• Title/Summary/Keyword: Financial structure

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The Impact of Knowledge Management-based Structure on Knowledge Management Activities and Business Performance (지식경영 기반구조가 지식경영활동과 경영성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Jae-Sik
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.229-252
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to find out the determinants of knowledge management adoption through the analysis which examine structural relationships among knowledge management-based structure, knowledge management activities and business performance using the BSC(Balanced Scorecard) perspective. This study also gives the suggestion for the effective knowledge management implementation in the korean companies. This study has been conducted using the data collected from 91 companies implementing knowledge management. By analyses of the questionnaires, empirical results show that 3 factors of knowledge management-based structure, except organizational structure, have positive effect on knowledge management activities, and the implementation of knowledge management activities has positive effect on business performance with 3 perspectives of BSC, except financial performance. This study showed that more consideration are essential to obtain balanced business performance for companies with knowledge management adoption plan.

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Determinants of Capital Structure to Listed Firms in China (중국 상장기업의 자본구조 결정요인)

  • Qin, Yi-Xin;Kang, Ho-Jung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.401-406
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    • 2012
  • Shanghai Stock Exchange is the largest stock exchange of emerging markets that there were listed firms 905, listed securities 1,537, listed stocks 949, total number of listed stocks 2 trillion 2000 billion shares. There is more development that is expected to occur in the future. The purpose of this study is to find determinants of capital structure to listed manufacturing firms in Shanghai Stock Exchange using multiple regression. Conclusions of this study are summarized as follows. First, firm size is positively related to debt ratio significantly at 1% significance level.. Second, the profitability is negatively related to debt ratio significantly at 1% significance level. Third, the growth ability is positively related to debt ratio significantly at 1% significance level. fourth, cash flow, the largest shares ownership, negotiable shares ratio are negatively related to debt ratio but they are not significant statistically. The result of this study provides information for investors and can be utilized to improvement of financial structure.

Effects of Capital Structure and R&D Activities on Firm Performance : Evidence From the Entertainment Industry (자본구조와 R&D활동이 기업 성과에 미치는 영향 : 엔터테인먼트 산업을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Nam-Gon;Kim, Jee-Hyun
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.21-34
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    • 2021
  • One of the important issues in finance literature is how the capital structure influences firm performance. This paper aims to investigate this relationship by focusing specifically on the entertainment industry. Taking into account the growing importance of research and development (R&D) activities in the industrial revolution 4.0 era, an additional goal of this paper is to examine how the R&D intensity moderates the relationship between the capital structure and firm performance, particularly in the entertainment industry. We find that the relationship between the capital structure measured by debt ratio and the firm performance in the entertainment industry shows distinctive features from those obtained from entire industries. While the negative influence of the increase of debt ratio is strong and consistent with various proxies when using a sample with entire industries, we cannot find this distinctive influence among entertainment enterprises. The moderating effect of R&D investments on the negative influence of debt ratio on the firm value, observed in the sample with entire industries, is not found in the sample composed of entertainment companies. These findings suggest that the influence of the debt level on firm performance and the role of R&D investments in this relationship in the entertainment industry are perceived and evaluated differently by financial market participants.

Performance and Asset Management System of Listed Property Trusts in Australia: Implications for Korean Real Estate Indirect Investment Market (호주 Listed Property Trusts의 성과와 자산관리 특성 분석: 우리나라 부동산간접투자에의 시사점)

  • Park, Won-Seok
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.245-262
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    • 2007
  • This paper aims at analyzing the characteristics of performance and asset management system of listed property trusts(LPT) in Australia, and elucidating the implications for Korean real estate indirect investment market. The main results of this paper are as follows. Firstly, LPT have a leading position among the real estate indirect investment systems in Australia, through the rapid growth of market capitalization. Secondly, LPT achieved superior risk adjustment performance than other financial products, and had valid portfolio diversification effect. Thirdly, many LPT have used stapled securities structure as a asset management system, and stapled LPT revealed superior risk adjustment performance than unit LPT. Finally, implications and policy measures such as using the stapled structure and activating the development activities were examined for the development of Korean real estate indirect investment market.

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Advanced Mandatory Authentication Architecture Designed for Internet Bank (인터넷은행을 위한 개선된 본인확인 구조)

  • Hong, Ki-seok;Lee, Kyung-ho
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.1503-1514
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    • 2015
  • Non-face-to-face real name verification policy that financial authorities announced, in order to secure a face-to-face or more of accuracy, are in principle of multi check. The business model and legal entities of Internet banks is different from existing Internet banking. Relpacing real name verification from face-to-facd to non-face-to-face while maintaining the structure of identification can not only cause inconvenience to a first time member, but also can be more vulnerable to verious security risks. In this study, to evaluate a service level of a bank of the Internet, and provide an improved identification of the structure such that the registration and use of differentiated services is performed in accordance with the evaluation. In addition, the security that may occur with respect to Bank of the Internet to establish a vulnerability and attack model, the results of the analysis of the safety of the step-by-step security attributes and services of the authentication medium of each attack model, existing the safer than Internet banking, confirmed the usefulness in user registration guide.

A Long Term Effect Prediction of Radioactive Waste Repository Facility in Gyeongju (경주시에 대한 중저준위 방사성폐기물처분장 건설 프로그램의 장기적 효과)

  • Oh, Young-Min;Jung, Chang-Hoon
    • Korean System Dynamics Review
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.105-128
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    • 2008
  • City of Gyeongju's referendum finally offered the long-waited low-level radioactive waste disposal site in November 2005. Gyeongju's positive decision was due to the various economic rewards and incentives the national government promised to the city. 300 billion won for an accepting bonus, the location of the headquarter building of the Korean Hydro and Nuclear Power Co., and the accelerator research center and 3.25 trillion won for supporting regional development program implementation. All of the above will affect the city's infrastructure and the citizens' economic and social lives. Population, land use, economic structure, SOC and quality of life will be affected. Some will be very positive, and some will be negative. This research project will see the future of the city and forecast the demographic, economic, physical and environmental changes of the city via computer simulation's system dynamics technique. This kind of simulation will help City of Gyeongju's what to prepare for the future. The population forecasting of the year 2046 will be 662,424 with the waste disposal site, and 327,274 without the waste disposal site in Gyeongju. The waste disposal site and regional supporting program will increase 184,246 Jobs more with 1,605 agriculture and fishery, 5,369 manufacturing shops and 27,577 shops. The population increase will bring 96,726 more houses constructed in the city. Land use will also be affected. More land will be developed. And road, water plant and waste water plant will be expanded as much. The city's financial structure will be expanded, due to the increased revenues from the waste disposal site, and property tax revenues from the middle-class employees of the company, and the high-powered scientists and technologists from the accelerator research center. All in all, the future of the city will be brighter after operating the nuclear waste disposal site inside the city.

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Clustering Korean Stock Return Data Based on GARCH Model (이분산 시계열모형을 이용한 국내주식자료의 군집분석)

  • Park, Man-Sik;Kim, Na-Young;Kim, Hee-Young
    • Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.925-937
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    • 2008
  • In this study, we considered the clustering analysis for stock return traded in the stock market. Most of financial time-series data, for instance, stock price and exchange rate have conditional heterogeneous variability depending on time, and, hence, are not properly applied to the autoregressive moving-average(ARMA) model with assumption of constant variance. Moreover, the variability is font and center for stock investors as well as academic researchers. So, this paper focuses on the generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic(GARCH) model which is known as a solution for capturing the conditional variance(or volatility). We define the metrics for similarity of unconditional volatility and for homogeneity of model structure, and, then, evaluate the performances of the metrics. In real application, we do clustering analysis in terms of volatility and structure with stock return of the 11 Korean companies measured for the latest three years.

A Study on Damage Detection of Production Riser (생산 라이저의 손상 탐지에 대한 연구)

  • Je, Hyun-Min;Park, Soo-Yong
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.179-184
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to provide appropriate methodology to ensure the safety and integrity of the production riser in offshore structure. In order to select integrity estimation methodology for production riser, level I and II Non-destructive Damage Evaluation (NDE) methods that were applied to existing structures are classified and reviewed. Numerical analysis is performed to verify the applicability and capability on damage detection of reviewed methods. As a result, the damage detection methodology using modal strain energy is more sensitive in detection of the damage than other methods. In practice, the number of sensors is limited due to the environmental and financial conditions. The impact on damage detection performance by reducing the number of sensors is systematically investigated through a series of numerical analyses and the results are discussed. The optimal number of sensor for the integrity estimation of production riser is recommended.

The study on effect of policy change on competitive aspect between telecommunication companies (정보통신 정책변화에 따른 통신사업자간 경쟁구도 연구)

  • Eom, Hyeon-Ji;Lee, Hong-Chul
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.553-564
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    • 2017
  • We analyzed the effects of government intervention on competition structure of telecommunication companies.. Results showed a decrease in market share difference among mobile telecommunication companies due to increased competition caused by the introduction of mobile virtual network operators (MVNO) and mobile number portability. We also found that the introduction of the MVNO caused a relaxed competition structure between network operators. Furthermore, we observed an increased subscriber influx of late adapters after the introduction of the Mobile and Service Retail Regulation Law (MRL). However, we found a gradual decrease in the competitiveness of MVNO following the introduction of MRL. In addition, the introduction of Mobile and Service Retail Regulation Law had a negative impact on customer churn as well as the financial structures of telecommunication companies.

A Study on the Economies of Promotion Gifts in the Newspaper Industry (신문판매시장 경품의 경제에 관한 고찰: 경품의 지속 원리와 딜레마)

  • Lee, Eun-Ju
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.37
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    • pp.270-306
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    • 2007
  • This study examines the economies of promotion gifts in the newspaper industry. Because of the oligopolistic structure, the newspaper industry shows highly concentrated market. Under the certain circumstance, the dominant firms are struggling to become the market leader by providing unlawful promotion gifts and unbearable price discount which yields the prisoner's dilemma. Ultimately, in spite of the criticism about their unlawful behaviors, the dominant firms choose the fierce competition with high costs. On the other hand, the remaining fringe firms do not have many strategic choices due to the limited financial capacity. They cannot provide free gifts or any other incentives to the subscribers. Even worse, because advertisers and subscribers also prefer promotional gifts as a rational choice, the distorted mechanism has been sustained in the newspaper industry. Thus, governmental interventions hardly achieve the goal of controlling unfair trade. This study examines the structure, strategic behaviors of the players, and the unintended consequences leading to the dilemma on promotional sales in the newspaper industry.

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