• Title/Summary/Keyword: Experience of School Violence

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Needs for Sex Knowledge in Adolescents (청소년의 성지식 요구)

  • Lee Eun Joo
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.211-234
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this article was to get hold of adolescent's needs for sex knowledge and to reveal their understanding of sex. These results may be applied to the sex education and counselling for adolescent. The participants of study were 267 students (females, 144 ; males, 123) who were the first and second grade form 1 middle and 2 high schools. They were asked to describe 3 questions that they wanted to know or to learn about sex. Their questions about sex were total 779(girls, subtotal 456, mean 3.2, boys, subtotal 323, mean, 2.6). These questions categorized to 9 items by content analysis. The items were ‘sexual drive, behavior and tendency(229, 29.4%)’ , ‘anatomy and physiology of reproductive system(140, 18.0%)’, ‘reproduction(131, 16.8%)’, ‘concept of sex(31, 4.0%)’, ‘acquaintance between the other sexes(17, 2.2%)’, and ‘the others(9, 1.2%)’ in order of frequency. The most frequent item that the student want to know or team about sex was ‘sexual drive, behavior and tendency’ except girls of sophomore in middle school. There were several features in participants' needs for sex knowledge as respects of the understanding of sex- biological sex, gender, and sexuality. The prominent feature in knowledge need of bio logical sex was that the participants had the interests according to their biological sex. They had the negative attitude to the phenomenons (ex, menstruation and pregnancy, phimosiectomy, etc) that they experienced or would experience due to their biological sex. A part of them asked the questions based the misconceptions and used the slangs or ‘××’, ect. to name the male or female genitalia. The male students wanted to know the female genitalia. The participants' understanding of gender reflected the sexism of our society, but they didn't accept and had doubts about the dual, hierarchical structure of that. The students, especially female seemed to be powerless to the harms of the sexual violence. Girls had much interest in their appearances and complained to our sexual culture that women comforted and served men. The participants had the dual perspective that the sexuality as respects of physiologic phenomenon was considered as natural but that as related to heterosexuals was as negative. And they deemed that men's sexual drive was stronger than women's and was difficult or was not able to be inhibited. They had much interests in homosexuality but reflected the negative attitude to that in our society. Adolescent felt wonder why the expressions of sexuality of adult were permitted but theirs were not. Lastly, a part of boys substituted querying the sexuality of animals for asking that of human. Maybe it was because of the embarrassment to talk about human's sexuality directly. The teenaged participants understood that the sex had not only the biological meanings but also the sociocultural meanings. They regarded the sex as natural and wanted to know it, but they had conceptions that it was difficult and embarrass to talk about it openly and directly.

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  • Ko, Bock-Ja
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.56-72
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    • 1992
  • The author compared the follow-up study in 1991 with the previous study conducted in 1986 as same method and sample population selected from same schools as the previous study. Twenty classes of 3rd and 4th grade of two elementary schools in Seoul were selected as sample population. One of the two schools was located in the area of lower social class, and the other in the area of higher social class. The total sample was 1.142 in 1986 and 1,048 in 1991. According to the severity and the frequency of being battered among the sampled ones during the last one year. three groups were purposefully identified : The unbattered the intermediate and the seriously battered. The seriously battered was defined as the severity of battering more serious than N degree owing to Straus' Conflict Resolution Technique Scale with the frequency of 12 or more episodes for one year. The rest of being battered were classified into the intermediate group. Surprisingly the incidence rate of the seriously battered, was increased about 3 times more than previous study. Except incidence rate, the results were same or similar as previous one. The experience of being battered was more serious as previous study in the lower social strata, under the poor living and housing condition, in the broken family such as step parents or absence of parents and with the parent of unemployed. Also the child battering was evaluated to be closely related to all the other forms of family violence. And psychosomatic. psychological and behavioral manifestations were markedly serious in the seriously battered group. The drastic increase of incidence rate of battered child should be analyzed in various aspects : one of them might be derived from the improvement of social recognition and understanding toward the battered child.

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Drinking Culture Among Korean College Students (일개 지역 남녀 대학생들의 음주문화 실태 -일개 대학의 사례를 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Kwang-Hwan;Kim, Yong-Ha;Roh, Sang-Gyun;Kim, Jee-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.11
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    • pp.4932-4939
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to conduct a survey of general status of drinking culture among college students in Korea. Three hundred college students answered the self-administered questionnaire from May 6 to May 10 in 2009. The questionnaire consisted of drinking-related behavior by gender, recognition and need for moderation in drinking program, and the reason for stopping drinking by gender. The statistical method was done by SPSS WIN version 14.0. The first drinking time was high school comprising 41.0% of the respondents. The reason for drinking was to get the personal relationship. The experience of blackout was 50.3% in twice a year and 26.0% in twice per six months. The reasons for stopping drinking were health problem(36.9%), personal relationship(34.5%), and financial difficulty(20.8%). These results will make it possible to establish the right drinking habit, prevention of sexual violence and vehicle accident and health promotion of the students.

Analysis of Safety Education Contents of 『Field of home life』 in Technology·Home Economics Textbook developed by the revised curriculum in 2009 (2009 개정 기술·가정 교과서 『가정생활영역』의 안전교육 내용 분석)

  • Kim, Nam Eun
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.23-39
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    • 2017
  • The Purpose of this study is to present the basic data for selecting and improving the safety education contents which help practically middle school students through analysis of contents of safety education in 'field of home life' of 2009 revised middle school textbooks. The subjects of analysis are 12 types of middle school textbooks: in total 24 books written by 12 publishers in terms of the revised curriculum in 2009. The analysis criteria is developed by the researcher referring to preceding studies regarding safety education based on the seventh safety education standard presented by the Ministry of Education (2015). With such analysis criteria, all words related to the contents of the safety education of analysis criteria were extracted from each textbook, such as words directly mentioned as 'safety', words mean as 'psychological safety' and 'happy life', words related to 'attention', 'note', 'stability' etc. Under the analytic frame of safety education contents according to a home economics textbook, content analysis method was used for producing the frequency and percent of those words. The textbook analysis shows that the number of pages regarding safety education is 336.3 pages, as 9.8% in total 3,412 pages of 12 types of technology and home economics textbooks. As following the analysis of each textbook volume of the proportion in the contents related to safety education, 224.9 pages are on the first volume and 111.9 pages are on the second volume. As grades increase from year one to year three, the proportion of safety education in home economics textbooks is decreased. The highest number of safety education contents unit is 'Self-management of youth' which includes three parts of safety education. In the case of a unit for emphasizing practice, experience and practical exercise such as 'Life of youth' and 'Practice of eco-living', safety education content in the area of 'life safety' are mostly contained. Safety accidents related to the most student experienced, Household accidents (1.4%) and experiment or practice accidents (0.3%) are presented in a low figure. The contents of universal housing and school violence are duplicated on first and second volume of text. The most presented safety education content in the 12 types of textbooks are proper sexual attitude, dietary problems, family conflict and food choice. The least common contents are dangerous drugs, family welfare, internet addiction and industrial accident compensation insurance. As this study is to analyze 12 textbooks developed in 2009 revision curriculum, it is necessary to compare it with the textbook written by the revised curriculum in 2015 and to clarify the contents system of safety education and to avoid duplication of contents. In addition, it is necessary to develop and distribute a safety education program that can support textbooks.

Factors Influencing Sexuality Knowledge and Gender Sensitivity During Adolescents and Early Adulthoods (청소년기 및 초기 성인기의 성지식과 성인지 감수성에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Hae Su Na;Sun Goo Lee;Kang Min Baek;Woo Young Im;Seung-Gul Kang;Seong-Jin Cho;Kyoung-Sae Na;Jae Myeong Kang;Seo-Eun Cho;Seung Min Bae
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2023
  • Objectives : This study investigated the level of sexuality knowledge and gender sensitivity and factors influencing on them among Korean high school and college students. Methods : 129 questionnaires from high school and college students with consent forms, collected from July to December of 2022, were analyzed. After identification of participants' gender, age, major, their report of the practicality of sex education, and their experience of violence or sexual assaults, participants' level of sexuality knowledge and gender sensitivity were compared. Results : Females showed higher gender sensitivity, regardless of age and group (p=0.004). The early adulthood group (≥19 years old) showed higher sexuality knowledge and gender sensitivity, compared to those adolescents (<19 years old). Among college students, those who majored in health science were identified with higher sexuality knowledge and gender sensitivity, compared to non-health science major students(p<0.001; p=0.005). Conclusions : This study revealed the significant differences in sexuality knowledge and gender sensitivity according to sex, age, and majors in adolescents and early adults. Therefore, it seems to be necessary to consider the differences in sexuality knowledge and gender sensitivity among age, sex, and majors when establishing public policy or legislation for sex crimes, including digital sex crimes.

A Survey of Sexual Knowledge, Attitude, and the Need for Sex Education in Middle School Students (일부 중학생의 성에 대한 지식, 태도 및 성교육 요구도에 관한 조사연구)

  • Oh, Yun-Jung;Kim, Chung-Nam;Ha, Suk-Young
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.467-481
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this survey, in which 2754 students from 35 middle schools from Taegu city participated, was to identify the degree and the relationship of sexual knowledge, sexual attitude and need for sex education. This information will provide useful data, and promote a more systematic, desirable and practical sex education. The data was collected from September 1 to November 8, 1997. Data was analyzed using the statistical computer package, SPSS to manipulate the data along with percentage, mean, $X^2$-test. t-test, F-test and Pearson correlation coefficient. The results from this study were summarized as follows: 1. The mean score of sex related knowledge showed significant differences between boys and girls in general knowledge(boys: 10.85 girls: 11.71, p=0.000), in the area of physical development(boys : 5.29 girls: 5.72, p=0.000), pregnancy & physiology (boys: 3.23 girls: 3.57, p=0.000) and venereal disease (boys: 2.33 girls: 2.42, p=0.000). 2. The mean score of sex related attitudes showed a significant differences between boys and girls on the whole(boys : 57.68 girls: 58.92, p=0.000), in the area of psychological differences of the other sex (boy: 26.13, girls: 28.08, p=0.000), and sexual delinquency and its prevention(boy: 14.28, girls: 13.68, p=0.000). However, in the area of other sex friendships (boy: 17.28, girls: 17.16, p=0.274). There were no significant differences between boys and girls. 3. Those who had a higher sex related knowledge score showed more positive attitudes towards sex, but was of no statistical significance(r= 0.312, p=0.000). 4. The majority of subjects wanted to learn about friendship with the other sex(40.1%), about physical and psychological differences in adolescence(24.0%), about prevention of sexual violence(15.0%), about pregnancy and delivery (7.5%), about venereal disease and medical cures(7.3%), about contraception methods (4.3%), as well as other aspects of sexual knowledge (1.8%), 5. The mean score of sex related knowledge generally was higher when one paid a lot of attention to health (F= 3. 148, p=0.014), when one's father was alive(t=3.930, p=0.000), and when one's mother was alive(t=2.807, p=0.005), Hobby activities also showed a significant difference(F=9.092, p=0.000). The mean score of sex related knowledge generally according higher when one had sex education(F=9.470, p=0.000), when one obtained sexual knowledges from a teacher (F = 5. 742, p=0.000), and when one had middle grade problems with sex(F=13.58 4, p=0.000). 6. The mean score of sex related attitudes generally showed significant differences when re ligion(F=2.691, p=0.03), hobbies (F= 3.499, p= 0.002) were considered. Those who had a father also had higher scores(t=2.538, p= 0.011). The mean score of sex related attitudes generally with respect to a subject's sex was higher when one had sex education(t=5.338, p= 0.000), when one had high grade problems with sex(F=6.023, p=0.002), and when one had the experience of friendship with the other sex(t= 8.106, p=0.000), The following suggestions are based on the above results, 1. Systematic sex education must be performed in middle schools in order to establish responsible attitudes toward sex, 2. Sexual knowledge, attitude, and general sex education classes must be performed seperately for early, middle, and late adolescents, In other words sex education programs are needed for each adolescent development stage.

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Impact of Health Risk Factors on the Oral Health of Korean Adolescents: Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-Based Survey, 2013 (우리나라 청소년의 건강위험요인이 구강건강에 미치는 영향)

  • Do, Kyung-Yi
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.193-199
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    • 2016
  • The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between health-risk factors and oral health in Korean adolescents. This cross-sectional study was based on the 9th Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-Based Survey (2013). The final participation rate in the survey was 96.4%. of a Total of 72,435 adolescents (age, 12~18 years) who had participated in the survey, 66,951 adolescents (33,777 boys and 33,174 girls) were selected for analysis, after excluding those with missing data. The key variables were oral health factors (one or more of the six oral symptoms), general characteristics (five factors), and health-risk factors (five factors). After adjusting for the general characteristics, frequency analysis, ${\chi}^2-test$ using PASW Statistics ver. 18.0, and logistic regression analysis were performed to understand the effects of health risk-factors on the oral symptoms experienced by the study subjects. Subjects who answered 'Yes' for alcohol consumption had a 1.33 times higher risk of experiencing oral symptoms. Further, subjects who smoked were at a 1.2 times higher risk of experiencing oral symptoms. With regard to internet use, the risk of experiencing oral symptoms was 1.25 times higher for subjects who used the internet for 7 hours or more than for those who used it for less than 1 hour. Compared to those subjects who had not experienced violence in school, the odds ratio of subjects who had experienced it 3~4 times was 1.54-fold higher. The study found that health-risk factors were associated with oral symptom experience. Therefore, programs to understand health-risk factors and interventions should be developed for Korean adolescents and provided on a regular basis along with oral health education.

A Study on Practical Curriculum Development of the Education for Love based on the Understanding of Psychoanalytic 'Desire of Subject' (정신분석학적 '욕망의 주체' 이해에 기초한 사랑의 교육 교육과정 개발)

  • Kim, Sun Ah
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.68
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    • pp.77-112
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    • 2021
  • This study is based on the research of the first year, which is the National Research Foundation of Korea's R&D subject for middle-grade researchers. In this study, the practical curriculum development of the education for love - an according to the psychoanalytic perspectives of F. Dolto(1908-1988) - is suggested as follows. The first is 'the reconstruction of the directions of curriculum and its specific aims in accordance with such directions.' The reconstruction of the directions of curriculum aims at leading our future generation to live as a subject of desire through the mutual-communication of love. The second is 'the reconstruction of the tasks of curriculum and its specific contents in accordance with such tasks.' The reconstruction of the tasks of curriculum pursuit to help our future generation through the converting the education for love into the paradigm of desire of Agape to live as a subject of desire forming a whole personality and practicing the desire of Agape in daily life. as a source of desire. According to these aims, the reconstruction of directions of curriculum are presented as following: firstly, 'curriculum for the mutual-communication between subjects of love' and secondly, 'curriculum for the subject of desire'. The reconstruction of tasks of curriculum are like these: firstly, 'converting the education for love into the paradigm of desire of Agape', and secondly, 'forming a whole personality through the education for love'. Thus, with respect to two specific aims in accordance with the reconstruction of directions are suggested like these: Firstly, 'constructing a subject as a speaking existence' and secondly, 'realizing the subject as the autonomous source of desire'. In the two specific contents in accordance with the reconstruction of tasks are presented as following: Firstly, 'realizing the truth of the desire of Agape'.' Secondly, 'practicing the desire of Agape in daily life.' The third is 'the reconstruction of curriculum by life cycle' are suggested. They include the fetal life, infants and preschool children life, and childhood life. In further study, it is required to contain adolescent period. It will be useful to help them to recover their self-esteem with the experience of true love, especially, out-of-school young generation overcome negative perspectives and prejudice in the society, and challenges to their dreams and future through proper utilization of the study outcome. The outcome of this study, which presented practical curriculum development of the education for love based on the understanding of psychoanalytic 'desire of subject' can be used as basic teaching materials for our future generations. Furthermore, the results can be used as a resource for educating ministers and lay leaders in the religious world to build capabilities to heal their inner side as well as the society that is tainted with various forms of conflict. These include general conflicts, anger, pleasure and addiction, depression and suicide, violence and murder, etc. The study outcome can contribute to the prevention of antisocial incidents against humanity that have recently been occurring in our free-semester system implemented in all middle schools across the country to be operated effectively. For example, it is possible to provide the study results as lecture and teaching materials for 'character camp' (self-examination and self-esteem improvement training) and 'family healing camp' (solution of a communication gap between family members and love communication training), which help students participate in field trip activities and career exploration activities voluntarily, independently, and creatively. Ultimately, it can visibly present the convergent research performance by providing the study outcome as preliminary data for the development of lecture videos and materials including infant care and preschool education, parental education, family consultation education, and holistic healing education. Support from the religious world, including the central government and local governments, are urgently required in order for such educational possibilities to be fulfilled both in the society and the fields of church education and to be actively linked to follow-up studies.