• Title/Summary/Keyword: Failure Length

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The Effect of the Discontinuity Spacing/Length Ratio on Step-Path Failure of Jointed Rock Slopes (절리 암반 사면의 계단 경로 파괴에 미치는 불연속면 간격/길이 비의 영향)

  • Woon Sang Yoon
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.317-327
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    • 2024
  • When a non-persistent joint system is formed in a large-scale rock slope, slope failure may occur due to presence of a the stepped sliding surface. Such a surface can be divided into joint-to-joint sliding surfaces or joint-to-rock bridge sliding surfaces. In the latter case, the rock bridge provides shear resistance parallel to the joint and tensile resistance perpendicular to the joint. The load of the sliding rock can lead to failure of the rock bridge, thereby connecting the two joints at each ends of the bridge and resulting in step-path failure of the slope. If each rock bridge on a slope has the same length, the tensile strength is lower than the shear strength, resulting in the rock bridges oriented perpendicular to the joint being more prone to failure. In addition, the smaller the ratio of discontinuity spacing to length, the greater the likelihood of step-path failure. To assess the risk of stepped sliding on a rock slope with non-persistent joints, stability analysis can be performed using limit equilibrium analysis or numerical analysis. This involves constructing a step-path failure surface through a systematic discontinuity survey and analysis.

Strength Prediction of Bolted Woven Composite Joint Using Characteristic Length (특성 길이를 이용한 평직 복합재 볼트 체결부의 강도 예측)

  • Park Seung-Bum;Byun, Joon-Hyung;Ahn, Kook-Chan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.8-15
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    • 2003
  • A study on predicting the joint strength of mechanically fastened woven glass/epoxy composite has been performed. An experimental and numerical study were carried out to determine the characteristic length and joint strength of composite joint. The characteristic lengths for tension and compression were determined from the tensile and compressive test with a hole respectively. The characteristic lengths were evaluated by applying the point stress failure criterion to a specimen containing a hole at the center subjected to tensile loading and a specimen containing a half circular notch at the center subjected to compressive load. The joint strength was evaluated by the Tsai-Wu and Yamada-Sun failure criterion on the characteristic curve. The predicted results of the joint strength were compared with experimental results.

A Numerical Method for Strength Analysis of Composite Joints (복합재 체결부 강도해석을 위한 새로운 수치해석방법)

  • Kang BongSoo;Jung JaeWoo;Kweon Jin-Hwe;Choi Jin-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society For Composite Materials Conference
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    • 2004.04a
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    • pp.202-205
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    • 2004
  • A numerical method is presented to determine the characteristic lengths for the failure analysis of composite joints without characteristic length tests. In the conventional methods, compressive characteristic length was determined from the result of a combined bearing test and finite element analysis. The present study, however, shows that the same compressive characteristic length can be obtained by numerical calculation without the bearing test. A new method to define the tensile characteristic length is also introduced so that the tensile characteristic length is numerically determined without the tensile test. Failure loads based on the numerically calculated characteristic lengths are validated by the test results for composite joints

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Experimental investigation of longitudinal shear behavior for composite floor slab

  • Kataoka, Marcela N.;Friedrich, Juliana T.;El Debs, Ana Lucia H.C.
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.351-362
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    • 2017
  • This paper presents an experimental study on the behavior of composite floor slab comprised by a new steel sheet and concrete slab. The strength of composite slabs depends mainly on the strength of the connection between the steel sheet and concrete, which is denoted by longitudinal shear strength. The composite slabs have three main failures modes, failure by bending, vertical shear failure and longitudinal shear failure. These modes are based on the load versus deflection curves that are obtained in bending tests. The longitudinal shear failure is brittle due to the mechanical connection was not capable of transferring the shear force until the failure by bending occurs. The vertical shear failure is observed in slabs with short span, large heights and high concentrated loads subjected near the supports. In order to analyze the behavior of the composite slab with a new steel sheet, six bending tests were undertaken aiming to provide information on their longitudinal shear strength, and to assess the failure mechanisms of the proposed connections. Two groups of slabs were tested, one with 3000 mm in length and other with 1500 mm in length. The tested composite slabs showed satisfactory composite behavior and longitudinal shear resistance, as good as well, the analysis confirmed that the developed sheet is suitable for use in composite structures without damage to the global behavior.

Particle Size-Dependent Failure Analysis of Particle-Reinforced Metal Matrix Composites using Dislocation Punched Zone Modeling (전위 펀치 영역 모델링에 의한 입자 강화 금속지지 복합재의 입자 크기 의존 파손 해석)

  • Suh, Yeong Sung
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.275-282
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    • 2014
  • Particle-reinforced metal matrix composites exhibit a strengthening effect due to the particle size-dependent length scale that arises from the strain gradient, and thus from the geometrically necessary dislocations between the particles and matrix that result from their CTE(Coefficient of Thermal Expansion) and elastic-plastic mismatches. In this study, the influence of the size-dependent length scale on the particle-matrix interface failure and ductile failure in the matrix was examined using finite-element punch zone modeling whereby an augmented strength was assigned around the particle. The failure behavior was observed by a parametric study, while varying the interface failure properties such as the interface strength and debonding energy with different particle sizes and volume fractions. It is shown that the two failure modes (interface failure and ductile failure in the matrix) interact with each other and are closely related to the particle size-dependent length scale; in other words, the composite with the smaller particles, which is surrounded by a denser dislocation than that with the larger particles, retards the initiation and growth of the interface and matrix failures, and also leads to a smaller amount of decrease in the flow stress during failure.

Improving the behavior of buckling restrained braces through obtaining optimum steel core length

  • Mirtaheri, Masoud;Sehat, Saeed;Nazeryan, Meissam
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.65 no.4
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    • pp.401-408
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    • 2018
  • Concentric braced frames are commonly used in steel structures to withstand lateral forces. One of the drawbacks of these systems is the possibility that the braces are buckled under compressive loads, which leads to sudden reduction of the bearing capacity of the structure. To overcome this deficiency, the idea of the Buckling Restrained Brace (BRB) has been proposed in recent years. The length of a BRB steel core can have a significant effect on its overall behavior, since it directly influences the energy dissipation capability of the member. In this study, numerical methods have been utilized for investigation of the optimum length of BRB steel cores. For this purpose, BRBs with different lengths placed into several two-dimensional framing systems with various heights were considered. Then, the Response History Analysis (RHA) was performed, and finally, the optimum steel core length of BRBs and its effect on the responses of the overall system were investigated. The results show that the shortest length where failure does not occur is the best length that can be proposed as the optimum steel core length of BRBs. This length can be obtained through a formula which has been derived and verified in this study by both analytical and numerical methods.

Study of compressive behavior of triple joints using experimental test and numerical simulation

  • Sarfarazi, Vahab;Wang, Xiao;Nesari, Mojtaba;Ghalam, Erfan Zarrin
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.49-62
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    • 2022
  • Experimental and discrete element methods were used to investigate the effects of triple joints lengths and triple joint angle on the failure behavior of rock mass under uniaxial compressive test. Concrete samples with dimension of 20 cm × 20 cm × 5 cm were prepared. Within the specimen, three imbedded joint were provided. The joint lengths were 2 cm, 4cm and 6 cm. In constant joint lengths, the angle between middle joint and other joints were 30°, 60°, 90°, 120° and 150°. Totally 15 different models were tested under compression test. The axial load rate on the model was 0.05 mm/min. Concurrent with experimental tests, the models containing triple joints, length and joint angle are similar to the experiments, were numerical by Particle flow code in two dimensions (PFC2D). Loading rate in numerical modelling was 0.05 mm/min. Tensile strength of material was 1 MPa. The results show that the failure behaviors of rock samples containing triple joints were governed by both of the angle and the length of the triple joints. The uniaxial compressive strengths (UCS) of the specimens were related to the fracture pattern and failure mechanism of the discontinuities. Furthermore, it was shown that the compressive behavior of discontinuities is related to the number of the induced tensile cracks which are increased by decreasing the joint length. Along with the damage failure of the samples, the acoustic emission (AE) activities are excited. There were only a few AE hits in the initial stage of loading, then AE hits rapidly grow before the applied stress reached its peak. In addition, every stress drop was accompanied by a large number of AE hits. Finally, the failure pattern and failure strength are similar in both methods i.e., the experimental testing and the numerical simulation methods.

Stochastic failure analysis of [0/θ]s laminated composite plate containing edge crack and voids using XFEM

  • Ashok B. Magar;Achchhe Lal
    • Advances in materials Research
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.299-319
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    • 2024
  • Due to higher strength-to-weight ratio of composite laminates, they find uses in many weight-sensitive applications like aerospace, automobile and marine structures. From a reliability point of view, accurate prediction of failure of these structures is important. Due to the complexities in the manufacturing processes of composite laminates, there is a variation in the material properties and geometric parameters. Hence stochastic aspects are important while designing the composite laminates. Many existing works of composite laminate failure analysis are based on the deterministic approach but it is important to consider the randomness in the material properties, geometry and loading to predict accurate failure loads. In this paper the statistics of the ultimate failure load of the [0/θ]s laminated composite plate (LCP) containing the edge crack and voids subjected to the tensile loading are presented in terms of the mean and coefficient of variance (COV). The objective is to better the efficacy of laminate failure by predicting the statistics of the ultimate failure load of LCP with random material, geometric and loading parameters. The stochastic analysis is done by using the extended finite element method (XFEM) combined with the second-order perturbation technique (SOPT). The ultimate failure load of the LCP is obtained by ply-by-ply failure analysis using the ply discount method combined with the Tsai-Wu failure criterion. The aim is to know the effect of the stacking sequence, crack length, crack angle, location of voids and number of voids on the mean and corresponding COV of the ultimate failure load of LCP is investigated. The results of the ultimate failure load obtained by the present method are in good agreement with the existing experimental and numerical results. It is observed that [0/θ]s LCPs are very sensitive to the randomness in the crack length, applied load, transverse tensile strength of the laminate and modulus of elasticity of the material, so precise control of these parameters is important. The novelty of the present study is, the stochastic implementation in XFEM for the failure prediction of LCPs containing crack and voids.

An Experimental Study for Flexural Bonding Characteristic of GFRP Rebar (GFRP 보강근의 휨.부착특성에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Sim, Jong-Ung;Oh, Hong-Secb;Ju, Min-Kwan;Kang, Tae-Sung;Kim, Woo-Jung;Lee, Won-Hong
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.282-285
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    • 2006
  • This study is to examine bond strength of beam reinforced with GFRP rebar under 4-point bending test by adopting BRITISH STANDARD. The variables were made to have bonding length of 5times$(5d_b)$, 10times$(10d_b)$ and 15times$(15d_b)$ of the nominal diameter of GFRP rebar and were done to analyze the relationship between the bonding strength and the slip. In the result of the test, pull-out failure was dominant in the $5d_b$ and $10d_b$ specimen, both patterns of the pull-out failure and concrete splitting failure appeared in the $10d_b$. On the other hand, the $15d_b$ specimen showed only concrete splitting failure at the end of bonding length. Therefore, it was prove that available bonding length of the GFRP rebar under bending condition on static test is over $15d_b$ then farther research such as fatigue bending test, development of bonding model, FEM parameter study should be performed.

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Numerical simulations of fracture shear test in anisotropy rocks with bedding layers

  • Haeri, Hadi;Sarfarazi, Vahab;Zhu, Zheming;Nejati, Hamid Reza
    • Advances in concrete construction
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.241-247
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    • 2019
  • In this paper the effect of bedding layer on the failure mechanism of rock in direct shear test has been investigated using particle flow code, PFC. For this purpose, firstly calibration of pfc2d was performed using Brazilian tensile strength. Secondly direct shear test consisting bedding layer was simulated numerically. Thickness of layers was 10 mm and rock bridge length was 10 mm, 40 mm and 60 mm. In each rock bridge length, bedding layer angles changes from $0^{\circ}$ to $90^{\circ}$ with increment of $15^{\circ}$. Totally 21 models were simulated and tested. The results show that two types of cracks develop within the model. Shear cracks and tensile cracks. Also failure pattern is affected by bridge length while shear strength is controlled by failure pattern. It's to be noted that bedding layer has not any effect on the failure pattern because the layer interface strength is too high.