• Title/Summary/Keyword: Financial Performance#4

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A Study on the Influence of Intrinsic Motivation & Extrinsic Motivation on Collaboration & Sustainability of Small Enterprise Cooperatives Members (내·외재적동기부여가 소상공인협동조합의 협업 및 지속성에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Ko, Se-Myeong
    • Korean small business review
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.37-63
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    • 2019
  • The reason why Small enterprise cooperatives are important in the history of cooperatives is that they provide the basis for the development of cooperatives. Small enterprise cooperatives are composed of five or more members of small business owners and has received financial support from the government through the evaluation of the business plan from 2013. In 2018, however, Small enterprise cooperatives must be evaluated for five years of performance. In this study, we surveyed Small enterprise cooperatives members in 2015 to identify motivating factors that affect the sustainability and cooperation of Small enterprise cooperatives. On conclusion, intrinsic motivation has been found to be an independent variable affecting the sustainability and collaboration of Small enterprise cooperatives.

Drivers for Technology Transfer of Government-funded Research Institute: Focusing on Food Research and Development Projects (정부출연연구기관 식품연구개발사업의 기술이전 성과동인 분석)

  • Mirim Jeong;Seungwoon Kim
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.39-52
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    • 2023
  • In this study, project information of government-funded research institute in the food field was collected and analyzed to systematically identify the factors affecting the process of transferring technological achievements of public research institute to the private sector. This study hypothesized that human resources, financial resources, and technological characteristics as input factors of R&D projects affect output factors, such as research papers or patents produced by R&D projects. Moreover, these outputs would serve as drivers of the technology transfer as one of the R&D outcomes. Linear Regression Analysis and Poisson Regression Analysis were conducted to empirically and sequentially investigate the relationship between input factors and output and outcome of R&D projects and the results are as follows: First, the principle investigator's career and participating researcher's size as human resource factors have an influence on both the number of SCI (science citation index) papers and patent registration. Second, the research duration and research expenses for the current year have an influence on the number of SCI papers and patent registrations, which are the main outputs of R&D projects. Third, the technology life cycle affects the number of SCI papers and patent registrations. Lastly, the higher the number of SCI papers and patent registrations, the more it affected the number of technology transfers and the amount of technology transfer contract.

A Study on ESG Management Strategies of Port Enterprises for Sustainable Ports: Focusing on Port Authority (지속가능 항만을 위한 항만기업의 ESG경영전략에 관한 연구: 항만공사를 중심으로)

  • Seo, Mun-Sung
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.309-324
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    • 2023
  • Recently, not only has ESG (Environment, Society, Governance) been discussed domestically and internationally intensively, both within companies and at the level of national competitiveness, but also ESG management is seen as a concept that practically implements a new value system for sustainable development of our humankind. As the mandatory disclosure of environmental, social and governance (ESG) is scheduled for 2025, it is a reality that companies are experiencing considerable burdens and difficulties. In recent years, among ESG activities, which are non-financial management performance in the shipping and port industries, environmentally friendly activities are acting as an important indicator for shipping companies. In particular, the National Assembly has enacted laws related to air quality, including ports, and the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries is making various support measures and plans to create eco-friendly ports. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to analyze the current status of ESG reports and suggest related problems and improvement plans for ESG activation.

Audit by Big4 Accounting Firms and Earnings Management of Shipping Companies (Big4 회계법인의 감사와 해운사의 이익조정)

  • Soon-Wook Hong
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.48 no.4
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    • pp.321-326
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate whether Big 4 accounting firms contribute to the reduction of earnings management when auditing shipping companies. Generally, it is understood that companies audited by the Big 4 accounting firms engage in minimal earnings management and maintain high audit quality. However, these factors may vary depending on industry and firm size. As a result, this study empirically analyzes the impact of audits conducted by large accounting firms on earnings management within the shipping industry. The Big 4 accounting firms, namely PwC, KPMG, Deloitte, and EY, are the focus of this research. Discretionary accruals are employed as a proxy for earnings management, with the modified J ones model and the performance matched model used to measure discretionary accruals. The analysis, which covers shipping companies listed on KOSP I from 2001 to 2023, reveals that audits conducted by the Big 4 accounting firms do not significantly influence earnings management in the shipping industry. Unlike the general case, it is evident that audits by the Big 4 accounting firms do not play a role in reducing earnings management in shipping companies. This paper is significant as it examines the role of auditors within the shipping industry and presents findings that deviate from commonly known information. Shipping companies should take into consideration that the audit quality of the Big 4 accounting firms may not always be guaranteed when selecting an auditor. Furthermore, supervisory authorities such as the Financial Supervisory Service should engage in oversight based on an accurate understanding of the audit quality offered by the Big 4 accounting firms.

Study on Controlled Horticulture Farmers' Attitude of Energy-Saving Facilities using the IPA method (시설원예 농가의 에너지 절감시설에 대한 만족도 분석: IPA방법을 이용하여)

  • Kim, Yean-Jung;Han, Hye-Sung;Choi, Chil-Koo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.10
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    • pp.6114-6125
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    • 2014
  • This paper analyzed the issues related to focus on farmers behaviors of energy saving facilities. This study conducted questionnaire and field surveys of controlled horticulture farmers and economic analysis using an IPA(Importance-Performance Analysis) matrix. According to the research results, the performance level was low on average ranging from 2.33 to 2.56 in a five point Likert-scale on greenhouse mandarin and grape-related facilities. On the other hand, the importance levels were high in the mean rating from 2.69 to 4.8. The results show that energy loss reduction of complementary facility and alternative energy supply support for low cost implementation are more important in terms of the respondents concerns than performance quadrant III. Therefore, it is important to provide financial support to energy-saving facilities to promote the use of energy efficiency improvement. In addition, the government should invest continuously in research and development.

A Study on Analysis of Factors Affecting Technology Transfer Performance of Universities : An Approach to Different Types of Korean Universities (대학의 기술이전성과 영향요인 분석 : 대학의 유형별 접근)

  • Lee, Chang-Hak;Lee, Cheol-Gyu;Lee, Dong-Myung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.9
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    • pp.3936-3951
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    • 2011
  • This paper aims to analyze factors affecting technology transfer performance according to different types of Korean universities and to conduct the research for the channel and extent of impact between these factors, utilizing 5 - year data for the technology transfers of 110 universities based on the survey by National Research Foundation of Korea. According to the analysis, incentive for researchers is the most crucial factor in local universities and small & medium-sized private universities located in the capital area. And numerical value of intellectual property rights owned by university is the key factor in universities specializing in science & engineering / industry. Also, Big-sized universities are heavily affected by the number of full-time faculty. In case of private universities, government subsidy relating to patents is critical factor for technology transfer performance. The mean value of all variables is a lot higher in participant universities than non-participant ones in CK(Connect Korea) project. In summary, it is suggested that steady financial support provided by the government is required and that mutual cooperation for industry-university-government is also needed for the commercialization of the technologies held by universities.

Strategic GSCM of the Multinational Enterprises and its impact on the Market Performance (다국적기업의 전략적 그린 SCM 구축과 시장성과에 관한 실증적 연구)

  • Kim, Gil-Sung
    • International Area Studies Review
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.513-532
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    • 2011
  • Green supply chain management(GSCM) has emerged as a key approach for firms seeking to become sustainable environmentally. GSCM is a system in which the firm takes life cycle responsibility of the products through material recycling, environment-friendly production, and reverse logistics in addition to the classical operations in a supply chain. This paper endeavors to identify the relationship between the GSCM practice implementation and firms' performance among a sample of Korean manufacturing firms. Based on a literature review, eight hypotheses are put forward. First of all, a factor analysis was conducted to derive groupings of GSCM practice from the survey data which included 54 responses. Then, the first regression was conducted to examine the link between GSCM practice implementation and firms' financial performance. The result shows that green purchasing and green production are significant. The second regression was conducted to examine the impact of GSCM practice implementation on the firms' competitiveness. The result reveals that green purchasing, green production, and reverse logistics are positively signifiant.

Institutional Resources and Systems Affecting Professor Startups and Their Performances: A Panel Data Analysis (대학의 자원과 제도가 교수창업 성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 패널 데이터 분석)

  • Kim, Jong-woon
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.33-43
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    • 2023
  • The paper employs a resource-based approach to analyze the relationship between institutional resources and faculty-led startup formation and performance in South Korean four-year universities from 2017 to 2021. The author proposes nine hypotheses to explain how institutional resources or systems affect the number of faculty startups, their employee numbers and the revenue of faculty-led startups, and compare four different groups of university resources for cross-college variation. The findings suggest that institutional factors impacting faculty-led startup performance differ from those impacting other categories of startups. Universities should provide a more favorable environment, including flexible personnel policies and accompanying startup support infrastructure, to encourage faculty-led startups. In contrast, it is more effective for better performance of faculty startups, in terms of their job creation and revenue, to have more financial resources and good paper publications. The results also suggest that university technology-holding companies are crucial for increasing the number of professor startups and their performance. These findings have implications for both university and government policymakers, who aim to facilitate greater participation of professors in startup formation and commercialization of technology.

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Market Responses and Liquidity Effect to Stock Splits in Korea (우리나라에서 주식분할에 따른 시장반응과 유동성효과)

  • Hwang, Sun-Wung;Shin, Woo-Yong
    • The Korean Journal of Financial Management
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.201-232
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    • 2007
  • In this study, we investigated public announcements of stock splits using the Korean Stock Market data from 2000 through 2007. The purposes of this study are to examine whether stock splits have the information contents in the Korean capital markets, and to investigate the possible cause of the market reactions. We measured the market reactions with abnormal returns, cumulative abnormal returns and cumulative average abnormal returns. For the purpose, two specific hypotheses were tested. One is 'Signalling Effects' where stock splits function as a signal through which managers transmit a favorable information for investors. The other is 'Liquidity Effects' where stock splits increase the trading convenience. We have th following results. Firstly, positive market effects were found when stock splits were announced. Secondly, there was difference in trading convenience between the high and the low split ratios. Finally, the long term performance through stock splits in the Korean capital markets was not significant.

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Institutional and Individual Investors' Trading Patterns and Price Changes (기관 및 개인투자자의 거래행태와 가격변화)

  • Jo, Kyoo-Sung
    • The Korean Journal of Financial Management
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.163-199
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    • 2007
  • This paper studies the stock market in which there are two types of investor, institutional and individual, whose information gathering and processing abilities are different. The institutional investor manages large funds and has powerful information sources. Whereas, the individual investor trades with a small amount of money and an information disadvantage. The model assumes that the institutional investor is more experienced and able to acquire relevant information earlier than the individual investor. On these assumptions, this paper shows a price continuation in the short run and a price reversal in the long run. The price continuation, or momentum, in the short run can be explained as follows. The early-informed institutional investor trades a stock, and as a result the stock price changes. Then the late-informed individual investor trades the same stock, and the stock price continues to move in the same direction in the short run. The reason for the price reversal in the long run is that since the individual investor has inferior information on the fundamental value of the stock, he tends to overreact to new information. So the stock price changes over its fundamental value initially and then regresses toward its fundamental value. In sum, both the price continuation and the price reversal are caused by the overreaction of the individual investor. The essay illustrates how these phenomena are stronger in the case where the proportion of the individual investor is higher. It also shows how the stock price goes up when the institutional investor buys a stock, while it goes down when the individual investor buys one.

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