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Role of Endoscopic Ultrasound-Guided Fine-Needle Aspiration in the Evaluation of Abdominal Lymphadenopathy of Unknown Etiology

  • Nonthalee Pausawasdi;Kotchakon Maipang;Tassanee Sriprayoon;Phunchai Charatcharoenwitthaya
    • Clinical Endoscopy
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    • v.55 no.2
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    • pp.279-286
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    • 2022
  • Background/Aims: Endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration (EUS-FNA) is a standard procedure for obtaining tissue from lesions near the gastrointestinal lumen. However, there is a scarcity of information on the diagnostic performance of EUS-FNA for abdominal lymphadenopathy of unknown causes. To assess the accuracy of EUS-FNA in diagnosing abdominal lymphadenopathy of unknown etiology. Methods: The EUS records of patients with undiagnosed abdominal lymphadenopathy between 2010 and 2015 were reviewed. Results: A total of 42 patients were included in this study. Adequate specimens were obtained from 40 patients (95%). The final diagnoses were metastatic cancer (n=16), lymphoma (n=9), tuberculosis (n=8), inflammatory changes (n=6), and amyloidosis (n=1). For diagnosing malignancy, EUS-FNA had a sensitivity of 84.6%, specificity of 95.7%, positive predictive value of 91.7%, negative predictive value of 91.7%, and area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) of 0.901. For the diagnosis of lymphoma, EUS-FNA was 100% accurate when combined with cytologic evaluation and immunohistochemical staining. The diagnostic sensitivity decreased to 75%, whereas the specificity remained 100%, for tuberculosis. The overall AUROC was 0.850. No procedure-related complications occurred. Conclusions: EUS-FNA showed high diagnostic performance for abdominal lymphadenopathy of unknown causes, especially malignancy, lymphoma, and tuberculosis. Therefore, it is a crucial diagnostic tool for this patient population.

A study on the dose evaluation of critical groups for unrestricted reuse of the site after the decommissioning of Kori Unit 1

  • Hyung-Woo Seo;Gang-Woo Ryu;Young-Il Na;Chan-Geun Park;Jin-Won Son;Cheon-Woo Kim
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.56 no.8
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    • pp.3359-3368
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    • 2024
  • In the calculation of DCGLs using RESRAD code, the selection of input parameter values is paramount, which is basically possible when specific measures for selecting reuse scenarios and probabilistic evaluation methods are established. When referring to the impact of the age group considered in the environmental impact assessment among the existing operations of the plant, it may also need to be applied in the decommissioning project, and there will be considerations along with site reuse scenarios and probabilistic evaluations. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to distinguish the types of exposure affected by residual radioactivity contamination during the process of deriving DCGL to be used in the final site release stage of NPPs and to evaluate them by reasonably assigning age group parameter values. In addition, the case of entering a single value for parameter values by age group and the case of entering probabilistic distributions were compared and analyzed.

An Experimental Evaluation of Structural Performance of L-Type Flange Joint for Wind Tower (풍력타워용 L형 플랜지 연결부의 구조성능 실험평가)

  • Daeyong Lee;Hongbae Park
    • Journal of Wind Energy
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.48-56
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    • 2024
  • An experimental study was conducted to evaluate the structural behavior of L-type flange joints. For this, one L-type flange joint test specimen for a 5 MW wind tower was designed and manufactured, and the structural behavior of each structural element of the joint was observed under increasing external tensile load (Z). The results of the analysis showed that the test specimen has a safety factor of 40 % compared to the design requirements of IEC 61400-6. In addition, strain gauge recordings showed that the tower shell and bolt comprising the test specimen had already reached the yield state before the final failure mode of the bolt and nut. Also observed in this study was that the experimental results of this specimen were in better agreement with Petersen's model in terms of overall behavior than any of the prediction models reviewed in this study. It is noted that additional experimental study is necessary to observe failure patterns in the threads of the bolt and nut.

A study and the growth and the development of microvascular complications in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (1형 당뇨병 환자의 성장과 미세혈관 합병증 발생에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Young Ah;Yun, Kyong-Ah;Shin, Choong Ho;Yang, Sei Won
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.190-197
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    • 2007
  • Purpose : Reduced growth and microvascular complications have been recognized as consequences of type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). We assessed the effect of T1DM on growth and factors associated with the development of microvascular complications. Methods : We conducted a retrospective longitudinal evaluation of 154 patients above 16 years of age. We analyzed factors which affect final height standard deviation scores (SDS) and development of microvascular complications. Results : Final height SDS was 0.11±1.15 (0.26±1.33 in females, 0.04±0.91 in males). Final height SDS was significantly lower than midparental height SDS and height SDS at diagnosis. There was no difference in final height SDS according to age at onset, existence or nonexistence of complications, or average HbA1C. Height SDS at onset of puberty, midparental height SDS and pubertal growth gain affected final height SDS. The number of patients with complications was 37 (24 percent). Microvascular complications developed at a younger age and after longer duration of diabetes in patients with a prepubertal onset of T1DM compared to patients with pubertal onset. Patients with complications had a higher level of average HbA1C than patients without complications. Patients whose microalbuminuria regressed had lower levels of average HbA1C, systolic BP, second 24h urine microalbumin than patients with persistant or progressed microalbuminuria. Conclusion : The results suggest that degrees of glycemic control don't affect final height, but various factors associated with T1DM can impair growth potential. Additionally, the degrees of glycemic control and puberty affect the development of microvascular complications.

Development of LC-MS/MS Quantitation Method for Ethoxyquin in Fishery Products (수산물 중 에톡시퀸의 LC-MS/MS 정량분석법 개발)

  • Shin, Dasom;Chae, Young-Sik;Kang, Hui-Seung;Lee, Soo-Bin;Cho, Yoon-Jae;Cheon, So-Young;Jeong, Jiyoon;Rhee, Gyu-Seek
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.432-438
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    • 2016
  • Ethoxyquin (EQ, 1,2-dihydro-6-ethoxy-2,2,4-trimethyl-quinoline) is quinoline-based antioxidant used in the animal feed and food industry to protect the raw materials and final products against oxidation. In recent years the use of synthetic antioxidants in fishmeal ingredients carry-over to farmed fish fillets has received increasing attention in food safety. This study was conducted to develop an analytical method to determine EQ in aquatic products. The analytes were confirmed and quantified via liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) in the positive ion mode using multiple reaction monitoring (MRM). The sample was extracted with 1 N HCl (in case of flatfish extracted with 1 N HCl containing 10% acetonitrile). Then, solid phase extraction (SPE) was used for the cleanup. Standard calibration curves presented linearity with the correlation coefficient (r2) > 0.99, analyzed at 0.005-0.2 mg/kg concentration. The developed method was validated according to the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) guideline. The limits of quantitation for EQ were 0.01 mg/kg. Average recoveries ranged from 81.3% to 107%. The repeatability of measurements, expressed as the coefficient of variation (CV, %), was below 10%. The analytical method was characterized with high accuracy and acceptable sensitivity to meet CODEX guideline requirements and would be applicable to analyze the EQ residue in aquatic products.

Integrated Evaluation of Advanced Activated Sludge Processes Based on Mathematical Model and Fuzzy Inference (수학적 모델 및 퍼지 추론에 의한 고도 활성슬러지 공정의 통합 평가)

  • Kang, Dong-Wan;Kim, Hyo-Su;Kim, Ye-Jin;Choi, Su-Jung;Cha, Jae-Hwan;Kim, Chan-Won
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.97-104
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    • 2010
  • At present, the biological nutrient removal (BNR) process for removal of nitrogen and phosphorus is being constructing to keep pace with the reinforced standard of effluent quality and the traditional activated sludge process of preexistence is being promoting to retrofit. At the most case of retrofitting, processes are subjected to be under consideration as alternative BNR process for retrofitting. However, process evaluation methods are restricted to compare only treatment efficiency. Therefore, when BNR process apply, process evaluation was needed various method for treatment efficiency as well as sludge production and aeration cost, and all. In this study, the evaluation method of alternative process was suggested for the case for retrofitting S wastewater treatment plant which has been operated the standard activated sludge process. Three BNR processes for evaluation of proper alternatative process were selected and evaluated with suggested method. The selected A2/O, VIP and DNR processes were evaluated using the mathematical model which is time and cost effective as well as gathered objective evaluation criteria. The evaluation between 5 individual criteria was possible including sludge production and energy efficiency as well as treatment performance. The objective final decision method for selection of optimal process was established through the fuzzy inference.

Research and consideration on the evaluation of usability formation of focused ultrasonic stimulation systems (집속형 초음파 자극 시스템의 사용적합성 형성평가에 대한 연구 및 고찰)

  • Kim, Jun-tae;Kim, Ju-hee;Joo, Kyu-tai;Kim, Kyung-ah;Ryu, Ok-su;Jo, Jae-hyun;Jeong, Jin-Hyoung
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.164-177
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    • 2022
  • Medical device usability evaluation refers to the evaluation of medical devices through actual users before the final prototype production is completed. IEC 62366, one of the international safety standards for electronic medical devices, is a standard that must be applied to obtain medical device licenses in major advanced countries such as Europe and the United States. In Korea, through the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety's notice, from January 2021, sequential application by grade has been implemented. In this study, 15 participant specialists were recruited through the Incheon G University Hospital Medical Device Convergence Center for formative evaluation during user suitability evaluation of the focused ultrasound stimulation system being developed by Icleo Co., Ltd., and the test was conducted through joint scenario development. . In the result of task performance, the performance rate was 90.67%, and after the completion of the performance, 86.67% of 'Easy user interface' and 94% of 'Identification/Readability/Understanding of information' questions in the participant survey results analysis by question. The response rate was above average.

Performance Evaluation Criteria for the Sustainable Operation of Community Facilities in Urban Regeneration (도시재생 공동이용시설의 지속적인 운영을 위한 평가지표 제안)

  • Jung-Eun Lee;Soung-Eun Park;Yunmi Park
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.79-95
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    • 2024
  • Over the past decade, urban regeneration projects have been actively promoted nationwide in South Korea, leading to the establishment of numerous community facilities aimed at fostering community engagement and revitalization. Recently, the need for diagnostic tools to provide appropriate support and guidance for the sustainable operation of these facilities has been increasingly emphasized. However, a comprehensive manual or nationwide standard approach remains lacking. As such, this study aims to propose evaluation criteria and their application methods for the periodic operational assessment of those facilities. First, through a review of previous studies, candidate indicators were identified. After that, preliminary indicators and frameworks were determined through expert consultations, followed by surveys conducted with 65 experts to finalize the evaluation indicators. The survey results highlighted the importance of 'Value Creation (VC)' and 'Operation Management (OM)' as key aspects of facility evaluation. In assessing VC, key factors include enhancing community vitality, strengthening local capacity, providing tailored functions for the community, and contributing to the local economy. In constructing OM, the focus lies on operational system, financial management, operational personnel, and economic viability and sustainability. This study proposes an evaluation framework that includes the final evaluation indicators and available data sources for each indicator, and a pilot test was conducted to verify its applicability. Moreover, the study suggests directions for utilizing the evaluation criteria and methods for applying indicators tailored to the characteristics of individual facilities.

Research Evaluation Indicators for Government Supported Research Institutes on Geoscience and Mineral Resources in the New Korean Mission Oriented Evaluation System (임무중심형 종합평가에서 지질자원 분야 출연연구기관의 연구개발 우수성 평가지표 연구)

  • Ahn, Eun-Young;Kim, Seong-Yong;Lee, Jae-Wook
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.49 no.4
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    • pp.325-333
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    • 2016
  • The Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (MSIP) introduced its new Mission Oriented Evaluation System (MOES) for government affiliated research institutes and Government Supported Research Institutes (GSRI) on science and technology in 2013. The Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM) is the first MOES applied Science and Technology (S&T) GSRI, that has research divisions focusing on geoscience and geological surveys, mineral resources extraction and utilization, petroleum extraction and marine mineral research, and geological applied and environment research. In appling the final evaluation of MOES on KIGAM, we found difficulty classifing the concepts of research excellence and risk (innovativeness) in guidelines of Research Evaluation Indicators (REIs) of MSIP. We have developed quantitative and qualitative indicators that can present research excellence and risk (innovativeness) through the KIGAM World Class Laboratory (WCL) strategy and related studies, innovative research and development guidelines of MSIP (2013a) and honorable R&D failure guidelines of MSIP (2013b). We have applied our developed REIs in KIGAM which handles basic research, applied and development research and public services. Therefore, our developed REIs can be effectively applied in every S&T GSRI.

Establishment of Dissolution Specifications for Generic Drugs in Korea Pharmaceutical Codex Monograph - Nicametate Citrate Tablet, Norfloxacin Capsule (고시 수재 의약품의 용출규격 설정 - 구연산니카메테이트 정, 노르플록사신 캡슐)

  • Kim, Hee-Yun;Choi, Seon-Hee;Bang, Su-Jin;Han, Kyung-Jin;Choi, Sung-Hee;Baek, Ji-Yun;Kim, Dong-Sup;Kim, Young-Ok;Sohn, Kyung-Hee;Song, Young-Me;Sah, Hong-Kee;Choi, Hoo-Kyun
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    • v.54 no.5
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    • pp.362-369
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    • 2010
  • Despite the fact that the dissolution test can serve as an effective tool for drug quality control and prediction of in vivo drug performance, there are a number of drugs with no established dissolution specifications because they were developed quite a long time ago. Under this circumstances, KFDA started the new project that establishes dissolution method and specifications for drugs with no dissolution specifications listed in the Korea Pharmaceutical Codex (KPC). This project aims for promoting the appropriate management of oral solid dosage forms. Seoul regional KFDA selected 2 items, Nicametate citrate tablet and Norfloxacin capsule, for establishing dissolution specifications. We went through the following procedures to develop the dissolution method and specifications: (1) Validation of dissolution test equipment, (2) Purchase of test drugs, (3) Preliminary test with one of the test products (1 lot), (4) Validation of analysis methods (3 lots), (5) Final tests and cross tests among other laboratory to establish dissolution specifications, (6) Additional test with the other test drugs. The outcome of this study will be reflected in revision of the KPC. It is believed that the quality control and evaluation of oral solid dosage forms listed in KPC will be advanced with the revision which adds additional dissolution test and specifications for the drugs with no established dissolution specifications.