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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: Euler-beam theory

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On the resonance problems in FG-GPLRC beams with different boundary conditions resting on elastic foundations

  • Hao-Xuan, Ding;Yi-Wen, Zhang;Gui-Lin, She
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.433-443
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    • 2022
  • In the current paper, the nonlinear resonance response of functionally graded graphene platelet reinforced (FG-GPLRC) beams by considering different boundary conditions is investigated using the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory. Four different graphene platelets (GPLs) distributions including UD and FG-O, FG-X, and FG-A are considered and the effective material parameters are calculated by Halpin-Tsai model. The nonlinear vibration equations are derived by Euler-Lagrange principle. Then the perturbation method is used to discretize the motion equations, and the loadings and displacement are all expanded, so as to obtain the first to third order perturbation equations, and then the asymptotic solution of the equations can be obtained. Then the nonlinear amplitude-frequency response is obtained with the help of the modified Lindstedt-Poincare method (Chen and Cheung 1996). Finally, the influences of the distribution types of GPLs, total GPLs layers, GPLs weight fraction, elastic foundations and boundary conditions on the resonance problems are comprehensively studied. Results show that the distribution types of GPLs, total GPLs layers, GPLs weight fraction, elastic foundations and boundary conditions have a significant effect on the nonlinear resonance response of FG-GPLRC beams.

Dynamic responses of a beam with breathing cracks by precise integration method

  • Cui, C.C.;He, X.S.;Lu, Z.R.;Chen, Y.M.;Liu, J.K.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.60 no.5
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    • pp.891-902
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    • 2016
  • The beam structure with breathing cracks subjected to harmonic excitations was modeled by FEM based on Euler-Bernoulli theory, and a piecewise dynamical system was deduced. The precise integration method (PIM) was employed to propose an algorithm for analyzing the dynamic responses of the deduced system. This system was first divided into linear sub-systems, between which there are switching points resulted from the breathing cracks. The inhomogeneous terms due to the external excitations were tackled by introducing auxiliary variables to express the harmonic functions, hence the sub-systems are homogeneous. The PIM was then applied to solve the homogeneous sub-systems one by one. During the procedures, a predictor-corrector algorithm was presented to determine the switching points accurately. The presented method can provide solutions with an accuracy to a magnitude of 1012 compared with exact solutions obtained by the theories of ordinary differential equations. The PIM results are much more accurate than Newmark ones with the same time step. Moreover, it is found that the PIM can maintain a high level of accuracy even when the time step increases within a relatively wide range.

Slender piezoelectric beams with resistive-inductive electrodes - modeling and axial wave propagation

  • Schoeftner, Juergen;Buchberger, Gerda;Benjeddou, Ayech
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.335-354
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    • 2016
  • This contribution presents an extended one-dimensional theory for piezoelectric beam-type structures with non-ideal electrodes. For these types of electrodes the equipotential area condition is not satisfied. The main motivation of our research is originated from passive vibration control: when an elastic structure is covered by several piezoelectric patches that are linked via resistances and inductances, vibrational energy is efficiently dissipated if the electric network is properly designed. Assuming infinitely small piezoelectric patches that are connected by an infinite number of electrical, in particular resistive and inductive elements, one obtains the Telegrapher's equation for the voltage across the piezoelectric transducer. Embedding this outcome into the framework of Bernoulli-Euler, the final equations are coupled to the wave equations for the longitudinal motion of a bar and to the partial differential equations for the lateral motion of the beam. We present results for the wave propagation of a longitudinal bar for several types of electrode properties. The frequency spectra are computed (phase angle, wave number, wave speed), which point out the effect of resistive and inductive electrodes on wave characteristics. Our results show that electrical damping due to the resistivity of the electrodes is different from internal (=strain velocity dependent) or external (=velocity dependent) mechanical damping. Finally, results are presented, when the structure is excited by a harmonic single force, yielding that resistive-inductive electrodes are suitable candidates for passive vibration control that might be of great interest for practical applications in the future.

Influence of prestressing on the behavior of uncracked concrete beams with a parabolic bonded tendon

  • Bonopera, Marco;Chang, Kuo-Chun;Lin, Tzu-Kang;Tullini, Nerio
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.77 no.1
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2021
  • The influence of prestress force on the fundamental frequency and static deflection shape of uncracked Prestressed Concrete (PC) beams with a parabolic bonded tendon was examined in this paper. Due to the conflicts among existing theories, the analytical solutions for properly considering the dynamic and static behavior of these members is not straightforward. A series of experiments were conducted for a total period of approximately 2.5 months on a PC beam made with high strength concrete, subsequently and closely to the 28 days of age of concrete. Specifically, the simply supported PC member was short term subjected to free transverse vibration and three-point bending tests during its early-age. Subsequently, the experimental data were compared with a model that describes the dynamic behavior of PC girders as a combination of two substructures interconnected, i.e., a compressed Euler-Bernoulli beam and a tensioned parabolic cable. It was established that the fundamental frequency of uncracked PC beams with a parabolic bonded tendon is sensitive to the variation of the initial elastic modulus of concrete in the early-age curing. Furthermore, the small variation in experimental frequency with time makes doubtful its use in inverse problem identifications. Conversely, the relationship between prestress force and static deflection shape is well described by the magnification factor formula of the "compression-softening" theory by assuming the variation of the chord elastic modulus of concrete with time.

Thermal post-buckling analysis of graphene platelets reinforced metal foams beams with initial geometric imperfection

  • Gui-Lin She;Yin-Ping Li;Yujie He;Jin-Peng Song
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.241-250
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    • 2024
  • This article investigates the thermal and post-buckling problems of graphene platelets reinforced metal foams (GPLRMF) beams with initial geometric imperfection. Three distribution forms of graphene platelet (GPLs) and foam are employed. This article utilizes the mixing law Halpin Tsai model to estimate the physical parameters of materials. Considering three different boundary conditions, we used the Euler beam theory to establish the governing equations. Afterwards, the Galerkin method is applied to discretize these equations. The correctness of this article is verified through data analysis and comparison with the existing articles. The influences of geometric imperfection, GPL distribution modes, boundary conditions, GPLs weight fraction, foam distribution pattern and foam coefficient on thermal post-buckling are analyzed. The results indicate that, perfect GPLRMF beams do not undergo bifurcation buckling before reaching a certain temperature, and the critical buckling temperature is the highest when both ends are fixed. At the same time, the structural stiffness of the beam under the GPL-A model is the highest, and the buckling response of the beam under the Foam-II mode is the lowest, and the presence of GPLs can effectively improve the buckling strength.

Nonlinear forced vibration of imperfect FG beams with hygro-thermal factor

  • Y.J. He;G.L She
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.92 no.2
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    • pp.163-172
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    • 2024
  • This paper intends to analyze the nonlinear forced vibrations of functionally graded material (FGM) beams with initial geometrical defects in hygro-thermal ambiences. For this purpose, we assume that the correlation properties of the material alter along the thickness direction in succession and the surface of the beam is subjected to humid and thermal loads. Based on the Euler Bernoulli beam theory and geometrical non-linearity, we use the Hamiltonian principle to formulate a theoretical model with consideration of the hygrothermal effects. Galerkin's technique has been proposed for the control equations of discrete systems. The non-linear primary resonances are acquired by applying the modified Lindstedt-Poincare method (MLP). Verify the reliability of the data obtained through comparison with literature. The non-linear resonance response is reflected by amplitude-frequency response curves. The numerical results indicate that the resonances of FGM beams include three non-linear characteristics, namely hard springs, soft springs and soft-hard spring types. The response modalities of the structure may transform between those non-linear characteristics when material properties, spring coefficients, geometric defect values, temperature-humidity loads and even the external stimulus generate variations.

Vibration analysis of carbon nanotubes with multiple cracks in thermal environment

  • Ebrahimi, Farzad;Mahmoodi, Fatemeh
    • Advances in nano research
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.57-80
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    • 2018
  • In this study, the thermal loading effect on free vibration characteristics of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) with multiple cracks is studied. Various boundary conditions for nanotube are taken in to account. In order to take the small scale effect, the nonlocal elasticity of Eringen is employed in the framework of Euler-Bernoulli beam theory. This theory states that the stress at a reference point is a function of strains at all points in the continuum. A cracked nanotube is assumed to be consisted of two segments that are connected by a rotational spring which is located in the position of the cracked section. Hamilton's principle is used to achieve the governing equations. Influences of the nonlocal parameter, crack severity, temperature change and the number of cracks on the system frequencies are investigated. Also, it is found that at room or lower temperature the natural frequency for CNT decreases as the value of temperature change increases, while at temperature higher than room temperature the natural frequency of CNT increases as the value of temperature change increases. Various boundary conditions have been applied to the nanotube.

Free vibration of axially loaded Reddy-Bickford beam on elastic soil using the differential transform method

  • Yesilce, Yusuf;Catal, Seval
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.453-475
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    • 2009
  • The literature regarding the free vibration analysis of Bernoulli-Euler and Timoshenko beams on elastic soil is plenty, but the free vibration analysis of Reddy-Bickford beams on elastic soil with/without axial force effect using the Differential Transform Method (DTM) has not been investigated by any of the studies in open literature so far. In this study, the free vibration analysis of axially loaded Reddy-Bickford beam on elastic soil is carried out by using DTM. The model has six degrees of freedom at the two ends, one transverse displacement and two rotations, and the end forces are a shear force and two end moments in this study. The governing differential equations of motion of the rectangular beam in free vibration are derived using Hamilton's principle and considering rotatory inertia. Parameters for the relative stiffness, stiffness ratio and nondimensionalized multiplication factor for the axial compressive force are incorporated into the equations of motion in order to investigate their effects on the natural frequencies. At first, the terms are found directly from the analytical solutions of the differential equations that describe the deformations of the cross-section according to the high-order theory. After the analytical solution, an efficient and easy mathematical technique called DTM is used to solve the governing differential equations of the motion. The calculated natural frequencies of one end fixed and the other end simply supported Reddy-Bickford beam on elastic soil using DTM are tabulated in several tables and figures and are compared with the results of the analytical solution where a very good agreement is observed and the mode shapes are presented in graphs.

Bayesian estimation of tension in bridge hangers using modal frequency measurements

  • Papadimitriou, Costas;Giakoumi, Konstantina;Argyris, Costas;Spyrou, Leonidas A.;Panetsos, Panagiotis
    • Structural Monitoring and Maintenance
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.349-375
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    • 2016
  • The tension of an arch bridge hanger is estimated using a number of experimentally identified modal frequencies. The hanger is connected through metallic plates to the bridge deck and arch. Two different categories of model classes are considered to simulate the vibrations of the hanger: an analytical model based on the Euler-Bernoulli beam theory, and a high-fidelity finite element (FE) model. A Bayesian parameter estimation and model selection method is used to discriminate between models, select the best model, and estimate the hanger tension and its uncertainty. It is demonstrated that the end plate connections and boundary conditions of the hanger due to the flexibility of the deck/arch significantly affect the estimate of the axial load and its uncertainty. A fixed-end high fidelity FE model of the hanger underestimates the hanger tension by more than 20 compared to a baseline FE model with flexible supports. Simplified beam models can give fairly accurate results, close to the ones obtained from the high fidelity FE model with flexible support conditions, provided that the concept of equivalent length is introduced and/or end rotational springs are included to simulate the flexibility of the hanger ends. The effect of the number of experimentally identified modal frequencies on the estimates of the hanger tension and its uncertainty is investigated.

Analytical solution for natural frequency of monopile supported wind turbine towers

  • Rong, Xue-Ning;Xu, Ri-Qing;Wang, Heng-Yu;Feng, Su-Yang
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.459-474
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    • 2017
  • In this study an analytical expression is derived for the natural frequency of the wind turbine towers supported on flexible foundation. The derivation is based on a Euler-Bernoulli beam model where the foundation is represented by a stiffness matrix. Previously the natural frequency of such a model is obtained from numerical or empirical method. The new expression is based on pure physical parameters and thus can be used for a quick assessment of the natural frequencies of both the real turbines and the small-scale models. Furthermore, a relationship between the diagonal and non-diagonal element in the stiffness matrix is introduced, so that the foundation stiffness can be obtained from either the p-y analysis or the loading test. The results of the proposed expression are compared with the measured frequencies of six real or model turbines reported in the literature. The comparison shows that the proposed analytical expression predicts the natural frequency with reasonable accuracy. For two of the model turbines, some errors were observed which might be attributed to the difference between the dynamic and static modulus of saturated soils. The proposed analytical solution is quite simple to use, and it is shown to be more reasonable than the analytical and the empirical formulas available in the literature.