이 연구에서는 수리모형실험을 통해 유수실 상부 덮개가 유공 케이슨 방파제 전면벽 및 후면벽에서의 파압에 미치는 영향을 고찰하였다. 수리모형실험은 유공 케이슨의 유수실 상부 덮개가 있는 경우 및 없는 경우에 대해서 전면벽 유공률을 변화시키면서 이루어졌다. 유수실 상부가 덮개로 막혀 있을 때에는 모든 실험 조건에서 유의미하게 더 큰 파압이 취득되었으며 따라서 유수실 상부 덮개 존재에 따른 두 벽에서의 계측 파압 차이는 매우 뚜렷하게 나타났다. 그 결과 계측 파압을 적분하여 계산된 전파력의 크기 역시 상부 덮개가 있는 케이슨 방파제의 경우가 더 컸으며, 이 경우 잘 알려진 Takahashi의 파압식에 근거한 파력값을 상회하였다. 한편, 전면벽 유공률에 따라서는 방파제 전면벽 및 후면벽에서 모두 유공률이 클수록 더 큰 파압이 계측되었다.
Technological change leads to a value shift in human society. Various cultural experiences through the digital paradigm influence the expression of fashion. This article considers fashion film as a new form for presenting fashion and explores the distinctiveness of expression in digital fashion film. For the methodology, a literature review was conducted to examine the concepts and features of digital fashion film and metareality. Empirical research was also performed by drawing from Nick Knight's digital films, "Sans Couture", "#asif", and "The Elegant Universe" and by specifically analyzing the classification of the themes, visuals, and auditory expression. The results are as follows. The proliferation of fashion film has accelerated in the internet environment. New media in the digital era allows images to become more realistic and variable through immaterial conversion. Metareality is the notion of a reality beyond existence. A metarealistic image maintains the metaphysical nature of an object and transcends empirical appearance. It possesses immaterial, transboundary, and multidimensional features, and the image is realized by digital technology. The expression analysis identifies the metareality expressed in contemporary fashion film appearing as atypical forms, irrational combinations, and the playfulness of motion. It shows a positive attitude, transcending the immaterial limit of reality toward fashion. This study indicates how fashion as products challenges the metaphysical transformation in the digital era. The exploration of metareality in digital fashion film promotes a wider perspective and understanding of the concept of fashion.
Surveying the literature of architecture since the nineteenth century, one can identify two dominant but problematic attitudes, among several, that pursue the task of defining what modern architecture is and should be. The first is the search for meaning and the second is the pursuit of form. This study, following Michel Foucault, asserts that the dual formation of meaning and form is a historical product of modernity and belies architecture's uncritical dependence on language since the nineteenth century. This study is a critique and historical analysis of this pernicious reliance, and constitutes a first step towards thinking of alternative relations between 'words and architecture' in the modern world. In reconstructing this problematic, the paper has called on Foucault's seminal The Order of Things. The study follows his construction of the Renaissance, the Classical and the Modern episteme, and in brief fashion, reconstructs the relation between language and architecture in each episteme. In analysing the Modern, the study focuses on Hegel's Lectures on Aesthetics. Hegel placed architecture in a genre hierarchy within which architecture, because of its material basis, was fundamentally limited in its ability to express the Spirit. For Hegel it was, among the arts, poetic language, and beyond art, the language of philosophy, through which the Absolute Spirit could be atttained. Much of post-nineteenth century architecture has remained within the shadow of Hegel, where architecture's materiality is perceived to be a burden, and in order to secure its relevance in modern society, architecture was deemed to pursue the role of language. As the most recent and sophisticated example of architecture's pursuit of form, the paper analyses the work of Peter Eisenman. Though Eisenman's theoretical writings are replete with post-Hegelian rhetoric, his architecture remains dependent upon the model of language, albeit a structuralist one. The paper concludes that ultimately, the pursuit of meaning and form is unable to face the crucial issue of value in modernity. While the former decides to easily what it is, the latter evades the issue itself. The second installment of this ongoing study will pursue a third possibility alluded to by Foucault, where language remains silent, pointing only to its 'ponderous' material existence.
Acyltransferase (AT) catalyzes the transfer of an acyl moiety from acyl-coenzyme A (acyl-CoA) to an acceptor. ATs play important roles in the maintenance of homeostasis in the human body and have been linked to various diseases; therefore, several ATs have been proposed as potential targets for the treatment or prevention of such diseases. The AT family includes acyl-CoA:cholesterol AT (ACAT), diacylglycerol AT, and monoacylglycerol AT for the metabolism of lipids. Furthermore, recent molecular biological studies revealed the existence of their isozymes with distinct functions in the body. ACAT plays a critical role in the formation of cholesteryl esters from cholesterol and fatty acids, and is a potential target for treating hypercholesterolemia. During an experiment designed to discover biologically active compounds from herbal medicines, we isolated two known guaianolide sesquiterpene lactones from Chrysanthemum boreale Makino (Compositae). The lactones were characterized from their spectroscopic data (NMR, IR, MASS). These compounds were subjected to ACAT inhibition assay. Here, we report the isolation and structural elucidation of the compounds 8-o-acetyl-2-methoxy-10-hydroxy-3,11(13)-guaiadiene-12,6-olide and 8-acetyl-3,10-hydroxy-4(15),11(13)-guaiadiene-12,6-olide. In the ACAT inhibition assay, compound 1 showed strong inhibitory activity, with an $IC_{50}$ value $45{\mu}g/mL$, whereas compound 2 did not exhibit significant inhibitory activity with an over $100{\mu}g/mL$.
Plants are the basis for sustainable green growth, and the value of existence and importance of trees including landscape Plants can't be emphasized enough. Therefore, they are precious living things thriving in all sorts of public services, and continuous civil complaints for justifiable compensation of landscape Plants are filed. First, the standard formula of planting intervals according to production target specifications is calculated using root-collar caliper and diameter at breast height, and apply (1) standard medium sized trees which have not yet reached commercialization [deciduous tree production goal (R(B) less than 6cm]= (target standard)= [target standard $R(cm){\times}15{\times}0.7$]. (2) In case of commercialization(R6~R10)= [target standard $R(cm){\times}15{\pm}5%$], (3) In case of more than R12= [target standard $R(cm){\times}15{\times}130%$] shall be applied. In case of using diameter at breast height (4) In case of commercialization(B6~B10)= [target standard $B(cm){\times}20{\times}15{\pm}5%$], (5) In case of more than B12= [target standard $B(cm){\times}20{\times}130%$] shall be applied. Second, appraisal methods based on tree classification of compensation for loss are classified according to planted locations. (1) landscape trees within a house=[price of arrival at the site+planting cost], (2) landscape trees in places such as arboretum=[management technology of tress + relocation expenses considering scarcity of the trees (3) landscape trees in a place of loads= [landscape tree production cost + work out added price. In case of producted landscape threes (4) landscape trees ready to be commercialized as sales loss.
Currently, the departments related to security and secretary service exist in 18 universities and 30 colleges in Korea in order to raise professional security and secretary personnel. Among the 18 four-year colleges in Korea, only two of them have the ethics course include in their curriculum. Also, among the 31 two-year colleges, only three of them have the ethics course included in their curriculum. Besides, as some private security and guardian companies were recently utilized in illegal actions of the rich and ruling class, contradicting their original purpose of existence, many people point out their downfall as a ?forced private army.? As a professional job, if security secretaries take advantage of the knowledge and top-secret technologies and use them for non-ethical purposes, the effect of the damage is far more serious than other fields of jobs. Therefore, taking this event as a turning point, the contract contents and the task area between the client and the security and secretary company must become more transparent in order to prevent illegal actions, and also for the people working in the security and secretary service area, it is necessary to establish a firm ethical consciousness in order to behave appropriately in their working environment. Therefore, this study examines the proper direction of work ethics of the people working in the security and secretary service according to the professionalization of their field, and also aims to propose an appropriate work ethic system such that they will not become an unfortunate victim of various scandals anymore. To do so, the concept of work ethics in professional jobs was examined; and after the code of ethics that reflect the ethical value system of each professional job was reviewed, the study suggested a specific solution for establishing the codes of ethics for security and secretary service.
본 논문은 최근에 활발하게 진행되고 있는 사회적기업의 현황에 대해 살펴보았다. 또한 사회적기업의 지속가능성에 영향을 미치는 요인이 무엇인지에 대해 강원도내 사회적기업을 실제적으로 조사연구하여 살펴보았다. 가장 중요한 우선순위로는, '이해당사자의 가치 창출 및 소통' 부문에서는 i)사회적미션의 지속적인 추구노력 및 기업내외 이해당사자와의 소통, 사회적 평판을 제고하려는 노력, ii)사회적기업이 위치한 지역사회 및 협력업체와의 생산적 관계 형성이 가장 중요한 요인인 것으로 나타났으며, '재정과 지원' 부문에서는 정부정책 지원의 효과적인 활용과 후원사업의 효율적인 운영을 통해 영업외 수익을 창출하는 것이 중요한 요인인 것으로 나타났다. 차선으로는, '내부 비즈니스 프로세스' 부문에서 직원의 내부업무 참여를 통한 소통 노력과 갈등해소 기제가 중요한 것으로 나타났으며, 마지막으로는 '학습과 혁신' 부문의 기업가적 리더쉽의 발현여부와 후계자 그룹의 존재여부가 사회적기업의 지속가능성에 영향을 미치는 중요한 요인인 것으로 나타났다.
문화경관은 인간의 자연자원이용과 그에 대한 자연의 반응이 조화롭게 어우러져 생긴 산물이다. 자연은 인간의 삶을 보장하기 위하여 그 생존에 필요한 자원 뿐만 아니라 생활에 필요한 자원도 공급하고 있다. 인간은 자연이 주는 이러한 혜택을 이용하여 문명화를 진전시켜 왔다. 얼마전까지 인간과 자연 사이의 관계는 조화의 관계를 유지하여 지속가능한 자원이용을 보장받아 왔고, 우리는 문화경관의 존재를 통하여 그 사실을 발견하고 있다. 그러나 급속도로 진행된 경제성장과 그것에 기인한 개발중심의 논리는 지구환경위기, 각종 자원고갈의 위기, 더 나아가 인간의 정신적 빈곤현상까지 몰고 왔다. 이러한 시점에서 인간과 자연 사이의 조화로운 관계의 전형인 문화경관을 대상으로 그 성립배경과 기능을 검토하고, 새로운 패러다임을 토대로 그 가치를 점검하는 것은 건강한 사회와 경제를 실현하기 위한 새로운 전략을 창조하는데 가치있는 정보를 제공할 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 한국의 문화경관의 성립배경을 검토하였고, 생태적, 경제적 측면에서 그것의 효용과 가치 그리고 문화전승의 장으로서 그 활용방안을 검토하였다.
The purpose of this study was to categorize the contribution evasion and develop the expected models for contribution arrears in National Health Care System. The modified logistic regression model in non-payments was used as logistic regression model based on the statistical method. By using this model, we arranged non-payment types and typical branches those are appeared by statistical technique. First fact, sex and age branches those are able to take a part in economy had effect mostly. Also they had difference in non-payment probability by existence of their incomes and property. Especially people who didn't have their own house and car were appeared in high non-payment probability, disease and reduction characteristic(rare diseases, reduction of seniors, handicaps, numbers of medical treatments) didn't effect much in probability. The reason for some characteristic of non-payment which is higher than the correct threshold value of Logistic Regression Model (a suggested model for predicting non-payment)'s distribution of probability was mostly moral hazard. Living difficulty was the bigger reason for non-payment, but moral slackening was the bigger reason for non-payment. But it is careless to decide that moral hazard is just the reason, there is a necessity to examine on the side of sociology based in family. By the reason, the member's non-payment reason can be classified by economy, population, and psychology, but there was a comprehension that losing of work desire could be one reason. So we analyzed informations for composition of family of members. In conclusion, we grasped that family conflict makes non-payment and conversion of member in the National Basic Livelihood Protection System difficult.
Background: The assessment tool developed in other countries should be translated into Korean language using rigorous methodological approaches in order to be used in Korea. Because these procedures are insufficient for establishing the cross-cultural and linguistic equivalence, the need for statistical methods is raised. The Fullerton Advanced Balance Scale was translated into Korean and the content validity was verified through the back translation method, but the reliability and validity have not yet been proven by statistical methods. Objects: The purpose of this study was to investigate the reliability and validity of the Korean version of the Fullerton Advanced Balance Scale (KFAB) by statistical methods in elderly people. Methods: A total of 97 elderly adults (39 males and 58 females) participated in this study. Internal consistency of the KFAB was measured using Cronbach's alpha and an intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was used to assess test-retest reliability between the two measurement sessions. Concurrent validity was measured by comparing the KFAB responses with the Korean version of the Berg Balance Scale (KBBS) using the Spearman correlation coefficient. Construct validity of the KFAB was measured using the exploratory factor analysis to evaluate the unidimensionality of the questionnaire. The significance level was set at ${\alpha}=.05$. Results: The internal consistency of the KFAB was found be adequate with Cronbach's alpha (.96), and test-retest reliability was excellent as evidenced by the high ICC (r=.996). Concurrent validity showed high correlation between the KFAB and KBBS (r=.89, p<.001). Construct validity was evaluated using exploratory factor analysis. The result from Bartlett test of sphericity was statistically significant (p<.001), and the value of Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling adequacy was .93. Exploratory factor analysis revealed the existence of only one dominant factor that explained 76.43% of the variance. Conclusion: The KFAB is a reliable, valid and appropriate tool for measuring the balance functions in elderly people.
본 웹사이트에 게시된 이메일 주소가 전자우편 수집 프로그램이나
그 밖의 기술적 장치를 이용하여 무단으로 수집되는 것을 거부하며,
이를 위반시 정보통신망법에 의해 형사 처벌됨을 유념하시기 바랍니다.
[게시일 2004년 10월 1일]
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② 당 사이트가 관계법령 및 개인정보 보호정책에 의거하여 그 책임을 지는 경우를 제외하고 회원에게 부여된
ID의 비밀번호 관리소홀, 부정사용에 의하여 발생하는 모든 결과에 대한 책임은 회원에게 있습니다.
③ 회원은 당 사이트 및 제 3자의 지적 재산권을 침해해서는 안 됩니다.
제 4 장 서비스의 이용
제 12 조 (서비스 이용 시간)
① 서비스 이용은 당 사이트의 업무상 또는 기술상 특별한 지장이 없는 한 연중무휴, 1일 24시간 운영을
원칙으로 합니다. 단, 당 사이트는 시스템 정기점검, 증설 및 교체를 위해 당 사이트가 정한 날이나 시간에
서비스를 일시 중단할 수 있으며, 예정되어 있는 작업으로 인한 서비스 일시중단은 당 사이트 홈페이지를
통해 사전에 공지합니다.
② 당 사이트는 서비스를 특정범위로 분할하여 각 범위별로 이용가능시간을 별도로 지정할 수 있습니다. 다만
이 경우 그 내용을 공지합니다.
제 13 조 (홈페이지 저작권)
① NDSL에서 제공하는 모든 저작물의 저작권은 원저작자에게 있으며, KISTI는 복제/배포/전송권을 확보하고
② NDSL에서 제공하는 콘텐츠를 상업적 및 기타 영리목적으로 복제/배포/전송할 경우 사전에 KISTI의 허락을
받아야 합니다.
③ NDSL에서 제공하는 콘텐츠를 보도, 비평, 교육, 연구 등을 위하여 정당한 범위 안에서 공정한 관행에
합치되게 인용할 수 있습니다.
④ NDSL에서 제공하는 콘텐츠를 무단 복제, 전송, 배포 기타 저작권법에 위반되는 방법으로 이용할 경우
저작권법 제136조에 따라 5년 이하의 징역 또는 5천만 원 이하의 벌금에 처해질 수 있습니다.
제 14 조 (유료서비스)
① 당 사이트 및 협력기관이 정한 유료서비스(원문복사 등)는 별도로 정해진 바에 따르며, 변경사항은 시행 전에
당 사이트 홈페이지를 통하여 회원에게 공지합니다.
② 유료서비스를 이용하려는 회원은 정해진 요금체계에 따라 요금을 납부해야 합니다.
제 5 장 계약 해지 및 이용 제한
제 15 조 (계약 해지)
회원이 이용계약을 해지하고자 하는 때에는 [가입해지] 메뉴를 이용해 직접 해지해야 합니다.
제 16 조 (서비스 이용제한)
① 당 사이트는 회원이 서비스 이용내용에 있어서 본 약관 제 11조 내용을 위반하거나, 다음 각 호에 해당하는
경우 서비스 이용을 제한할 수 있습니다.
- 2년 이상 서비스를 이용한 적이 없는 경우
- 기타 정상적인 서비스 운영에 방해가 될 경우
② 상기 이용제한 규정에 따라 서비스를 이용하는 회원에게 서비스 이용에 대하여 별도 공지 없이 서비스 이용의
일시정지, 이용계약 해지 할 수 있습니다.
제 17 조 (전자우편주소 수집 금지)
회원은 전자우편주소 추출기 등을 이용하여 전자우편주소를 수집 또는 제3자에게 제공할 수 없습니다.
제 6 장 손해배상 및 기타사항
제 18 조 (손해배상)
당 사이트는 무료로 제공되는 서비스와 관련하여 회원에게 어떠한 손해가 발생하더라도 당 사이트가 고의 또는 과실로 인한 손해발생을 제외하고는 이에 대하여 책임을 부담하지 아니합니다.
제 19 조 (관할 법원)
서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기되는 경우 민사 소송법상의 관할 법원에 제기합니다.
[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.