• 제목/요약/키워드: External quality control

검색결과 258건 처리시간 0.024초

국내 중소 제조기업의 품질비용 행태에 관한 실증 연구 (The Correlations among the Categorized Quality Cost Factors on Small & Medium-sized Enterprises)

  • 구일섭;이상춘;장광순;김용범
    • 대한안전경영과학회지
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    • 제13권2호
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    • pp.185-193
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    • 2011
  • The successful and sustainable growth of SMEs depends on their ability of strengthen their competitiveness in quality and cost and service more than anything else as a fundamental of operation. Among these key competitive factors of SMEs, quality is the most critical factor in manufacturing business fields. There are many different ways to improve the quality performance but it needs proper management decision to choose the best way what can maximize outputs with minimum inputs. And it needs effective measurement methods and some indicators to analysis the quality performance properly. The quality cost is one of the simplest key indicators to measure the quality performance and the effectiveness of quality related management decisions. In this study, through survey on local SMEs, we found that their average annual quality cost ratio versus turnover - total amount of annual quality cost divided by annual turnover - is around 3.69% excluded some SME's performances what have different quality control measures with others. And we found some results what corresponded with the early studies on the correlations between those categorized quality costs factors and some discrepancies between some of the literature model and the early case study results as follows. There were negative correlations between the Prevention costs and the External failure costs, and the Appraisal costs and the External failure costs, and there was positive correlation between the Appraisal costs and Internal failure costs same as early studies. But, we couldn't found any strong negative correlations between the Cost of control - Prevention costs & Appraisal costs - and the Cost of Failure of control - Internal & External failure costs -.

핵의학 검체검사 내부정도관리 허용범위 설정에 관한 고찰 (A Study on the Establishment of Acceptable Range for Internal Quality Control of Radioimmunoassay)

  • 이영지;이소영;이선호
    • 핵의학기술
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    • 제26권2호
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    • pp.43-47
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    • 2022
  • 핵의학 검체검사는 검사 결과의 품질 보증을 위해 내부정도관리 시스템을 체계화하여 질 관리를 시행하고 있다. 본 연구는 검사실 자체적인 허용 범위의 설정 시 참고가 될 수 있도록 여러 기관의 종목별 내부정도관리 및 외부정도관리의 변동계수 평균을 산출하여 종목별 질 관리 현황을 제공함으로써 핵의학 검체검사 결과의 품질 보증에 기여하고 체계적인 질 관리를 수행하고자 한다. 2020년 10월에서 2021년 12월까지 각 기관에서 시행한 42종목에 대한 내부정도관리 변동계수의 평균 및 10.0% 이상 이탈률을 구하였다. CV% 성적에 따라 상위 그룹(5.0% 이하), 중위 그룹(5.0~10.0%), 하위 그룹(10.0% 이상)으로 구분하여 비교하였고, 10.0% 이상 이탈률은 5개 이상 기관의 종목에 대해서 종양 표지자, 갑상선 호르몬, 기타 호르몬으로 분류하여 비교하였다. 2021년 1분기에서 4분기까지 28종목에 대해 외부정도관리 결과의 전체 평균 및 표준편차로 변동계수의 평균을 구하였다. 또한 2021년 상반기, 하반기 13종목에 대해 기관 간 숙련도 결과의 전체 평균 및 표준편차로 변동계수의 평균을 구하였다. 종목별로 내부정도관리 및 외부정도관리의 변동계수 평균을 비교하여 질 관리가 잘 이루어지는 종목과 관리에 주의가 필요한 종목을 비교 분석하였다. 6개 기관의 42종목에 대해 내부정도관리 변동계수의 평균을 산출한 결과 상위 그룹에 속하는 종목(5.0% 이하)은 ferritin, HGH, SHBG, 25-OH-VitD이며, 하위 그룹(10.0% 이상)은 cortisol, ATA, AMA, renin, estradiol이었다. 5개 이상 기관의 종양 표지자 8종목에 대해 변동계수의 10.0% 이상 이탈률은 CA-125와 CA-19-9가 우수한 성적을 나타내었으나, SCC-Ag와 CA-15-3 검사는 관리에 주의가 필요한 종목에 속했다. 갑상선 호르몬 7종목에 대해 변동계수의 10.0% 이상 이탈률을 비교한 결과 free T4와 T3 검사는 우수하였지만 AMA와 ATA는 관리에 주의가 필요해 보였다. 기타 호르몬 11종목에 대해 변동계수의 10.0% 이상 이탈률을 비교하였을 때 IGF-1, FSH, prolactin은 우수한 성적을 나타내었지만, estradiol, testosterone, cortisol은 관리에 주의가 필요한 종목에 속했다. 28종목에 대해 외부정도관리를 참여하는 전체 기관에 대한 변동계수 평균을 산출한 결과 상위 그룹에 속하는 종목(10.0% 이하)은 HGH, SCC-Ag이었으며, 하위 그룹(30.0% 이상)은 ATA, estradiol, TSI, thyroglobulin이었다. 6개 기관의 42종목에 대해 평가한 결과 변동계수가 3.7~12.2%로 하위 그룹과 상위 그룹이 3.3배의 차이를 보였다. 변동계수의 값이 높은 cortisol, ATA, AMA, renin, estradiol 검사들은 정밀도를 향상시키기 위한 개선 활동들이 지속적으로 이루어져야 할 것이다. 또한 HBs-Ab를 제외한 41종목에 대해 내부정도관리 및 외부정도관리, 기관 간 숙련도 참여기관의 전체 CV% 평균을 산출하여 비교한 결과 ATA, AMA, renin, estradiol 검사는 높은 허용범위 설정을 권장한다. 설정된 허용범위를 기준으로 체계적인 질 관리를 수행한다면 핵의학 검체검사 결과의 정확도 및 신뢰도를 향상시킬 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.

Quality Control of Pharmacopuncture: A Comparative Study of Good Manufacturing Practice and External Herbal Dispensary Standards

  • Han, Ji-Eun;Park, Minjung;An, Tteul-E-Bom;Park, Jong-Hyun;Oh, Danny;Kim, Kyeong Han;Sung, Soo-Hyun
    • 대한약침학회지
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    • 제24권2호
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    • pp.59-67
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    • 2021
  • Objectives: We aimed to compare the external herbal dispensary (EHD) evaluation criteria for pharmacopuncture and the Korea Good Manufacturing Practice (KGMP) sterile medicine standards to contribute to the establishment of quality control criteria for pharmacopuncture. Methods: We obtained the KGMP standards from the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety and the pharmacopuncture certification criteria from the Ministry of Health and Welfare of South Korea. The EHD evaluation items were classified into three categories: facilities, quality control, and validation. The evaluation items were compared with the KGMP sterile medicine criteria to determine their conformance with each other, followed by a discussion among the committee of six experts and their consensus to suggest the items to complement the EHD evaluation criteria. Results: Among the KGMP sterile medicine criteria, 44 were related to the management of the facilities, and 32 pharmacopuncture evaluation items corresponded to these KGMP items (66.7%). Fifty-eight KGMP criteria were related to quality management, and 42 pharmacopuncture evaluation items corresponded to these KGMP items (72.4%). Twentyfive KGMP sterile medicine criteria were related to validation, and 11 pharmacopuncture evaluation items corresponded to these KGMP items (44.0%). Sixteen items under the pharmacopuncture EHD criteria corresponded to the KGMP sterile medicine criteria based on the consent of the experts. Among these, 4 were related to facility management, 6 were related to quality control, and 6 were related to validation. Conclusion: For the safety and quality control of pharmacopuncture, there is a need to select the criteria for the mandatory items among the proposed pharmacopuncture-EHD criteria laws and systems to ensure that the pharmacopuncture materials are produced under the pharmacopuncture-EHD in compliance with the relevant requirements. More studies are needed to secure the safety level of pharmacopuncture materials corresponding to that of conventional medicine.

확장형칼만필터에 의한 연속회분식반응조의 탈질 적응제어 (Adaptive Control of Denitrification by the Extended Kalman Filter in a Sequencing Batch Reactor)

  • 김동한
    • 상하수도학회지
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    • 제20권6호
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    • pp.829-836
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    • 2006
  • The reaction rate of denitrification is primarily affected by the utilization of organics that are usually limited in the anoxic period in a sequencing batch reactor. It is necessary to add an extemal carbon source for sufficient denitrification. An adaptive model of state-space based on the extended Kalman filter is applied to manipulate the dosage rate of extemal carbon automatically. Control strategies for denitrification have been studied to improve control performance through simulations. The normal control strategy of the constant set-point results in the overdosage of external carbon and deterioration of water quality. To prevent the overdosage of external carbon, improved control strategies such as the constrained control action, variable set-point, and variable set-point after dissolved oxygen depletion are required. More stable control is obtained through the application of the variable set-point after dissolved oxygen depletion. The converging value of the estimated denitrification coefficient reflects conditions in the reactor.

요양보호사 교육생의 주관적 삶의 질과 통제위 성격에 관한 조사연구 (A Study of the Subjective Quality of Life, and Locus of Control of Caregiver Trainees)

  • 정여숙
    • 한국간호교육학회지
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.117-126
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: The aim of this study was to research caregiver trainees, and to understand the degree of subjective quality of life and internal and external locus control, and to examine the relationships between these variables. Method: The subjects of the research were 348 trainees at a Jeonju city caregiver training center. The subjective quality of life and the characteristics of locus control were used as measuring tools. The collected data was analyzed by the SAS 9.1 program. Result: The degree of subjective quality of life was significantly different according to the general characteristics of age (F=2.83, p=0.02), marital status (F=3.34, p=0.01), and willingness to work (F=3.94, p=0.05). The degree of internal locus control was significantly different according to the general characteristic of marital status (F=3.0 p=0.01). External locus control was significantly different according to the general characteristics of age (F=9.77, p=0.00), occupation (F=2.91, p=0.01), educational level (F=9.65, p=0.00), monthly income (F=3.81, p=0.00), educational institution (F=2.06, p=0.04), educational experience (F=4.15, p=0.00), and subjects willingness to work (t=8.71, p=0.00). A significant correlation was identified between the subjective quality of life and internal locus control (r=0.23, p=0.0001). Conclusion: A significant correlation was shown between subjective quality of life and internal locus control of the caregiver trainees.

볏짚사일리지 제조를 위한 유기감귤 첨가효과 (Effects of Supplementing Organic Citrus in Making Rice Straw Silage)

  • 안종호
    • 한국유기농업학회지
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    • 제15권3호
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    • pp.309-318
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    • 2007
  • The effects of supplementation of organic citrus on the quality of rice straw silage was investigated in this study. The aim of the study was to improve the quality of rice straw silage using agricultural by-products and therefore to secure the good quality forage sources. Firstly, looking at chemical composition of citrus added rice straw silage, crude protein content appeared improved with the addition of citrus to rice straw silage compared to control while NDF and ADF contents decreased. pH of the silages were different between control(4.39) and treatments$(3.47\sim3.53)$. Lactic acid content was higher in citrus added silage(4.87mM) than in control (3.65mM). External quality of the silages was also better in citrus added silage when citrus added at the equal ratio with rice straw(1 : 1). This trend was the same as with pH and lactic acid content. Propionate was significantly higher in citrus addd silage but butyrate was significantly lower. DM and NDF disappearance rates in the rumen were highest when citrus added at the equal ratio with rice straw(1:1). In conclusion, supplementation of citrus to rice straw silage with equal ratio contributed the best to the improvement of the quality of silage and it may have been due mainly to abundant content of non-structural carbohydrate in citrus.

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다중이상원인하의 경제적 품질비용 정책결정 (Determination of Quality Cost Policy under Multiple Assignable Causes)

  • 김계완;김용필;박지연;윤덕균
    • 산업경영시스템학회지
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    • 제26권1호
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    • pp.7-16
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    • 2003
  • At present, company has to produce a product that consumer like with a competitive price, a good quality, and a fitting time to supply. Process control and quality control are very important to supply with a product uniformly and inexpensively. Process control is given much weight in the quality control in manufacturing system. Statistical process controls(SPC) that are used in process generally have major impact on manufacturing, product design activities, and process development potentially. Control charts in statistical process control method can be interpreted the data from quality characteristics in production process and discriminated between chance variation and assignable variation in process. In addition, control chart can be used to monitor the process output and detect when changes in the inputs are required to bring the process back to an in-control state. The models that relate the influential inputs to process outputs help determine the nature and magnitude of the adjustments required. In this paper, the characteristic of product quality is monitored by control chart during the machining process and construction of quality control cycle is considered to divide into two types in this case that different assignable causes lead to shifts having different magnitudes. Then we are intended to find a process shift magnitude which has economical quality cost policy and are considered to quality cost functions to find a process shift magnitude. Those costs are categorized into the well-known categories of prevention, appraisal, and internal failure and external failure. This paper ends with numerical examples that demonstrate the usefulness of the model.

다중이상원인하의 경제적 품질비용 정책결정 (Determination of Quality Cost Policy under the Multiple Assignable Causes)

  • 김계완;박지연;윤덕균
    • 한국산업경영시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국산업경영시스템학회 2002년도 춘계학술대회
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2002
  • At present, company has to produce a product that consumer like with a competitive price, a good quality, and a fitting time to supply. Process control and qualify control are very important to supply with a product uniformly and inexpensively In this paper, the characteristic of product quality is monitored by control chart during the machining process and construction of quality control cycle is considered to divide into two types in this case that different assignable causes lead to shifts having different magnitudes. Then we are intended to find a process shift magnitude which has economical quality cost policy and are considered to quality cost functions to find a process shift magnitude. Those costs are categorized into the well-known categories of prevention, appraisal, and internal failure and external failure. This paper ends with numerical examples that demonstrate the usefulness of the model.

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외부법의 종양치료활용에 대한 고찰 (A study of external applications for cancer treatment)

  • 이용연;송기철;최병렬;서상훈;최우진;조정효;이연월;손창규;조종관;유화승
    • 대한한방내과학회지
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.659-667
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    • 2001
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to explore some new therapies to control clinical symptoms of patients with terminal cancer by using external applications. Methods: We investigated some literatures on the external applications for cancer patients and made diagrams. Results: The results are summarized as follows. External applications are one of the traditional oriental medical methods and these are effective for pain control, ascites & pleural effusion and palpitable mass. It has some characteristics which are simple, safe and popular, but we must pay attention carefully to allergic reaction and toxicity in using external applications. The therapeutic portion of external applications are decided by discipline of syndrome and disease differentiation, and the prescriptions are composed of antitumor herb medicines. Conclusions: From the above results, it is expected that external applications are useful to improve clinical symptoms and quality of life(QOL) for patients with terminal cancer who cannot intake foods or medicines.

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동물병원의 방사선발생장치 정도관리에 대한 연구 (Quality Control of Diagnostic X-ray Units for Animal Hospital)

  • 김상우;이지훈;박예슬;임재동;성열훈
    • 대한안전경영과학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한안전경영과학회 2010년도 춘계학술대회
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    • pp.231-237
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the actual conditions of radiation safety supervision in animal clinics using quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) of diagnostic X-ray units. The surveys for QA/QC, equipment condition, and safety supervision were carried out in 18 animal clinics randomly. The QA/QC included reproducibility of dose exposure, kVp, mAs, collimator accuracy test, collimator luminance test, X-ray view box luminance test, grounding system equipment test and external leakage current test. As a result, 44.44% of reproducibility of dose exposure was proper, 81. 25% of kVp test was good, and 100% of mAs test was appropriate. Also, 66.66% of collimator accuracy test was proper, 61.11% of collimator luminance test was good, 53.13% of X-ray view box luminance test was suitable. In addition, only 5.55% of grounding system equipment and ground resistance was proper, 63.64% of external leakage current test was appropriate in grounding system equipment test.

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