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Establishment of hydraulic/hydrological models in the Mekong pilot area using global satellite-based water resources data II - focusing on HEC-RTS/RAS model application (글로벌 위성기반 수자원 데이터 활용 메콩지역 수리/수문모델 시범 구축 II - HEC-RTS/RAS 모형 적용을 중심으로)

  • Cho, Younghyun;Noh, Joonwoo;Park, Sang Young;Park, Jin Hyeog
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2022.05a
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    • pp.121-121
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    • 2022
  • 한국과 미국은 2018년 8월에 발표한 메콩우호국(Friends of the Lower Mekong, FLM) "메콩지역 수자원 데이터 관리 및 정보공유 강화에 관한 공동성명"을 계기로 메콩유역의 실시간 수자원 변동 모니터링 및 분석과 수자원 데이터 공동활용 역량을 강화하여 효율적이고 과학적인 수자원관리 지원과 함께 한국의 신남방정책과 미국의 인도-태평양 전략 시너지효과를 극대화하고자 메콩 주변국 재해경감 및 수자원 데이터 활용 역량강화를 위한 글로벌 위성기반 수문자료의 생산·활용 및 홍수·가뭄 등의 수재해 분석기술을 개발하고 있다. 여기에는 한국 K-water의 물관리 기술과 미국 NASA, USACE의 위성활용 및 수자원분석 기술을 접목하여 메콩지역의 체계적인 물관리 및 재해로부터 안전성 확보 기여에 목표를 두고 연구를 진행 중에 있다. 본 연구에서는 전 세계적으로 광범위하게 활용되고 있는 미공병단(USACE, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers)의 HEC software 프로그램을 메콩 시범지역(pilot area)에 적용하여 수리/수문모델 구축을 진행하고 있다. 구축되는 모형은 유역 상류 댐의 연계 모의운영 및 하류 홍수분석이 동시 가능한 HEC-RTS(Real-Time Simulation)로 이는 HEC-HMS, -ResSim, -RAS와 -FIA 모형이 순차적으로 결합된 수리/수문 모델링 시스템이다. 모형의 시범적용 지역은 현지 메콩위원회(MRC, Mekong River Comission)의 의견 등을 반영, 메콩강 하류지역(Lower Mekong) 본류 유역에 위성자료 활용 및 준실시간(near real-time)으로 댐 모의운영 등을 고려할 수 있는 JingHong댐(중국 란창강 최하류)에서 라오스 Xayaburi댐(메콩강 최상류)까지의 구간을 선정하였으며, 전년도에는HEC-RTS 중 HMS(Hydrologic Modeling System) 모형 적용을 중심으로 가용한 위성자료(GPM IMERG)를 활용하여 과거 홍수사상에 대한 모의를 고려한 강우-유출모형의 구축을 완료하였다. 이에 연속하여 금년도에는 동일유역 내 하천 단면 등이 확보된 Chiang Saen 지점에서 Xayaburi 댐까지의 구간에 대해 RAS(River Analysis System)을 구축할 예정으로 구축된 RAS 모형은 HEC-RTS에 포함되어 메콩 시범지역의 종합적 수리/수문분석에 적용될 예정이다.

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Comparison of Fast Food Consumption Patterns, Choice, and Satisfaction According to Age (연령에 따른 패스트푸드 이용실태, 선택, 만족도 비교)

  • Hong, Seung–Hee
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.25-36
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of fast food intake, choice, and satisfaction on age among 311 people living in the metropolitan area. The frequency of fast food intake was high in the 20s and 30s, and those in the 40s and over 50s were low, showing a significant difference according to age. Costs for fast food purchases mainly ranged from 5,000 won to 7,000 won. Major sources of information on choosing fast food were mainly from friends and the internet in 20s, and mass media from over 30s. Thirty-nine percent of subjects responded that their dietary habits changed after fast food intake, and the most changes was to like spicy food, followed by eating-out times increased. The factors affecting the choice of fast food were mainly easy to eat, followed by time was not influenced and taste, and taste showed significant difference according to age. Among the subjects who were worried about fast food, 30s showed mainly increase in body weight and over 50s had health problem, and a significant difference was observed according to age. For the improvements in fast food intake, subjects answered in nutrition, hygiene and price in order. Fast food brands, services, menus were the most satisfied in 30s, and 40s were the most unsatisfied, and there was a significant difference. In conclusion, the frequency of fast food intake was higher in young people, and the choice of fast food and satisfaction appeared to be significantly influenced by age. Therefore, data are required to recognize and practice a balanced diet by activating studies on the fast food intake of middle-aged and elderly people and understanding consumer changes.

A Study of the Acculturation Meaning among Chinese-Chosun Residential Care Attendants in Long-Term Care Setting (조선족 간병인의 문화적응 경험에 관한 연구: 노인 간병서비스를 제공하는 조선족 여성을 중심으로)

  • Hong, Sae-Young;Kim, Gum-Ja
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.1263-1280
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    • 2010
  • The present study describes the acculturation meaning of 12 Chinese-Chosun residential care attendants(RCAs) who are currently working in long-term care settings for Korean older adults. Using a qualitative research method, the findings show that the acculturation process of Chinese-Chosun RCAs consists of three stages: entrance, conflict, and adaptation. In the initial stage, the assets of the social and cultural networks among their friends and relatives, who already settled down or employed as RCAs, provided more opportunities for being employed as a RCA. However, most Chinese-Chosun RCAs experienced a number of conflicts while they adapted to mainstream society and perform caregiving tasks. They perceived discrimination, heavy workload, prejudice, and homesick. Nevertheless, they appeared to adapt effectively to Korean society and working environments because they were aware of the various benefits of working as a RCA such as higher wage and more job openings compared to other jobs, a rapport with the patients and patients' families, flexible work hours, and pride as a caregiver. This type of qualitative groundwork will be an important precursor to the design, implementation, and evaluation of acculturation research for minority immigrant workers in the Korean social welfare system.

Marital Status of Elderly: Does it Really Matter for Health? (노인의 결혼지위 점유에 따른 건강차이: 노년기 사회적 관계망의 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Cha, Seung-Eun
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.371-392
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    • 2007
  • Marital status has drawn much attention as previous studies have been pointed it out as a key factor of health. Nonetheless, systematic studies on elderly marital status and health have been quite limited, for most researches have neglected the varying effects of marital status on health over the lifespan and mainly focused on midlife. This study, using nationwide survey on elderly population, attempts to discover the health differentials between widowed and married elderly and explain the differences though the structure and function of their social network. The results reveal that the magnitudes of marital status effects were differed by dimensions of health. The widowed were more likely to be unhappy than married, even after controlling the socio-demographic characteristics. In physical health, however, the health differences between widowed and married were less noticeable or disappeared, as sex, age and other structure factors were considered. Furthermore, the strength of social network factors affecting the physical and mental health of elderly turned out to be different between married and widowed: widowed were more likely than married to be affected by the contact with children and less likely to be affected by contact with friends/relatives. Such results had both positive and negative impact on physical and mental health of widowed. This may imply the difference in pathways of regulating health among the married and widowed elderly.

The Impact of Late-life Poverty on Self-rated Health: A Mediated Moderation Model of Health Behaviors and Social Support (노후 빈곤이 주관적 건강상태에 미치는 영향: 건강행태와 사회적 지지의 매개된 조절효과 분석)

  • Kim, Jinhyun;Won, Seojin
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.463-478
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    • 2011
  • This study examined the impact of late-life poverty on self-rated health, focusing on the mediating and moderating effects of health behaviors and social support. Despite the significant associations among poverty, health behaviors, and health outcomes, little studies have tested complex structural pathways among them. Thus, the purpose of this study is to identify multiple causal pathways between poverty and self-rated health, mediated and moderated by health behaviors and social support. To test the structural pathways, the structural equation modeling was utilized using the 2006 Korean Longitudinal Study of Aging data. The results of this study indicated that poverty had the direct negative impact not only on the health behaviors such as smoking and lack of regular exercise but also on the self-rated health. In addition, regular exercise significantly mediated the relationship between poverty and self-rated health. Finally, informal social support from family and friends buffered the negative impact of poverty on the self-rated health. Findings suggested that providing informal social support to the low income elderly is important in addition to the economic support. It is also necessary to develop programs for promoting healthy behaviors, especially regular exercise.

Search for meaning in life and academic satisfaction: A mediating role of hope and a moderating role of social support (삶의 의미 추구와 학업만족의 관계: 희망의 매개효과 및 사회적 지지의 조절효과)

  • Park, Jiyoung;Jung, Yeseul
    • Korean Journal of School Psychology
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.159-187
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to shed light on a role of hope in understanding the relationship between the search for meaning in life and academic satisfaction and to suggest ways to increase hope among Korean students. We hypothesized that the relationship between search for meaning in life and academic satisfaction would be mediated by hope and the positive relationship between search for meaning and hope would be strengthened by family support and friend support. We conducted two surveys to examine the hypotheses. Based on Study 1 using a sample of 190 undergraduate students, we found that the relationship between search for meaning in life and academic satisfaction was fully mediated by hope. In Study 2, we examined the four types of hope that include internal hope and three types of external hope (i.e., family, friends, and supernatural being) to extend knowledge on what features of hope mediate the relationships between search for meaning and academic satisfaction. Study 2 based on a sample of 313 high school students showed that the link from the search for meaning in life and academic satisfaction was fully mediated by internal hope and external-peers hope. The mediating effects of external-family hope and external-spiritual hope were not significant in Study 2. Also, we found that family support strengthened the positive links from the search for meaning in life to hope (Study 1) and to internal hope (Study 2) while the interactive effects of friend support and the search for meaning on hope were not significant in both studies. Based on the results, we discussed several implications, limitations, and recommendations for future research.

Bullying Behaviors among Senior Women at Senior Center (경로당 이용 여성 노인의 친구·이웃 집단따돌림 현상 연구)

  • Lee, Changsook;Ha, Jung-Hwa
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.485-515
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to explore bullying among senior women at a senior center. Using ethnographic research technique, we examined the process in which members of the senior center engaged in and responded to bullying. Purposive sampling method was used to choose a senior center as the subject of this study. Within the center, 16 senior women participated in the study. In-depth interviews and participatory research methods were used to collect data. We analyzed the transcripts of the interviews based on the ethnographic analysis method presented by Spradley (1979). Themes that emerged from these participatory research and interviews include: members of the senior center creating loners, people being bullied causing damages to the group, taking actions to respond to bullying, and failing to solve the bullying problems. First, the victims of bullying became loners with no one to rely on through other members' verbal attacks, discrimination, isolation, and stopping the victim to use the senior center. Second, the victims were under attack but also caused troubles at the senior center and harmed others at the same time. Third, while engaging in bullying, senior women attempted to deal with bullying problems in many ways. These attempts include: avoiding the conflict, withstanding, attempting to mediating, and so on. Finally, bullying remained to be a recurring phenomenon at the senior center. New victims of bullying continuously appeared and the influence of bullying was felt not only within the senior center but outside as well. Based on the findings of this study, we suggest that practitioners and researchers take into account factors that affect bullying among senior women.

Strong Attachment toward Human Brand and Its Implication for Life-Satisfaction and Self-efficacy: Hero versus Celebrity

  • Jun, Mina;Kim, Chung K.;Han, Jeongsoo;Kim, Miyea;Kim, Joshua Y.
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.101-116
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    • 2014
  • In the year 2013, Warren Buffett was named one of the most influential people of the year by TIME magazine. When people are exposed to such news, they show strong interest in who the influential people are and how those people became so successful. Likewise, people show strong attachment to other prominent figures as well. This social phenomenon indicates that people perceive well-known persona like business leaders, TV stars or sports stars etc. as human brands of intangible assets. As the role of these human brands is becoming more important, people tend to develop stronger attachment toward them. Another notable modern social phenomenon is people's pursuit of life-satisfaction and social well-being. People desire to increase their quality of life by having quality time with family and friends, and also by building attachment towards celebrities, sports stars, and so on. The main objective of this study is to examine how attachment toward human brands affects quality of life. While existing studies on human brands examined antecedents of attachment, e.g., some needs fulfillment such as A-R-C needs (autonomy, relatedness and competence needs) fulfillment, this study focuses on the outcome variables of attachment, e.g., how attachment toward human brands affects stress relief and life satisfaction through self-efficacy. Based on previous research, we divided human brands into two types: heroes and celebrities. Heroes are defined as people who have considerable and lasting importance on both societal and individual levels, and celebrities are defined as people who are well-known but have little or no short-term impact on society and individual levels. This study focuses on how attachment toward each type of human brands, celebrities and heroes, affects the quality of life or well-being. This study focuses on three important outcome variables; stress relief, life satisfaction, and self-efficacy, (three variables) which have been recently gaining importance, especially in the domain of positive psychology. Major findings from the present study show that although celebrities draw attachment from people by providing fun and entertainment or providing stress relief, they have weak influences on the wellbeing or efficacy of individuals at a deeper level. In contrast, attachment toward heroes helps people live better by providing meaning and positively influencing life satisfaction through self-efficacy (Frankl 1997). These results are consistent with the main tenet of 'positive psychology' which seeks "to find and nurture genius and talent and to make normal life more fulfilling" (Seligman and Csikszentmihalyi 2000). Considering the fact that certain celebrities are perceived as heroes to some, we can conclude that celebrities can become heroes if they provide meaning and value to the lives of people. This study contributes to the research stream of human brands since the most current leading research (e.g., Thomson 2006) indicated the need to look at the resulting effect of attachment on life satisfaction through self-efficacy. Another important contribution is that we empirically documented the different effects of celebrities and heroes. As expected, this study shows that heroes more deeply influence the lives of individuals in the long term while celebrities do so rather shallowly in the short term. The issues of the influence of heroes on the individuals' lives need to be further investigated in relation with the perspective of positive psychology.

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Thai Tourists' Souvenir Shopping Experience in Korea

  • Poraksa, Sirin;Cheon, Hyejung
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.15-29
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    • 2013
  • Shopping is considered a 'must-do' activity for most people on travel. One of the major parts of tourist shopping is the purchasing of souvenirs. Souvenirs are universally associated with tourism as a commercially produced and purchased object to remind the purchaser of the experience. Recently, Korea becomes one of the most popular destinations that many Asian tourists like to visit. Among those Asian tourists, the number of Thai tourists bound for Korea shows an incredible rapid growth. Thai people pick Korea and Seoul as their favorite country and city to visit for three consecutive years since 2009. One of the major reasons why Thais are choosing to tour Korea is the enthusiasm for Korean pop culture. That is, 'Hallyu' has influenced Thais' decision to visit Korea and purchase Korean products. The primary objective of the current research is to explore the shopping experiences of Thai tourists, specifically their souvenir shopping. It adopts a reflexive interpretive approach to bring light to the various meanings Thai tourists attach to the souvenirs they purchase in Korea. In order to accomplish the objective, the individual interviews were conducted. A total of 12 Thais who have experienced traveling in Korea participated in the study. Four themes were identified through interview text analysis. First, the research participants almost always purchase souvenirs in Korea because the souvenirs represent their identities as tourists. Especially, they purchase the souvenirs as gifts for others, including family members, friends, and colleagues. The souvenirs as gifts show love and thanks to others, and they cement the social relationship. However, purchasing souvenirs for others is more like the moral obligations which evoke the psychological stress. Secondly, the research participants feel closer to Korea while shopping souvenirs around. Thirdly, they obtain imaginative experiences and pleasure through souvenirs related to the Korean pop culture. Souvenirs provide them to visually extraordinary experiences. Lastly, souvenirs purchased in Korea act as visible status marker when they go back to Thailand. They show the socioeconomic status and lifestyles. Tourists themselves and others place special value to souvenirs that were purchased out of Thailand. The findings of this study are of both academic and practical importance. Souvenirs are among the most pervasive elements of the travel experience. However, souvenir shopping is the complicated consumer behavior within tourism both from business and social science perspectives. Along the same line, it needs strategic approaches in order to maximize the economy effects. It concludes by suggesting how further research could offer unique insights into how the souvenirs are positioned both in the context of tourism academics and industry.

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The Effects of Short-term Loving-Kindness & Compassion Meditation on Compassionate Love, Four Immeasurables, and Altruism (단기 자비명상이 자비심과 이타행동에 미치는 영향)

  • Ji-Hyoen Jang;Wan-Suk Gim
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.89-105
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    • 2014
  • This study investigated the effects of a brief Loving-Kindness and Compassion Meditation(20 minutes) on compassionate love and altruism of undergraduate students. Among the 187 students who were completed the KIIP-SC, 35 of high scored students in Interpersonal Problem Scale were randomly assigned to one of two different groups: Loving-Kindness and Compassion Meditation group(LCM, n=19) and Imagery Trainning group(IT, n=16). During the 20 minutes of practice, LCM group was asked to practice loving-kindness and compassion meditation and IT group was asked to investigate personal characteristics of the imagined people who were same as LCM. Compassionate love, four immeasurebles, two kind of altruistic behaviors, and mood states were measured pre- and post-treatment. LCM group showed significantly higher incremental scores for compassionate love, donation for strange person, and helping behaviors for friends, for close person, and for stranger than IT group. Negative and positive mood states were improved for each of the groups, but there was no significant differences between groups. The results suggested that the comparatively short practice of loving-kindness and compassion meditation could increase altruistic attitudes and intentions toward other persons. And, these effects could not be attributed to mood effects. Limitations of this study and the directions of further research were discussed.

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