• Title/Summary/Keyword: Exterior Plastic Part

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Development of Paint-free Metallic Plastic Material for Automotive Parts (자동차 부품용 무도장 메탈릭 플라스틱 소재 개발)

  • Choi, Min Jin;Cho, Jeong-Min;Choi, Young Ho;Choi, Min Ho;Lee, Choon Soo;Sung, Han Ki;Lee, Kyoung Sil;Park, Ki Hun;Hwang, Se Jong
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.60 no.2
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    • pp.295-299
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, paint-free metallic plastic material, polypropylene (PP) and acrylonitrile styrene acrylate (ASA) materials were investigated on the applications for bumper skid plate and outside mirror housing parts. In order to maximize metallic effect, type, size and content of aluminum pigment were optimized based on flop index. Hybrid aluminum pigments with different aspect ratios were used to conceal weld lines. By controlling the fluidity of the material, the flow mark problem, generated on the surface of the part, was resolved. We also investigated the surface defects of flow and weld lines by using the developed modeling and simulation.

Behavior of exterior concrete beam-column joints reinforced with Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) bars

  • Azariani, Hossein Rezaee;Esfahani, M. Reza;Shariatmadar, Hashem
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.83-98
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    • 2018
  • This research was conducted to study the behavior of exterior concrete beam-column joints with reinforced shape memory alloy (SMA) bars tested under cyclic loading. These bars benefit from superelastic behavior and can stand high loads without residual strains. The experimental part of the study, 8 specimens of exterior concrete beam-column joints were made and tested. Two different types of concrete with 30 and 45 MPa were used. Four specimens contained SMA bars and 4 specimens contained steel bars in beam-column joints. Furthermore, different transverse reinforcements were used in beams investigate the effects of concrete confinement. Specimens were tested under cyclic loading. Results show that SMA bars are capable of recentering to their original shape after standing large displacements. Due to the superelastic behavior of SMA bars, cracks at the joint core vanish under cyclic loading. As the cyclic loading increased, bending failure occurred in the beam outside the joint core. In the analytical parts of the study, specimens were simulated using the SeismoStruct software. Experimental and analytical results showed a satisfactory correlation. Plastic hinge length at the beam joint for specimens with SMA and steel bars was calculated by empirical equations, experimental and analytical results. It was shown that Paulay's and Priestley's equations are appropriate for concrete beam-column joints in both types of bars.

Seismic Behaviors of OMRCF Columns (철근 콘크리트 보통 모멘트 골조 기둥의 거동평가)

  • 한상환;이리형
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.199-206
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    • 2002
  • The objective of this study is to investigate the seismic behavior and evaluate structural performance of columns in Ordinary Moment Resting Concrete Frames (OMRCF). For this purpose 3 story OMRCF building was designed and detailed in compliance to ACI 318 (1999). Only gravity load is considered for the design. It is important to note that details strongly relate to the structural performance. The 1st story columns in the 3 story building are considered in this study since 다lese columns shall resist the largest axial and lateral forces during an earthquate. Four test specimens were made for representing the upper part and lower part of exterior and interior columns. All specimens are two-third scale. Based on the test results this study estimates deformation, ductility, strength, and energy absorption capacities as well as plastic hinge length.

Heat Radiation of LED Light using eu Plating Engineering Plastic Heat Sink (동도금 EP방열판에 의한 소형LED조명등 방열)

  • Cho, Young-Tae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.81-85
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    • 2011
  • Recently, the electronic parts are to be thinner plate, smaller size, light weight material and CPU, HDD and DRAM in all the parts have been produced on the basis of the high speed and greater capacity. Also, conventional goods have replaced a LED (Light-Emitting Diode) in lighting products so; such industry devices need to have cooling. To maximize all the performance on the heat-radiated products, the area of heat-radiated parts is required to be cooled for keeping the life time extension and performance of product up. Existing cooling systems are using radiant heat plate of aluminum, brass by extrusion molding, heat pipe or hydro-cooling system for cooling. There is a limitation for bringing the light weight of product, cost reduction, molding of the cooling system. So it is proposed that an alternative way was made for bringing to the cooling system. EP (Engineering Plastic) of low-cost ABS (Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene Resin) and PC (Polycarbonate) was coated with brass and the coating made the radiated heat go up. The performance of radiant heat plate is the similar to the existing part. We have studied experimentally on the radiated heat plate for the light-weight, molding improvement and low-cost. From now on, we are going to develop the way to replace the exiting plate with exterior surface of product as a cooling system.

Process and Die Design of Square Cup Drawing for Wall Thickening (사각형 판재성형 시 벽두께 증육을 위한 금형 및 공정 설계)

  • Kim, Jinho;Hong, Seokmoo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.9
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    • pp.5789-5794
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    • 2015
  • Recently, thin and light-weight production technologies are needed in IT industry in accordance with increase of the smart phones and mobile PC products. In order to make light and high rigidity products, engineering plastic and aluminum materials are frequently used in products appearance and frame hat support structure. Especially aluminum extrusion and CNC Brick processes are widely used for high strength and high rigidity technology. But extrusion method has constraints to apply exterior design and CNC Brick process has relatively high production cost and low speed of manufacturing. In this research, a new process method is introduced in order to reduce material cost and to improve manufacturing speed dramatically. Plate forging process means basically that thickening of local wall area thickness after deform exterior shape by deep drawing and bending process. Therefore, it is possible to minimize the waste of material and the manufacturing time. In this study the process of plate forging is designed using finite element program AFDEX-2D and the thickness and the width of initial deformed blank. And it is verified as a sample which is a part of laptop developed through the proposed plate forging method.

Compression Strength Test of FRP Reinforced Concrete Composite Pile (FRP-콘크리트 합성말뚝 시편의 압축강도실험)

  • Lee, Young-Geun;Choi, Jin-Woo;Park, Joon-Seok;Yoon, Soon-Jong
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Advanced Composite Structures
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.19-27
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, we present a part of results to develop new type hybrid FRP-concrete composite pile (i.e., concrete filled fiber reinforced plastic circular tubes, hybrid CFFT, HCFFT). The purpose of this paper is to evaluate compressive loading capacity through compressive strength test. Before compressive strength test of HCFFT, we investigated mechanical properties of pultruded fiber reinforced plastic (PFRP) and filament winding fiber reinforced plastic (FFRP). For estimating the compressive strength of HCFFT, uni-axial compression strength tests of HCFFT compression members were conducted. The test variables are compressive strengths of concrete and thickness of FFRP. In addition, uni-axial compression strength tests of concrete filled fiber reinforced plastic circular tube (CFFT) except PFRP members were conducted. The test variable in the test is thickness of FFRP. From the test result, the compressive strength of the HCFFT in larger than compressive strength of CFFT as much as 47%. It can be observed that the uni-axial compressive strength of the HCFFT increased if the concrete strength and the thickness of exterior filament winding FRP tube increased. In addition, the finite element analysis result is compared with the experimental result. The difference between the experimental and FEM results is in the range of 0.14% to 17.95%.

Seismic Behavior of Columns in Ordinary and Intermediate Moment Frames (보통과 중간 모멘트 골조 기둥의 내진거동 비교)

  • Han Sailg-Whan
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.17 no.1 s.85
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    • pp.51-58
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    • 2005
  • Moment frames have been widely used in building construction. In current design codes, concrete moment frames are classified into ordinary, intermediate, and special moment resisting concrete frames (OMRCF, IMRCF, SMRCF)). The objective of this study is to investigate the seismic behavior of columns in ordinary moment resisting concrete frames (OMRCF) and intermediate moment resisting concrete frames (IMRCF). For this purpose 3 story OMRCF and IMRCF buildings were designed and detailed in compliance to ACI 318 (2002) and KCI (1999). In this study the buildings were assumed to be located in seismic zone 1 classified by UBC (1997). This study considered the columns in the 1st story since these columns shall resist the largest axial and lateral forces during an earthquake. Eight 2/3 scale column specimens were made for representing the upper part and lower part of exterior and interior columns of the OMRCF and the IMRCF Quasi-static reversed cyclic loading was applied to each specimen with a constant or varying axial load. Test results show that seismic behaviors of columns are influenced by existence of lap splices, axial force levels, and lateral reinforcement at possible plastic hinging region. However, the effect of such variables strongly co-related to each other.

Cyclic performance and design recommendations of a novel weak-axis reduced beam section connection

  • Lu, Linfeng;Xu, Yinglu;Liu, Jie;Lim, James B.P.
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.337-353
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    • 2018
  • In previous weak-axis moment connection tests, brittle fracture always initiated near the edge of the beam flange groove weld due to force flow towards the stiffer column flanges, which is the opposite pattern as strong-axis moment connections. As part of the China NSFC (51278061) study, this paper tested two full-scale novel weak-axis reduced beam section moment connections, including one exterior frame connection specimen SJ-1 under beam end monotonic loading and one interior frame joint specimen SJ-2 under column top cyclic loading. Test results showed that these two specimens were able to satisfy the demands of FEMA-267 (1995) or ANSI/AISC 341-10 (2010) without experiencing brittle fracture. A parametric analysis using the finite element software ABAQUS was carried out to better understand the cyclic performance of the novel weak-axis reduced beam section moment connections, and the influence of the distance between skin plate and reduced beam section, a, the length of the reduced beam section, b, and the cutting depth of the reduced beam section, c, on the cyclic performance was analyzed. It was found that increasing three parametric values reasonably is beneficial to forming beam plastic hinges, and increasing the parameter a is conducive to reducing stress concentration of beam flange groove welds while increasing the parameters b and c can only reduce the peak stress of beam flange groove welds. The rules recommended by FEMA350 (2000) are suitable for designing the proposed weak-axis RBS moment connection, and a proven calculation formulation is given to determine the thickness of skin plate, the key components in the proposed weak-axis connections. Based on the experimental and numerical results, a design procedure for the proposed weak-axis RBS moment connections was developed.