• Title/Summary/Keyword: Fashion town

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A Study on Fashion Sensibility of adult Women's Town Wear (성인여성의 옷차림에 나타난 패션감성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Eun-Rung;Lee, Kyoung-Hee
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.380-390
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study(Part I) was to provide the guidance in more objective and proper clothing design and wearing rule to make good image making by analysis of fashion sensibilities about adult women's town wear in unlimited circumstance. The specific objectives were; 1)to investigate about fashion sensibility of women's town wear at season 2)to investigate about fashion sensibilities of women's town wear of properties which are age, marriage or not, job, average income per month, and schooling. 3)to compare fashion sensibility between Good and Bad women's town wear. The collected photos at shopping mall, department stores, and churches(S/S, F/W:2004.4.28~2005.5.1) were prepared removing face and background that can affect in estimator and attached on gray board. To investigate fashion sensibilities, the stimulus were 80 photos('good':40, 'Bad':40). The questionnaire consisted of bi-polar 25 pairs adjective scale of fashion sensibilities was distributed 60 female(20's~40's) living in Busan. The data were analyzed by t-test, ANOVA, and Scheffe. The results of this study are summarized as follows; For fashion sensibilities at 'Good' and 'Bad' wear, the variances(season, age, marriage or not, job, average income per month, and schooling) are important. Especially, the fashion sensibility at 30's women are very unique and importance age zone to catch both young women's fashion sensibility and old women's fashion sensibility, Through that age zone, we could read women's various fashion sensibility and prospect complicate consumers' fashion mind. This study result will be utilized in the clothing design for target age zone of women's town wear, database of wearing rule and good image making, and planning fashion marketing strategies.

A Study on Consumer Sensibility of Adult Women's Town Wear (성인여성의 옷차림에 나타난 소비감성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Eun-Rung;Lee, Kyoung-Hee
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.11-21
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to provide the guidance in more objective and proper clothing design and a strategy of fashion marketing from consumer sensibilities about adult women's town wear in un-limited circumstance. The specific objectives were 1) to investigate relationship between fashion sensibility and consumer sensibility of Good and Bad women's town wear, 2) to compare fashion sensibility with consumer sensibility of Good and Bad women's town wear, and 3) to investigate a dimension of Good and Bad women's town wear in fashion sensibility. Because they can affect estimators, the collected photos at shopping mall, department stores, and churches (S/S, F/W: April 28, 2004~May 1, 2005) were prepared removing face and background and attached on gray board. To investigate consumer sensibilities, the stimulus were 80 photos (40 for 'good', 40 for 'Bad'). The questionnaire consisted of bi-polar 25 pairs adjective scale of consumer sensibility was distributed 600 female (20's~40's) living in Busan (June 28, 2005~July 11, 2005). The data were analyzed by ANOVA, Regression analysis, and MDS. The results of practical study are summarized as follows. Fashion sensibility on the preference in Good and Bad women's town wear is closely related in 'want to buy-do not want to buy' and buying need is 'like-dislike'. For the fashion sensibility dimension at Good women's town wear, X axis showed from Young to Adult and Y axis showed from Hard to Comfortable following positioned design characters. For the fashion sensibilities dimension at Bad women's town wear, X axis showed from Young to Adult, Y axis showed from Normal to Unique, and Z axis showed from Heavy to Light following positioned design characters.

A Study on the Aesthetics in PRADA Sports Fashion (프라다 스포츠 패션의 미적 고찰)

  • Jung, Sung-Hye
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.529-541
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the aesthetic characteristics of PRADA's sports fashion, leading the fashion trend and one of the most influenced designers in 1990's, and thereby, helps to forecast them in the future. We studied the concept of sports fashion and the historic background of PRADA sports fashion. We also used corroborative method resolving Internet illustrated magazine, fashion journals and magazines so as to analyze the aesthetic and formative features from 1990's up to now. The results were summarized as follows ; The sports fashion in 1990's was classified into functional sportswear and town sports look. The functional sportswear can be separated into active sportswear and street sportswear. Town sports look that has been combined the elements of design in active sportswear had characters slim silhouette and simple details influenced by minimalism and reflected on the mainstream of 1990's lifestyle. Especially, PRADA's town-wear using high-tec textiles for sportswear affected on other couturiers and settled down them in the world wide fashion trend with her aesthetic expression. The aesthetic characteristics of PRADA's sports fashion appear the zenith of the minimalism and the elements of postmodernism which expressed remarkably the advanced future and familiar past at the same time as like high-tec materials, and classic silhouettes with functional details. Finally, we are able to anticipate that the aesthetics of PRADA sports look will be continued in the 21C with concerning about well-being, health, and sports & leisure.

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Research of the conditions and Preferences of Uniforms for the Disabled in Silver-towns

  • Wee, Hye-Jung
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.90-96
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    • 2010
  • We are stepping into so called "aged society" stage, as the mature people account for 7% of the population by UN's standard yardstick. The goal of this research is to provide the fundamental source in producing ecological lifestyle uniforms of health and substantiality: LOHAS which are relevant to high performance and healthy body and take things like architecture, driving, surroundings, and recycling as main factors. the results of study were as follows: Therefore we can predict, through exerting researches about consumer's usage and preference of uniforms, that the garment business will be upgraded to the medical welfare and urban life style business level. All of the silver town resident we researched wear silver town uniforms, and the uniforms were chosen by the owner and operator. This research was processed through the survey of supervisors who were employed in senior residences. 66% of elderly changed their clothes for laundary every 2 days, The timing of removal of the old uniform was that 17% was less than 1 years, consideration of buying silver-town uniforms were consider materials, design, laundary, convenience of administration, durability, color, cost.

Typology of Wholesalers in Dongdaemun Fashion Town according to Contractor Selection Criteria (동대문 패션 타운의 패션 타운의 도매업체 현황 및 협력 업체 선정 기준에 따른 유형화)

  • Seo, Min-Jeong;Lee, Ji-In;Lee, Kyu-Hye
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.819-833
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    • 2009
  • The current research focused on exploration of a well known Korean fashion and clothing industry cluster, Dongdaemun Fashion Town(DFT). Many clothing and fashion wholesalers in DFT with various business formats are trying to obtain competitive advantages. For the empirical study, a questionnaire was developed. Items measuring descriptive statistics for each business and contractor selection criteria were included in the survey. 161 data from Employees of various wholesalers of DFT were used for statistical analysis. Majority of DFT customers were buyers of Internet shopping malls and street retail shops. 64% of them used domestic contractors for sourcing products. Most of them managed less than three contractors. Contractor selection criteria were factorized as flexibility, production ability, stability, fame and location. Wholesalers were segmented into three groups: product oriented, flexibility oriented and stability oriented groups. Group differences in terms of business practices were assessed and strategic implications were included.

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A Study on Design Properties Affecting in Wearing - Focused on Adult Women's Town Wear - (옷차림에 영향을 미치는 디자인 특성 연구 - 성인여성의 외출복을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Eun-Rung;Lee, Kyoung-Hee
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.6 no.5
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    • pp.549-557
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate design properties affecting in evaluated image by adult women's town wear in un-limited circumstance. The stimulus, adult women's town wear, were collected from shopping mall, department stores and churches and evaluated by 20's 150 people. Through the estimations, the 76 pictures of 'good image' and 65 pictures of 'bad image', were selected and analyzed by classification categories. The results were as follows : 1) 'Good Image' is classified 6 groups which are like active casual, feminine casual, adult casual, modern, sporty casual, and elegance. 2) "Bad Image' is classified 5 groups which are like easy casual, active casual, soft casual, modern casual, and feminine casual. 3) Central code of adult women's town wear from 'Good Image' are simple, bright, and harmony and 'Bad Image' are complicate, heavy, and inharmony. The coordination, how to wear, is very important to evaluate image of women's town wear with other properties. Also, body shape appeared by important variable in evaluation.

A Comparison on the Satisfaction and the Characteristic of Fashion Shopping Behavior of the Shoppers Visited in Special Tourist Zone, Dongdaemun and Myeongdong Fashion Town (패션관광특구 방문객의 패션 쇼핑 특성 및 만족도 비교 - 동대문과 명동 패션타운을 중심으로 -)

  • Yu, Jihun
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.117-133
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to compare with shopping behavior and satisfaction of who have visited Dongdaemun and Myeongdong and to provide the fundamental data for differentiation strategy of two fashion trading area. The survey was carried out targeting shoppers who were in Dongdaemun and Myeoongdong and then a total of 778 questionnaires were used for the data analysis; frequency, t-test, chi-squre independence test using SPSS. 20. The results of this study were as follows. Main shoppers in Dongdaemun were the teenagers and twenties, and in Myeongdong were twenties and thirtys. The shoppers who have visited Dongdaemun significantly considered 'store factor' such as store size and comfortability, store interior, store location and accessibility, and 'product factor' including material and quality, design, formfitting, and various sizes, while Myeongdong visitors thought 'promotion factor'such as business hours, one stop shopping, sale and event etc. as important factor. The degree of satisfaction for marketing mix of Myeongdong trade area was higher than Dongdaemun's one. The case of impulse buying in two trade area was not high, while intention to revisit Dongdaemun and Myenongdong was all higher than average. Consumers were more intended to recommend Myeongdong over Dongdaemun to others.

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A Study on the Development of Wearable Smart Fashion Product - Focused on the Construction of Optimized Functionalities for Particular Needs - (웨어러블 기능성 스마트 패션제품 개발 연구 - 특정사용자를 위한 특수한 기능성 구현을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Hyunseung;Lee, Jaejung
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.133-140
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    • 2019
  • This study developed smart fashion prototypes that provide utilitarian functionality by combining Fashion and Electronics regarding the IT focused convergence tendency in modern industries. A convergence R&D workshop was performed by Fashion design majors and Engineering majors for the study. As a result, 5 functional smart fashion prototypes were developed and the outline of each prototype are as follows. The $1^{st}$ prototype, 'Hidden Camera Detecting Coat' focused on gender-related crimes. The coat uses infrared lighting and LED technologies to provide a function to detect hidden cameras in suspicious public spaces such as toilets. The $2^{nd}$ prototype, 'Heating-massage Suit' targeted patients with musculoskeletal system difficulties. The suit uses heating and vibration technologies to provide a heating massage treatment for patients with ongoing difficulties in their daily lives. The $3^{rd}$ prototype is an air-bag jacket to prevent sexual molestation on public transportation. The jacket extends its volume through pressure sensing, air compressing, motors and 3D-printing technology to secure the wearer's personal preventive space between the user's body and others. The $4^{th}$ prototype is a town wear for people suffering from synesthesia. People with synesthesia inadvertently see colors when exposed to certain sounds. This town wear uses sound sensing, air compressing, motors and 3D-printing technology to provide sound prevention and a comfortable sound playing function. The $5^{th}$ prototype is a set of a vest and a gloves for visually impaired people. The vest and gloves uses DMS, voice playing, vibration technology to provide distance measuring and warning functions.

A Study on the Hair Fashion Behavior of College Students (대학생의 헤어패션행동에 관한 조사연구)

  • 김병미;유미근
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this research is to recognize college students' thinking way for hair fashion. The tendency of hair style, hair dyeing and hair administration was examined with college students in Seoul, some cities and towns. Research analyzed and compared the result according to the distinction of sex, age and area. The questionnaire was asked to 257 boy students and 328 girl students. The result in this research is as following. 1. It was shown that our country college students were satisfied with their hair style on the whole. Especially, college students in Seoul appeared more satisfied tendency than other city or town. Seoul's college students preferred hair style of short haircut. Wide area city or small town's college students preferred long hair style. The degree of satisfaction about beauty salon service of Seoul city's college students is higher than that of wide area city or small town's college students. The reasons that they want to go to the beauty salon they used to are distance for boy students and excellent technology for girl students. Boy students change hair style regularly, but girl students change it when need to change their mood. 2. In our country, most college students had experienced that they had their hair dyed. More senior students had their hair dyed than junior students. Hair color that most like was nature brown. Seoul college students liked gold color. Seoul college students are more satisfied than wide area city or small town's college students after hair dyeing. Girl students thought that hair dyeing made their hair style excellent. 4. Girl students responded that their hair was much damaged. College students in Seoul had healthy hair. Girl students selected 「beauty art surgical operation」 for cause of hair damage, and boy student had the various causes of hair damage. College students in Seoul had much hair damage than students in any other area. Most were using shampoo, and girl students used much shampoo than boy students. Girl students selected shampoo according to their hair state, Seoul's college students had their hair washed with shampoo more frequently than other students. Girl students were getting more hair administration information with various form than boy students. Girl students used Hair Clinic for hair administration, but boy students never did it.

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A Study on the Methodology for Fashion Design through the Source of Inspiration and its Application (의상디자인 발상 및 전개 방법에 대한 연구)

  • 금기숙
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.29
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    • pp.53-70
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    • 1996
  • The inspiration and its application in fashion design is considered as one of the important factors in boosting the fashion arena. Many inspirations are adapted in fashion de-sign and they make the fashion design unique and characteristic. In this study many fashion designs are analyzed to find what kind of inspirations were adapted and utilized for the fashion design in reality. The nature historic costumes ethcin costumes arts sciences literature music sports were revealed as the sources of fashion inspiration.l The concerns on the environments movies and dramas could provide inspirations in fashion as well. Several contents or steps were studied to provide the one of the example of appli-cations as follows: 1. The works of Marc Chagall were analized to figure out and several plastic characteristics from his works were revealed such as fantastic strong colors unreal animal pattern or their details his wife and friends various divisions of the surface and so on. These attributes had been favored in depiction of his works to ex-press his home town or nostalgia. 2. '90s fashion designs inspired by the works of Chagall were analized to find out the meth-odology or the process of designs. The same Chagall colors were used in design and similar pattern were expressed through beaded work or printing jobs. The surface designs such as printing were the most prefered method in adapting the inspirations. 3. The plastic characteristics of the work of Chagall were attempted in clothing design and construction. The color combination patterns which remind the animals the surface divisions were used in design ot practive the methodologies.

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