• Title/Summary/Keyword: F.E. Model

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The Development of a Learning Program for Enhancing the Skills of Control Variables and the Effects of Its Applications (변인 통제 능력을 강화하기 위한 수업 프로그램의 개발 및 적용 효과 분석)

  • Lee, Yoon-Ha;Kang, Soon-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.55 no.3
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    • pp.519-528
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    • 2011
  • The main purpose of this study was to develop a teaching program, especially designed to improve the skills of control variables. The secondary purpose was to investigate the effect of the program on enhancing students' scientific reasoning and understanding. The program was designed based on the 3-step learning model: i.e. students recognize the necessity of controlling the variables (step 1), perform their own experiments (step 2), and reflect on their variables control process (step 3). The program included 9 topics of increasing difficulty. In results, Lawson's SRT scores increased in both experimental and control groups after application of the program, but the difference was not statistically significant. After the application, there was an increase in type A and type B which implied that students' skills of control variables was improved. In addition, responses of students in the experimental group to the open-ended items showed that it was challenging for them to think scientifically and critically when controling variables, but they ended up feeling proud of their achievement after the program.

A Long-Term Water Budget Analysis for an Ungaged River Baisn (미계측 유역의 장기 물수지 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Yoo, Keum Hwan;Kim, Tae Kyun;Yoon, Yong Nam
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.113-119
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    • 1991
  • In the present study, a methodology has been established for water budget analysis of a river basin for which monthyl rainfall and evaporation data are the only available hydrologic data. The monthly rainfall data were first converted into monthyl runoff data by an empirical formula from which long-term runoff data were generated by a stochastic generation mothod. Thomas-Fiering model. Based on the generated long-term data low flow frequency analysis was made for each of the oberved and generated data set, the low flow series of each data set being taken as the water supply for budget analysis. The water demands for various water utilization were projected according to the standard method and the net water consumption computed there of. With the runoff series of the driest year of each generated data set as an input water budget computation was made through the composite reservoirs comprised of small reserviors existing in the basin by deficit-supply method. The water deficit computed through the reservior operation study showed that the deficit radically increases as the return period of low flow becomes large. This indicates that the long-term runoff data generated by stochastic model are a necessity for a reliable water shortage forecasting to cope with the long-term water resourse planning of a river basin. F.E.M. program (ADINA) is also presented herein.

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Comparison of Seepage Quantity Calculated by Experiments and Finite Element Method (실험(實驗)과 FEM기법(技法)을 사용(使用)하여 구(求)한 침투유량(浸透流量)의 비교(比較))

  • Jin, Byung Ik;Kim, Jae Hong
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.83-90
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    • 1985
  • The thesis is established on the basis of model tests on the central core dam. With variations in the upstream water level, the quantity of seepage in the downstream boundaries were obtained for each specific water level. Seepage alignment and equipotential lines to these occasions were also researched and measured. By making use of the resulting data from the experiment, the flow velocities and seepage quantity computed to the flow rate of each element of flownets by the Finite Element Method was compared with the values produced by experiments and approximate theoretical formula. Further to this, transitions of water level related thereto was also examined in the thesis. During the high water level, seepages shown by the experiment were larger than that of the F.E.M. Meanwhile, the in-between differences were found to be quite small during the low water level. In the flow rate of each element with which the flow-nets are constructed, flow velocities of the X and Z axis were faster on account of the variations in water level. Flow velocities of the Y axis were extremely small enough to be disregarded.

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Analytical Method for Elastoplastic Behavior of Truss element under Cyclic Axial Loading (반복 축 하중을 받는 트러스 요소의 탄소성 좌굴거동 해석기법에 관한 연구)

  • Baek, Ki Youl
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.377-387
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    • 2008
  • The post-buckling behavior of slender members, such as the chord of truss structures generally implies extreme strength degradation. The buckling strength is usually determined as the performance of the compressed steel members, so it is important to understand the exact buckling behavior of a member in order to design the entire structure. A target analytical model is usually divided by beam or shell element when we simulate the buckling behavior of a compressed steel member such as atruss member. In this case, it is possible to accurately obtain the behavior, but such would be expensive and would require experience inanalysis even in monotonic loading. In this paper, we propose a consistent and convenient method to analyze the post-buckling behavior of elastoplastic compression members. The present methods are formulated to satisfy the second law of thermodynamics. Three numerical examples were tested to determine the validity of the proposed model in cyclic loading with comparable F.E.M results.

Effects of the electronic expansion valve and variable velocity compressor on the performance of a refrigeration system

  • Lago, Taynara G.S.;Ismail, Kamal A.R.;Nobrega, Claudia R.E.S.;Moura, Luiz F.M.
    • Advances in Energy Research
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.1-19
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    • 2020
  • Energy consumption of air-conditioning and refrigeration systems is responsible for about 25 to 30% of the energy demand especially in hot seasons. This equipment is mostly electricity dependent and their use in principle affects negatively the environment. Enhancing the energy efficiency of the existing equipment is important as one of the measures to reduce environment impacts. This paper reports the results of an experimental study to evaluate the impacts of the use electronic expansion valve and variable velocity compressor on the performance of vapor compression refrigeration system. The experimental rig is composed of two independent circuits one for the vapor compression system and the other is the secondary fluid system. The vapor compression system is composed of a forced air condenser unit, evaporator, hermetic compressor and expansion elements, while the secondary system has a pump for circulating the secondary fluid, and an air conditioning heat exchanger. The manufacturer's data was used to determine the optimal points of operation of the system and consequently tests were done to evaluate the influence of variation of the compressor velocity and the opening of the expansion device on the performance of the refrigeration system. A fuzzy logic model was developed to control the rotational velocity of the compressor and the thermal load. Fuzzy control model was made in LabVIEW software with the objective of improving the system performance, stability and energy saving. The results showed that the use of fuzzy logic as a form of control strategy resulted in a better energy efficiency.

Seismic loss-of-support conditions of frictional beam-to-column connections

  • Demartino, Cristoforo;Monti, Giorgio;Vanzi, Ivo
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.61 no.4
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    • pp.527-538
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    • 2017
  • The evaluation of the loss-of-support conditions of frictional beam-to-column connections using simplified numerical models describing the transverse response of a portal-like structure is presented in this paper considering the effects of the seismic-hazard disaggregation. Real earthquake time histories selected from European Strong-motion Database (ESD) are used to show the effects of the seismic-hazard disaggregation on the beam loss-of-support conditions. Seismic events are classified according to different values of magnitudes, epicentral distances and soil conditions (stiff or soft soil) highlighting the importance of considering the characteristics of the seismic input in the assessment of the loss-of-support conditions of frictional beam-to-column connections. A rigid and an elastic model of a frame of a precast industrial building (2-DoF portal-like model) are presented and adopted to find the minimum required friction coefficient to avoid sliding. Then, the mean value of the minimum required friction coefficient with an epicentral distance bin of 10 km is calculated and fitted with a linear function depending on the logarithm of the epicentral distance. A complete parametric analysis varying the horizontal and vertical period of vibration of the structure is performed. Results show that the loss-of-support condition is strongly influenced by magnitude, epicentral distance and soil conditions determining the frequency content of the earthquake time histories and the correlation between the maxima of the horizontal and vertical components. Moreover, as expected, dynamic characteristics of the structure have also a strong influence. Finally, the effect of the column nonlinear behavior (i.e. formation of plastic hinges at the base) is analyzed showing that the connection and the column are a series system where the maximum force is limited by the element having the minimum strength. Two different longitudinal reinforcement ratios are analyzed demonstrating that the column strength variation changes the system response.

Pile-soil-structure interaction effect on structural response of piled jacket-supported offshore platform through in-place analysis

  • Raheem, Shehata E Abdel;Aal, Elsayed M. Abdel;AbdelShafy, Aly G.A.;Fahmy, Mohamed F.M.;Mansour, Mahmoud H
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.407-421
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    • 2020
  • In-place analysis for offshore platforms is essentially required to make proper design for new structures and true assessment for existing structures, in addition to the structural integrity of platforms components under the maximum and minimum operating loads when subjected to the environmental conditions. In-place analysis have been executed to check that the structural member with all appurtenance's robustness have the capability to support the applied loads in either storm or operating conditions. A nonlinear finite element analysis is adopted for the platform structure above the seabed and pile-soil interaction to estimate the in-place behavior of a typical fixed offshore platform. The SACS software is utilized to calculate the dynamic characteristics of the platform model and the response of platform joints then the stresses at selected members, as well as their nodal displacements. The directions of environmental loads and water depth variations have significant effects in the results of the in-place analysis behavior. The most of bending moment responses of the piles are in the first fourth of pile penetration depth from pile head level. The axial deformations of piles in all load combinations cases of all piles are inversely proportional with penetration depth. The largest values of axial soil reaction are shown at the pile tips levels (the maximum penetration level). The most of lateral soil reactions resultant are in the first third of pile penetration depth from pile head level and approximately vanished after that penetration. The influence of the soil-structure interaction on the response of the jacket foundation predicts that the flexible foundation model is necessary to estimate the force responses demands of the offshore platform with a piled jacket-support structure well.

Survival Association and Cell Cycle Effects of B7H3 in Neuroblastoma

  • Zhang, Haibo;Zhang, Jinsen;Li, Chunjie;Xu, Hao;Dong, Rui;Chen, Clark C.;Hua, Wei
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.63 no.6
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    • pp.707-716
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    • 2020
  • Objective : The function of B7H3, a member of the B7 family of proteins, in neuroblastoma (NB) remains poorly characterized. Here we examine the expression pattern of B7H3 in clinical NB specimens and characterize the phenotype of B7H3 knock-down in NB cell line. Methods : Immunohistochemical (IHC) staining was carried out to assess the expression of B7H3 in clinical NB specimens. Survival association was analyzed using five Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) datasets (GSE85047, GSE45480, GSE62564, GSE16476, GSE49710). Clonogenic survival and flow cytometry were performed after B7H3 knockdown to assess the cellular proliferation and cell survival in vitro. Impact of B7H3 silencing on NB growth was examined in vivo using the SH-SY5Y xenograft model. Results : On IHC staining, B7H3 was widely expressed in clinical NB specimens. Analysis of the transcriptional profiles of five GEO datasets clinically annotated NB specimens revealed that decreased B7H3 expression was associated with improved overall survival. B7H3 knockdown suppressed the proliferation of the SH-SY5Y NB model in vitro and in vivo. Cell cycle analysis revealed that B7H3 silencing induced G1/S arrest. This arrest was associated with the suppression of E2F1 expression and induction of Rb expression. Conclusion : Our results demonstrate that B7H3 expression correlate with clinical survival in NB patients. Preliminary studies suggest that B7H3 may mediate the G1/S transition.

근육 피로도 분석시 사용되는 매개변수들간의 민감도 비교 연구

  • 정명철;김정룡
    • Proceedings of the ESK Conference
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    • 1997.10a
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    • pp.406-413
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    • 1997
  • 근전도(EMG:Electromyogram)를 사용하여 국부 근육 피로(Localized Muscle Fatigue)를 정량화으로 분석 하기 위해 널리 이용되고 있는 AR(Autoregressive)모델의 1차 계수, RMS(Root Mean Square), ZCR(Zero Crossing Rate), MPF(Mean Power Frequency), MF(Median Frequency)를 선택하여, 근육이 발휘하는 힘과 시간의 흐름에 따라 근육 피로의 정도를 민감하게 나타내는 매개변수를 규명하였다. 피실험자 10명의 좌우 척추세움근(Erector Spinae Muscle)을 대상으로 등장수축(Sustained Isometric Contraction)조건에서 허리의 신전(Extension)운동을 실시하였다. 이때 발휘해야 하는 힘의 수준은 15%, 30%, 45%, 60%, 75% MVC 로 정하였고 각 수준마다 20초 동안 근전도를 측정하 였다. 데이터 분석은 총20초 구간의 근전도를 0.5초 간격으로 나누어 매개변수들을 각각 구하고 분석을 실시하였다. 시간의 흐름에 대한 피로도 분석 결과, AR 모델의 1차 계수와 MPF가 유의한 차이를 보였으며, 낮은 수준의 %MVC에서는 AR 계수가, 높은 수준에서는 MPF가 민감한 반응 결과를 나타냈다. 그리고 근육이 발휘하는 힘의 정도를 분석하기 위해 주로 사용되고 있는 RMS 보다는 더 AR 계수가 모든 수준에서 뚜렷하게 차이를 보인 것이 확인되었다. 따라서 AR 모델의 1차 계수가 근육의 피로 정도와 힘의 수준을 다른 매개변수에 비해 더욱 민감하게 구별함이 입증되었다. 이러한 결과는 다른 분야에서도 근육 피로를 정량적으로 측정하는데 사용될 수 있을 것으로 생각되며, 개인적 변이도를 고려한 확률 기법을 사용한다면 보다 정확한 근전도 분석이 이루어질 것으로 기대된다.있음을 알 수 있었다. 사료된다.의 결과는 자전거 에르고노미터의 결과가 트레드밀의 결과에 87.60%정도 나타났다.음을 관찰하였다. 특히 vitamin C와 E의 병용투여는 상승적으로 적용하여 간세포손상을 더욱 억제시킴을 알 수 있었다.mance and on TFP(Total Factor Productivity) growth which is a pure measure of firm performance. To utilize the advantage of panel data, FEM(Fixed Effect Model) and REM(Random Effect Model) were used. The empirical result shows that the entropy index as a measurement of inter-business relatedness is not significant but technological relatedness index is significant. OLS estimates on pooled data were considerably different from FEM or REM estimates on panel data. By introducing interaction effect among the three variables for business portfolio properties, we obtained three findings. First, only VI (Vertical integration) has a significant positive correlation with ROS. Second, when using TFP growth as an dependent variable, both TR(Technological Relatedness) and f[ are signif

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승객석 Restraiant System의 구속 효과와 인체상해 연구 -어린이(6세)탑승자 중심으로-

  • 이창민
    • Proceedings of the ESK Conference
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    • 1997.10a
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    • pp.398-405
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    • 1997
  • 과거 8년간의(1985-1992) 통계에 의하면 정면과 측면 충돌시 구속 시스텡의 하나인 Airbag장착 차량의 사망자 및 중상자 수가 현저히 감소하고 있는 것으로 나타나고있다. 그 러나 최근 소비자로 부터의 Airbag에 관한 불만을 보고 받고 있다. 즉 구속효과를 발휘함에 있어 부수적으로 인체 부상을 유발하고 있다는 것이다. 사망내지는 심각한 부상은 방지하고 있으나 경미한 부상은 오히려 증가하고 또한 신체가 적은 여성 운전자나 6세 이하의 어린이 에게는 심각한 부상의 우려가 있다는 것이다. 본 연구에서는 구속시스템의 총아인 Airbag 시스템의 심각한 부수적인 부상 보고를 입증하기 위하여 우리나라 어린이 6세 신체를 기준 으로하여 구속시스템을 착용하지 않았을 경우(실제로 많은 경우), seat belt만 착용시, Airbag만 작용시, 그리고 seat belt와 Airbag을 동시에 사용할 때를 컴퓨터 Simulation Package 이용 신체 dynamic을 모의실험 하였다. 실험결과, 기존에 알려진바와 같이 구속시스템을 사용하지 않았을 경우에 부상은 매우 컸다. 신체 사이즈가 작은 어린이 혹은 여성 운전자의 경우 Seat belt만을 사용한 경우는 Airbag만을 사용한 경우보다는 부상정도가 약간 경미하였으나 두 경우 모두 인체가 구속시스템의 구속 범위를 이탈하여 구속 시스템으로써의 역할을 충분히 하지 못하고 있었다. 특히 Seat belt와 Airbag을 동시에 사용하였을시에도 Airbag이 충분히 개선된 이후라도 신체 사이즈가 작은 경우에는 흉부부위에 의한 충격 흡수가 먼저 이루어지지 못하고, 머리에 먼저 Airbag이 접촉이 되어 충격 흡수 역할보다는 반동효과가 더 커서 머리 및 몸체가 뒤로 Rebound 하는 효과로 머리, 혹은 목의 신체 부상한계를 넘고 있어 큰 부상 내지는 사망에 이르고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 사료된다.의 결과는 자전거 에르고노미터의 결과가 트레드밀의 결과에 87.60%정도 나타났다.음을 관찰하였다. 특히 vitamin C와 E의 병용투여는 상승적으로 적용하여 간세포손상을 더욱 억제시킴을 알 수 있었다.mance and on TFP(Total Factor Productivity) growth which is a pure measure of firm performance. To utilize the advantage of panel data, FEM(Fixed Effect Model) and REM(Random Effect Model) were used. The empirical result shows that the entropy index as a measurement of inter-business relatedness is not significant but technological relatedness index is significant. OLS estimates on pooled data were considerably different from FEM or REM estimates on panel data. By introducing interaction effect among the three variables for business portfolio properties, we obtained three findings. First, only VI (Vertical integration) has a significant positive correlation with ROS. Second, when using TFP growth as an dependent variable, both TR(Technological Relatedness) and f[ are significant and positively rel

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