• 제목/요약/키워드: Export and Import Companies

검색결과 110건 처리시간 0.019초

수출입 중소기업의 기술금융에 관한 연구: 한국수출입은행 지원기업을 중심으로 (Technology Financing for Export-Import based Small and Medium Sized Enterprises: Focused on Supported Enterprises by the Export-Import Bank of Korea)

  • 이젬마;김상봉
    • 디지털융복합연구
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    • 제14권7호
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    • pp.11-20
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    • 2016
  • 본 연구는 한국수출입은행이 금융지원한 2011년~2013년의 2,753개 중소기업에 대한 기술현황 및 기술금융에 대해 분석하였다. 연평균 약 400개의 중소기업이 지재권을 보유하며 약 200개의 중소기업이 특허를 보유하는 것으로 나타난다. 제조업 중 전자부품, 컴퓨터, 영상, 음향 및 통신장비 제조업(KSIC 26), 기타 기계 및 장비 제조업(KSIC 29), 자동차 및 트레일러 제조업(KSIC 30)에 가장 높은 지재권 집중도를 보인다. 또한, 지재권 보유 기업의 경우 총자산, 매출액, 연구개발비가 비(非)보유 기업을 크게 초과하며, 유동성에서 약간의 우위를 보이고, 부채비율도 다소 낮게 나타난다. 수익률 지표에 있어서는 지재권 보유기업이 비(非)보유 기업에 비해 다소 열악하거나 비슷한 수준으로 나타난다. 신용도가 높은 기업일수록 지재권 보유수가 증가하나 그 상관관계는 0.1정도로 약하다. 신용도가 매우 취약한 기업의 지식재산권과 특허 보유율이 각각 20~30%임을 감안할 때, 이들의 기술금융지원으로 인한 리스크는 상당할 것으로 예상된다.

Does GVC Participation Improve the Productivity of Korean Manufacturing Firms? : Evidence from Subgroup Analysis Using Enterprise-level Data

  • Suji Jeong;Soo-yong Shin
    • Journal of Korea Trade
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    • 제26권6호
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    • pp.96-117
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    • 2022
  • Purpose - Considering the recent instability of world economy and its heavy dependence on foreign, Korea must formulate breakthrough approaches to proactively cope with these adverse global developments. As such, this study aims to ascertain how participation in global value chains (GVCs) relates to corporate productivity and derive policy implications. Design/methodology - This study utilizes the microdata of Korean manufacturers to develop indicators of GVC participation at the enterprise level and analyzes the effects of GVC participation on the firm's total factor productivity by using fixed effect model. Findings - Enterprises with highest rates of export-side GVC participation see their productivity grow as their export-side GVC participation rates increase. In addition, when companies are classified by their export-side GVC participation rates, increasing export values improves all firm's productivity. In particular, those with low participation rates are analyzed to achieve higher productivity by increasing their imports, not only exports, which implies that companies with lower export-side GVC participation can boost productivity by reinforcing their export and import activities. Originality/value - This research paper distinguishes itself from others in that it makes a novel attempt to design the indicators of GVC participation at the enterprise level, not at the national or industry level. In addition, this study contributes to the existing literature by dividing companies into subgroups depending on their GVC participation rates for each of export and import and identifying variances in the effect of GVC participation on productivity growth among subgroups.

Effects of AEO-MRA on the Performance of Exporters and Importers in Korea

  • Kim, Chang-Bong;Chung, Il-Sok;Joo, Hye-Young
    • Journal of Korea Trade
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    • 제23권3호
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    • pp.52-67
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    • 2019
  • Purpose - This study analyzes the effect of the authorized economic operator-mutual recognition arrangement (AEO-MRA) on the performance of Korean exporters and importers. The effect of the import-export companies' characteristics, such as annual sales, the number of foreign markets, and overseas experience, on the AEO-MRA is deduced; the relationship between this effect and firm performance is analyzed. Design/methodology - An empirical research model was constructed and analyzed using structural equation modeling. The effect of AEO-MRA on logistics and operational performance was derived from the aforementioned characteristics as leading factors of the AEO-MRA. The regulatory influence of cooperation with logistics companies was analyzed in the AEO-MRA effect on logistics performance. Thus, 172 valid samples were obtained from import-export companies certified by the AEO-MRA. Findings - Among the aforementioned characteristics, only "annual sales" has a positive effect on the AEO-MRA, whose effect enhances logistics and operational performances. The AEO-MRA effect did not directly affect operational performance. Owing to the adjustment effect analysis, the AEO-MRA effect and logistics performance relationship is strengthened if the cooperative relationship with the logistics company is higher than a certain level. If this cooperation falls below a certain level, the AEO-MRA effect on logistics performance reduces. Thus, logistics cooperation is an important factor in the AEO-MRA effect and logistics performance relationship. Originality/value - Hinging on the resource-based theory and relational viewpoint, an empirical model that explains the relationship between the AEO-MRA effect and firm performance is established.

중국 통관제도 개편에 따른 해외직판 활성화 방안 (A Study on Customs Clearance Procedure of Korea and China to Vitalize Online Export of Korean)

  • 유광현
    • 무역상무연구
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    • 제70권
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    • pp.135-157
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    • 2016
  • Globalization of consumption, expansion of cross border e-trade, increase use of internet and mobile have led to rapid growth of world e-commerce particularly in Asia and emerging markets. Impacted by Korean wave, online export is continuously increasing, yet Korea is experiencing severe e-commerce trade imbalance. Export growth rate and ratio of Korean small companies are relatively low from OECD member countries. Therefore, Korean government is currently emphasizing on vitalization of online export to China to resolve trade imbalance and to increase export of small companies. To propose detail measures to vitalize online export to China, this study is focused on export customs clearance procedure of Korea and import customs clearance procedure of China in view of online export company. Also suggested countermeasure plan and analysis for the new tax revision plan related to e-commerce which implemented on April 8th 2016. This study have grouped countermeasure plan by short term plan of firms and long term plan of the government. As for the short-term countermeasure plan for firms, first, comparison analysis of tax rate on products is need to decide type of e-commerce strategy; second, if planning to start e-commerce business to China, sales possibility and certification check is necessary; third, through preparation of customs clearance document is needed; last in order to obtain price competitiveness, new logistics strategy and packing development is required. As for the long-term countermeasure plan for the government, I have suggested cooperated bonded logistics service for small businesses and operation plan of show room for promising Korean products.

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    • Journal of the Korean Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
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    • 제26권4호
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    • pp.280-295
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    • 2022
  • This paper contains an introduction to industrial problems, solutions, and results conducted with the Korea Association of Machinery Industry. The client company commissioned the problem of upgrading the method of identifying global supply risky items. Accordingly, the factors affecting the supply and demand of imported items in the global supply chain were identified and the method of selecting risky items was studied and delivered. Through research and discussions with the client companies, it is confirmed that the most suitable factors for identifying global supply risky items are 'import size', 'import dependence', and 'trend abnormality'. The meaning of each indicator is introduced, and risky items are selected using export/import data until October 2022. Through this paper, it is expected that countries and companies will be able to identify global supply risky items in advance and prepare for risks in the new normal situation: the economic situation caused by infectious diseases such as the COVID-19 pandemic; and the export/import regulation due to geopolitical problems. The client company will include in his report, the method presented in this paper and the risky items selected by the method.

수출입 부대비용의 EPS 기반구축에 관한 연구 - 물류.통관부문을 중심으로 - (A Study on Establish the Foundation of Electronic Payment System for the Auxiliary Costs of Foreign Trade - Focused on Logistic and Customs Clearance Areas -)

  • 심종석;양정호
    • 무역상무연구
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    • 제47권
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    • pp.185-212
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    • 2010
  • This study aims to derive practical suggestions to apply application methods by auxiliary costs, especially application of logistics and customs clearance areas in order to establish EPS support system of auxiliary cost occurred from export/import. For the propose, this study has analyzed types and situation of auxiliary costs, application method by auxiliary costs, payment situation of logistics auxiliary costs and clearance auxiliary costs and suggested the relevant problems and their application methods. Especially, in case of logistics auxiliary costs through connection to the attached general documents required for negotiation by reflecting characteristics of B2B transactions. In addition, it has suggested that those services by the said system should be conveniently used commonly by the export companies and logistics companies through provision of various payment measures, support of foreign currency payment, etc. and security of reliability/system stability, etc. for the compatible payment with other systems as the prerequisite for the successful settlement of the auxiliary costs EPS. It is expected that satisfaction of the uTradeHub users such as export/import companies and logistics companies will be increased, user-oriented customized information services such as raw cost prediction service through calculation of auxiliary costs could be available in the future and efficiency of work processes related to auxiliary costs will be increased, by providing the EPS through various single window based payment measures through establishment of the export/import auxiliary costs payment system.

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전략물자 무역환경에 따른 글로벌기업의 글로벌 컴플라이언스에 관한 연구 (A Study on Global Compliance of Global Companies under the Circumstance of Export Control)

  • 최춘호
    • 무역상무연구
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    • 제39권
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    • pp.367-389
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    • 2008
  • On the stage of an international trade with well-developed transportation, communication system and proliferation of free trade, global companies who are eager to sustain business growth by cutting cost and pioneering new market are facing a new challenge named "Global Compliance" of business transparency, export and import regulations, and potential international business environment. The purpose of a global compliance is to monitor and regulate a company's trade activities to reduce the risk of transactions that might violate relevant countries' laws, regulations, or standards. After the 911, for strengthening the non-proliferation of the export control goods, UNSCR1540(United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540(2004)) was declared in order to enforce the members to adopt the rules in the resolution into their national laws and regulations. Companies does not realized that they need to get rid of the risks because they underestimate the importance of international security, caused by their careless management. That is why currently the export control program is not fully observed by the most. Lack of awareness for the export control and the poor system of each members could be the reason for this unstable operating status. With this background, this thesis will study on the meaning of export control, schemes for companies to recognize its importance and governmental guideline to support global companies.

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항만경쟁력 제고를 위한 항만교역량 예측 (Forecasting the Port Trading Volumes for Improvement of Port Competitive Power)

  • 손용정
    • 한국항만경제학회지
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    • 제25권1호
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2009
  • 항만산업의 발전은 저렴하고 효율적인 서비스 제공을 가능하게 함으로써 자국 경제발전을 지원하는 기능을 하는 동시에 독립된 산업으로 부가가치 및 고용창출을 기대할 수 있다. 그러나 국내 주요 항만들은 대내의적인 여건의 변화로 항만교역량 증가세가 둔화되고 있으며 국내 항만의 여건악화는 일시적인 현상이라기보다는 구조적인 현상이라는 점에 문제의 심각성이 있다. 즉, 향후 주요 항만들의 교역량 증가세가 회복될 가능성이 크지 않다는 것이 일반적인 견해이며, 역내 물류중심 기능을 수행할 수 있을 것인지에 대한 회의론 마저 대두되고 있는 실정이다. 항만개발에 소요되는 시간과 재원은 막대하다. 특히 신항개발의 경우 최소 10년 이상의 장기수요 전망 하에 개발계획의 수립이 이루어진다. 따라서 개발계획의 기본이 되는 교역량의 예측의 중요성은 최근 교역량과 관련한 대외적인 환경 변화에 따라 중요성이 더욱 부각되고 있다. 이처럼 산업이 고도화되고 구조도 급격히 변화되고 있는 시대 흐름에 비추어 정확한 물동량예측은 유용하게 이용될 수 있다. 따라서 본고에서는 승법계절 ARIMA모형을 이용하여 국내항만과 중국항만간의 교역량 변화를 예측해보고, 이러한 예측을 통하여 우리나라 항만의 역할과 경쟁력을 갖추기 위한 필요성이 제기됨에 따라 항만의 교역량 중대를 위한 항만활성화 방안을 제시하고자 한다.

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한국 의류산업의 국제경쟁력 위상 변화와 수출 특성 연구 (International Competitiveness and Export Features for Korea's Clothing Industry)

  • 백영하;박재옥
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제31권9_10
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    • pp.1442-1452
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    • 2007
  • During 40 years, clothing industry which took a charge of a pivotal role to lead Korea's economy development falls in a harsh state to maintain an international competitiveness by means of low wage-based-export and tech-deficit-past competitive advantage. From January first 2005 when the World Trade Organization started that developed countries abolished import quota on textile and apparel products. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze Korea's apparel international market share, grasp Korea's apparel international competitiveness position, and examine the export features to enhance international competitiveness. We targeted members of Korea Apparel Industry Association among the 500's exporters of textile and clothing items in 'The Import and Export Textile Product 2003' Total 70 sheets were used of final data analyzing. Also, the statistical data of WTO wereselected for inquiry about the position of international competitiveness of clothing products made in Korea. First, the comparative analysis of the amount of export and international market share of each country's clothing products to capture the position of Korea's international competitiveness of clothing industry under the statistical data of WTO showed that Korea's international market share has been decreasing since 1989, and ranked in the 19th showing 1.31% in 2004. Second, as concerned with Korea's clothing export features, the experience of clothing companies in Korea was uniformly distributed like less than 10 to 30 and more than 30 years and knitted and woven male and female wears which cost mid price were exported to U.S.A. and Europe and Japan. Export items wereusually manufactured by Original Equipment Manufacturing way and directly exported through an exclusive responsible part for export.

정보기술 수용 모델을 이용한 무역업체의 전자무역 활용 및 성과에 관한 실증 연구 (An Empirical Study on the Implementation and Performance of e-Trade of Korean Export and Import Firms through IT Acceptance Model)

  • 손태규;홍사능;김영춘
    • 통상정보연구
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    • 제12권2호
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    • pp.29-57
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    • 2010
  • Global e-Trade system which electronically processes all trade transactions of trading companies is an essential platform where export and import firms enhance international competitiveness. This study is to develop research models suitable for e-Trade and empirically analyze them in order to examine and verify factors affecting e-Trade system of trading companies on the basis of previously-verified studies on global e-Trade such as TAM, TOE, and Task-Technology Fit Model(TTF). Among many factors, this paper comprehensively analyzes an acceptance factor, which is one of the factors affecting the implementation and performance of e-Trade, from the technological, organizational, and environmental context. The finding from this paper will be applied to e-Trade projects carried out by the government in the future by analyzing the correlation between acceptance and performance.

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