• Title/Summary/Keyword: Final evaluation

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Fuzzy Inference System for the Synthesis Learning Evaluation (종합학습평가를 위한 퍼지추론 시스템)

  • Son, Chang-Sik;Kim, Jong-Uk;Jeong, Gu-Beom
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.742-746
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    • 2006
  • Evaluation of learning ability of students is classified a step of diagnostic, formative and summative evaluation. This step-by-step evaluation is the standard of synthesis judgement, from a student's prior learning of preparation state to devotion of learning process and even learning result. In this paper, we propose the method of synthesis learning evaluation which is considered evaluation of each step in using fuzzy inference. In order to get objective evaluation of learning ability, we applied to the weights by evaluation steps. And we reflected defuzzification values of final evaluation membership function interval obtained by fuzzy inference about diagnostic, formative and summative evaluation. As a result, it processes definite inference ensures objectivity and shows validity of the synthesis evaluation method.

Application of MARSSIM for Final Status Survey of the Decommissioning Project (해체사업의 최종현황조사를 위한 MARSSIM 적용)

  • Hong, Sang-Bum;Lee, Ki-Won;Park, Jin-Ho;Chung, Un-Soo
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.107-111
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    • 2011
  • The release of a site and building from regulatory control is the final stage of the decommissioning process. The MARSSIM (Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual) provides overall framework for conducting data collection for a final status survey to demonstrate compliance with site closure requirements. The KAERI carried out establishing a final status survey by using the guidance provided in the MARSSIM for of a site and building of the Korea Research Reactor. The release criteria for a site and building were set up based on these results of the site specific release levels which were calculated by using RESRAD and RESRAD-Build codes. The survey design for a site and building was classified by using the survey dataset and potential contamination. The number of samples in each survey unit was calculated by through a statistical test using the collected data from a scoping and characterization survey. The results of the final status survey were satisfied the release criteria based on an evaluation of the measured data.

Reliability Evaluation for Considering the Voltage Quality in Power Distribution Systems (전압품질을 고려한 배전계통의 신뢰도 평가)

  • Yun, Sang-Yun;Kim, Oun-Seok;Bae, Joo-Chun;Kim, Nark-Kyung;Park, Joong-Shin;Kim, Jae-Chul
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2000.07a
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    • pp.525-527
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    • 2000
  • This paper presents a reliability evaluation method for considering the voltage quality. The proposed evaluation methods are contained the sustained interruption, momentary interruption and voltage sag. For momentary interruption, evaluation indexes are divided the duration based index and the interruption cost index. For voltage sag, the final result of evaluation method represents the magnitude for customers' risk due to the voltage sag. The proposed method is tested using the RBTS model and a reliability data in KEPCO's system.

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The Study of Culture Program Evaluation in Healthy Family Support Centers (건강가정지원센터의 건강가정문화 사업평가에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Jeong-Yun
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.25-36
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of study is to evaluate a culture program at the family support centers and to suggest a development direction. Therefore evaluation indication areas are planning adaption, practice validity, and an outcome(output) satisfaction. The study subject was 40 family support centers' final reports. The collected data was analyzed by evaluation framework. The results were as followed; first, the culture program plan described healthy of family, included various family type, family-unit program, but a clear culture program wasn't identified; second, the evaluation of culture program practice presents high goal achievement with small financial budget, large number of participants and various type of program, and finally, the program output showed high satisfaction.

Deriving an Overall Evaluation Index with Multiple CTQs in Six Sigma Management

  • Ko, Seoung-Gon;Cho, Yong-Jun
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.1255-1267
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    • 2008
  • Evaluation indices for products or services are important to improve the internal process of the company and to compare those with competitive ones. The sigma level in Six Sigma management does important role to evaluate the core characteristic, CTQ(Critical To Quality), derived in the considered product/service or process. In this research, we propose an overall evaluation index for the product/service or process with multiple characteristics, in other words, multiple CTQs. The proposed overall evaluation index is useful for the cases that the single CTQ is not enough to evaluate the practical interests, for example, the final products and services with complex procedures and relatively large scaled processes. This approach is discussed with sigma level for applying Six Sigma Projects, however, it is applicable to indices based on proportion or percentage as well. The practical examples with a manufacturing process and a customer survey based on focus group interview are given for illustrations.

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Developing an Evaluation Tool of RFID-based Traceability Systems

  • Kim, Jin-Baek
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.1-23
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    • 2008
  • Recently, traceability systems are introduced as a new food safety information system. To trace food products efficiently, they must have an automatic identification capability at the individual product level. This capability can be gained through RFID technology. But there is not yet any performance evaluation tool on RFID-based traceability systems (RFID-TS). This study developed an evaluation tool of RFID-TS. To develop the tool, this study considered the objective and the components of RFID-TS as their performance constructs. According to Churchill's paradigm, the tool was established through two stages. The final evaluation tool consisted of four constructs (risk, operational benefits, IS (information system), and network) and nine sub-constructs. Among the four constructs, risk and IS were found as the most important performance constructs through regression analysis. Among the nine sub-constructs, service (which belonged to the IS construct) and economic risk (which belonged to the risk construct) were found as the most important performance sub-constructs.

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The Development of Assessment Scales for Day Care Programs (어린이집 프로그램 평가척도의 개발을 위한 예비연구)

  • Rhee, Unhai;Song, Hye Rin;Shin, Hye Young;Choi, Hye Yeong
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.199-213
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    • 2002
  • This preliminary study aimed to develop 3 assessment scales for self-evaluation by day care directors and teachers. The development of major areas of evaluation and items as well as evaluation criteria for each item was based on the analysis of related research and major evaluation instruments. A panel of experts in early childhood education examined the contents. The 3 preliminary scales were administered in 87 day care centers; data were analyzed by item response distribution, item discrimination, and reliability of the scales. Items indicating low item discrimination were deleted and minor revisions were made to improve psychometric characteristics of each scale. The final version of the 3 scales is valid for use as self-evaluation instruments by day care directors and teachers.

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Development of a Quality Evaluation Standard for Educational Serious Games

  • Yoon, Seon-Jeong;Park, Hee-Sook
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.103-111
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    • 2013
  • Given the lack of suitable quality evaluation standards for educational serious games (designed for both entertainment and instruction), we designed a development framework for evaluation standards of educational serious games and proceeded to develop standards in accordance with our proposed procedure. Our standards were designed to evaluate the quality of both technical and non-technical elements of educational serious game software products. We conducted a survey on the need for individual elements of the standard. Participants rated the need for each element on a five-point Likert scale. We then performed a reliability analysis of the survey results. Based on the survey results, we established a final standard for quality evaluation composed of 9 main elements and 31 sub-elements. The results of our research will contribute useful information to users as well as to the developers of educational serious games.

Evaluating the Comfort Experience of a Head-Mounted Display with the Delphi Methodology

  • Lee, Doyeon;Chang, Byeng-hee;Park, Jiseob
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.81-94
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    • 2020
  • This study developed evaluation indicators for the comfort experience of virtual reality (VR) headsets by classifying, defining, and weighting cybersickness-causing factors using the Delphi research method and analytic hierarchical process (AHP) approach. Four surveys were conducted with 20 experts on VR motion sickness. The expert surveys involved the 1) classification and definition of cybersickness-causing dimensions, classification of sub-factors for each dimension, and selection of evaluation indicators, 2) self-reassessment of the results of each step, 3) validity revaluation, and 4) final weighting calculation. Based on the surveys, the evaluation indicators for the comfort experience of VR headsets were classified into eight sub-factors: field of view (FoV)-device FoV, latency-device latency, framerate-device framerate, V-sync-device V-sync, rig-camera angle view, rig-no-parallax point, resolution-device resolution, and resolution-pixels per inch (PPI). A total of six dimensions and eight sub-factors were identified; sub-factor-based evaluation indicators were also developed.

Development of performance evaluation model for road and railway tunnels in use

  • Kim, Hong-Kyoon;Moon, Joon-Shik;An, Jai-Wook;Michael, E.S.
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.369-376
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    • 2022
  • Accurately evaluating and predicting the performance of facilities is a key task in establishing a maintenance strategy for facilities. The importance of performance evaluation is becoming more pronounced, especially when the aging of facilities requires a huge budget. In this study, performance assessment models were developed for road and railway tunnels. Delphi analysis was performed to identify sub-elements necessary to evaluate the performance of a tunnel. The relative importance of the evaluation factors was derived from the AHP analysis. The correlation analysis was performed between each assessment factor and the final result to verify the significance of the model. For the correlation analysis, the survey data measured through precision safety diagnosis in tunnels in use was applied. The cost effectiveness analysis was also conducted according to the scenarios with different composition of performance factors in order to improve the practical applicability of the evaluation model developed in this study.