• Title/Summary/Keyword: Exploration Application

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A cosmic ray muons tomography system with triangular bar plastic scintillator detectors and improved 3D image reconstruction algorithm: A simulation study

  • Yanwei Zhao;Xujia Luo;Kemian Qin;Guorui Liu;Daiyuan Chen;R.S. Augusto;Weixiong Zhang;Xiaogang Luo;Chunxian Liu;Juntao Liu;Zhiyi Liu
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.55 no.2
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    • pp.681-689
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: Muons are characterized by a strong penetrating ability and can travel through thousands of meters of rock, making them ideal to image large volumes and substances typically impenetrable to, for example, electrons and photons. The feasibility of 3D image reconstruction and material identification based on a cosmic ray muons tomography (MT) system with triangular bar plastic scintillator detectors has been verified in this paper. Our prototype shows potential application value and the authors wish to apply this prototype system to 3D imaging. In addition, an MT experiment with the same detector system is also in progress. Methods: A simulation based on GEANT4 was developed to study cosmic ray muons' physical processes and motion trails. The yield and transportation of optical photons scintillated in each triangular bar of the detector system were reproduced. An image reconstruction algorithm and correction method based on muon scattering, which differs from the conventional PoCA algorithm, has been developed based on simulation data and verified by experimental data. Results: According to the simulation result, the detector system's position resolution is below 1 ~ mm in simulation and 2 mm in the experiment. A relatively legible 3D image of lead bricks in size of 20 cm × 5 cm × 10 cm used our inversion algorithm can be presented below 1× 104 effective events, which takes 16 h of acquisition time experimentally. Conclusion: The proposed method is a potential candidate to monitor the cosmic ray MT accurately. Monte Carlo simulations have been performed to discuss the application of the detector and the simulation results have indicated that the detector can be used in cosmic ray MT. The cosmic ray MT experiment is currently underway. Furthermore, the proposal also has the potential to scan the earth, buildings, and other structures of interest including for instance computerized imaging in an archaeological framework.

Development of 3-D GIS based Expression System for Utilization of Submarine Mineral Resource Exploration Data (해저자원 탐사자료의 효율적인 활용을 위한 3차원 GIS 기반의 표출 시스템 설계 및 구축)

  • Kim, Dong Il;Kim, Kye Hyun;Lee, Sung Joo;Park, Yong Hyun
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.21-30
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    • 2013
  • Recently, interest of submarine mineral resources has been increasing from the depletion of land resources around the world and many countries are involving in submarine mineral resource exploration work. South Korea is also in progress of mineral exploration and relevant study to ensure the submarine mineral resources from around the Korean Peninsula. As a result, the submarine mineral resource exploration data have been increasing annually. A database and 2D GIS-based system have been constructed for the management of the data. However, submarine mineral resource exploration data is explored and created on the sea-bed. Consequently, the visual confirmation of the water levels and marine landform is important for high dimension analysis. Therefore, the major aims of this study are to collect marine landform data from around the Korean Peninsula and to develop 3 dimension GIS based system that is linked to the submarine mineral resource exploration data. In detail, marine landform data were acquired for the Korean Peninsula and they were interpolated into raster file format. The raster file was then processed to be easily used and was entered into an Oracle database. Based on this database, 3D expression and overlap function between marine landform data and submarine mineral resource exploration data were designed using ArcScene offered by the ESRI. After design, 3D GIS based expression system was developed. Confirmations of locations and changes in the submarine mineral resource exploration data based on 3D GIS are enabled to support the efficient application of the proposed system. It is expected that this system will be highly useful for estimating the reserves of mineral resources and for providing valuable information for economic evaluations.

The Application of Geography Markup Language(GML) to the Maritime Information

  • Oh, Se-Woong;Park, Jong-Min;Suh, Sang-Hyun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • v.1
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    • pp.519-524
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    • 2006
  • This paper describes an application of information presentation based geographic map for maritime information, including navigation information. The work is motivated by the need to prepare maritime information representation and distribution for future generation Web network technology. This works consist of map generation using GML and application to maritime information. GML 3.0 became an adopted specification of the Open Geospatial Consortium(OGC) in January 2003, and is rapidly emerging as the world standard for the encoding, transport and storage of all forms of geographic information. This paper looks at the application of GML to one of the more challenging areas of maritime information. Specific features of GML of interest to maritime information provider are discussed and then illustrated through a series of maritime information case studies. The first phase of the work consists of the construction of GML application schema for using as a base map of maritime information. Maritime information is acquired from multiple sources, including standards documents, database schemas, lexicons, collections of symbol definition. The sources of GML ontological knowledge and the contribution of each source to the overall ontology are described in this paper. In the second phase, the prepared GML is used to create a prototype of the mixed maritime information as a base map - for tagging documents within the maritime domain. An overview of this prototype is included. One application area for these information elements described here is the integrated retrieval of maritime information from diverse sources, ranging from Web sites to nautical chart databases and text documents.

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Data Fusion of Mineral Exploration Data Sets and Its Application Using Fuzzy Set Theory (광물자원탐사 자료에 대한 데이터 통합과 그 응용사례)

  • Sungwon Choi
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.537-544
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    • 1999
  • In mineral exploration, there are many data sets which need to be created, processed and analyzed in order to discover a favorable mineralized zone. Recently, with Geographic Information System (GIS), such exploration data sets have been able to be systematically stored and effectively processed using computer technologies. In this study, most exploration data sets were first digitized and then rasterized. Furthermore, they were integrated together by using fuzzy set theory to provide a possibility map toward a target hypothesis. Our target hypothesis is "there is a skarn magnetite deposit in this study" and all fuzzy membership functions were made with respect to the target hypothesis. Test area is extended from 37:00N/l28:30E to 37:20N/I28:45E, approximately 20 km by 40 km. This area is a part of Taebaeksan mineralized areas, where the Sinyemi mine, a skarn magnetite deposit, is located. In final resultant map, high potential or possibility area coincides with the location of the Shinyemi mine. In this regard, we conclude the fuzzy set theory can be effectively applied to this study and provides an excellent example to define potential area for further mineral exploration.

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Application of Geophysical Exploration Technique to the Identification of Active Weak Zones in Large Scale Mountainous Region (대규모 산지지반 활동연약대 규명을 위한 지구물리탐사기법의 활용 연구)

  • Shin, Hyung Ohk;Kim, Man-Il;Yoon, Wang Joong
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.162-170
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to understand the ground change of large scale mountainous region and to estimate the active weak zone using geophysical exploration (electrical resistivity and refraction seismic explorations) in large scale deep landslide area located in Wanjugun, Jeollabukdo. We also analyzed the characteristics of deep landslides occurred in metamorphic rocks region and confirmed the approximate scale. As a result of comparative analysis of N-value by standard penetration test (SPT), low resistivity anomaly, and tension crack identified from field investigation, a discontinuity in soil layer was estimated at 10 ~ 15 m below the surface. Based on this results, the distribution pattern of active weak zone was confirmed between the discontinuity in soil layer and estimation line of bedrock.

Development and Application of Large-diameter Cut-hole Exploration System for Assessment of the Geological Condition beyond NATM Tunnel Face (NATM 터널의 굴착면 전방 지질 평가를 위한 대구경 심발공 탐사 시스템 개발 및 적용 사례)

  • Kim, Minseong;Jung, Jinhyeok;Lee, Jekyum;Park, Minsun;Bak, Jeonghyeon;Lee, Sean Seungwon
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2021
  • Recently, the development of underground space has been accelerated with rapid urbanization, and it is significantly important for safe construction to accurately understand the geological conditions of the section when excavating rocks. In this paper, a boring alignment tracking and geological exploration system have been developed to identify the geological conditions beyond the excavation face by utilizing a MSP method that bores a large empty hole to reduce blast-induced vibration. The major advantage of the proposed exploration system is that we can obtain the ground condition of 50 m ahead of the excavation face through exploration along blast cut-holes drilled for the NATM tunnel construction. In addition, we introduce several case histories regarding the assessment of the geological conditions beyond the tunnel face by monitoring the inside of large empty holes using the proposed hole exploration system.

Development of GIS based Marine Mineral Resource Information System for Managing Marine Exploration Data (GIS 기반의 해양탐사자료 관리를 위한 해양광물자원정보시스템 설계 및 구축)

  • Kim, Dong-Il;Kim, Kye-Hyun;Park, Yong-Hyun
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.19-28
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    • 2011
  • Recently, the interests of marine mineral resources has been increasing from the depletion of land resources around the world and many countries are involving in marine exploration work. South Korea is also currently performing exploration work to estimate the marine mineral resources around the Korean Peninsula. However, massive amounts of marine exploration data accumulated from the long-term exploration work have not been systematically managed. The data have been managed by the file based system instead of commercial database. The aim of this study is to construct GIS-based Marine Mineral Resource Information System using a spatial database for the core sediments of the marine exploration data. For constructing such DB system, GIS-based data items were classified, and a database was designed using relational database model. The database was constructed using commercial DBMS(Database Management System), Oracle. Also, necessary functions of the system were defined for the effective use of database based on users' requirement analysis. The GIS-based Marine Mineral Resource Information System has enabled to support the systematic management of the marine exploration data. Furthermore, it is expected that this spatial database will be useful in estimating the reserves of the mineral resources and provide valuable information for economic evaluation. In the future, the application of advanced techniques of spatial analysis and 3-dimensional display function will be required.

The Exploration of Model and Application for Family Life Welfare Service in Korea (가정복지서비스의 모형과 실천방안에 관한 탐색연구)

  • 이승미
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.141-153
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study is to explore the model and application for family life welfare service in Korea. In order to explore the characteristics of family life welfare service, the object, the extent and approach for family life welfare service is examined. The model for family life welfare service is constructed on the base of definition for family life welfare-subsistence of family life, personal formation and development, the creation of community culture-, family life cycle and demand for family life welfare service. Lastly, the contents and politic supports for family life welfare service are examined.

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고대 이집트 산술의 수학교육적 의의

  • 정동권
    • Journal for History of Mathematics
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.99-118
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    • 1999
  • This study aims to find the significance of the ancient Egyptian arithmetic in mathematics education and to analyze the educational value by practical teaching of the Egyptian multiplication. In this study, we confirmed that application of historical materials in mathematics instruction enable students to awaken their interest, to offer the opportunities of exploration, and furthermore to develop their mathematical thinking ability.

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