• Title/Summary/Keyword: Female military

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Perceptions of military personnel towards stuttering and persons who stutter: Using the Public Opinion Survey of Human Attributes-Stuttering (POSHA-S) (직업군인의 말더듬에 대한 인식 연구: Public Opinion Survey of Human Attributes-Stuttering(POSHA-S)를 이용하여)

  • Hwajung Cha;Jin Park
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.71-81
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    • 2024
  • This study investigated the perceptions of military personnel toward stuttering and persons who stutter (PWS) using the Public Opinion Survey of Human Attributes of -Stuttering (POSHA-S). A total of 67 military personnel participated in the study (male: 58, female: 9, commissioned officers: 11, non-commissioned officers: 56, with an average age of 31.9 years and a standard deviation of 8.7), and the collected data were analyzed according to the guidelines provided by St. Louis. To compare the perceptions of military personnel toward stuttering and PWS, percentile ranks (%iles) relative to the global POSHA-S database, which were constructed from responses from a total of 20,941 participants from various cultural regions, countries, and groups (as of June 2023), were retrieved. Results showed that the overall stuttering score for military personnel was 7, corresponding to the 14 percentile in the POSHA-S database. In addition, the sub-score for ' self-reactions to PWS' was -11 (8 percentile in the POSHA-S database). These results revealed that military personnel hold more negative attitudes toward stuttering and PWS, overall. These findings emphasized the importance of addressing the lack of accurate information among military personnel, suggesting a need for educational programs mainly aimed at improving the understanding of stuttering and PWS within the military.

A study on the transfer of discharged female soldiers to the reserve force: Focusing on the need for transfer and impact on reserve female soldiers (전역 여군의 예비역 편입에 관한 연구)

  • Jeon, Kiseok;Choi, Soonwon
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.167-174
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    • 2024
  • While reserve forces play a critical role in modern warfare, the primary focus on reserve forces has been on men. Women's reserve forces have received little attention. The purpose of this study is to examine the need to increase the number of women in the reserve and the impact of increasing the number of women on active duty. The reasons for the need for women in the military are the decrease in the resources of the reserve force as well as the regular force due to the decrease in population, the development of fields where women can perform missions with advantages due to the changing patterns of warfare, and the changing situation of gender equality and the increasing role of women in society. However, it is currently optional, not mandatory, for female veterans to join the Reserve. The number of cadres entering the reserve may decrease as the number of active-duty women increases. Using a 2018 estimate of 13.9 percent of women transitioning to the Reserve, 194 of the 1,402 projected transitioning women in '27 will transition to the Reserve. This leaves an estimated shortfall of 1,208 reserve officers and NCO. This suggests that the policy of increasing the number of women on active duty could have a significant impact on the reserve force in the future, and further policy research is needed.

Contribution to Taxonomy and Distribution of the Genus Elaphropoda (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Apinae) in Vietnam

  • Nguyen, Minh Phuong;Tran, Ngat Thi;Nguyen, Dai Dac;Nguyen, Lien Thi Phuong
    • Animal Systematics, Evolution and Diversity
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.118-122
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    • 2016
  • Taxonomic notes on the genus Elaphropoda Lieftinck, 1966 (Hymenoptera: Apidae) from Vietnam are presented. Two species of the genus are reported: Elaphropoda percarinata (Cockerell, 1930) was first recorded from Vietnam based on specimens collected from Ha Tinh province in 1998, and is reconfirmed with a specimens collected from Bac Kan province in the Northeastern part of the country in this study, and Elaphropoda khasiana (Schulz, 1906) is recorded from Vietnam for the first time. Redescriptions of the male of E. percarinata and the female of E. khasiana are given with illustrations.

Predictors of Knowledge Level and Awareness towards Breast Cancer among Turkish Females

  • Aydogan, Umit;Doganer, Yusuf C.;Kilbas, Zafer;Rohrer, James E.;Sari, Oktay;Usterme, Necibe;Yuksel, Servet;Akbulut, Halil;Balkan, Salih M.;Saglam, Kenan;Tufan, Turgut
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.275-282
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    • 2015
  • Background: Breast cancer (BC) is the most-common malignancy of women worldwide. Though there are differences among developed and developing countries, BC remains the most common cancer type of women in Turkey. Objective: This study aimed to identify the level of knowledge, awareness, and their potential predictors towards BC in Ankara, Turkey. Materials and Methods: The present descriptive study was conducted on 376 females attending a breast health outpatient clinic. A self-administered questionnaire was designed to evaluate knowledge level about BC and predictors effecting its level. Data analysis was performed using the chi-square test. A value of p<0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: Mean age of the participants was $46.2{\pm}9.93$ (22-75). The majority (92.6 %) were married; 41.5% were educated less than nine years. Most of the women were housewives (82.7%) and, were living in an urban region (86.4%). Predictors of effecting responses to seven knowledge and awareness questions about BC varied from demographic features including older age groups, higher educational levels, being married, living in an urban area, being employee, smoking, having greater BMI to additional attributes associated breast health such as the increased number of births, applying for the purpose of control, positive family history of breast diseases, any diagnoses of breast diseases and performing BSE practice. Conclusions: It was determined that females in Turkey have better knowledge of BC than other developing countries even though it is not at the desired level. These findings revealed that females should be more informed about BC risk factors, prognosis and treatments by primary health-care providers to counteract the ascending burden of this disease.

Comparison of the Individual Characteristics of the Vocalization and Behavior in Adult Female German Shepherd with Territorial Aggression (영역 방어 공격성을 나타내는 German Shepherd의 암컷 성견에서 발성음과 행동의 개체별 특성 비교)

  • 김현희;연성찬
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.23-27
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    • 2002
  • This study was performed to compare the individual characteristics of the vocalization and behavior in the adult female German Shepherd in military service. In this study, a stranger and an other strange dog approached their kennel. Their body postures included ears forward and up, slowly wagged tails, lips raised, mouth open and teeth exposed. It was Interesting that their vocalizations were only the bark without any combination of other vocalizations. There were significant differences between duration of call(DC), pitch(P), Fl formant, F2 formant, F3 formant and F4 formant(p<0.05) except interval between call(IBC) and intensity(I) among their barks. It was suggested that the differences between same breed dogs'barks could be recognized and the data of spectrogram, especially formant contour, could be used to discriminate the sender characteristics. The body postures could also be used to understand their mind.

Design Development of Korean Creative Dance Wear Expressing Persona and Animus - Focusing on 'Crazy Collage Skirts' - (페르소나와 아니무스를 표현한 한국 창작무용의상 디자인개발 - '미친 치마 꼴라쥬'를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Heung-Kyung;Kim, Sun-Hwa
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.58 no.7
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    • pp.119-132
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    • 2008
  • This study intended to develop and produce a modern form of fashion design for the Korean creative dance performance, 'Crazy Skirt Collage', which expressed conflict between internal ego and a persona in a woman. The qualitative method was used to analyze literature review, internet search and visual data of historically important cases related to the theme. Based on the analysis, the fashion design of the dance performanre by Hwang Hee-Yeon that was actually staged on Towol Theater, one of the Seoul Arts Center, was produced. The results wire as follows; First, the study confirmed a change of persona that revealed a female's animus strongly as it moved into the modern time. Second, the female's persona was expressed through long skirts, slips, dress shoes, handbags, military shoes, dresses with long zippers, trousers, wedding dresses and Korean full skirts during the performance, while the female's animus through male coats, panties, big bags and clock. In conclusion, it is necessary to study new expressive methods, that is, dance clothes using advanced equipment such as lights, videos or other variety of materials. It is also important to understand aesthetics of modern women's ordinary lives and to adapt ordinary clothes to dance clothes in various methods in order to express their modern lives appropriately through Korean creative dance.

An Exploratory Study on Gender Differences in Marital Preparation Skills of College Students

  • Lee, Sung Hoon
    • International Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.53-68
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to highlight the importance of 'marital preparation skill' by focusing on more substantial and tangible skills in marriage life, and to conduct an exploratory research to examine the current conditions and gender differences in marital preparation skills of college students. Data were gathered through a self-administered questionnaire in four universities located in Seoul and Gyeong-gi areas in the spring of 2013, and a total of 332 senior students chosen were used for data analysis. Based on the instrument used in Olson & Olson's(2000) PREPARE/ENRICH Program, the present study sought to suggest a measurement tool with the moniker of 'marital preparation skill' that included seven domains: conflict resolution skill, sexual relationship skill, household labor skill, financial management skill, leisure management skill, parenting preparation skill, and parental role skill. Each domain consisted of four items and thus, a total of 28 items were utilized for this study. Descriptive statistics were analyzed in order to examine the degree of marital preparation skills, and t-tests were conducted in order to assess the gender differences in marital preparation skills. The main results of this study are as follows: First, overall the degree of marital preparation skills of male students was higher than that of female students. Particularly, female students were lower than male students in the skills of financial management and conflict resolution. Second, regarding the basic household labor skill related to clothing and housing life, male students showed higher than female students, implying the impact of military life. Third, even though the degree of consciousness about appropriate preparation of parenthood and parental role seemed to be heightened, the actual degree of readiness of college students revealed to be insufficient. Male students had a much higher degree of confidence and sacrifice acceptance about parenthood, and understanding about their parents' child-rearing style than female students, while the mindset of child-rearing participation of male students was lower than that of female students. Findings of this study can be used as basic data for developing more effective and differentiated educational programs of marital preparation skills for men and women.

A servey on the actual conditions & recognition of tooth bleaching in female college students (치위생과와 비치위생과 학생의 치아미백에 대한 인식도 및 실태조사)

  • Shin, Min-Woo;Ji, Min-Gyeong;Han, Myeong-Suk
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.43-53
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    • 2008
  • Some female college students have to recognize and understand the actual conditions of the tooth bleaching, and effective consultation and training to provide basic data for the purpose of investigation. this study made a survey about recognize and understand the actual conditions of the tooth bleaching and oral health knowledge and generalization methods for 649 female college student in Daejeon and Jeonbuk areas during the period between March. 15 and April. 10,2008. The results were as follows: 1. Tooth Status was found low, self-discontent respondents Status 44.2% and average 31.1%, self-contentment were 14.8%. Tooth color was average respondents were 69.8%, yellow 29.0%, White 1.7% (p=0.001, p=0.030). 2. Tooth bleaching experience has not experienced the most the military was 86.4%, to the desired Tooth bleaching for the external beauty 44.2%, confidence of smile time 37.5%. self-discontent 10.7%(p=0.000, p=0.000). 3. Tooth health status satisfaction was dental hygiene students higher than non dental hygiene, and scaling knowledge of the Tooth bleaching effect was non dental hygiene higher than non dental hygiene(p=0.039, p=0.000). 4. General knowledge for Tooth bleaching was found high 96.1%, as for the recognition route, 55.6% were through broadcast medium(p=0.025, p=0.000). 5. Medical institution chosen for Tooth bleaching treatment method appears the most preferred by 79.9% to the dental hospital dental clinic. 6. Important to consider that the choice of Tooth bleaching was Tooth bleaching duration of 37.1% cost 33%, And when Tooth bleaching hoped to be long-lasting. In this research the high recognized of Tooth bleaching treatment, but very low Tooth bleaching experience female college students for the Tooth bleaching had the wrong information. Therefore, Tooth bleaching treatment and counseling that can be used to development and education were required to provide the correct information.

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A Study on the Impact Factors of Academic Achievement of University Students

  • Jin-Uk kim;Jin Kyu Kwak;Heung Sun Eu;Hee Jeong Kim;Seong Jae Lee
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.73-81
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    • 2023
  • We conducted a survey related to study methods to identify the factors that have an influence on the academic achievement of university students and analyzed the results of this survey for correlation with students' GPA, which represents academic achievement. Test preparation and effective study habits were found to be the most important factors in overall student achievement. However, when divided by grade, maintaining health and satisfaction with school life are the most important factors for sophomores. Rather, in grades 3 and 4, time spent maintaining health is negatively reflected in improving academic achievement. Divided into gender, male students review or daily academic effort is an important factor in academic achievement, but in the case of female students, there is no difference in relative academic achievement because the amount of review and academic effort are small. For students who have experienced military service, review and test preparation are important to academic achievement, but for students who have not experienced military service, review has no effect on relative academic achievement.

Comparative Perfonmance of Early and Late Maturing Nili Ravi Buffalo Heifers

  • Naqvi, A.N.;Shami, S.A.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.336-340
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    • 1999
  • Age at maturity was studied in 661 Nili Ravi buffaloes maintained at six dairy farms in Pakistan. The mean age at maturity in the overall data from the six farms was $976.49{\pm}9.2$ days. Significantly lower mean age at maturity $(957.93{\pm}10.68\;days)$ was observed at Military Dairy Farm, Khyber Okara, Military Daiiy Farm, Punjnad and Livestock Research Station, National Agricultural Research Centre, Islamabad (Group I) compared to $(1015.26{\pm}17.39\;days)$ other three Military Dairy Farms, Peshawar, Nowshera and Rawalpindi (Group II). The advantages associated to early age at maturity were as following. Male and female calves were heavier $(38.35{\pm}0.17\;and\;31.84{\pm}15kg,\;respectively)$ in Group I as compared to $(29.27{\pm}0.26\;and\;26.27{\pm}0.26kg)$ in Group II. Milk yield per lactation was significantly higher in Group I $(1912{\pm}12\;lit.)$ as compared to $(1833.36{\pm}16.56\;lit.)$ in Group II. Lactation length was significantly longer $(284.41{\pm}1.23\;days)$ in Group I as compared to $(277.77{\pm}2.02\;days)$ in Group II. Dry period and service period were significantly shorter $(241.59{\pm}4.18\;and\;217.05{\pm}4.95\;days,\;respectively)$ in Group I as compared to $(306.39{\pm}78\;and\;280.95{\pm}9.32\;days)$ in Group II. The mean age at first calving and sex ratio were low ($1282.75{\pm}10.14$ days and 100 ♀ ♀:130.7 ♂ ♂) in Group I as compared to ($1308.7{\pm}16.44$ days and 100 ♀ ♀:152.15 ♂ ♂) in Group II but the differences were non significant.