• Title/Summary/Keyword: Field Intensity Factors

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Ionization Phenomena caused by Impulse Voltages in various soils (토양종류에 따른 임펄스전압에 의한 이온화 현상)

  • Park, Geon-Hun;Kim, Hoe-Gu;Kim, Jung-Cheol;Kim, Ki-Bok;Lee, Bok-Hee
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2008.07a
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    • pp.1301-1302
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    • 2008
  • The resistivity of soils around ground electrodes is changed considerably according to the factors such as soil types, water contents, grain size, temperature and pressure. In this study, ionization characteristics of different soil types containing the same amount of water content due to the impulse voltages are investigated. In order to analyze soil ionization phenomena, critical electric field intensity for ionization and pre-ionization and post-ionization resistances are measured and discussed.

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An analysis of rainfall infiltration characteristics on a natural slope from in-situ monitoring data (현장 계측을 통한 자연사면에서의 강우 침투 특성 분석)

  • Kim, Woong-Ku;Chang, Pyoung-Wuck;Cha, Kyung-Seob
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.375-380
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    • 2005
  • In Korea, most landslides are occurred during the rainy season from June to September and have a shallow failure plane parallel to the slope. For these types of rainfall-induced failures, the most important factors triggering slope unstability is not the increase of pore water pressure but the decrease of the matric suction of unsaturated soils by rainfall infiltration. So it is essential to landslide hazard assessment that defines the characteristics of infiltration in natural slopes. In this study, field measurements have been carried out in order to monitor in-situ volumetric water contents and ground water table, at several depths and locations on a natural slope. The results show that rainfall infiltration is correlated with antecedent water contents, rainfall intensity and total rainfall. The ground water table was varied sensitively by every rainfall event.

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Optimal Design of a Shield in Vacuum Interrupter (진공 인터럽터의 쉴드 형상 최적설계)

  • Choi, Seung-Kil;Kim, Kyu-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.374-380
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    • 2007
  • In this paper a nobel optimum design method is presented for a shield in a vacuum interrupter which is equipped in switchgear to improve its electric insulation capability. The design of Taguchi experiment method which is based on the results by finite element method is used to find optimum design conditions. The important design factors are chosen at first and the concept of signal to noise ratio is applied to evaluate the vacuum interrupter performance, and the optimal values of each parameters are determined. From the results of various analyses, it is shown that the shield plate in circuit circuit breaker compartment of switchgear can reduce the concentration of electric field intensity. This method is very useful to design the construction of a shield in a short time. Consequently, the insulation capability of circuit breaker compartment in a gas insulated switchgear is improved by adopting an additional optimized shaped shield.

Physiological Characteristics Related to Cold Injury in Rice (수도 냉해에 관련된 생리적 특성 고찰)

  • 석순종;허일봉;임정남
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.429-444
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    • 1991
  • Cold stress influence plant growth through a wide range of growth characters. Adverse effects of low temperature to plant growth come from results of colligative and complex physiological responses to cold stress. To evaluate more exactly cold tolerance of crop plant, it is needed to observe physiological changes induced by cold stress and to analyze relationships between intraspecific variations in physiological factors related to cold tolerance and the extent of cold tolerance in the field. Therefore, the composition and unsaturation ratio of fatty acids in phospholipid, a constituent of membrane, the transition-temperature in respiratory activity of mitochodria, the chlorophyll fluorescence as a factor related to photosynthesis were investigated in rice plant and data on these factors were compared with the degree of cold tolerance obtained in the field experiment. Also, effects of hardening and Mn++ treatment were evaluated as a method to reduce chilling injuries. The unsaturation ratio of fatty acids, whether rice plants were grown in a natural condition or under the chilling stress, was higher in the cold- tolerant varieties and was significantly correlated with the degree of cold tolerance (1-9) observed in the field experiment. And it was also increased by chilling treatment or hardening treatment, due to a reduction in palmitic acid content and an increase in linolenic acid content. The transition-temperature of respiratory activity of mitochodria isolated from etiolated rice seedlings ($25^{\circ}C$, two week-grown in the dark), was correlated with the degree of cold tolerance in the field, cold -tolerant varieties showing a lower transition-temperature. It was not influenced by growth stages. The intensity of chlorophyll fluorescence was highly correlated with the degree of cold tolerance, cold-tolerant varieties having a higher fluorescence intensity. By foliar application of Mn, the transition-temperature of respiratory activity was lowered as much as 0-2$^{\circ}C$ in all tested varieties. Soil application of Mn induced more significant effect in cold-susceptible varieties with a possibility of reducing chilling injuries. On the whole, there were high correlationships among the degree of cold tolerance, the unsaturation ratio of fatty acids in phospholipid, the transition- temperature of respiratory activity and chlorophyll fluorescence except for a few varieties. The transition- temperature of respiratory activity appeared to be negatively correlated with the unsaturation ratio of fatty acids. and the chlorophyll fluorescence to be positively correlated with the unsaturation ratio. This implies that these physical and physiological factors were very closely related to cold tolerance and can be used as an effective index of the evaluation of cold tolerance of crop plant. But other factors as well as three factors discussed above are needed to be considered colligatively and altogether with a systematic analysis for the more exact evaluation of cold tolerance. in rice cultivars. in rice cultivars.

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Plant Sociological Studies on the Pinus densiflora Forest in Korea (한국산 소나무림의 식물사회학적연구)

  • Lee, Woo-Tchul;Lee, Cheol-Hwan
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.257-284
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    • 1989
  • This study was carried out to characterize pinus densiflora forests in middle province (Mt. Seolag, Mt. Taebaik) south province (Mt. Sokli, Mt. Jiri) and south-coast province (Mt. Daedun) of Korea. The appearance species in the P. densiflora alliance included 325 taxa and varied according to the direction of slopes. The steeper the slope was, the fewer number of taxa were observed. The floristic composition of south-coast province was gradually changing to the south hemispheric factors. Dominant species groups of P. densiflora alliance were classified into P. densiflora, Quercus serrata ( layer), Rhus trichocarpa ( layer), Lespedeza maximowiczii var. tomentella (S layer), Artemisia keiskeana, Carex humilis var. nana, Spodiopogon sibiricus (K layer). Quercus variabilis, Fraxinus sieboldiana and Styrax japonica association were formed under the P. densiflora alliance. Quercus, Rhus, Lespedeza and Rhododendron groups maintained high ecological relationships one another. The soil factors (pH, organic matters, and water field capacity)and relative light intensity tended to show negative correlation, which were significantly different among provinces. The P. densiflora forests of Korea were classified into one alliance and four associations, that is, pinion densiflorae Suz.-Tok. 1966, Quercetum variabilae ass. nov., Quercetum mongolicae ass. nov. Fraxinetum sieboldianae ass. nov. and Styraxetum japonicae ass. nov.

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Assessment of methane emission with application of rice straw in a paddy field

  • Choi, Eun Jung;Jeong, Hyun Cheol;Kim, Gun Yeob;Lee, Sun Il;Gwon, Hyo Suk;Lee, Jong Sik;Oh, Taek Keun
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.857-868
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    • 2019
  • A flooded rice field is one of the significant sources of anthropogenic methane (CH4) with the intensity of the emissions dependent on management practices. Incorporation of rice straw, which is one of the organic amendments, induces the increase of methane emissions during the flooding season. In this study, we measured of methane emission according to applications of rice straw in different soil textures during a cultivation period in 2017 and 2018. The fallow treatments were non application of rice straw (NA), spring plowing after spring spreading of rice straw (SPSA), spring plowing after previous autumn spreading of rice straw (SPAA), and autumn plowing after previous autumn spreading of rice straw (APAA). The SPSA treatment emitted the highest total methane from loam soil in both 2017 (596.7 CH4 kg ha-1) and 2018 (795.4 CH4 kg ha-1). The same trend was observed in silt clay loam soil; the SPSA treatment still emitted the highest amount of methane in both 2017 (845.9 CH4 kg ha-1) and 2018 (1,071.7 CH4 kg ha-1). The lowest emission among the rice straw incorporated plots came from the APAA treatment for both soil texture types in all the seasons. The conversion factors of the SPAA were 0.79 and 0.65 from the loam and silt clay loam soils, respectively. Relatedly, the conversion factors of the APAA were 0.71 and 0.43 from the loam and silt clay loam soils, respectively. The above observations mean therefore that incorporation of rice straw early in the fallow reduces methane emissions in the main rice growing season.

Response of Total Nitrogen and Phosphorus Concentrations of Paddy Flooding Water to Fertilization under Rain-shielding Conditions (비가림 조건에서 시비에 대한 논담수 중 총질소 및 총인 농도 반응)

  • Jung, Jae-Woon;Choi, Woo-Jung;Yoon, Kwang-Sik;Kim, Han-Yong;Kwak, Jin-Hyeob;Lim, Sang-Sun;Chang, Nam-Ik;Huh, Yu-Jeong
    • KCID journal
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.57-66
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    • 2007
  • Temporal changes in total nitrogen (T-N) and phosphorus (T-P) concentrations in paddy floodwater in response to fertilization under rain-shielding pot and small-scaled field conditions were investigated. On the basis of the changing patterns, suggestions for the use of fertilization factors, such as days after fertilization, in developing models for the estimation of T-N and T-P loads from paddy fields were made. Total N concentration was susceptible to fertilization, showing a peak concentration right after fertilization followed by a decreasing pattern with the elapse of days after fertilization. The decreasing pattern of T-N concentration followed the first- order kinetics, indicating that the models are likely to be an exponential equation using days after fertilization as an independent variable. Comparison between the pot and field experiments conducted with soils different in soil fertility revealed that indigenous soil N concentration significantly affected T-N concentration, and this suggests that soil N status can be used as the second variable for the models. Meanwhile, temporal changes in T-P concentration did not respond to P fertilization as sensitively as T-N. In combination with other published results, our study suggests that rainfall intensity and other factors associated with farming activities that are likely to cause disturbance of soil particles containing P may be used as possible variables for the models.

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Studies on the Effects of Several Factors on Soil Erosion (토양침식(土壤侵蝕)에 작용(作用)하는 몇가지 요인(要因)의 영향(影響)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Woo, Bo Myeong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.54-101
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    • 1976
  • This study was conducted on the major factors affecting soil erosion and surface run-off. In order to investigate the processes and mechanisms of soil erosion on denuded forest-land in Korea, and to systematize the magnitudes of influences and interactions between individual factors, the five major factors adopted in these experiments are soil textures (coarse sand and clay loam), slope steepness ($10^{\circ}$, $20^{\circ}$, $30^{\circ}$ and $40^{\circ}$), rainfall intensities (50, 75 and 100mm/hr), slope mulching methods (bare, coarse straw-mat mulching, grass mulching and anti-erosion liquid mulching) and vegetation densities (sparse, moderate and dense). The processes and mechanisms of soil erosion, and the effects of mulchings on soil erosion as well as surface run-off rates were studied algebraically with four parts of laboratory experiments under the simulated rainfall and another part of field experiment under the natural rainfall. The results in this study are summarized as follows: 1. Experiment factors and surface run-off rates The surface run-off rates under the natural rainfall were resulted about 24.7~28.7% from the bare slopes, about 14.0~16.4% from the straw-mat mulched slopes, about 7.9~9.1% from the liquid mulched slopes, and about 5.6~7.2% from the grass mulched slopes respectively. The surface run-off rates under the simulated rainfall differed greatly according to the rainfall intensity and the mulching method. 2. Magnitudes of influences and interactions of the individual factor on the surface run-off rates. The experimental analyses on the major factors(soils, slopes, rainfalls, mulchings and vegetations) affecting the rates of surface run-off, show that the mean differences of surface run-off rate are significant at 5% level between the soil texture factors, among the slope steepness factors, among the rainfall intensity factors, among the mulching method factors, and among the vegetation density factors respectively. The interactions among the individual factor have a great influence(significant at 1% level) upon the rate of surface run-off, except for the interactions of the factors between soils and slopes; between slopes and vegetations; among soils, slopes and rainfalls; and among soils, slopes and mulchings respectively. On the bare slopes under the simulated rainfall, the magnitude of influences of three factors(soils, slopes and rainfalls) affecting the rate of surface run-off is in the order of the factor of rainfalls, soils and slopes. The magnitude of influences of three factors (soils, rainfalls and mulchings) affecting the rate of surface run-off, on the mulched slopes under the simulated rainfall is in the order of the factor of mulchings, rainfalls and soils and that of influences of the factor of soils, slopes and mulchings is in the order of the factor of mulchings, soils and slopes. On the vegetation growing slopes under the simulated rainfall, the magnitude of influences of three factors (soils, slopes and vegetations) affecting the rate of surface run-off is in the order of the factor of vegetations, soils and slopes. In the same condition of treatments on the field experiment under the natural rainfall, the order of magnitude of influences affecting the rate of surface run-off is the factor of mulchings, soils and slopes. 3. Experiment factors and soil losses The soil losses of the experiment plots differed according to the factors of soil texture, slope steepness, rainfall intensity and mulching method. The soil losses from the coarse soil were increased about 1.1~1.3 times as compared with that of fine soil under the natural rainfall, while the soil losses from the fine soil were increased about 1.2~1.3 times compared with that of coarse soil under the simulated rainfall. The equation of $E=aS^b$ (a, b are constant) between the slope steepness (log S) and soil losses (log E) under the simulated rainfall were developed. The equation of $E=aI^b$ (a, b are constant) between the rainfall intensity (log I) and soil losses (log E) were developed, and b values have a decreasing tendency according to the increase of the slope steepness and rainfall intensity. The soil losses under the natural rainfall were appeared about 38~41% from the coarse straw-mat mulched slopes, about 20~22% from the liquid mulched slopes, about 14~15% from the grass mulched slopes as compared with that of the bare slopes respectively. The soil loss from the vegetation plots showed about 7.1~16.4 times from the sparse plot, about 10.0~17.9 times from the moderate plot and about 11.1~28.1 times from the dense plot as compared with that of the bare slopes. 4. Magnitudes of influences and interactions of the individual factor on the soil erosion. The experimental analyses on the major factors(soils, slopes, rainfalls, mulchings and vegetations) affecting the soil erosion, show that the mean differences of soil losses are highly significant between the soil texture factors, among the slope steepness factors, among the rainfall intensity factors, among the mulching method factors and among the vegetation density factors respectively. The interactions among the individual factor have mostly great influences upon the soil erosion. The magnitude of influences of three factors (soils, slopes and rainfalls) affecting the soil erosion on the bare slopes under the simulated rainfall is in order of the factor of rainfalls, soils and slopes. On the mulched slopes under the simulated rainfall, the magnitude order of influences of three factors(soils, rainfalls and mulchings) affecting the soil erosion is the factor of mulchings, rainfalls and soils, and the order of influences of factor of soils, slopes and mulchings is the factor of mulchings, soils and slopes. On the vegetation growing slopes under the simulated rainfall, the magnitude of influences of three factors (soils, slopes and vegetations) affecting the soil erosion is in the order of the factor of slopes. vegetations and soils. In the same condition of treatments on the field experiment under the natural rainfall, the order of magnitude of influences of three factors (soils, slopes and mulchings) affecting the soil erosion is the factor of mulchings, of slopes and of soils.

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Susceptibility Mapping of Umyeonsan Using Logistic Regression (LR) Model and Post-validation through Field Investigation (로지스틱 회귀 모델을 이용한 우면산 산사태 취약성도 제작 및 현장조사를 통한 사후검증)

  • Lee, Sunmin;Lee, Moung-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.33 no.6_2
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    • pp.1047-1060
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    • 2017
  • In recent years, global warming has been continuing and abnormal weather phenomena are occurring frequently. Especially in the 21st century, the intensity and frequency of hydrological disasters are increasing due to the regional trend of water. Since the damage caused by disasters in urban areas is likely to be extreme, it is necessary to prepare a landslide susceptibility maps to predict and prepare the future damage. Therefore, in this study, we analyzed the landslide vulnerability using the logistic model and assessed the management plan after the landslide through the field survey. The landslide area was extracted from aerial photographs and interpretation of the field survey data at the time of the landslides by local government. Landslide-related factors were extracted topographical maps generated from aerial photographs and forest map. Logistic regression (LR) model has been used to identify areas where landslides are likely to occur in geographic information systems (GIS). A landslide susceptibility map was constructed by applying a LR model to a spatial database constructed through a total of 13 factors affecting landslides. The validation accuracy of 77.79% was derived by using the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve for the logistic model. In addition, a field investigation was performed to validate how landslides were managed after the landslide. The results of this study can provide a scientific basis for urban governments for policy recommendations on urban landslide management.


  • Walker, Graham S.;Cirulis, Robyn;Fletcher, Benjimin;Chandrashekar, S.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Near Infrared Spectroscopy Conference
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    • 2001.06a
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    • pp.1171-1171
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    • 2001
  • Quantitative analysis is an important requirement in exploration, mining and processing of minerals. There is an increasing need for the use of quantitative mineralogical data to assist with bore hole logging, deposit delineation, grade control, feed to processing plants and monitoring of solid process residues. Quantitative analysis using X-Ray Powder Diffraction (XRD) requires fine grinding and the addition of a reference material, or the application of Rietveld analysis to XRD patterns to provide accurate analysis of the suite of minerals present. Whilst accurate quantitative data can be obtained in this manner, the method is time consuming and limited to the laboratory. Mid infrared when combined with multivariant analysis has also been used for quantitative analysis. However, factors such as the absorption coefficients and refractive index of the minerals requires special sample preparation and dilution in a dispersive medium, such as KBr to minimize distortion of spectral features. In contrast, the lower intensity of the overtones and combinations of the fundamental vibrations in the near infrared allow direct measurement of virtually any solid without special sample preparation or dilution. Thus Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIR) has found application for quantitative on-line/in line analysis and control in a range of processing applications which include, moisture control in clay and textile processing, fermentation processes, wheat analysis, gasoline analysis and chemicals and polymers. It is developing rapidly in the mineral exploration industry and has been underpinned by the development of portable NIR spectrometers and spectral libraries of a wide range of minerals. For example, iron ores have been identified and characterized in terms of the individual mineral components using field spectrometers. Data acquisition time of NIR field instruments is of the order of seconds and sample preparation is minimal. Consequently these types of spectrometers have great potential for in-line or on-line application in the minerals industry. To demonstrate the applicability of NIR field spectroscopy for quantitative analysis of minerals, a specific example on the quantification of lateritic bauxites will be presented. It has been shown that the application of Partial Least Squares regression analysis (PLS) to the NIR spectra can be used to quantify chemistry and mineralogy in a range of lateritic bauxites. Important, issues such as sampling, precision, repeatability, and replication which influence the results will be discussed.

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