• Title/Summary/Keyword: Field strength

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Construction of Korean Space Weather Prediction Center: Storm Prediction Model

  • Kim, R.S.;Cho, K.S.;Moon, Y.J.;Yi, Yu;Choi, S.H.;Baek, J.H.;Park, Y.D.
    • Bulletin of the Korean Space Science Society
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.33.2-33.2
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    • 2008
  • Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) is developing an empirical model for Korean Space Weather Prediction Center (KSWPC). This model predicts the geomagnetic storm strength (Dst minimum) by using only CME parameters, such as the source location (L), speed (V), earthward direction (D), and magnetic field orientation of an overlaying potential field at CME source region. To derive an empirical formula, we considered that (1) the direction parameter has best correlation with the storm strength (2) west $15^{\circ}$ offset from the central meridian gives best correlation between the source location and the storm strength (3) consideration of two groups of CMEs according to their magnetic field orientation (southward or northward) provide better forecast. In this talk, we introduce current status of the empirical storm prediction model development.

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Estimation of Soft Ground Characteristics using the Piezo-Cone Penetration Tests(CPTu) on Honam High-Speed Railway Planning Line (호남고속철도 계획노선에서의 피에조콘 관입시험(CPTu)에 의한 연약지반 특성 평가)

  • Lee, Il-Wha;Kwon, Oh-Jung;Kwen, Jin-Su;Min, Kyoung-Nam
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.1796-1801
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    • 2007
  • Piezocone penetration testing(CPTu) results such as cone resistance$(q_c)$, sleeve friction$(f_s)$, and pore pressure(u), have been carried out at 5 sites in Honam high-speed railway areas of Korea, in order to continuously estimate the characteristics of soil layers and the undrained shear strength$(S_u)$ in a soft ground. For the applications of the conventional CPTu results to undrained shear strength, the cone factors$(N_{kt})$ were deduced based on Field vane tests, and Monte-Carlo Simulation(MCS). Moreover the correlations of the undrained shear strength of CPTu by soil depths were compared and revised with the results of triaxial compression(UU test), field vane and Dilatometer tests(DMT). The depths of soft foundation at 5 sites in Honam high-speed railway areas were calculated based on the results of the various field tests in addition CPTu. The applicability of CPTu for a soft foundation criterion referred to the criteria of high-speed railway and related agencies in Korea was evaluated.

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Analysis of Early Behavior of Concrete Pavement with Initial Measurements (콘크리트 포장(鋪裝)의 초기계측(初期計測)을 통한 초기거동(初期擧動) 특성분석(特性分析))

  • Jeong, Won-Kyong;Kim, Dong-Ho;Kwan, Hyouk-Chan;Yun, Kyong-Ku
    • Journal of Industrial Technology
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    • v.23 no.A
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    • pp.165-173
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this paper is to analysis of initial behavior of concrete pavement with initial measurement strain gauge for concrete pavement at field, and to investigate the field test results for field applicability testing. The early-age behaviors of concrete pavement slabs were measured using the strain gauges. From the slab depths and positions, the outputs from each gauges were recorded at initial curing period. The initial measurement of concrete pavement and check of crack at the joint were performed, the results could be summarized as follows. From the results of concrete strength, compressive strength and flexural strength were showed $271kgf/cm^2$, $43kgf/cm^2$ respectively. From the tests of early-age strain measurement, it was found that the strain varied at the maximum value of $150{\mu}{\varepsilon}$ and early behavior of concrete slab was showed a tensile strain. However, for long-term was showed a compressive strain due to dry-shrinkage.

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A Study on Magnetic Cure System Depending on Dominant Direction of Meridian using Heating Diagnosis Method

  • Kim, Byoung-Hwa;Lee, Hie-Soung;Lee, Woo-Cheol;Han, Gueon-Sang;Won, You-Seub;Sagong, Seok-Jin;Ahn, Hyun-Sik;Kim, Do-Hyun
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2002.07c
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    • pp.1776-1779
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    • 2002
  • In this paper, we measured the heating time on the key measuring point of the meridian of the human body's left and right by using heating machine. Then, based on the fuzzy theory, this study diagnosed the each meridian's strength and weakness, After that, both the strengthening and weakening stimulus of magnetic field was applied to the dominant direction to find out how the degree of strength and weakness of the meridian changed. Ultimately, the magnetic therapy that can stimulate the magnetic field at the time of diagnosis and thereby balancing the interactive of a five system has been materialized. For the stimulation of magnetic field, a stimulating device which can change the direction and time on a specific part of the key measuring points has been developed and used. The therapeutic method is as follows. first, the strength and weakness of the meridian has been determined. Second, both the extremely weak meridian of Yin(Shade) and Yang(Shine), and the extremely strong meridian of Yin and Yang were adjusted by applying appropriate ascending and descending stimuli respectively.

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A stress field approach for the shear capacity of RC beams with stirrups

  • Domenico, Dario De;Ricciardi, Giuseppe
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.73 no.5
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    • pp.515-527
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    • 2020
  • This paper presents a stress field approach for the shear capacity of stirrup-reinforced concrete beams that explicitly incorporates the contribution of principal tensile stresses in concrete. This formulation represents an extension of the variable strut inclination method adopted in the Eurocode 2. In this model, the stress fields in web concrete consist of principal compressive stresses inclined at an angle θ combined with principal tensile stresses oriented along a direction orthogonal to the former (the latter being typically neglected in other formulations). Three different failure mechanisms are identified, from which the strut inclination angle and the corresponding shear strength are determined through equilibrium principles and the static theorem of limit analysis, similar to the EC-2 approach. It is demonstrated that incorporating the contribution of principal tensile stresses of concrete slightly increases the ultimate inclination angle of the compression struts as well as the shear capacity of reinforced concrete beams. The proposed stress field approach improves the prediction of the shear strength in comparison with the Eurocode 2 model, in terms of both accuracy (mean) and precision (CoV), as demonstrated by a broad comparison with more than 200 published experimental results from the literature.

Magnetic Creep in Narrow Channel (좁은 Channel에서의 자기적 Creep)

  • 박영문
    • 전기의세계
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.55-61
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    • 1974
  • Nature of magnetic creep phenomena in low coercive force films(Ni 80%-Fe 20%) in form of narrow channels imbedded in high coercive force films is studied in this work. Aluminium is evaporated on the hot glass substrate and eched free in the shape of narrow channels by photoetoetching method. then, Permalloy(Ni 80%, Fe 20%) is deposited on these Aluminium substrate under the uniform field of 30(Oe) to introduce anisotropy. Permalloy film on Al has a high coercive force and one on the substrate devoid of Al has how coercive force. Magnetic revers domain which is introduced at the end of channel grows under the a.c field in hard axis direction, in spite of very weak d.c field in easy axis direction. This creeping is investigated as a function of external fields and channel widths. Permalloy film thickness is 500.angs.-900.angs. and channel widths are 40, 51, 65, 81, 115.mu. respectively. Creeping increases as external field increases while it decreases with channel width decrease. Creep velocity in channels depends on the a.c field along hard axis, d.c field along easy axis and channel widths and its range is 1-10cm/sec in this experiment. From study of dependence of creep velocity on channel width, it can be concluded that creep velocity is expressed in form of v=v$_{0}$ exp .alpha.(H-H$_{0}$) where .alpha. is a function of a.c field along hard axis and H is driving d.c field along easy axis, H$_{0}$ is not a coercive force of film as usuall expected but the d.c threshold field along easy axis which is a function of channel width. This characteristic is also confirmed by the study of dependence of creep velocity upon easy axis field strength. Value of .alpha. obtained is 1.3-2.3cm/sec We depending upon film charactor, hard axis field strength and frequency.uency.

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Evaluation of Weathering Intensity and Strength Parameter for Weathered Granite Masses (I) (화강 풍화암의 풍화도 및 강도정수의 평가 (I))

  • 이종규;장서만
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.227-236
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    • 2003
  • The evaluation of the reliable strength and deformation characteristics of weathered granite masses is very important for the design of geotechnical structure under working stress conditions. Various types of laboratory test such as triaxial compression test can be performed to determine the strength parameters. However, it is very difficult to obtain the representative undisturbed samples on the site and also the rock specimen cannot represent rock mass including discontinuities, fracture zone, etc. This study aims to investigate the strength and deformation characteristics of granite masses corresponding to its weathering and develop a practical strength parameter evaluation method using the results of PMT. To predict weathering intensity and strength parameters of the weathered granite masess in the field, various laboratory tests and in-situ tests including field triaxial test and PMT are carried out. Based on the results of weathering index tests, the classification method is proposed to identify the weathering degree in three groups for the weathered granite masses. Using the analytical method based on the Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria and the cavity expansion theory, the strength parameters of rock masses were evaluated from the results of PMT. It shows that weathering intensity increases with decreasing the strength parameters exponentially. The strength parameters evaluated with the results of PM almost coincide with the results of field triaxial test.

A Study for Selection and Field Applicability of Asphalt Precast Pothole Repair Materials (아스팔트 프리캐스트 포트홀 보수재료의 선정과 현장 적용성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jincheol;Bae, Sungho;Lee, Jinho;Yang, Jaebong;Kim, Jiwon
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.21-33
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    • 2014
  • PURPOSES: The purpose of this study was to break away from the workforce method using cold-mix asphalt mixtures and has a constant quality and has develop repair materials of pre-production asphalt-precast types. METHODS: The selection of the repair material was determined as the results obtained through physical properties of materials and the field applicability. In case of repair materials, values obtained through Marshall stability test & the dynamic stability test & retained stability test as well as the site conditions was considered. In case of adhesive, test results were obtained through examination of the bond strength(tensile, shear) and the field applicability of the adhesive was examined through combined specimens to simulate field applications. RESULTS : According to the results of laboratory tests, in the case of repair materials, Marshall stability and dynamic stability, retained stability of cold-mix reaction type asphalt mixture is the highest. In the case of adhesive, two-component epoxy-urea has a very high bonding strength(tensile, shear) was most excellent. According to the results of field tests, when epoxy-urea was excellent workability. Also, the repair body through actual mock-up test did not occur large deformation and fracture after 12 months. CONCLUSIONS : A suitable repair material is cold-mix reaction type mixture of asphalt-precast, a suitable adhesive is a two-component epoxy-urea.

Construction and Evaluation of an Experimental Type Torque Converter by Adapting an Electrorheological Fluid as an Operating Medium (전기유변유체를 동작매체로 하는 실험용 토크 전달장치 제작 및 성능평가)

  • 김상국;정동운;최윤대
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.18 no.10
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    • pp.2706-2711
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    • 1994
  • In this work, an experimental type of torque converter has been constructed and its characteristics have been evaluated by adapting an electrorheological fluid(ERF) as an operating medium. The device was designed by using the equations which were proposed by Carlson et al. The correlation between the rheological behaviour of an ERF and mechanical parameters of the clutch has been investigated. The torque generated by an ERF in this device is sum of one due to the yield strength by polarizing dispersed particles in dielectric oil and one due to the viscous drag. The experimental results are presented in terms of torque and current density as a function of rotational speed at various electric field strength applied. Experimental results showed that the measured torque was rapidly increased with the increase of the electric field, generally being proportional to the rotational speed of the motor. The measured current was shown to be increased with the increased electric field. Also, the current was decreased with the increase of increased with the increased electric field. Also, the current was decreased with the increase of the rotational speed of the motor and reached plateau region after f = 5 Hz.

An Experimental Study on Behavior of Field Splice Joints of Longitudinal Rib in Orthotropic Steel Decks (강상판 종리브 현장연결부의 실험적 거동 특성)

  • Choi, Dong Ho;Choi, Hang Yong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.621-629
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    • 2001
  • This study consists of static and fatigue tests to evaluate the behavior on the field splice joint of longitudinal rib in orthotropic steel deck specimens. Specifically, static and influence surface tests are performed for the stress distribution at the scallop area and high-strength bolt connection of longitudinal rib to examine the existence of handhole cover plate and the effect of eccentric loads. The ultimate strength of the field splice joint of longitudinal rib is obtained. In fatigue tests, cracks are observed at the scallop in the lower level test and the catastrophic failure of longitudinal rib is occurred following the failure of handhole cover plate in the higher level test. This study gives a basis for the better understanding of the field splice joint of longitudinal rib.

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