• Title/Summary/Keyword: Facial Color Model

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Content-based Face Retrieval System using Wavelet and Neural Network (Wavelet과 신경망을 이용한 내용기반 얼굴 검색 시스템)

  • 강영미;정성환
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Industry Society
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.265-274
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    • 2001
  • In this paper, we propose a content-based face retrieval system which can retrieve a face based on a facial feature region. Instead of using keyword such as a resident registration number or name for a query, the our system uses a facial image as a visual query. That is, we recognize a face based on a specific feature region including eyes, nose, and mouth. For this, we extract the feature region using the color information based on HSI color model and the edge information from wavelet transformed image, and then recognize the feature region using neural network. The proposed system is implemented on client/server environment based on Oracle DBMS for a large facial image database. In the experiment with 150 various facial images, the proposed method showed about 88.3% recognition rate.

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Facial Contour Extraction in PC Camera Images using Active Contour Models (동적 윤곽선 모델을 이용한 PC 카메라 영상에서의 얼굴 윤곽선 추출)

  • Kim Young-Won;Jun Byung-Hwan
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.633-638
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    • 2005
  • The extraction of a face is a very important part for human interface, biometrics and security. In this paper, we applies DCM(Dilation of Color and Motion) filter and Active Contour Models to extract facial outline. First, DCM filter is made by applying morphology dilation to the combination of facial color image and differential image applied by dilation previously. This filter is used to remove complex background and to detect facial outline. Because Active Contour Models receive a large effect according to initial curves, we calculate rotational degree using geometric ratio of face, eyes and mouth. We use edgeness and intensity as an image energy, in order to extract outline in the area of weak edge. We acquire various head-pose images with both eyes from five persons in inner space with complex background. As an experimental result with total 125 images gathered by 25 per person, it shows that average extraction rate of facial outline is 98.1% and average processing time is 0.2sec.

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A Study on Improvement of Face Recognition Rate with Transformation of Various Facial Poses and Expressions (얼굴의 다양한 포즈 및 표정의 변환에 따른 얼굴 인식률 향상에 관한 연구)

  • Choi Jae-Young;Whangbo Taeg-Keun;Kim Nak-Bin
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.5 no.6
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    • pp.79-91
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    • 2004
  • Various facial pose detection and recognition has been a difficult problem. The problem is due to the fact that the distribution of various poses in a feature space is mere dispersed and more complicated than that of frontal faces, This thesis proposes a robust pose-expression-invariant face recognition method in order to overcome insufficiency of the existing face recognition system. First, we apply the TSL color model for detecting facial region and estimate the direction of face using facial features. The estimated pose vector is decomposed into X-V-Z axes, Second, the input face is mapped by deformable template using this vectors and 3D CANDIDE face model. Final. the mapped face is transformed to frontal face which appropriates for face recognition by the estimated pose vector. Through the experiments, we come to validate the application of face detection model and the method for estimating facial poses, Moreover, the tests show that recognition rate is greatly boosted through the normalization of the poses and expressions.

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Real Time Face Detection with TS Algorithm in Mobile Display (모바일 디스플레이에서 TS 알고리즘을 이용한 실시간 얼굴영역 검출)

  • Lee, Yong-Hwan;Kim, Young-Seop;Rhee, Sang-Bum;Kang, Jung-Won;Park, Jin-Yang
    • Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology
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    • v.4 no.1 s.10
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    • pp.61-64
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    • 2005
  • This study presents a new algorithm to detect the facial feature in a color image entered from the mobile device with complex backgrounds and undefined distance between camera's location and the face. Since skin color model with Hough transformation spent approximately 90$\%$ of running time to extract the fitting ellipse for detection of the facial feature, we have changed the approach to the simple geometric vector operation, called a TS(Triangle-Square) transformation. As the experimental results, this gives benefit of reduced run time. We have similar ratio of face detection to other methods with fast speed enough to be used on real-time identification system in mobile environments.

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A Study on the Face Image to Color of Make-up (색채 메이크업에 의한 얼굴이미지 연구)

  • Song, Mi-Young;Park, Oak-Reon;Ha, Jong-Kyung
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.527-534
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this research is to study face images according to color of make-up was made by computer graphic simulation. The various facial images can be helpful for choosing suitable make-up color planning. In order to find out the differences of face images by make-up color, three different foundations and seven eye-shadows, six lips were applied on the round face model. Make-up Image Scale was used the scale of seven point modified the S-D method. Data were analyzed by Varimax perpendicular rotation method, Duncan's Multiple Range Test, Three-way ANOVA. As the result of make-up image perception analysis, a factor structure was divided into mildness, modernness, elegance, unique. The factor of mildness, modernness, unique affected on the foundation color. Foundation color was found out to be influential variable to distinguish color perception abilities. Also, the foundation, eye-shadow, lip color were influenced interactively on the perception of elegance factor. Pink color was important color, influenced on the mildness factor. Gray and purple color were influenced on the modernness factor. Mildness factor was perceived as the most bright foundation but unique factor was perceived as the most dark foundation. Then, the foundation, eye-shadow, lip color were influenced interactively on the perception of facial images. The results can be effectively applied to today's marketing and color design management which is focused on the product's emotional image in customer's mind.

A Study on Real-Time Detection System of Facial Region using Color Channel (컬러채널 실시간 복합 얼굴영역 검출 시스템 연구)

  • 송선희;석경휴;정유선;박동석;배철수;나상동
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2004.05b
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    • pp.463-467
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    • 2004
  • 본 논문에서는 컬러정보를 이용하여 외부 조명의 영향에 대응하면서 얼굴 후보영역을 추출하고, 추출된 후보 영역으로부터 다채널 스킨컬러 모델로 특정 정보를 추출하는 검출 기법을 제시한다. 외부 조명에 민감한 스킨컬러 특성을 고려해 색상정보와 광도를 분리할 수 있는 Y $C_{r}$ , $C_{b}$ 색상모델을 이용하며, Green, Blue 채널의 정보를 Gaussian 확률밀도 모델로부터 $C_{b-}$ $C_{g}$ 의 좁은 범위에 분포되어 있는 스킨컬러 영역 밀도를 모델링한다. 또한 얼굴영역에 Region Restricting과 임계값 반복 알고리즘을 사용하여 눈 영역 검출 과정을 보이고, 실시간 복합 얼굴 검출 시스템 조명방식에 의해 결과를 나타낸다.다.

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Implementation of Character Floating Hologram by Age and Gender Recognitions using Depth Images (깊이영상을 이용한 나이와 성별인식을 통해 캐릭터 플로팅 홀로그램 구현)

  • Oh, Kyoojin;Kwon, Soon-Kak
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.146-156
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, we propose a character floating hologram system using the user's gender and age. The proposed system recognizes the gender and age of the user through depth images and color images. The depth images are used to find and normalize facial position. Next, by using facial color images, the age and gender are estimated through an verified database-based model of CNN. Finally, the estimated age and gender are expressed to a character for the floating hologram. The proposed system can be used in a variety of areas, including marketing, advertising, and exhibition events using gender or age.

Rotation and Scale Invariant Face Detection Using Log-polar Mapping and Face Features (Log-polar변환과 얼굴특징추출을 이용한 크기 및 회전불변 얼굴인식)

  • Go Gi-Young;Kim Doo-Young
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.15-22
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    • 2005
  • In this paper, we propose a face recognition system by using the CCD color image. We first get the face candidate image by using YCbCr color model and adaptive skin color information. And we use it initial curve of active contour model to extract face region. We use the Eye map and mouth map using color information for extracting facial feature from the face image. To obtain center point of Log-polar image, we use extracted facial feature from the face image. In order to obtain feature vectors, we use extracted coefficients from DCT and wavelet transform. To show the validity of the proposed method, we performed a face recognition using neural network with BP learning algorithm. Experimental results show that the proposed method is robuster with higher recogntion rate than the conventional method for the rotation and scale variant.

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A New Face Tracking Algorithm Using Convex-hull and Hausdorff Distance (Convex hull과 Robust Hausdorff Distance를 이용한 실시간 얼굴 트래킹)

  • Park, Min-Sik;Park, Chang-U;Park, Min-Yong
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2001.11c
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    • pp.438-441
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    • 2001
  • This paper describes a system for tracking a face in a input video sequence using facial convex hull based facial segmentation and a robust hausdorff distance. The algorithm adapts YCbCr color model for classifying face region by [l]. Then, we obtain an initial face model with preprocessing and convex hull. For tracking, a Robust Hausdorff distance is computed and the best possible displacement is selected. Finally, the previous face model is updated using the displacement t. It is robust to some noises and outliers. We provide an example to illustrate the proposed tracking algorithm in video sequences obtained from CCD camera.

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Estimation and Watermarking of Motion Parameters in Model Based Image Coding

  • Park, Min-Chul
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2002.07b
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    • pp.1264-1267
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    • 2002
  • In order to achieve an advanced human-computer interface system, it is necessary to analyze and synthesize facial motions just as they are in an interactive way, and to protect them from unwanted use and/or illegal use for their privacy, various uses in applications and the costs of obtaining motion parameters. To estimate facial motion, a method of using skin color distribution, luminance, and geometrical information of a face is employed. Digital watermarks are embedded into facial motion parameters and then these parameters are scrambled so that it cannot be understood. Experimental results show high accuracy and efficiency of the proposed estimation method and the usefulness of the proposed watermarking method.

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