• Title/Summary/Keyword: Festival Design

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A Study on Visitors' Satisfaction of International Peony Festival in Heze, China through IPA (IPA를 통한 중국 허쩌 국제 모란축제관광객의 만족도에 관한 연구)

  • Cui, Zhe;Kim, Yeong-Gug
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.289-300
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    • 2022
  • Purpose - This study is a study on China's national flower, the Peony Festival', with a focus on the Heze International Peony Festival, which is called the "City of Peonies, to investigate the difference in the importance and achievement of festival items". Design/methodology/approach - IPA is used to identify items that need to be improved for festival satisfaction attributes, and to suggest the direction of the annual peony festival in the future. Findings - The difference in importance and achievement for each of the 17 items of the Heze International Peony Festival, there was a statistically significant difference between importance and satisfaction, except for the peony admission ticket. It was found that satisfaction was relatively low in these items as it was higher than the average value. Second, the first quadrant showed information on traffic communication, food taste, convenient facilities (parking lot, restroom, shelter), service delivery speed, service provider attitude, natural scenery at the festival site, road signs, and information boards. Third, the diversity of cultural performances appeared in the fourth quadrant. Finally, the second quadrant is an area of high importance but low achievement. Two items were derived: the environment of the entertainment venue and the diversity of the entertainment venue. Research implications or Originality - These are the items that led to the dissatisfaction of visitors to the festival, and seem to be the items that need to be improved the most urgently.

Analysis of Festival Ordinances of Gyeonggi Province: Focusing on Developing A Representative Festival of Seongnam City

  • PARK, Hyun Jung;HAN, Seon Mi;KWON, Ki Hyun;SEO, Won Jae
    • Journal of Sport and Applied Science
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: In Seongnam City, a number of festivals are held in various areas, led by the city and private organizations. The necessity of developing a representative festival of Seongnam City, which can enhance the brand value of Seongnam, a cultural city, and promote a sense of local community and economic effects, is emerging. The purpose of this study is to analyze festival-related ordinances of Gyeonggi-do local governments, and to derive implications necessary for the development of festival support ordinances representing Seongnam City. Research design, data, and methodology: This study used the database of National Legal Information Center of the Ministry of Legislation and the autonomous legal information system to thoroughly investigate the ordinances related to festival support of basic local governments in Gyeonggi-do and the whole country. To do this, descriptive statistics analysis was conducted. Results: As a result of the study, it was found that 168 organizations (68.6%) of 245 local governments nationwide have adopted the festival support ordinance, and there are a total of 231 ordinances. In the case of basic organizations, out of 228 basic organizations, 151 organizations, including Seongnam City, adopted the ordinance on festival support, showing an adoption rate of about 66%. As a result of analyzing the basic organizations that enacted representative festival related ordinances among Gyeonggi-do basic organizations, 9 out of 28 cities adopted 16 representative festival ordinances, based on the legal and institutional basis for supporting representative festivals. Conclusions: In the case of Seongnam City, it is believed that in order to develop a representative festival, an ordinance to support the representative festival must be established. Considerations regarding the composition of the ordinance for the representative festival were discussed.

A Study on the Re-attraction of Tourists after the PyeongChang Winter Olympics -Focus on domestic and international famous festivals- (평창동계올림픽 사후 관광객 재유치 방안에 관한 연구 -국내외 유명 축제를 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Chang-Beom;Kim, Seung-In
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.327-334
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    • 2018
  • This study focuses on regathering the regional festival tourists through the reuse of Pyeongchang Winter Olympics facilities. It has a purpose of proposing directions to develop regional festival through the case analysis of successful domestic and international festivals. As a method of primary study, case analysis of domestic and international festivals and literature study were done. It was developed by data from the Statistics Office and Culture Tourism. This study suggests the Trout Festival and Snow Festival, to develop the following strategy using the facilities and make new, fused contents for the festivals. It expects the increase in facilities utilization and boom in regional economy to appear with the initiation of the unique strategy. This study to be used as a reference in the future for regathering the tourists and future studies on this specific topic.

A Study on the Motivation and Market Segmentation of the Winter Festival as a Case of Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival (하얼빈 국제빙설제의 사례로 본 겨울축제의 방문동기 및 시장 세분화 연구)

  • Sung-Bum Kim;Jellna Chung;Ki-Joon Kwon
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.153-165
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    • 2023
  • Purpose - The purpose of this study is to derive sub-group of Chinese residents to Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival through market segmentation and to identify their characteristics of each group. Design/methodology/approach - The survey was conducted with a total of 405 Chinese residents, and empirical analysis was conducted using SPSS program. Findings - As a result of the analysis, four factors were derived. Based on the factors, four sub-markets were derived by conducting cluster analysis for market segmentation. Market strategies for each sub-group were discussed based on significant differences between clusters according to demographic characteristics. Research implications or Originality - The results of this study contribute to find out potential target market of Chinese residents, and to provide data for better positing of Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival.

Local Participation, Festival Motivation, Satisfaction Level, and Support Level: Focusing on Yudalsan Mountain's Spring Festival (지역주민의 축제 참여동기와 만족도가 지지도에 미치는 영향: 유달산 봄꽃 축제를 중심으로)

  • Sun, Zhong-Yuan;Na, Seung-Hwa
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.12 no.8
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    • pp.103-112
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    • 2014
  • Purpose - There have been local government systems since June 1955. Many local governments have made use of festivals for regional public relations and the achievement of competitiveness. This study analyzes effective components of local festivals. There has been extensive research in relation to variables such as participation motivation, satisfaction level, recall intention, royalty, and recommend purpose. However, as a variable factor, attachment to the participation motivation of a festival has been overlooked along with support level to a festival. This study has added new variables named "attachment to local society" and "support level," which are dependent variables. We will study the relationship of these two variables. Research design, data, and methodology - This study has devised a cause-and-effect relationship model, which deduces that local residents' participation motivation for the festival will have positive influence on the festival support level and satisfaction level. We circulated questionnaires to local residents to get the data required to prove the hypothesis. To analysis the data, we used SPSS 21.0, and accomplished basic analysis through the analysis of frequency as well as descriptive statistical analysis. Further, we verified our measurement tools through reliability analysis, and examined the research hypothesis through multiple regression analysis. Results - With regard to the festival satisfaction level, the variables of local society attachment, festival attraction, escaping from the daily life, and family harmony have influence upon a positive effect (+) in this order. Among them, the variable of local society attachment has the greatest influence. However, in respect of support level for the festival, only the variables of local society attachment and escaping from the daily life have a valid influence on the positive effect (+), and local society attachment has relatively greater influence. In addition, not only does the festival satisfaction level affect the support level for the festival in terms of positive effect, the influence is also far-reaching, which verifies the mediating effect. Conclusions - The result shows that the local residents' satisfaction level with the Yudalsan Mountain Spring Flower Festival is comparatively high, which is due to the local society attachment. It also shows that it is difficult to create support without local residents' attachment with their area. Consequently, this study insists that the Yudalsan Mountain Spring Flower Festival should exceed its limitation as just a village-level party, in order to become a remarkable and outstanding festival, and suggests three operational implications: macro-environmental development, task environment development, and internal operational environmental development. From the macro-environmental perspective, the constant development of local culture and local business is proposed. In the task environment perspective, a new functional development for the festival is proposed. From the internal operational environmental perspective, improvements in festival operation methods are proposed. If these weak points are addressed and resolved through a more detailed approach, it will be very helpful for local government systems to operate the festival.

Visitors' Satisfaction about Snow Sculptures of the Mt. Taebeck Snow Festival (태백산 눈 축제 방문객 만족연구: 눈 조각전을 중심으로)

  • Roh, Bong-Ho;Jeong, Kang-Hwan;Roh, Yong-Ho
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.18 no.2 s.60
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    • pp.91-100
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    • 2005
  • There is few cultural tourism festival study which investigated snow related sculptures satisfaction from festival visitors and residents. The purposes of this study were to investigate the satisfaction of snow related sculptures based on festival visitors' and residents' evaluation and give directions for festival planners The important results of this study are as following: First, visitors from out of Taebak city satisfied with National Snow Sculpture Contest, International Snow Sculpture Exhibition, and Mysterious International Snow Culture Exhibition. They did not satisfied with Making Snowmen for Genius, Our Family Snow Sculptures, and Winter Riding Experiences. Secondly, residents satisfied with International Snow Sculpture Exhibition, Mysterious International Culture Snow Exhibition, and National Snow Sculpture Contest. Their satisfaction was low about Our Families' Snow Sculptures, and Winter Riding Experiences. Thirdly, introducing experience-oriented programs and facilities are recommended to festival planners for better festival than this year.

  • PDF

The Design and Implementation of Festival Information Website using the GeoRSS Function (GeoRSS기능을 활용한 축제정보 사이트 구축)

  • Cho, A-Ra;Kang, Young-Ok
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.89-99
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    • 2010
  • This study has been implemented a map-based festival information website with Google Map to overcome a limit that existing festival information web sites supplied location information only through text-based format. To get the newest festival information, this website uses GeoRSS function which transform rss feed offered by newspaper websites into location based information. Through this function, internet users can see festival information at a glance on the basis of a map. Through this study we confirmed the efficiency of offering location based festival information and possibility of GeoRSS function to provide the newest festival information.

Relationship among Perceived Service Quality, Attitude, Behavioral Intention in Festival (관광축제 지각된 서비스 품질, 태도, 행동의도간의 관계분석)

  • Lim, Myoung-Jae;Lim, Mi-Ra
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.460-470
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    • 2010
  • This study was designed to analyze the impacts of the Festival's service quality to identify influence of Festival visitor's attitude and behavior. The result of the verification are follows : Fist festival's perceived service quality affecting potential visitors' attitude. Second potential visitors' attitude affect their behavior. This finding is contribute to the understanding of festival attendee behavior, to give useful suggestion to festival's effective development and management. Quality of festival the research which precedes in the object measuring element in the center escape. Integral part the service quality of festival escape, service quality integral part of at that resultant festival 5 dimensions became escape. This findings contribute to the understanding of festival attendee behavior, providing researchers and practitioners with insights into how effectively to design a festival.