• Title/Summary/Keyword: Extremity Soft Tissue Sarcoma

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Characterization and predictive value of volume changes of extremity and pelvis soft tissue sarcomas during radiation therapy prior to definitive wide excision

  • Gui, Chengcheng;Morris, Carol D.;Meyer, Christian F.;Levin, Adam S.;Frassica, Deborah A.;Deville, Curtiland;Terezakis, Stephanie A.
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.117-126
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to characterize and evaluate the clinical significance of volume changes of soft tissue sarcomas during radiation therapy (RT), prior to definitive surgical resection. Materials and Methods: Patients with extremity or pelvis soft tissue sarcomas treated at our institution from 2013 to 2016 with RT prior to resection were identified retrospectively. Tumor volumes were measured using cone-beam computed tomography obtained daily during RT. Linear regression evaluated the linearity of volume changes. Kruskal-Wallis tests, Mann-Whitney U tests, and linear regression evaluated predictors of volume change. Logistic and Cox regression evaluated volume change as a predictor of resection margin status, histologic treatment response, and tumor recurrence. Results: Thirty-three patients were evaluated. Twenty-nine tumors were high grade. Prior to RT, median tumor volume was 189 mL (range, 7.2 to 4,885 mL). Sixteen tumors demonstrated significant linear volume changes during RT. Of these, 5 tumors increased and 11 decreased in volume. Myxoid liposarcoma (n = 5, 15%) predicted decreasing tumor volume (p = 0.0002). Sequential chemoradiation (n = 4, 12%) predicted increasing tumor volume (p = 0.008) and corresponded to longer times from diagnosis to RT (p = 0.01). Resection margins were positive in three cases. Five patients experienced local recurrence, and 7 experienced distant recurrence, at median 8.9 and 6.9 months post-resection, respectively. Volume changes did not predict resection margin status, local recurrence, or distant recurrence. Conclusion: Volume changes of pelvis and extremity soft tissue sarcomas followed linear trends during RT. Volume changes reflected histologic subtype and treatment characteristics but did not predict margin status or recurrence after resection.

Epithelioid Sarcoma in Lower Eextremity - A Case Report - (하지에 발생한 유상피 육종 - 증례 보고 -)

  • Chun, Young-Soo;Kim, Sang-Hwan
    • The Journal of the Korean bone and joint tumor society
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.172-177
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    • 2008
  • The epithelioid sarcoma is a rare high grade soft tissue sarcoma that affects young usually male, adults or adolescents. The most common localization is the hand and the forearm, followed by the leg and the foot. In most cases, the sarcoma grows slowly, involves the dermis, subcutis, or deeper soft tissues in the distal extremities. Epithelioid sarcoma is a slowly growing tumor with a high propensity for local recurrences and lymph node metastases. This neoplasm is likely to be confused with a variety of benign and malignant conditions. The treatment consists of wide surgical excision, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. We report the cases of 16-year-old girl with an epithelioid sarcoma on the lower extremity.

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Limb-salvage Operations for Sarcomas of the Extremities Involving Critical Artery (주요 혈관을 침범한 연부조직 종양의 사지구제술 - 치험 3례 보고 -)

  • Kim, Jae-Do;Choi, Sung-Woon;Park, Jung-Ho;Son, Young-Chan;Hong, Young-Gi;Son, Jeong-Hwan
    • The Journal of the Korean bone and joint tumor society
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.105-112
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    • 1995
  • Soft tissue sarcomas are malignant tumors that arise in the extraskeletal connective tissues of the body. And the clinical behavior of soft tissue sarcomas is characterized by a tendency to extensively invade surrounding soft tissues as well as early metastatic dissemination. Difficulties were encounted when soft tissue sarcomas invade the major vessels. There are a few reprots about the reconstruction of the major vessels after resection of soft tissue sarcomas. We have treated 3 cases of the soft tissue sarcomas involving the major artery. After marginal excision of the tumor mass, the involved major artery was reconstructed with Gortex artificial vessel graft and we could salvage the patient's extremity.

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Extraskeletal Osteogenic Sarcoma of the Mediastinum; 1 Case Report (종격동에 발생한 골외성 골육종;1례 보고)

  • Won, Tae-Hui;Kim, Ju-Hyeon
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.413-416
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    • 1993
  • Extraskeletal osteogenic sarcoma is a rare malignant tumor of soft tissue, and its predilection sites are the extremity, retroperitoneum, trunk, and the head and neck area. To our knowledge 5 cases of primary involvement of the mediastinum have been reported. Because of its rarity and difficulty in exact diagnosis preoperatively, we report an extraskeletal osteogenic sarcoma in the anterior mediastinum. The patient was a thirty eight old male. He complained of cough and sputum over 2 months. The chest roentgenogram and the chest MRI[magnetic resonance image] were done and showed anterior mediastinal mass with calcification. Excision of the mass was done under the preoperative impression of thymoma, and the pathologic report was extraskeletal osteogenic sarcoma of the mediastinum.

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Alveolar Soft Part Sarcoma of The Lung Diagnosed by Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology - A Case Report - (세침흡인 세포검사로 진단한 폐의 포상 연부육종 - 1예 보고 -)

  • Kim, Dae-Su;Oh, Young-Lyun;Ko, Young-Hyeh
    • The Korean Journal of Cytopathology
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.187-191
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    • 1998
  • Alveolar soft part sarcoma(ASPS) is a rare malignant neoplasm with a distinct clinicopathologic entity of which fine needle aspiration(FNA) cytologic findings have been described in only a few reports. Although patients usually present with an isolated soft-tissue mass in the extremity, metastasis can occur in about 13 % of total cases and the most frequent metastatic site is the lung. We have recently experienced a FNA cytologic case of ASPS in the lung. A 23-year-old female patient was admitted to this hospital due to 2-month-history of cough She had been good in health before the visit. Chest computed tomography revealed multiple, variable sized, bilateral pulmonary nodules. Physical examination and other staging work up revealed no other lesions except for pulmonary nodules. A percutaneous transthoracic FNA was performed from the pulmonary nodules. The smear was cellular and most cells were arranged singly. In addition, a few clusters lined by thin-walled vasculature with a pseudoalveolar pattern were present. Some of the tumor cells were large and polygonal lo oval with abundant granular or vacuolated cytoplasm. Most cells were naked nuclei showing finely granular chromatin pattern with prominent central nucleoli.

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Prognostic Factors of Soft Tissue Sarcomas - analysis of 205 cases - (연부 육종의 예후 인자 - 205례 분석 -)

  • Lee, Jong-Seok;Jeon, Dae-Geun;Lee, Soo-Yong;Kim, Sug-Jun;Jung, Dong-Whan;Park, Hyun-Soo
    • The Journal of the Korean bone and joint tumor society
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.89-97
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    • 1997
  • Twenty hundred and five out of 266 patients who were registered in Korea Cancer Center Hospital from Mar. 1985 to Jan. 1994, were analyzed in the aspect of survival and local recurrence. Fifty one patients were excluded due to inadequate data and follow up. Prognostic factors for survival were evaluated statistically. One hundred and four cases were male, 101 female. Average age was 39.7(range 1 to 77) year with a peak incidence around 4th decade. The most frequent diagnosis was malignant fibrous histiocytoma(MFH)(24.1%). Liposarcoma, synovial sarcoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor and fibrosarcoma were relatively common diagnostic entities, in decreasing order. In location, extremity was 179(87.3%) and trunk 26(12.7%). Average follow up period was 7.5 years(6 months to 10 years). Actuarial 5 years and 10 years survival rate were 64.0% and 40.8% respectively. In univariate analysis with log-lank test, significant differences in survival rate were noted in histopathological diagnosis, size(10 cm), stage and metastasis. Age, sex, tumor location, tumor depth and local recurrence didn't affect the survival rate. Adjuvant chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy did not affect overall survival rate, but lowered the local recurrence rate when compared with surgery only. Surgical margin did not affect the survival rate, but local recurrence rate was different according to each margin; 5.7% in more than wide; 39.5% in marginal; and 60.0% in intralesional excision. In multivariate analysis for results of univariate analysis with Cox's propotional model, metastasis was a meaningful factor for survival of soft tissue sarcoma.

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Double Primary Presentation of Liposarcoma and Ewing's Sarcoma: A Case Report (대퇴부 지방육종 수술 후 발생한 반대측 근위 경골의 유잉육종/원시 신경 외배엽 세포종)

  • Park, Hyeong-Won;Jung, Sung-Taek;Nah, Seon-Yoon
    • The Journal of the Korean bone and joint tumor society
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.95-99
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    • 2011
  • The development of different entities of soft tissue sarcoma in one patient is rare. It usually affects head and neck or abdominal region, whereas those affecting the extremities are much rarer. We describe a patient with double primary presentation of liposarcoma and Ewing's sarcoma in extremity. This case implies that sarcoma patients are at increased risk of a second malignancy, and this implies a need to search for occult tumors during follow up.

Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology of Metastatic Synovial Sarcoma to the Lung - A Case Report - (폐에 전이된 활막육종의 세침흡인 세포학적 소견 - 1 예 보고 -)

  • Kang, Dong-Wook;Min, Sung-Kyi;Kang, Gil-Hyeun;Kang, Dae-Yung
    • The Korean Journal of Cytopathology
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.171-175
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    • 1993
  • Synovial sarcoma us a rare malignant neoplasm of the soft tissue arising in the lower extremity, inguinal area, and upper arm. The majority occurs in patients between the age of 15 and 40 years. The histologic diagnosis is based on the classical biphasic type with the distinct epithelial and spindle cell components. We have recently encountered a case of metastatic synovial sarcoma of the lung diagnosed by fine needle aspiration cytology. A 34-year-old man was admitted because of a palpable mass on the antero-lateral side of the right tibia for 3 years. On admission, a well demarcated metastatic pulmonary nodule, measuring 5 cm in diameter, was also identified in the simple chest X-ray. Resection of the lower leg mass revealed typical histologic features of biphasic synovial sarcoma. Aspiration cytology of the pulmonary nodule revealed numerous clusters of spindle cells admixed with groups of epithelial cells. The epithelial cells had moderate-sized, round to oval shaped, and hyperchromatic nuclei. The cytoplasm was clear, but not distinctive. Interspersed tell elements were fibroblast-like spindle cells having elongated hyperchromatic nuclei.

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Multifocal kaposiform hemangioendothelioma of soft tissue with bilateral pulmonary involvement in an adolescent

  • Azma, Roxana;Alavi, Samin;Khoddami, Maliheh;Arzanian, Mohammad Taghi;Nourmohammad, Armin;Esteghamati, Sadaf
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.57 no.11
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    • pp.500-504
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    • 2014
  • Kaposiform hemangioendothelioma (KHE) is a rare, locally aggressive vascular tumor of intermediate malignancy with resemblance to Kaposi sarcoma. It occurs predominantly in pediatric age groups as a cutaneous lesion with focal infiltration into the adjacent soft tissue and bone. Although visceral involvement is very uncommon, several cases with bone, retroperitoneal, or mediastinal involvement have been described. KHE has been reported to occasionally occur in unusual sites such as the thymus, tonsils, larynx, paranasal sinuses, deltoid muscle, spleen, uterine cervix, thoracic spine, and even the breast. Multifocal KHE is an extremely rare entity with few reports available in the literature, none of which describes pulmonary involvement. Herein, we report a unique case of multifocal KHE in a 13-year-old boy presenting with a huge soft tissue mass in the upper extremity complicated by bilateral pulmonary nodules that developed into large, necrotic tumor masses.

Chest Wall Giant Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor -One case report (흉벽에 발생한 거대 악성 말초신경초종-치험 1례-)

  • Park, Jin-Gyu;Kim, Min-Ho;Jo, Jung-Gu
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.30 no.7
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    • pp.729-732
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    • 1997
  • A case of chest wall malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor(MPNST) was reported in the U.S.A by Mark and coworkers6)(1991), but none in korea. MPNST accounts for approximately 10% of all soft tissue sarcoma, mostly in patients between 20 and 50 years of age. MPNST arises in association with a major nerve trunk, including the sciatic nerve, brachial plexus, and sacral plexus and the most common anatomical site is the proximal portion of the upper and lower extremity and trunk. Surgical treatment is local excision of mass in low grade sarcoma but unblock resection is necessary in high grade sarcoma. We experienced multiple huge low grade MPNST on left chest wall of a 50 years old man. The tumor and invalved chest wall were removed, and the chest wall defect(15$\times$8 cm) was reconstructed with Teflon. Postoperative course was unevenful.

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