• Title/Summary/Keyword: Extreme Polarization

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A Study on the Modernization of Japanese costume

  • Jeon, Hyun-Sil;Kang, Soon-Che
    • International Journal of Costume and Fashion
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2008
  • This research analyzes the patterns in modernization of costume that reflects the attitude of accepting the Western culture and the differences in perception, during modernization period (1850-early 1910) in Japan. The Japanese attitude toward the Western costume can be roughly classified into three periods: impetuous acceptance in the early Restoration of Imperial Regime(1867-1883), aggressive acceptance in Rokumeikan period(1883-1887), and the coexistence of traditional and modern costumes after Meiji 20(1887-1910). A Western costume symbolizes wealth and power until Rokumeikan period, however, as it becomes more common, it is considered as an ordinary dress rather than a ceremonial dress. The exact opposite phenomenon occurs to traditional costume. Although Japanese modernization is initially forced by western ideology of power, positive reactions to western culture and changes in perception toward China leads to more active importation of western culture. This reflects the governmental effort such as the Foreigners Employment Policy in the early Meiji period, and the public also became receptive toward change. However, acceptance of the Western culture is only limited to academic and technological areas, while the traditional Japanese ethos(the Emperor system, Shintoism, patriarchism) is obstinately protected. Therefore, it can be inferred that such extreme polarization of modernization and traditional inheritance enabled both perspectives to retain their own characteristics.

Study of Hydrogen Evolution Reaction by Molybdenum Oxide Doped TiO2 Nanotubes (몰리브덴 산화물이 도핑된 티타늄 나노튜브전극의 수소 발생 반응 연구)

  • Oh, Kiseok;Yoo, Hyeonseok;Lee, Gibaek;Choi, Jinsub
    • Journal of Surface Science and Engineering
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    • v.49 no.6
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    • pp.521-529
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    • 2016
  • In this study, titanium nanotubes, prepared by anodization method, showing high surface and strong chemical stability in acidic and basic media, have been employed for the application to the electrodes for water splitting in KOH solution. Due to its high polarization resistance of TiO2 itself, proper catalysts are essentially required to reduce overpotentials for water oxidation and reduction. Most of academic literature showed noble metal catalysts for foreign dopants in TiO2 electrodes. From commercialization point of view, screening of low-cost catalyst is important. Herein, we propose molybdenum oxide as low-cost catalysts among various catalysts tested in the experiments, which exhibits the highest performance for hydrogen evolution reaction in highly alkaline solution. We showed that molybdenum oxide doped electrode can be operated in extreme acidic and basic conditions as well.

Topic Modeling Analysis of Beauty Industry using BERTopic and LDA

  • YANG, Hoe-Chang;LEE, Won-Dong
    • The Journal of Economics, Marketing and Management
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is identifying the research trends of degree papers related to the beauty industry and providing information which can contribute to the development of the domestic beauty industry and the direction of various research about beauty industry. Research design, data and methodology: This study used 154 academic papers and 189 academic papers with English abstracts out of 299 academic papers. All of these papers were found by searching for the keyword "beauty industry" in ScienceON on August 15, 2022. For the analysis, BERTopic and LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation) analysis were conducted using Python 3.7. Also, OLS regression analysis was conducted to understand the annual increase and decrease trend of each topic derived with trend analysis. Results: As a result of word frequency analysis, the frequency of satisfaction, management, behavior, and service was found to be high. In addition, it was found that 'service', 'satisfaction' and 'customer' were frequently associated with program and relationship in the word co-occurrence frequency analysis. As a result of topic modeling, six topics were derived: 'Beauty shop', 'Health education', 'Cosmetics', 'Customer satisfaction', 'Beauty education', and 'Beauty business'. The trend analysis result of each topic confirmed that 'Beauty education' and 'Health education' are getting more attention as time goes by. Conclusions: The future studies must resolve the extreme polarization between the structure of the small beauty industry and beauty stores. Furthermore, the researches have to direct various ways to create the performance of internal personnel. The ways to maximize product capabilities such as competitive cosmetics and brands are also needed attentions.

Development of Radar-Based Multi-Sensor Quantitative Precipitation Estimation Technique (레이더기반 다중센서활용 강수추정기술의 개발)

  • Lee, Jae-Kyoung;Kim, Ji-Hyeon;Park, Hye-Sook;Suk, Mi-Kyung
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.433-444
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    • 2014
  • Although the Radar-AWS Rainrate (RAR) calculation system operated by Korea Meteorological Administration estimated precipitation using 2-dimensional composite components of single polarization radars, this system has several limitations in estimating the precipitation accurately. To to overcome limitations of the RAR system, the Korea Meteorological Administration developed and operated the RMQ (Radar-based Multi-sensor Quantitative Precipitation Estimation) system, the improved version of NMQ (National Mosaic and Multi-sensor Quantitative Precipitation Estimation) system of NSSL (National Severe Storms Laboratory) for the Korean Peninsula. This study introduced the RMQ system domestically for the first time and verified the precipitation estimation performance of the RMQ system. The RMQ system consists of 4 main parts as the process of handling the single radar data, merging 3D reflectivity, QPE, and displaying result images. The first process (handling of the single radar data) has the pre-process of a radar data (transformation of data format and quality control), the production of a vertical profile of reflectivity and the correction of bright-band, and the conduction of hydrid scan reflectivity. The next process (merger of 3D reflectivity) produces the 3D composite reflectivity field after correcting the quality controlled single radar reflectivity. The QPE process classifies the precipitation types using multi-sensor information and estimates quantitative precipitation using several Z-R relationships which are proper for precipitation types. This process also corrects the precipitation using the AWS position with local gauge correction technique. The last process displays the final results transformed into images in the web-site. This study also estimated the accuracy of the RMQ system with five events in 2012 summer season and compared the results of the RAR (Radar-AWS Rainrate) and RMQ systems. The RMQ system (2.36mmhr1 in RMSE on average) is superior to the RAR system (8.33mmhr1 in RMSE) and improved by 73.25% in RMSE and 25.56% in correlation coefficient on average. The precipitation composite field images produced by the RMQ system are almost identical to the AWS (Automatic Weather Statioin) images. Therefore, the RMQ system has contributed to improve the accuracy of precipitation estimation using weather radars and operation of the RMQ system in the work field in future enables to cope with the extreme weather conditions actively.

Christian Education with the Socially Disadvantaged in and after the Covid-19 Pandemic (사회적 약자와 함께 하는 기독교교육)

  • Kim, Doil
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.64
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    • pp.51-79
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    • 2020
  • This study was conducted to pursue Christian education with the socially underprivileged in the era of the Corona-19 pandemic. Corona-19 is a disaster which is caused, destroyed and exploited by human being. At the time of the indiscriminately spreading global pendemic, we must work together to overcome our selfish self-centeredness and make an attempt for everyone in need. It is a study on how humans can help each other survive in the era of Corona-19 and its post-corona. The problem is that there is too much discrimination between the state, race, and economic capacity, and in the end, the extreme discrimination of capitalism is appeared in society and across the country. There is no significant difference in the confirmation rate when Corona-19 infiltrates, but there is a big difference between those with and less in mortality. As a result, today's reality is that people who have a hard time living because they have less usually are far more vulnerable to blocking and defeating virus attacks. Unfortunately, this is the current situation. From the standpoint of a large discourse, attention is paid to climate change and ecological environment, and as a micro discourse, a number of societies who live with tremendous discrimination according to the gap between the rich and the poor (it is gender, race, disabled, nationality) that exist in almost all countries on the planet. We need attention to the weak. To this end, discourses on vaccine inequality, discourses on the needs of the disabled, discourses on different racial damages, discourses on polarization and dystopia, and discourses on educational inequality were treated as the reality faced by the socially underprivileged in the Corona 19 pandemic. To explore Christian education with the socially underprivileged, to explore ways of sharing, giving, and solidarity for win-win, discourse on inter-dependence and mutual responsibility of mankind, direct counter-measures for the socially underprivileged, and critical literacy education. He proposed a discourse on Korea, a discourse on Homo sapiens, which must return to being a part of creation, and finally a theology of friendship with the weak. Christian education based on Bible words must go forward in the era of the Corona 19 pandemic, hungry, naked, nowhere to go, sick, but dying because of being unable to get a remedy. He emphasized the need to establish a caring theology of friendship and pursue a life in which thought and practice harmonize. Thus, the paper proposed the spirit of Christian education not only doing something for the socially weak, but with the socially weak in the daily life.