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Validity evaluation of wastewater treatment system applying advanced treatment processes (고도처리공법이 적용된 하수처리시설에서의 공법적용의 적정성 평가)

  • Ahn, June-Shu;Park, Tae-Sool;Cho, Jung-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.11 no.10
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    • pp.4055-4068
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    • 2010
  • In this study, validity of wastewater treatment system with advanced treatment processes was evaluated by studying its operational conditions by applying the advanced treatment to the wastewater treatment system which was operating for last several years. Study indicated a fair result for the removal efficiencies of BOD, T-P, and T-N for each unit operation. BOD removal efficiencies for primary clarifier, bioreactor, final effluent are 35, 87, and 48 % respectively. T-P(T-N) removal efficiencies for primary clarifier, bioreactor, final effluent are 18(23), 40(38), and 25(25) % respectively. Further investigation of bioreactor showed that various microorganism such as bacteria, protozoa, and metazoa is present in the bioreactor, and the main function of the media, adhesion (adsorption) of microorganism onto the media, is stabilized. Final effluent quality was lower than the regulation, and BOD, COD, SS, T-N, T-P were 5.5, 9.9, 4.6, 11.8, 0.99 mg/L respectively.

Study on Color Coordination Simulator based on Dual Mapping Model (이중매핑모델에 의한 칼라배색 시뮬레이터 구축에 관한 연구)

  • 김돈한;정지원
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.57-66
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    • 2003
  • In order to develop color image, color simulation based on data processing techniques has been developed and applied to data interpretation tools or product design supporting systems. It has been a commonmethod to use image key words to search for data and provide color coordination samples that determine computer combination in computerized support systems until recently. However, this method does not reflect system designers and users taste or preference on making final choices of color coordination samples because the database was designed based on an assumption of standardized group that was established database from large scaled image evaluation research. In this study, we suggest a color coordination simulator that supports designer's final decision-making procedure on sample groups through the simulation of various color combination. The simulator allows communications with the system to explore a designer's color combination taste and preference, and provides a user for an efficient environment to judge the optimum result. The color coordination simulator was designed based upon Dual mapping model derived from a designer's thought process, and four steps of operations longrightarrowdefining color concept longrightarrowmaking color sample groupslongrightarrow simulation-determining ranking among final combination samples - will be assisting color design process.

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Clinical Comparison Studies on Bell's Palsy Patients by Existence of Postauricural Pain (이후통과 Bell's palsy의 예후와의 상관성 연구)

  • Hwang, Ji-Hye;Lim, Dae-Jung;Lee, Hyun-Jin;Cho, Hyun-Seok;Kim, Kyung-Ho;Kim, Seung-Hyeon
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.9-18
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    • 2006
  • Objectives : This study was designed to evaluate the influence of postauricular pain on Bell's palsy patients. Methods : We investigated 71 cases of patients with Bell's palsy and classified them as existence of Postauricural pain, 71 patients were sequentially interviewed and examined. We evaluated the treatment effect of each group by using Gross Grading System of House-Brackmann(H-B grade) before treatment and after final treatment and we researched differences of sequelae of Bell's palsy, period of treatment, changing point -period from onset of Bell's palsy to the day which the change begins to be seen at the face- and improvement -period which Bell's palsy is improved from onset to H-B gradeII. Results : 1. In age, sex, lesion, duration of disease, we found that two groups have no significant differences. 2. In improvement and period of treatment, we found that two groups have significant differences. In changing-point, we found that two groups had the difference of the average, but they were not statistically significant. 3. As a result of evaluation by using H-B grade, treatment score after final treatment was marked higher than that before treatment within each group. 4. After final treatment, Non-postauricular pain group had significant difference(result) on H-B grade compared with Postauricular pain group. 5. In frequency of sequelae symptoms of Bell's palsy, Postauricular pain group had more higher compared with Non-postauricular pain group. Conclusion : These results suggested that Non postauricular pain group should be get better than Postauricular pain group.

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Full mouth prosthodontic reconstruction on patient with occlusion collapse & decreased vertical dimension (교합 붕괴 환자의 수직고경거상을 동반한 완전 구강회복 증례)

  • Yoo, H.J.;Choi, M.H.;Kim, C.H.;Park, Y.R.;Kang, D.W.
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.115-124
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    • 2003
  • One of the important things in the full mouth reconstruction is the determination of therapeutic position. Centric jaw relation is used as a therapeutic position for the full mouth reconstruction. There are several techniques associated with recording this position. Five clinically acceptable techniques are as follows: 1) Swallowing or free closure, 2) Chin point guidance, 3) Bimanual method 4) Myo-monitor technique, 5) Anterior deprogrammer. Centric relation obtained utilizing the anterior acrylic resin platform in this case. Another important thing in full mouth reconstruction is provisional restoration. Provisional restorations are an excellent diagnostic instrument, especially in full remain esthetics, phonetics, function, parafunction, and dysfunction after evaluation and acceptance through clinical trial with the provisional restorations should be accurately transferred to the final restorations to ensure the same clinical success. Especially, anterior guidance should be accurately transferred to the final restorations. An accurate anterior guidance is critical for optimal esthetics, phonetics, comfort, function, stress minimization, and longevity of teeth and restorations. To record optimum anterior guidance, customized anterior guide table is used in this case. Considering previously mentioned points, we did successive treatment. And it resulted in a better situation esthetically and functionally. Followings are what we cared in treating a patient in this case. 1) Accurate centric relation recording 2) Accurate transference of anterior guidance to the final restorations.

Development and Evaluation of a Nursing Handoff Protocol for Intensive Care Units (중환자실 간호 인수인계 프로토콜의 개발 및 평가)

  • Cho, Young Shin;Kwon, Sun Ju;Yun, Mi Young;Lee, Mi Hwa;An, So Hee;Kong, Yu Jeong
    • Journal of Korean Critical Care Nursing
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: This study aimed to develop a nursing handoff protocol for intensive care units and test its relevance. Methods: This is a methodological research to develop a protocol. A preliminary protocol was developed by composing items and testing content validity through literature review and experts' review. We revised and complemented the preliminary protocol following practical relevance assessment of 38 intensive care unit nurses at a university hospital to test content validity and to assess practical relevance of the final protocol. Results: On the basis of the content validity test for the final protocol, 40 items were adopted. The scores for the practical relevance of the final protocol increased significantly for items such as accuracy of handoff, reduction of handoff-related errors, convenience in using the protocol, reduction in handoff time, and simplification of handoff. Conclusions: The nursing handoff protocol for intensive care units in this study is expected to improve nursing performance with a standardized handoff in intensive care units, promote patient safety, and improve communication among the medical staff.

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Environmental Adaptation of Tall Fescue varieties in Mauntainous pastures V. Effect of Final cutting time in autumn on the dry Weight ofplant ( DW ) and yield components of the 2nd growth (Tall fescue 품종의 환경적응성 V. 가을철 예취시기가 2번초의 개체중과 수량구성요소에 미치는 영향)

  • 이주삼;신영재;박훈정;한성윤;조익환
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.76-81
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    • 1994
  • This experiment was carried out to select the best adaptable varieties of Tall fescue in mountainous pastures of Taekwalyon area. The evaluation was based on the data of varietial differences in the dry weight of plant@W) and yield components of the 2nd growth. Nine varieties of Tall fescue examined were Barcel, Barvetia, Demeter, Enforcer, Forager, Fuego, Johnstone, Safe and Stef. And, the final cutting times were Sept. 30 (C1), Oct.14 (C2),Oct. 28 (C3), and Nov. 11(C4). The reults were summarized as follows: 1. Barcel and Forager with many tillers per plant(NT) showed a high dry weight of plant@W) of the 2nd growth. 2. The dry weight of plant(DW) of the 2nd growth indicated significantly positive correlation with the number of tillers per plant(NT), but there was not significant correlation with the dry weight of tiller(WT). 3. The maximum dry weight of plant@W) of the 2nd growth was obtained at C3(28 Oct.). 4. The dry weight of the 2nd growth showed an inverse relations with the dry weight of the 1st growth as affected by various final cutting time in growth period of autumn.

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The Evaluation on the Environmental Effect of Coal-Ash and Phosphogypsum as the Evapotranspiration Final Cover Material (증발산 원리를 이용한 매립장 최종 복토공법의 복토재로서 석탄재와 인산석고의 환경적 영향 평가)

  • Yu, Chan;Yang, Kee-Sok
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.15-21
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    • 2005
  • In this study, the utilization of coal-ash and phosphogypsum was considered as the evapotranspiration final landfill cover(ET cover) material. Cover material considered was the mixture of the weathered granite soil, coal-ash and phosphogypsum and so we sequentially performed the leaching test, column test and field model test to investigate the environmental effects of mixtures of coal-ash and phosphogypsum. In the leaching test, all materials had lower heavy metal concentration than the regulated threshold values. The column test and the review of related regulations were carried out to determine the optimum mixing ratio(OMR) and OMR was soil(4):coal-ash(1): phosphogypsum(1) on the volume base, which was applied to field model test. Field model tests were continued from February to June, 2004 in the soil box that was constructed with cement block. It was verified that coal-ash and phospogypsum mixed with soil was safe environmentally and the mixture of both wastes could improve the water retention capacity of cover materials.

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Effects of soybean meal fermented by Bacillus coagulans NRR1207 and kefir on the feeding characteristics of weaned HANWOO calves and Holstein cows

  • Seok Han Ra;Hyoung Churl Bae;Myoung Soo Nam
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.93-102
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    • 2022
  • This study was conducted to evaluation the effects of dietary soybean meal (SBM) and fermented soybean meal (FSBM) on the growth performance of Korean native cattle as Hanwoo calves (Bos taurus coreanae) and Holstein cows. In total, 16 calves three to four months old (Control group, SBM: 5 males and 3 females, average weight 105.7 kg; Experimental group, FSBM: 5 males and 3 females, average weight 103.7 kg) were fed 5% of the feed amount for 53 days. In terms of growth performance outcomes, the average gain body weight was significantly higher in the FSBM group than in the SBM group in the final fattening period. The average daily gain in body weight (ADGBW) for the FSBM group was higher than that of the SBM group in the final fattening period. The average gain body weight in four months for FSBM was higher than that at three months in the final fattening period. Diarrhea incidence for FSBM was significantly decreased compared to that in the SBM group in the six-week period after weaning. These results indicate that dietary FSBM can improve the growth rate and health condition during the calving period. Holstein cows fed fermented soybean meal had higher milk urea nitrogen levels and decreased somatic cell counts compared to those fed SBM. These results may be closely related with the increased average daily gain body weight associated with dietary FSBM.

Development of a Standardized Clinical Practice Education Program in Occupational Therapy Student (작업치료 대학생의 임상실습 교육 프로그램 개발)

  • Lee, Min-Jae;Lee, Sun-Min
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Integrative Medicine
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.27-38
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    • 2022
  • Purpose : This study is aimed to develop and validate the clinical practice education program and clinical competence scale of occupational therapy student. Methods : The development of the clinical practice education program used the delphi technique method, which had a total of five steps. Based on the occupational therapist's job analysis, the first stage assessed the importance of 21 experts, and the second stage examined the importance of 19 new specialists to derive constitutive factors. In the third stage, in-depth interviews were conducted with three experts based on the derived factors, and in the fourth stage, the final clinical practice education program was derived. In the final stage, the details of the clinical training program were drawn up based on the themes and were reviewed by two experts. Structured and unstructured interviews were conducted with 43 job experts. Results : The expert survey through the delphi technique was conducted three times, and content analysis and descriptive statistics were conducted to examine the distribution of responses. The final 11 educational program topics and contents were derived. Topics are confirmation of client information, evaluation and intervention, cognitive therapy, spinal cord injury, brain injury, musculoskeletal disorders, pediatric occupational therapy, interventions in activities of daily living, driving rehabilitation, vocational rehabilitation, occupational therapy assessment tool, safety training and management. Conclusion : The clinical practice education program reduce the difference between school education and clinical education of occupational therapy student. Occupational therapy helps college student understand occupational therapy practices and improve the quality of clinical education. Through more research and supplementation of clinical practice education programs in the future, it is suggested that clinical practice education be successfully operated in various practice institutions and used as basic data for designing and evaluating useful educational models.

The Development of Quality Evaluation Index of Vinegar Beverage - Using Delphi Method and Analytical Hierarchical Process(AHP) - (식초 음료의 품질평가지표 개발에 관한 연구 - 델파이 및 AHP 기법을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Jihyung;Ko, Jae-Youn;Yoo, Eunyi
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.288-301
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    • 2016
  • This paper employed typology and stratification as key elements to estimate quality evaluation of vinegar drink through Delphi and AHP(analytical hierarchical process) method to contribute the market expansion of the vinegar drink as a health drink. Through literature research and brainstorming with professionals, the first round of Delphi method was conducted with the open-ended questions including five upper concepts, i.e. 'ingredients', 'production method', 'product characteristics', 'functions' and 'packaging design'. Original study had 50 lower concepts as a result of the first round and added 'marketing' as an additional upper concept. The second and third round of Delphi method have been conducted with closed-ended questions based on the 50 lower concepts resulted from the first round. To seek concordant objectivity among the answers from the survey, the study used Kendall's W coefficient of concordance. 11 items were removed while 16 items were removed at the third round leaving 23 items through second round of Delphi method. For the final round, this study utilized the Pairwise Comparison Method to figure out the relative importance of the 23 items for the prioritization. Finally, current study formulated the final items which should be considered as an important factor in the quality evaluation of vinegar drink.