• Title/Summary/Keyword: Extrusion ratio

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An Experimental Anlysis in Non-Circular Tube Extrusion Using the Effective Extrusion Ratio (비원형 중공 압출의 유효 압출비를 이용한 실험적 해석)

  • 한철호;김상화
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.520-526
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    • 1999
  • In this study a practical formula based on the experime수 랙 the estimation of load in the non-circular tube extrusion with the mandrel is proposed by using the effective extrusion ratio. Through some experiments for the several shaped sections, the coefficients of the empirical equation are determined by ticine as a model material at room temperature. The proposed empirical formula for the estimation of extrusion load will be applicable to the non-steady state as well as steady state for the extrusion of various shaped tubes from hollow billets.

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Effect of the Design Parameter for Internal Spline Forming Using the Tube (중공축 내접 스플라인 성형을 위한 설계변수의 영향)

  • Wang, C.B.;Lim, S.J.;Park, Y.B.
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.15 no.7 s.88
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    • pp.512-517
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, the cold extrusion process for internal spline forming using a thin and long tube has been analyzed by using a rigid plastic finite element code. The internal spline consists of 10 tooths. The cold extrusion process has been focused on the comparisions of load-stroke relation and filling states of the teeth according to design parameters. The design parameters involve extrusion ratio, extrusion angle and friction factor. The internal spline forming can cause the buckling and folding during the cold extrusion process because of using a thin and long tube. The optimum design parameters have been obtained through rigid-plastic finite elements analysis. The extrusion ratio and extrusion angle have great effects on the deformation characteristics of the cold extrusion process.

Effects of knock-out Pad and Extrusion Ratio on Mechanical Property Changes in Milli-Forward Extrusion of Cylindrical Pin (원형핀의 밀리 전방압출에서 녹아웃패드와 압출비가 기계적 성질 변화에 미치는 영향)

  • 심경섭;김용일;이용신;김종호
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.582-587
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    • 2003
  • This paper is concerned with the mechanical property changes of the milli-size products manufactured by forward extrusion processes with square dies. Experiments are carried out with pure aluminum and pure copper billets. Extrusion ratio and knock-out pad are chosen as the important process parameters affecting the changes of mechanical properties such as shear strength and hardness. Shear strength tests with the extruded milli-size pin have shown the strong relation between victors hardness and shear strength in the neck of a stepped pin. As the extrusion ratio increases, the hardness on both the surface and the center line of a pin also increase. It is also noted that the hardness on the surface is a little higher than that on the center. The existence of knock-out pad in extrusion die causes the hardness in the neck of a extruded pin to increase. Finally, the approximated linear relations between shear strength and hardness of a pin are suggested.

The Effect of Process Parameter in Direct Extrusion of Copper Clad Aluminum Composite Materials (Cu-Al 층상 복합재료의 직접압출시 공정변수의 영향)

  • 윤여권;김희남;김용수
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.28-34
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    • 2000
  • Copper clad aluminum composite materials are being used for economic and structural purposes, The development of an efficient production method of copper clad aluminum composite material rods by extrusion is very important. This paper describes experimental investigations in the direct extrusion of copper clad aluminum rods through conical dies. There are several parameters that have an influence on determining a sound clad extrusion. These variables are extrusion temperature, extrusion ratio, semi-cone angle of die, extrusion force, extrusion velocity, friction of between the container and billet, percentage of copper used and ratio of flow stress of copper to aluminum. In order to investigate the influence of extrusion temperature, extrusion ratio, semi-cone angle of die on the hot direct extrudability of the copper clad aluminum composite material rods, the experimental study have been performed with these variation.

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An Experimental Study for the CUP-CUP Axisymmetric Combined Extrusion (컵-컵형 축대칭 복합압출에 관한 실험적연구)

  • 김영득;한철호
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity Conference
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    • 1994.03a
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    • pp.175-182
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    • 1994
  • Effect of some process variables including area reduction, stroke advance, materials on the extrusion load, plastic flow and height ratio of upper to lower extruded parts in the cup-cup axisymmetric extrusion were experimentally investigated and analyzed. Deformed pattern is visualized by grid-marking technique using half-cut billets splitted. The influence of using split specimen and original specimen on the extrusion load and height ratio is examined by experiment.

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Variations of Metal Flow State and Hardness on the Direct Extrusion of Copper Clad Aluminum Rods (Cu-Al 층상 복합재료 직접압출시 금속의 유동상태와 경도 변화)

  • Kang, W.Y.;Yoon, Y.K.;Park, S.H.;Kim, H.N.
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2000.11a
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    • pp.759-765
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    • 2000
  • A composite material consists of two or more different material layers. Copper clad aluminum composite materials are being used for economic and structural reasons. This study is concerned with experimental investigation in the direct extrusion of copper clad aluminum rods through conical dies. The suggestion are given for the proper extrudability of copper clad aluminum rods via hot direct extrusion. This paper presents the variation of flow state and hardness at a variable of extrusion ratio and semi-angle of die. By measuring after and before extrusion radius ratio of Cu sleeve and Al core, proportional flow state has been considered. And also by measuring hardness, through extrusion way, a variation of hardness has been considered.

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Forming Characteristics of Magnesium Alloy in Cup-Rod Combined Extrusion Process (AZ31B 마그네슘 합금의 Cup-Rod 복합압출 성형특성 연구)

  • Yoon, D.J.;Kim, E.Z.;Cho, C.D.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity Conference
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    • 2007.10a
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    • pp.70-73
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    • 2007
  • The forming characteristics of cup-rod combined extrusion process were investigated with process parameter change. Simultaneous forward rod extrusion and backward cup extrusion was conducted with magnesium alloy, AZ31B. Process parameters such as forward extrusion ratio, backward extrusion ratio, and working temperature were controlled in a specific region and the effects of the parameter change were examined. Surface crack was developed in a certain state of the process parameters combination. The crack-free forming limit of the alloy in the combined process was disclosed by the parameter study. The microstructures of the initial and extruded workpieces were observed.

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Effects of Extrusion Ratio and Extrusion Temperature on Microstructure and Tensile Properties of SEN6 Magnesium Alloy (SEN6 마그네슘합금의 미세조직과 인장 특성에 미치는 압출비와 압출 온도의 영향)

  • H. J. Kim;J. Y. Lee;S. C. Jin;S. H. Park
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.178-184
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    • 2024
  • In this study, we investigated the effects of extrusion ratio and extrusion temperature on the microstructure and tensile properties of extruded Mg-6Al-0.3Mn-0.3Ca-0.2Y (SEN6) alloy. As the extrusion ratio and temperature increase, dynamic recrystallization during extrusion is promoted, leading to the formation of a fully recrystallized microstructure with increased grain size. Additionally, the increases in extrusion ratio and temperature lead to texture strengthening, exhibiting a higher maximum texture intensity. The extruded materials contain three types of secondary phases, i.e., Al8Mn4Y, Al2Y, and Al2Ca, with irregular or polygonal shapes. The quantity, size, distribution, and area fraction of the second-phase particles are nearly identical between the two materials. Despite its larger grain size, the tensile yield strength of the material extruded at 450 ℃ and an extrusion ratio of 25 (450-25) is higher than that of the material extruded at 325 ℃ and an extrusion ratio of 10 (325-10), which is mainly attributed to the stronger texture hardening effect of the former. The ultimate tensile strength is similar in the two materials, owing to the higher work hardening rate in the 325-10 extrudate. Despite differences in grain size and recrystallization fraction, numerous twins are formed throughout the specimen during tensile deformation in both materials; consequently, the two materials exhibit nearly the same tensile elongation.

Influence of Process Parameters on the Breathable Film Strength of Polymer Extrusion (고분자압출의 공정변수가 통기성필름강도에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Man-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.625-632
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    • 2012
  • Optimization of process parameters in polymer extrusion is an important task to reduce manufacturing cost. To determine the optimum values of the process parameters, it is essential to find their influence on the strength of polymer breathable thin film. The significance of six important process parameters namely, extruder cylinder temperature, extruder speed, extruder dies temperature, cooling roll temperature, stretching ratio, stretching roll temperature on breathable film strength of polymer extrusion was determined. Moreover, this paper presents the application of Taguchi method and analysis of variance (ANOVA) for maximization of the breathable film strength influenced by extrusion parameters. The optimum parameter combination of extrusion process was obtained by using the analysis of signal-to-noise ratio. The conclusion revealed that extruder speed and stretching ratio were the most influential factor on the film strength, respectively. The best results of film strength were obtained at higher extruder speed and stretching ratio.

The Characteristic of a Hydrostatic Extrusion of Magnesium Alloy(AZ31) (Mg 합금(AZ31)의 열간 정수압 압출 특성에 관한 연구(I))

  • Yoon D. J.;Seo Y. W.;Jeong H. G.;Na K. H.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Technology of Plasticity Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.128-131
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    • 2004
  • Magnesium alloys are being extensively used in weight-saving applications and as a potential replacement for plastics in electronic and computer applications. Magnesium alloy has some good characteristics, EMI shielding property and high specific strength. Nevertheless their high brittleness make it uneasy to process the magnesium. Magnesium alloys are extruded like aluminium alloys. The present work was done to find a characteristic of magnesium alloy(AZ31) changing the extrusion ratio 8.5, 19.1, 49 respectly and changing the die half angle $30^{\circ},\;45^{\circ},\;60^{\circ}$. Here this present done by the hydrostatic extrusion in the hot condition, $310^{\circ}$. The higher the extrusion ratio goes, the higher the extrusion force goes.

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