• Title/Summary/Keyword: Evolutionary

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Characterization and Modification of Milk Lipids (유지방의 특성과 변화)

  • Yeo, Yeong-Geun;Choe, Byeong-Guk;Im, A-Yeong;Kim, Hyo-Jeong;Kim, Su-Min;Kim, Dae-Gon
    • Journal of Dairy Science and Biotechnology
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.119-136
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    • 1998
  • The lipids of milk provide energy and many essential nutrients for the newborn animal. They also have distinctive physical properties that affect the processing of dairy products. Milk fat globules mainly consist of neutral lipids like triacylglycerols, whereas the globule membranes contain the complex lipids mostly, Phospholipids are a small but important fraction of the milk lipids and are found mainly in the milk fat globule membrane and other membranous material in the skim-milk phase. The milk fats of ruminant animals are characterized by the presence of relatively high concentrations of short-chain fatty acids, especially butyric and hexanoic acids, which are rarely found in milks of non-ruminants. The fatty acids of milk lipids arise from de novo synthesis in the mammary gland and uptake from the circulating blood. The fatty acid compositions of milks are usually complex and distinctive, depending on the nature of the fatty acids synthesized de novo in the mammary gland and those received from the diet in each species. The content and composition of milks from different species vary widely; presumably, these are evolutionary adaptations to differing environments. The actual process by which these globules are formed is unkonwn, but there are indications that triglyceride-containing vesicles which bleb from endoplasmic reticulum may serve as nucleation sites for globules. Recent studies on milk have centred on the manipulation of milk lipids to increase specific fatty acids, i.e. 20-carbon omega-3 fatty acids (eicosapentaenoic acid 20:5n3, decosahexaenoic acid 22:6n3) from marine sources because the fatty acids are closely associated with a decreased risk of coronary heart disease.

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Development of molecular markers for varietal identification of Brassica juncea on the basis of the polymorphic sequence of ITS regions and MITE families (갓 (Brassica juncea) 품종구분을 위한 ITS 영역 및 MITE Family 정보를 이용한 분자표지 개발)

  • Yang, Kiwoung;Yi, Go-eun;Robin, Arif Hasan Khan;Jeong, Namhee;Lee, Yong-Hyuk;Park, Jongin;Kim, Hoyteak;Chung, Mi-Young;Nou, Ill-Sup
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.305-313
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    • 2016
  • Brassica juncea (2n = 4x = 36, AABB genome, 1,068 Mb) is a U's triangle species and an amphidiploid derivative of B. rapa and B. nigra. Fifteen varieties were used to study the ITS (internal transcribed spacer) regions of ribosomal DNA and MITEs (miniature inverted-repeat transposable elements) with a view of developing specific molecular markers. ITSs and MITEs are an excellent resource for developing DNA markers for genomics and evolutionary studies because most of them are stably inherited and present in high copy numbers. The ITS (ITS1 and ITS2) sequence was compared with the consensus sequence of B. rapa and B. nigra. Variation in ITS1 created two separate groups among 15 varieties, with 10 varieties in one group and 5 in the other. Phylogenetic analysis revealed two major clusters for those 10 and 5 varieties. Among the 160 different MITE primers used to evaluate the selected 15 varieties of B. juncea, 70 were related to the Stowaway, 79 to the Tourist, 6 to the hAT, and 5 to the Mutator super-families of MITEs. Of 160 markers examined, 32 were found to be polymorphic when fifteen different varieties of B. juncea were evaluated. The variety 'Blackgat' was different from the other mustard varieties with respect to both phenotype and genotype. The diversity of 47 additional accessions could be verified using eight selected molecular markers derived from MITE family sequences. The polymorphic markers identified in this study can be used for varietal classification, variety protection, and other breeding purposes.

Development of the Bitterling, Acanthorhodus asmussi (Cyprinidae) with Note on Minute Tubercles on the Skin Surface (큰납지리의 난발생(卵發生)과 자어(仔魚)의 발육(發育) 및 자어(仔魚)의 표피상돌기(表皮上突起))

  • Suzuki, Nobuhiro;Jeon, Sang-Rin
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.1 no.1_2
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    • pp.73-82
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    • 1989
  • The development of eggs and larvae, and minute scale-like tubercles on the skin surface of the larval Acanthorthodeus asmussi from Korea were observed in the laboratory. The egg was nearly ovoid-shaped. The number of egg averaged 195 per an oviposition. The morphological character of larval development was relatively similar to those of Acheilognathus tabira tabira, A. tabira subsp. (a), A. yamatsutae, A. moriokae, A. cyanostigma and A. rhombeus. The larvae of this species had many scale-like tubercles ellipsoided in a diagonal cross section on the skin surface of the body. And also this species moved like incessant wiggly movement pattern as that of fly maggot duing the larval development. As regards the tubercles and larval movement pattern, the larvae of A. asmussi shared similar characters with those of Acheilognathus rhombeus, A. longipinnis and Pseudoperilampus typos. Hence A. asmussi may be closely related to these species. The latter three species are autumn-spawning bitterlings and the larval development always retard in a certain stage, while A. asmussi is a spring-summer spawning species and the larval development never retards. Judging from these facts, it should be considered that there are close relations in evolutionary trend between the two spawning species.

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A study on the Convergence Type of Smart City between Device/Technology and Artifact (스마트시티 디바이스/기술과 아티팩트의 융합유형에 관한 연구)

  • Han, Ju-Hyung;Lee, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.601-613
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    • 2018
  • This study aims to find out the types of convergence types between devices/technology and artifact in smart city space. The main contents of the research are in-depth analysis on the convergence change of ET, IT, and ET+IT in a smart city. First, the devices/technology and artifacts through 31 cases study are found out below. There are 92 artifacts and 134 devices/technologies (ET:83, IT:51). Second, the convergence change between devices/technology and artifacts is evolved by 7 types. Type 1, the Evolutionary ET type of ET-centric, is Period 1 (Separation fusion between ET and IT), Period 2 (ET-centric fusion), and Period 3 (Growth IT and ET+IT fusion of ET-centric). Type 2, the Advanced ET type of ET+IT-centric, is Period 1 (ET+IT fusion), Period 2 (Advanced ET of ET+IT-centric), and Period 3 (Hyper-advanced ET of ET+IT-centric). Type 3, the All-in-One type of ET+IT, is Period 1 (Separation fusion between ET and IT), Period 2 (Mixed fusion between ET and IT), and Period 3 (All-in-One fusion of ET and IT). Type 4, the Advanced type of IT-centric, is Period 1 (Development of IT-centric), Period 2 (Advanced IT-centric), and Period 3 (Hyper-advanced IT-centric). Types 5 and 6, the Advanced together type of ET+IT, is Period 1 (Developed IT of ET+IT-centric), Period 2 (Advanced IT of ET+IT-centric), and Period 3 (Hyper-advanced IT of ET+IT-centric). Type 7, the Advanced IT type of ET+IT-centric, is Period 1 (ET+IT fusion), Period 2 (Sub-fusion of ET, Advanced IT), and Period 3 (Sub-fusion of ET, Hyper-advanced IT). This study results are going to expect making new types of convergence through further study.


  • Choi, Jee-Eun;Ahn, Dong-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.40-60
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    • 2004
  • Introduction:Research on attachment in view point of the developmental perspective which began in the 1940s progressed during several decades. Many investigators focused mother-child separation in early attachment studies, and moved to the relationship with childhood psychopathology. Recently attachment theory and research are moving forward along the intergenerational transmission of attachment patterns, and adolescents and adult mental disorders in the developmental perspectives. Methods:We surveyed the research papers through Medline search, attachment-related monographs, and review or original papers published in Korean journal. Results:Developmental attachment researches have demonstrated convincingly that insecure attachment in infancy is associated with attachment disorder; several childhood psychopatholgy, such as institutional care and adoption, aggression and behavioral problems, childhood anxiety disorders and depressive disorders, gender identity disorder and feeding disorder, and child abuse and maltreatment; peer relationship and social competency, and parental behaviors. Recently the methodological advances including the Adult Attachment Interview that systematically assesses the adults' recollections of the earlier parent-child relationship they experienced could move beyond attachment researcher's initial concern with infancy to consider attachment processes throughout the life span. We could find that the quality of attachment was associated with several mental disorders in adolescents and adults significantly. Conclusion:Attachment theory would have focused on more specific parent-child relationship than general parental behavior. Recent attachment theory underscores its evolutionary origins to promote development of infant and contribute to human survival in psychobiological bases. Advances in attachment research could unite interests in evolutional biology and developmental psychology in understanding early parent-child relationship, and apply to clinical issues concerning mental health throughout the life span.

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Current status of sweetpotato genomics research (고구마 유전체 연구현황 및 전망)

  • Yoon, Ung-Han;Jeong, Jae Cheol;Kwak, Sang-Soo;Yang, Jung-Wook;Kim, Tae-Ho;Lee, Hyeong-Un;Nam, Sang-Sik;Hahn, Jang-Ho
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.161-167
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    • 2015
  • Sweetpotato [Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam] grows well in harsh environmental conditions, and is cultivated as one of the top seven food crops in the world. Recently, sweetpotato is drawing interest from people as a healthy food because it is high in dietary fiber, vitamins, carotenoids and overall nutrition value. However, few studies have been conducted on sweetpotato genome sequencing in spite of its importance. This review is aimed at increasing the efficiency of sweetpotato genome sequencing research as well as establishing a base for gene utilization in order to control useful traits. Recently, animal and plant genome sequencing projects increased significantly. However, sweetpotato genome sequencing has not been performed due to polyploidy and heterogeneity problems in its genome. Meanwhile research on its transcriptome has been conducted actively. Recently, a draft of the diploid sweetpotato genome was reported in 2015 by Japanese researchers. In addition, the Korea-China-Japan Trilateral Research Association of Sweetpotato (TRAS) has conducted research on gene map construction and genome sequencing of the hexaploid sweetpotato Xushu 18 since 2014. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation launched the 'sweetpotato genomic sequencing to develop genomic tools for Sub-Sahara Africa breeding program'. The chloroplast genome sequence acquired during sweetpotato genome sequencing is used in evolutionary analyses. In this review, the trend of research in the sweetpotato genome sequencing was analyzed. Research trend analysis like this will provide researchers working toward sweetpotato productivity and nutrient improvement with information on the status of sweetpotato genome research. This will contribute to solving world food, energy and environmental problems.

Molecular phylogeny and divergence of photosynthetic pathways of Korean Cypereae (Cyperaceae) (한국산 방동사니족(사초과) 식물의 분자계통과 광합성경로의 분화)

  • Jung, Jongduk;Ryu, Youngil;Choi, Hong-Keun
    • Korean Journal of Plant Taxonomy
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.314-325
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    • 2016
  • Multiple changes of the photosynthesis pathway are independent evolutionary events occurring in the phylogeny of flowering plants, and such changes have occurred more than five times in Cyperaceae. In the tribe Cypereae, the C4 photosynthetic pathway appeared only once and is regarded as a synapomorphy of the C4 plants within this tribe. The morphological delimitation of genera within Cypereae does not correspond to their molecular phylogenetic relationships. In this study, the molecular phylogeny was compared with the photosynthetic pathways of Korean Cypereae (18 species of Cyperus, 1 species of Kyllinga, and 1 species of Lipocarpha). The photosynthetic pathways were determined by observing the leaf anatomy. The phylogenetic analysis was performed using three DNA regions (nrITS, rbcL, and trnL-F). According to the position of the photosynthetic tissue, 4 species (C. difformis, C. flaccidus, C. haspan, and C. tenuispica) and 16 species (14 Cyperus species, K. brevifolia var. leiolepis, and L. microcephala) were confirmed as C3 and C4 plants, respectively. Tribe Cypereae was divided into the CYPERUS and FICINIA clades, and all species of Korean Cypereae plants belonged to the CYPERUS clade in the phylogenetic analysis. Within the CYPERUS clade, C4 plants were monophyletic but their phylogenetic relationships were unclear. The genera Kyllinga and Lipocarpha were not supported as an independent genus in either case because they were nested by the Cyperus species in the molecular phylogenetic trees in the present and in previous studies. To determine the classification within the CYPERUS clade, a detailed morphological study and a molecular phylogenetic analysis at a high resolution will be necessary.

Molecular Characterization of Cinnamate 4-Hydroxylase gene in Red Hot Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) (고추에서 분리한 Cinnamate 4-Hydroxylase 유전자의 분자생물학적 특성)

  • Kim Kye-Won;Ha Sun-Hwa;Cho Kang-Jin;Kim Eun-Ju;Lee Min-Kyung;Yu Jae-Ju;Kim Jong-Guk;Lee Shin-Woo
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.167-173
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    • 2005
  • Three different cDNAS for cinnamate 4-hydroxylase (C4H) which are involved in the second step of the general phenylpropanoid pathway were isolated and designated as pc4h1 (1,755 bp), pc4h2 (1,655 bp), and pc4h3 (1,316 bp), respectively. The nucleotide sequence analysis revealed that both pc4h1 and pc4h2 clones encode polypeptides of 505 amino acids frame but pc4h3 clone was truncated at the 5'-end of coding region. The alignment of the deduced amino acid sequences showed that PC4H1 and PC4H2 are highly homologous (95.8% identical) with each other and contain three conserved domains which are typical in cytochrome P450 monooxygenase: proline-rich region, threonine-containing binding pocket for the oxygen molecule, and heme binding region. In addition, result of the phylogenic tree analysis revealed that both pepper C4Hs belong to Class 1. pc4h2 transcription was strongly induced in wounded fruit (400%) and root (200%) relative to its very low basal level but not in leaf or stem tissue. In case of pc4h1, the basal level of transcription was higher than pc4h2 but induction by wounding was lower in fruit and root while leaf and stem tissues did not respond to wounding. The basal level of pc4h3 transcripts was not, if any, detectable and response to wounding was not observed.

Minisatellite 5 of SLC6A18 (SLC6A18-MS5): Relationship to Hypertension and Evolutional Level (SLC6A18 유전자의 minisatellites 5 (SLC6A18-MS5)의 고혈압과의 관련성 및 진화적 의미)

  • Heo, Chang-Hwan;Lee, Sang-Yeop;Seol, So-Young;Kwon, Jeong-Ah;Jeong, Yun-Hee;Chung, Chung-Nam;SunWoo, Yang-Il
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.18 no.12
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    • pp.1733-1738
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    • 2008
  • SLC6A18, one of the neurotransmitters, was reported the possible relationship to hypertension, and it contained eight blocks of minisatellites. In this study, SLC6A18-MS5 sequence which showed the highest heterozygosity among seven minisatellites was analyzed using the Transfac software, the putative binding sites for the transcription factor Pax4 and HNF4 were discovered as a result. The HNF4 is involved in the diabetes pathway and suggested the relationship to hypertension. Thus, we investigated the putative functional significance of allelic variation in this minisatellites with respect to susceptibility for hypertension. To address this possibility, we analyzed genomic DNA from the blood of 301 hypertension-free controls and 184 cases with hypertension. A statistically significant association was not identified between the allelic distribution of SLC6A18-MS5 and occurrence of hypertension. We then examined the meiotic segregation of SLC6A18-MS5 and it was transmitted following Mendelian inheritance. Therefore, this locus could be useful markers for paternity mapping and DNA fingerprinting. Moreover, we undertook a comprehensive analysis of the genomic sequence to address the evolutionary events of these variable repeats. SLC6A18 minisatellites regions are only conserved in human and primates. This result suggestedthat intronic minisatellites analysis is powerful evolution marker for the non-coding regions in primates and can provide a great insight to the molecular evolution of repeated region in primates.

Tectonic Movement in the Korean Peninsula (I): The Spatial Distribution of Tectonic Movement Identified by Terrain Analyses (한반도의 지반운동 ( I ): DEM 분석을 통한 지반운동의 공간적 분포 규명)

  • Park, Soo-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.42 no.3 s.120
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    • pp.368-387
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    • 2007
  • In order to explain geomorphological characteristics of the Korean Peninsula, it is necessary to understand the spatial distribution of tectonic movements and its causes. Even though geomorphological elements which might have been formed by tectonic movements(e.g. tilted overall landform, erosion surface, river terrace, marine terraces, etc.) have long been considered as main geomorphological research topics in Korea, the knowledge on the spatial distribution of tectonic movement is still limited. This research aims to identify the spatial distributions of tectonic movement via sequential analyses of Digital Elevation Model(DEM). This paper first developed a set of terrain analysis techniques derived from theoretical interrelationships between tectonic uplifts and landsurface denudation processes. The terrain analyses used in this research assume that elevations along major drainage basin divides might preserve original landsurfaces(psuedo-landsuface) that were formed by tectonic movement with relatively little influence by denudation processes. Psuedo-landsurfaces derived from a DEM show clear spatial distribution patterns with distinct directional alignments. Lines connecting psuedo-landsufaces in a certain direction are defined as psuedo-landsurface axes, which are again categorized into two groups: the first is uplift psuedo-landsurface axes that indicate the axis of landmass uplift; and the second is denudational psuedo-landsurface axes that cross step-shaped pusedo-landsurfaces formed via surface denudation. In total, 13 axes of pusedo-landsurface are identified in the Korean Peninsula, which show distinct direction, length, and relative uplift rate. Judging from the distribution of psudo-landsurfaces and their axes, it is concluded that the Korean Peninsula ran be divided into four tectonic regions, which are named as the Northern Tectonic Region, Center Tectonic Region, Southern Tectonic Region, and East Sea Tectonic Region, respectively. The Northern Tectonic Region had experienced a regional uplift centered at the Kaema plateau, and the rate of uplift gradually decreased toward southern, western and eastern directions. The Center Tectonic Region shows an arch-shaped uplift. Its uplift rate is the highest along the East Sea and the rate decreases towards the Yellow sea. The Southern Tectonic Region shows an asymmetric uplift centered a line connecting Dukyu and Jiri Mountains in the middle of the region. The eastern side of the Southern Regions shows higher uplift rate than that of the western side. The East Sea Tectonic Region includes south-eastern coastal area of the peninsula and Gilju-Myeongchun Jigudae, which shows relatively recent tectonic movements in Korea. Since this research visualizes the spatial heterogeneity of long-term tenonic movement in the Korean peninsula, this would provide valuable basic information on long-term and regional differences of geomorphological evolutionary processes and regional geomorphological differences of the Korean Peninsula.