fire initiating event is to develop a specific fire event tree. However, the development of a specific fire event tree is difficult since the number of fire event trees may be several hundreds or more. Thus, internal fire events PSA model has been generally constructed by modifications of the pre-developed internal events PSA model. New accident sequence logics not covered in the internal events PSA model are separately developed to incorporate them into the fire PSA model. Recently, many fire PSA models have fire induced initiating event fault trees not shown in an internal event PSA model. Up to now, there has been no analytical comparative study on the constructions of fire events PSA model using internal events PSA model with and without fault trees of initiating events. In this study, the changing process of internal events PSA model to fire events PSA model is analytically presented and discussed.

Identification of Fire Modeling Issues Based on an Analysis of Real Events from the OECD FIRE Database

  • Hermann, Dominik
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제49권2호
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    • pp.342-348
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    • 2017
  • Precursor analysis is widely used in the nuclear industry to judge the significance of events relevant to safety. However, in case of events that may damage equipment through effects that are not ordinary functional dependencies, the analysis may not always fully appreciate the potential for further evolution of the event. For fires, which are one class of such events, this paper discusses modelling challenges that need to be overcome when performing a probabilistic precursor analysis. The events used to analyze are selected from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Fire Incidents Records Exchange (FIRE) Database.

Practical modeling and quantification of a single-top fire events probabilistic safety assessment model

  • Dae Il Kang;Yong Hun Jung
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제55권6호
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    • pp.2263-2275
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    • 2023
  • In general, an internal fire events probabilistic safety assessment (PSA) model is quantified by modifying the pre-existing internal event PSA model. Because many pieces of equipment or cables can be damaged by a fire, a single fire event can lead to multiple internal events PSA initiating events (IEs). Consequently, when the fire events PSA model is quantified, inappropriate minimal cut sets (MCSs), such as duplicate MCSs, may be generated. This paper shows that single quantification of a hypothetical single-top fire event PSA model may generate the following four types of inappropriate MCSs: duplicate MCSs, MCSs subsumed by other MCSs, nonsense MCSs, and MCSs with over-counted fire frequencies. Among the inappropriate MCSs, the nonsense MCSs should be addressed first because they can interfere with the right interpretation of the other MCSs and prevent the resolution of the issues related to the other inappropriate MCSs. In addition, we propose a resolution process for each of the issues caused by these inappropriate MCSs and suggest an overall procedure for resolving them. The results of this study will contribute to the understanding and resolution of the inappropriate MCSs that may appear in the quantification of fire events PSA models.


  • Lim, Ho-Gon;Han, Sang-Hoon;Moon, Joo-Hyun
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제43권3호
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    • pp.271-278
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    • 2011
  • When performing fire PSA in a nuclear power plant, an event mapping method, using an internal event PSA model, is widely used to reduce the resources used by fire PSA model development. Feasible initiating events and component failure events due to fire are identified to transform the fault tree (FT) for an internal event PSA into one for a fire PSA using the event mapping method. A surrogate event or damage term method is used to condition the FT of the internal PSA. The surrogate event or the damage term plays the role of flagging whether the system/component in a fire compartment is damaged or not, depending on the fire being initiated from a specified compartment. These methods usually require explicit states of all compartments to be modeled in a fire area. Fire event scenarios, when using explicit identification, such as surrogate or damage terms, have two problems: (1) there is no consideration of multiple fire propagation beyond a single propagation to an adjacent compartment, and (2) there is no consideration of simultaneous fire propagations in which an initiating fire event is propagated to multiple paths simultaneously. The present paper suggests a fire propagation equation to identify all possible fire event scenarios for an explicitly treated fire event scenario in the fire PSA. Also, a method for separating fire events was developed to make all fire events a set of mutually exclusive events, which can facilitate arithmetic summation in fire risk quantification. A simple example is given to confirm the applicability of the present method for a $2{\times}3$ rectangular fire area. Also, a feasible asymptotic approach is discussed to reduce the computational burden for fire risk quantification.

소방공무원의 외상사건 경험 및 산림산책이 소진에 미치는 영향 (The Effects of Firefighters' Experience of Trauma and Forest Walks on Burnout)

  • 신선희;공하성
    • 대한안전경영과학회지
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    • 제22권2호
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    • pp.57-71
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to explore the effects of fire officers' experience of traumatic events and subsequent forest healing on their occupational burnout. The results are as follows: First, the experience of traumatic events, social and psychological healing, and relieving stress by strolling had a significant effect on burnout. The more fire officers are exposed to traumatic events, the more they lose self-control in social and psychological aspects, and the lower the level of stress relieved through strolling, the higher the level of burnout. Thi sresult suggests that the more fire office rsare called out for fire fighting, the more they see their colleagues with severein juries, and the higher the level of mental and physical an xiety, the more they areex hausted. Moreover, for es thealing help store duce the irmental and physi calfatig uecaused by traumatic events, thu spreven ting them from suffering from burn out. Second, the experience of traumatic events, social and psychological healing, and relieving stress by strolling had a significant impact on occupational stress. The more fire officers are exposed to traumatic events, the more they lose self-control in social and psychological aspects, and the lower the level of stress relieved through strolling, the higher the level of occupational stress. This result indicates that to relieve job stress caused by fire fighting, increased forest healing activities, including various programs such as psychotherapy, developing interpersonal relationships and self-control, and creating a positive mind-set, can reducejobstress and help fire officers recover from it. Lastly, job stress had a mediation effect on the effects of the experience of traumatic events and forest healing on burnout. This implies that burnout can be prevented when fire officers gain high emotional stability through social and psychological healing and stress-relief strolling over a traumatic experience, and stronger support from the organization and family can keep them from being emotionally drained, thus contributing to the prevention of burnout.

Electrical Fire Hazards Analysis of Electric Iron and Heater Using Fault Tree Analysis

  • Hong, Sung-Ho
    • International Journal of Safety
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.15-20
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    • 2008
  • The primary goal of this study is to analyze fire hazards of electric home appliances such as electric iron and electric heater using fault tree analysis(FTA). A fault tree(FT) is constructed and used to analyze fire hazards in electric home appliances. The fault tree is built from events that may occur in electric home appliances. The failure rate of basic events are derived from the value of experimental results and reference. And an algorithm analyzing fire in electric home appliances is suggested. We show how fault tree analysis, carried out by means of failure rate, is able to diagnose fire hazards of electric home appliances in a precise manner. We present numerical results such as fire probability of electric home appliances, importance measure, fire cause, etc. It can be helpful in preventing the fire hazards in electric home appliances.

비행 중인 항공기에 발생할 수 있는 연기에 대한 인증기준 및 적합성 입증방법 (A Study on Certification Requirements and Means of Compliance about In-Flight Smoke)

  • 정봉구;진영권;김유광;박근영
    • 항공우주시스템공학회지
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    • 제1권4호
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    • pp.7-12
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    • 2007
  • From the beginning of aviation history, in-flight smoke/fire events have been a serious issue. As aircraft are getting larger and are becoming more auto-piloted and aircraft systems are getting more complex, it is an increasing risk of in-flight smoke/fire accidents accompanied with fire events. Therefore, we review the statistics of fire/smoke accidents in order to enhance an understanding for risk of in-flight smoke events, and present the certification requirements for smoke per KAS Part 25. In addition, we provide acceptable methods of complying with related requirements, such as smoke detection test, smoke penetration test and smoke evacuation test.

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열차 화재안전성 향상을 위한 위험사건 정의 및 원인분류 연구 (Classification of Hazard Events and Causes for Railway Fire Accident)

  • 곽상록;왕종배;박찬우;박주남
    • 한국철도학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국철도학회 2007년도 춘계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.1163-1167
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    • 2007
  • Many railway safety measures are carried out after Daegue subway fire accident. Such as replacement of train interior material, fire extinguish and toxic gas evacuation facilities, exercise on emergency response, setting up of national safety management system, and safety technology research. But these safety measures are not considered by system safety due to lack of risk and hazard information. In order to assess fire risk on system level, we proposed hazard events and causes classification for railway fire accident risk analysis.

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Cracks evolution and multifractal of acoustic emission energy during coal loading

  • Kong, Xiangguo;Wang, Enyuan;He, Xueqiu;Liu, Xiaofei;Li, Dexing;Liu, Quanlin
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.107-113
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    • 2018
  • Coal samples with different joints morphology were subjected to uniaxial compression experiments, cracks evolution was recorded by Nikon D5300 and acoustic emission (AE) energy signals were collected by AEwin Test for Express-8.0. During loading process, coal samples deformed elastically with no obvious cracks changes, then they expanded gradually along the trace of the original cracks, accompanied by the formation of secondary cracks, and eventually produced a large-scale fracture. It was more interesting that the failure mode of samples were all shear shape, whatever the original cracks morphology was. With cracks and damage evolution, AE energy radiated regularly. At the early loading stage, micro damage and small scale fracture events only induced a few AE events with less energy, while large scale fracture leaded to a number of AE events with more energy at the later stage. Based on the multifractal theory, the multifractal spectrum could explain AE energy signals frequency responses and the causes of AE events with load. Multifractal spectrum width (${\Delta}{\alpha}$), could reflect the differences between the large and small AE energy signals. And another parameter (${\Delta}f$) could reflect the relationship between the frequency of the least and greatest signals in the AE energy time series. This research is helpful for us to understand cracks evolution and AE energy signals causes.

화침에 대한 국내외 연구 경향 고찰 (Review of Studies on Fire Needle)

  • 문수정;공재철;조동찬;김에스더;송용선;이정한
    • 한방재활의학과학회지
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    • 제21권4호
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    • pp.67-76
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    • 2011
  • Objectives: The aim of this review was to investigate studies on fire needle and to propose for the better method of studies in the future. Methods: Studies related to fire needle were searched with electric database for this study, and 10 domestic and overseas databases were included. Results: 19 clinical studies were analyzed in terms of condition, time of heating, number and frequency of treatment, number of heating, safety procedure or device aid reports of adverse events. Also 3 review studies were summarized. The number of studies was increasing and the kind of diseases to treat with fire noodle were various. Especially musculoskeletal diseases like ligament lesion and lumbago were noticeable. Heating-after-insertion method was recently proposed but the use of term was confusing. The report of adverse events or safety procedure was rare. Also there was an effort to develop more convenient and safer device. Conclusions: High quality clinical trial en fire needle is needed especially to compare 2 methods, heating-after-insertion and heating-before-insertion. And studies need to report safety procedures and adverse events to evaluate the safety of fire needle therapy.