• Title/Summary/Keyword: Fingertip replantation

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Successful local use of heparin calcium for congested fingertip replants

  • Kadota, Hideki;Imaizumi, Atsushi;Ishida, Kunihiro;Sashida, Yasunori
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.54-61
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    • 2020
  • Background Conventional methods of external bleeding for congested fingertip replants exhibit notable problems, including uncontrollable bleeding and unpredictable survival of the replant. We have added a local injection of heparin calcium to the routine use of systemic heparinization for inducing external bleeding. We retrospectively examined patients who underwent external bleeding using our method. Methods Local subcutaneous injections of heparin calcium were made in 15 congested replants in addition to systemic heparinization. Each injection ranged from 500 to 5,000 U. The average duration of the injections was 4.1 days. Surgical outcomes were analyzed and compared with a control group of patients who underwent external bleeding without heparin calcium. Results The overall survival rate was 93.3%, which was higher than that of the control group (83.3%), but the difference was not statistically significant (P=0.569). The survival rate for subzones I and II by the Ishikawa subzone classification was 100%, whereas it was 87.5% in subzones III and IV. No statistically significant difference was observed. The rate of partial necrosis was 0% in subzones I and II, whereas it was significantly higher (66.7%) in subzones III and IV (P=0.015). The mean total blood loss via external bleeding was 588 g in 10 fingers. No patients required blood transfusion. Conclusions Congestion of a replanted fingertip can be successfully managed without blood transfusion by our method. Although complete relief from congestion in replants in subzones I and II is achievable, there is a higher risk of partial necrosis in subzones III and IV.

A Comparative Study of Range of Motion With or Without Distal Interphalangeal Joint Fixation in Replantation of the Amputated Fingertips (수지 첨부 절단창의 재접합술 시 원위지 관절 고정과 운동 범위의 관계)

  • Han, Seung-Kyu;Roh, Si-Young;Kim, Jin-Soo;Lee, Dong-Chul;Ki, Sae-Hwi;Yang, Jae-Won
    • Archives of Reconstructive Microsurgery
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.18-25
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: In the process of replantation of the amputated fingertips, the primary concern was given to survival of the amputees, while the functional aspect of digits after the surgery has been easily neglected. Although an internal fixation with a K-wire is often a part of replantation of the amputated fingertips, little consideration had been given to the study of relationship between distal interphalangeal joint fixation and post operative range of motion. A comparative study in relation to post operative range of motion was done on two different groups, one group with K-wire insertion and the other group without a K-wire insertion at the distal interphalangeal joint. Materials and Methods: The study was done on the cases of a single digit amputation conducted at our institute (the age in the range of 10 to 60) in about four-year of time span from March of 2005 to March of 2009. The cases with a thumb replantation, osteomyelitis or articular surface injury have been excluded from this study. The cases of both head and shaft fracture, except the insertion site of tendon, of distal phalanx of internal fixation with a single K-wire were reviewed for this study. A group of 24 cases without distal interphalangeal joint fixation in comparison to a group of 22 cases with distal interphalangeal joint fixation was reviewed to assess the postoperative range of motion at distal interphalangeal joint on the 6th week after the surgery. And, on the 30th month after the surgery, a group of 10 cases without distal interphalangeal joint fixation in comparison to a group of 10 cases with joint fixation was reviewed. A K-wire was removed in about 5 weeks after the fracture was reunited under the radiographic image, immediately followed by a physical therapy. Result: The active range of motion for a group without interphalangeal joint fixation was measured $49.0^{\circ}$ on average, while $28.6^{\circ}$ was measured for a group with interphalengeal fixation on the 6th week after the surgery. On the 30th month after the surgery, the active range of motion was measured $52.0^{\circ}$ and $55.0^{\circ}$ on average for a group without and with interphalangeal fixation respectively. Conclusion: In the process of replantation of the amputated fingertips, short-term(on the 6th week) improvement of postoperative active motion of range can be expected in the cases without distal interphalangeal fixation in comparison to the cases of interphalangeal joint fixation with a K-wire. However, there seems to be no difference on motion of range in a long-term (on the 30th month) follow up period.

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Case Report of Avulsion Amputation of Multiple Digits: Use of Rerouting the Transverse Digital Palmar Arch (가로손가락손바닥활을 이용한 다발성 벗겨짐 손상 손가락 재접합술 - 증례보고 -)

  • Kim, Jae-In;Choi, Hwan-Jun;Kim, Jun-Hyuk;Tark, Min-Seong;Kim, Yong-Bae
    • Archives of Reconstructive Microsurgery
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.79-83
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: Avulsion injuries of digits have been presented for a long time as complex management problems. Despite of microsurgical advances, it is difficult to achieve good functional results and their management remains somewhat controversial. However, in a finger there are three transverse digital palmar arches. The middle and distal transverse digital palmar arches are consistently large(almost 1 mm) and may be used for arterial vessel repairs either proximally or distally, depending on the length and direction needed. 39-year-old man presented with avulsion amputation of the ulnar three digits, was operated using only arterial anastomosis with rerouting the transverse digital palmar arches. Methods: Replantation was performed using the artery-only technique. Because the digital arteries had been damaged, we did that the transverse digital palmar arches were transposed in an inverted Y to I configuration and were lengthened with rerouting them for the purpose of direct anastomosis of the digital artery. Venous drainage was provided by an external bleeding method with partial nail excision and external heparin irrigation. Results: The authors conclude that complete avulsion amputations with only soft tissue at the distal to insertion of the flexor digitorum superficialis tendon were salvageable with acceptable functional results. All three fingers survived. Conclusion: With technical advancements, the transverse digital palmar arches play an important role for finger amputation. Three digital palmar arches give us additional treatment option for the finger amputation. In this case, replantation with only-arterial anastomosis was successful and we obtained good aesthetic and functional outcome.

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