• Title/Summary/Keyword: Financial structure

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Policy Recommendations for Enhancing the Role of Credit Rating Agencies in the Debt Market (채권시장에서의 신용평가기능 개선을 위한 정책방향)

  • Lim, Kyung-Mook
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.1-47
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    • 2006
  • Even after significant changes in the financial market due to the financial crisis the corporate debt markets have seen created turmoil caused such as by Daewoo, Hyundai, and credit card companies in the financial system. These lagging improvements of corporate debt markets are mainly due to inadequate market infrastructure. Specifically, the credit rating agencies have not been successful in providing proper and timely information on the loan repayment abilities of debtors. This study analyzes past performance of credit rating agencies in Korea and tries to develop policy implications to improve the role of credit rating agencies based on the recent discussions on credit rating agencies by academics and the SEC. In addition, this study focuses on unique operation environments of Korean credit rating agencies, which have kept credit rating agencies from providing fair, timely, and useful information. To warrant proper operation of credit rating agencies, it is essential to cope with unique problems in Korean credit rating agencies. We classify the unique problems of Korean credit rating agencies into ownership and governance structure, conflict of interests due to ancillary fee-based business, legal recognition of credit rating in the court, and code of conduct problem, etc. and propose policy directions to improve the quality and credibility of credit ratings.

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Charging Korean Off-Shore Fisheries for Sustainable Fishing (지속적 어업을 위한 적정 자원이용료 부과에 관한 연구)

  • 박성쾌;김기수;김은채
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.49-74
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    • 2002
  • This study examines, from an economic perspective, the reasons for introducing a resource taxe system into the Korean off-shore fisheries and the type of charges that can be introduced. Following a review of the charging systems in other advanced fisheries, we consider the types of charging scheme and some implications for the Korean off-shore fishing industry. Charges could be used for recovering part of fisheries management cost from the industry(i.e. administration, enforcement, research, etc). This can be justified on the grounds that the fishing industry is the main beneficiary of management and that it should therefore bear at least part of the cost involved. It is arguable that publicly-funded management is in effect a subsidy to the industry. Using charges to raise revenue in excess of the cost of management would represent the extraction of a public rent from the fishery resource, but the short-run financial consqquences for the industry would be significant. Results from a qualtitative analysis suggest that while any new charge will have a significant financial impact on the industry in the short run, a landings tax would have a lesser impact on fleet structure in the long run. The study also considers the possibility of a capital gains tax on license sales in order to recover some rent from the industry. Despite any short run-financial consequences, making the fishing industry pay for at least some of the cost of management could benefit the industry as a whole if there were more cooperation between industry and managers as a result. It is acknowledged, however, that there could be disputes over the relative management costs of different sectors of the industry. Even though this study makes few specific recommendations about charging the Korean off-shore fishing industry, it does advise that the issue be reviewed on the basis of the entire Korea fisheries. Finally, the study notes that insufficient data are available on the economic performance of the Korean off-shore fishing vessels and it recommands that a comprehensive system for the collection of costs and earnings data be put in place. It also suggests that MOMAF pay much attention to the permit right market and its transactions.

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The Study of the Financial Index Prediction Using the Equalized Multi-layer Arithmetic Neural Network (균등다층연산 신경망을 이용한 금융지표지수 예측에 관한 연구)

  • 김성곤;김환용
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.113-123
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    • 2003
  • Many researches on the application of neural networks for making financial index prediction have proven their advantages over statistical and other methods. In this paper, a neural network model is proposed for the Buying, Holding or Selling timing prediction in stocks by the price index of stocks by inputting the closing price and volume of dealing in stocks and the technical indexes(MACD, Psychological Line). This model has an equalized multi-layer arithmetic function as well as the time series prediction function of backpropagation neural network algorithm. In the case that the numbers of learning data are unbalanced among the three categories (Buying, Holding or Selling), the neural network with conventional method has the problem that it tries to improve only the prediction accuracy of the most dominant category. Therefore, this paper, after describing the structure, working and learning algorithm of the neural network, shows the equalized multi-layer arithmetic method controlling the numbers of learning data by using information about the importance of each category for improving prediction accuracy of other category. Experimental results show that the financial index prediction using the equalized multi-layer arithmetic neural network has much higher correctness rate than the other conventional models.

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The Effect of Corporate Governance ort Performance of Mergers and Acquisitions (기업지배구조가 인수합병의 성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Cho, Ji-Ho;Jun, Sang-Gyung
    • The Korean Journal of Financial Management
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.1-25
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    • 2004
  • From the perspective of corporate governance, we examine the acquirers' performance of mergers and acquisitions. The empirical results of our study show that outside active shareholders, such as block shareholders or institutional shareholders, affect acquirers' performance in M&A's : the ownership of outside active shareholders is positively correlated with the performance of acquirers. However, the ownership of insiders, such as that of encumbent manners or major shareholders, does not have any significant effect on the performance of M&A's. We also found that the ownership of foreign investors increased its explanatory power after the financial crisis of Asia. Since the current literature concludes that the improvement of corporate governance would enhance the shareholders' wealth, the results of our study implies that outside active investors, rather than insiders, are playing an important role in the corporate governance.

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An Analysis of Urban Migration and Local Government Finance (도시의 인구이동과 지방재정에 관한 연구)

  • 김헌민
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 1991
  • While various fiscal measures have been used to influence regional capital inflow or industrial location, the effect of fiscal variables on labor mobility has been little understood. Understanding the relationship between the composition of local public and urban migration would enhance the city govenment's ability to pursue an appropriate population policy. In order to examine the potential for local public finance to be utilized as a policy tool in directing urban population growth, this paper analyzes the impact of local government financial structure on urban migration. In examining the data on local government finance and the changes in population of Korean cities during the last ten years, it was found that cities with high per capita expenditure in regional development have experienced high population growth rates. In this study migration equations were constructed using various fiscal variables such as the proportion of special account expenditures which are mostly spent for local development purposes, per capita regional development expenditure, degree of local financial independence and per capita net fiscal benefit, along with other explanatory variables. The results of regression analysis showed that city government's regional development expenditure variables have a positive effect on urban net migration and a negative effect on outmigration. Fiscal independence and per capita net fiscal benefit had mixed effects on in and out migration variables, implying that local tax burden does not consistently deter inmigration or induce outmigration. Based on the results of this study some important policy implications can be found regarding local government's fiscal policies. Those cities seeking to attract higher population inflow should make a greater effort in appropriating local expenditures for regional development purposes such as infrastructure, housing, and transportation. city governments should not be too concerned about high local tax burden or necessarily seek to enhance financial independence for these factors do not exert a clear influence on urban population growth or labor supply.

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Transmission of Chinese Monetary Policy Shocks: Evidence from Korea (중국 통화정책 변화가 한국에 미치는 영향)

  • Cho, Yujeong
    • Economic Analysis
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.43-69
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    • 2021
  • As the trade linkages and the financial relationship between China and Korea grow stronger, China's influence on Korea is also growing larger. Therefore, it is meaningful to examine key features of Chinese monetary policy operations and the current situation, and to analyze the transmission mechanism of China's monetary policy shocks onto the Korea economy. China's monetary policy shocks can have an impact on the Korea economy through the trade, financial and oil-price channels. In the trade channel, an expansionary Chinese monetary policy can increase Korea's exports of intermediate goods to China under the vertical trade structure, via the vertical trade integration effect. Meanwhile, the expenditure switching effect and the income demand effect show no statistical significance. In the financial and oil-price channels, expansionary Chinese monetary policy shocks can decrease the interest rate and increase both stock prices and the consumer price index in Korea through changes in global portfolio capital flows, interest rates, and raw material prices.

Integrated Reporting: A New Paradigm of Corporate Reporting

  • Bhasin, Madan Lal
    • The Journal of Economics, Marketing and Management
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.10-32
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    • 2017
  • The landscape of corporate reporting is changing quickly. The concepts, elements and principles that characterize the way organizations plan, manage and report their annual performances are currently being questioned, debated, and redesigned throughout the world. However, widening the scope of corporate performance and reporting is a major issue. Research needs to bridge the gap between social and financial performance by considering corporate performance in a wider perspective. At base, IR is a relatively new but powerful idea: enhancing the way organizations think, plan and report the story of their business. Organizations are using IR to communicate a clear, concise, integrated story that explains how all of their resources are creating value. This paper examines the rise of what has been widely claimed to represent a new and striking future for corporate reporting, namely the notion of "Integrated Reporting" (IR). Unfortunately, there is poor empirical research work undertaken which has focused on published integrated reports. This research study provides initial analysis of the content and structure of the corporate integrated reports published in 2013 and available on the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) Emerging Examples Database. As part of this study, Integrated Reports were analyzed for company information, report information and report content. Moreover, they were also evaluated as to the extent these adhered to the integrated reporting (IR) Guiding Principles, Content Elements, and the multiple capitals model. Findings of this study indicate that "early integrated reports were mostly lengthy, fail to adhere to all the guiding principles, and covered four of the six capitals suggested." At present, no universally accepted global framework for IR exists and it is still largely a voluntary practice. We believe that IR of both financial and non-financial performance should be made mandatory, and it should become a universal practice for all the global listed companies within the next 5-10 years.

The Term Structure and Predicting the Domestic Recessions (금리의 기간구조와 경기후퇴의 예측)

  • Kim, Tae-Ho;Song, Dae-Sub
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.249-260
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    • 2009
  • Various methods have been suggested in developing the useful leading indicators to predict the actual realizations when time laps exist between policy plannings and future events. The recent economic crisis could have been relived if the information necessary to respond to the future evolutionary process is provided in advance. As the relations between the financial variables and the real economic activity become unstable because of the changes in the financial environment, this study attempts to estimate the capabilities of various internal and external term spreads in predicting the future business trend, followed by comparison and evaluation.

The Empirical Study on Relation between R&D Innovation Capability and Performance in Knowledge-Based Service Firms (R&D 혁신역량과 기업성과 간의 관계 연구)

  • Kim, Moon Sun;Kim, Soo Jung;Nam, Kyung H.
    • Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.631-640
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: This empirical study is focused on the relationship between innovation capability (R&D and Human Resource innovation) and performance in knowledge-based service firms. Methods: We build research model to test how each of innovation capability on technology and human resource is influenced on their financial and non-financial performance in the knowledge-based service industries. Based on the previous research, we hypothesized the factors are regarded innovation capabilities of the firms as the scale of R&D and human resources. Because this study is especially targeted to the performance of knowledge-based service firms. With the survey on 424 main knowledge-based service firms, the multi-regression analysis was performed. Results: The result showed that the scale of R&D and human resources capabilities are main factors for knowledge-based service firms' performance, which reflects the current industrial structure. Conclusion: This study empirically demonstrated that human resources are most important to the growth of knowledge-based service firms.

Reexamination of Patient's Cost-sharing System for Oriental Medical Services in the Korean National Health Insurance (한방의료의 건강보험 적정 본인부담률 추계)

  • Kim, Jin-Hyun;Yoo, Wang-Keun;Seo, Dong-Min
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.1-27
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    • 2007
  • This study is designed to estimate an appropriate level of patient's cost-sharing for oriental medical services in the Korean National Health Insurance. The findings of this study can be summarized as follows: 1) The current co-payment system for oriental medical services does not reflect its cost structure in clinical practice due to inconsistency of cost-sharing plan in the NHI. 2) Both oriental medical institutions and their patients, as a result, are at a relative disadvantage in financial burden, compared with other services. 3) The substantial proportion of patients' cost-sharing depends on the amount of co-payment and the range of medical cost that a flat rate is applied to. 4) The extension of the range doesn't make any substantial decrease in patient's cost-sharing. 5) The fixed amount of co-payment is more sensitive than a range to total variations of patient's cost-sharing. Based on the above, the budget impacts of a new co-payment system were estimated for each co-insurance rate, according to given scenarios. The results range from -59 billion Won (-8.5%) to 16 billion Won(2.3%).