• 제목/요약/키워드: Essential Amino Acids

검색결과 774건 처리시간 0.022초

피맥품종별(皮麥品種別) 정맥중(精麥中) 아미노산(酸) 조성(組成) (Varietal Difference in Amino Acid Composition of Polished Barley)

  • 박훈;양차범
    • 한국식품과학회지
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    • 제8권3호
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    • pp.129-135
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    • 1976
  • 대맥(大麥) 16개(個) 품종(品種)(단백질함량(蛋白質含量) 최고(最高) 15.4%에서 최저(最低) 6.1%)의 정맥중(精麥中) amino산(酸)의 조성(組成)과 이들 상호간(相互間) 및 이들과 단백질(蛋白質)과의 상관(相關) 관계(關係)는 다음과 같았다. 1) 제한(制限) amino 산(酸)은 lysine 이었으며 threonine과 tyrosine이 적고 leucine과 phenylalanine이 특히 많은 편이며 필수(必須) amino산(酸) 총량(總量)은 많은 편이다. 2) 단백질(蛋白質)은 단백질당(蛋白質當) amino산(酸) 함량(含量)과의 상관(相關)에서 lysine, arginine, total basic amino acid와 1%수준에서 threonine, alanine 및 aspartic acid와 5%수준에서 유의부상관(有意負相關)을, phenylalanine과 1%수준에서 proline, cystine과 5%수준에서 유의정상관(有意正相關)을 갖는다. 3) Lysine은 arginine 및 aspartic acid가 유의정상관(有意正相關)을 보이므로 대맥(大麥)에서도 aspartic acid가 lysine 대사에 관련됨을 시사하며 다수성(多收性) 품종(品種) 또는 다비조건(多肥條件)은 aspartic acid pool을 상대적으로 감소시킬 가능성이 있고 그 결과로 lysine이 적어지는 것같다. 4) Lysine은 색소결합능(色素結合能)(Dye binding capacity)과 유의정상관(有意正相關)을 보였다. $(r=0.7377^{**})$ 5) Tryptophan은 histidine, 염기성 amino산총량(酸總量) 및 arginine 과만 유의정상관(有意正相關)을 보였다. 6) 필수(必須) amino산(酸) 중(中) lysine, tryptophan, threonine, valine은 같이 증감하며 함황(含黃) amino산(酸)과 방향성(芳香性) amino산(酸) 및 isoleucine, leucine은 이들과 반대로 증감한다.

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Molecular Studies on the Disease Resistance Gene, Proopiomelanocortin (POMC), from Flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus)

  • Kim Hyun Woo;Kim Young Tae
    • Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • 제4권4호
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    • pp.192-196
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    • 2001
  • Proopiomelanocortin (POMC) plays an essential role in the disease resistance system and is the precursor protein of biologically active peptides such as adrenocorticotropin (ACTH), $\alpha-melanocyte-stimulating$ hormone $(\alpha- MSH)$, $(\beta-melanocyte-stimulation hormone\;(\beta- MSH)$ and $\beta-endorphin$. We have isolated and sequenced two different forms of POMC cDNA, POMC-I and POMC-II, from a pituitary cDNA library of flounder. POMC-I cDNA consisted of 956 bp corresponding to deduced amino acids of 216 residues and POMC-II cDNA was 982 bp in length corresponding to 194 amino acids, respectively. The results of deduced amino acids analysis of the clones showed high sequence homology with previously reported POMCs amino acid sequences from various species. The homology between flounder POMC-I and -II is$57\%$ identity. We also constructed a phylogenetic tree based on POMC amino acid sequences.

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가열 처리한 미꾸라지 단백질의 품질 (Protein Qualities of Loach as Affected by Cooking Methods)

  • 류홍수;문숙임;이수정;서재수
    • 한국식품영양과학회지
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    • 제28권1호
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    • pp.145-152
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    • 1999
  • To explore the possibility of using freeze dried loach for instant choo o tang(Korean traditional loach soup), protein qualities and fatty acid composition were evaluated on boiled and steamed loach. Total lipid and ash content were lowered in both heated(boiled and steamed) loaches due to deboning and eviscerating during cooked meat preparation. Profiles of total amino acids were not changed seriously by the type of cooking, but the amount of essential amino acids were comparable in all samples. Two times more free amino acids were quantified in cooked samples compared to raw meat. Available lysine was marginally decreased by cooking, and that caused some measurable change in typsin indigestible substrate(TI) in streamed whole loach. In vitro protein digestibility of the heated loaches was not altered drastically and the protein quality determined as computed protein efficiency ratio(C PER) was similar for the raw, boiled and steamed loach. The ratios of unsaturated to saturated fatty acids changed measurably in heated whole loach. The results shows that heating caused apparent oxidative deterioration of the polyunsaturated fatty acids.

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녹용중(鹿茸中)의 아미노산(酸) 함량(含量)에 관(關)하여 (제 1 편)(第 1編) (Study on Amino Acid Contents in Deer Horn)

  • 용재익
    • Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation
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    • 제6권3호
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    • pp.4-9
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    • 1976
  • Free amino acids in water extracts and total amino acids in hydrolystates of Deer Horn were analyzed by amino acid autoanalyzer (Technicon PNC-1 Type). The results obtained from this study are as follows ; 1) 17 kinds of amino acid, including 7 kinds of essential amino acid in human nutrition except tryptophan were identified and quantified. 2) Of all free amino acid contained in water extract, glutamic acid is the richest, and then comes Ala, Gly, Leu, Lys, valin in that order. Of all total amino acid which are closely related with nutritional valuation glycin is the richest, and then comes Glu, Lys, Ala, Leu, Ala, Pro, in that order. 3) Besides 17 kinds of amino acid, one kinds of unknown amino acid are found in water extracts and hydrolysates.

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아위버섯(Pleurotus ferulea) 영양성분 분석 (Analysis of Nutritional Components in Pleurotus ferulea)

  • 홍기형;김병용;김혜경
    • 한국식품과학회지
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    • 제36권4호
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    • pp.563-567
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    • 2004
  • 본 연구에서는 아위버섯의 일반성분 및 탄수화물, 섬유질, 무기질, 아미노산, 비타민, 유리당, 지방산조성 등을 조사하여 건강식품개발을 위한 기초자료로 활용하고자 실시하였다. 아위버섯의 경우 느타리버섯과 새송이버섯에 비해 수분은 적고 조단백질과 식이섬유가 많음을 보였다. 총 아미노산 함량과 무기질의 함량은 높게 나타났으며, 이는 아위버섯이 우수한 무기질 공급원의 식품이 될 수 있음을 보여주고 있다. 또한 아위버섯의 경우 느타리버섯, 새송이버섯에 비하여 수용성 비타민뿐만 아니라 지용성비타민의 경우도 많았으며 특히 비타민 C함량은 6배정도 많았고 특이하게 높은 glucose 함량을 보여주었으며 myristic acid등 포화지방산의 함량은 적은 반면, 불포화 지방산인 linoleic acid의 함량은 다소 높게 나타났다. 따라서 아위버섯은 풍부한 영양소를 가지고 있어 다양한 생리활성을 기대할 수 있으며 향후 기능성식품의 좋은 재료로 사용될 수 있는 가능성을 보였다.

갈색거저리 유충 분말 첨가 가래떡의 품질 특성 (Quality Characteristics of Garaedduk Enriched with Mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) Powder)

  • 남혜현;심기현
    • 한국식품영양학회지
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    • 제34권3호
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    • pp.272-288
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    • 2021
  • Mealworm is the most widely used edible insect in Korean traditional food. In this study, the quality characteristics and antioxidant activity of Garaedduk containing different proportions of powdered mealworm (0%, 3%, 6%, 9%, and 12%) were evaluated in order to enhance the utilization of mealworm. The results revealed that moisture content decreased while pH and starch elution increased, with increasing amount of mealworm. Furthermore, the amount of total amino acids, essential amino acids, and non-essential amino acids increased with increasing amount of mealworm. Regarding chromaticity, the L value decreased while the a and b values increased as the amount of mealworm increased. The addition of 6% mealworm showed slight differences in the pore size and surface smoothness as compared to plain Garaedduk. Texture, hardness, chewiness, and gumminess increased, but cohesiveness decreased with increasing amount of mealworm. The preference test evaluating the appearance, flavor, taste, texture, and overall preference showed that 6% mealworm additive group had the highest preference. In addition, antioxidant activity of the newly developed Garaedduk increased with increasing amount of mealworm. In conclusion, Garaedduk enriched with 6% mealworm showed promising results for developing rice cake with improved nutrition and antioxidant activity and excellent overall preference and quality.

A Study on the Optimal Amino Acid Pattern at the Proximal Duodenum in Growing Sheep

  • Wang, Hongrong;Lu, Dexun
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.38-44
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    • 2002
  • Nine crossbred castrated lambs fitted with rumen and duodenum cannula and fed a diet of hay and concentrate formulated with ground corn and soybean meal as main ingredients were used to assess the duodenal ideal amino acid pattern. Three synthetic amino acid mixtures with different profile of essential amino acids were duodenally infused in order to get three different amino acid patterns flowing into the duodenum. The mixtures were designed to have similar amino acid profile as rumen microbial protein (Pm), casein (Pc) and modified muscle amino acid (Pmm). Results showed a lower urine nitrogen excretion (p=0.05), a higher nitrogen retention (p=0.04) and bodyweight gain with treatment Pmm. The modified muscle amino acid pattern also promoted a lower ratio of Gly to other amino acids in plasma (Gly/OAA) and a higher RNA and RNA/DNA concentration in the liver of the sheep. Meanwhile, the urea concentration in plasma was reduced and the insulin concentration was increased with Pmm treatment. No differences in glucose and growth hormone concentration in plasma were found among three treatments. All results obtained indicate that the modified muscle amino acid pattern (Lys 100%, Met+Cys 39%, Thr 76%, His 41%, Arg 72%, Leu 158%, Ile 81%, Val 105%, Phe 81% and Trp 13%) was the best for growing sheep.

Determination of Optimal Dietary Sulfur Amino Acids Ratio Relative to Lysine for Growing Barrows and Gilts

  • Chang, W.H.;Kim, J.D.;Kim, S.W.;Xuan, Z.N.;Kim, Y.Y.;Paik, I.K.;Han, In K.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제14권7호
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    • pp.1003-1007
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    • 2001
  • This experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary SAA (sulfur-containing amino acids) on growth performance, nutrient digestibility and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) content, and to determine the optimal SAA:lysine ratio for growing barrows and gilts. A total of 150 pigs (75 barrows and 75 gilts, Landrace${\times}$Yorkshire${\times}$Duroc) were assigned to 6 treatments with 5 replicates of 5 pigs per pen. All pigs were fed diets containing either 1.12 (for barrows) or 1.33% (for gilts) dietary lysine with increasing SAA levels (50, 55 and 60% of dietary lysine) in a $2{\times}3$ factorial design. Throughout the whole experimental period (15 to 54 kg body weight), there was no interaction between sexes and SAA:lysine ratios on ADG, ADFI and FCR. However, increasing the SAA:lysine ratio from 50 to 60% in a diet showed a trend to increase ADG and ADFI of barrows. None of differences in nutrient digestibilities except for calcium and phosphorus were observed and gilts showed higher digestibility of calcium and phosphorus (p<0.05). Among dietary SAA:lysine ratios, there were no differences in apparent nutrient digestibility. Mean values of the essential amino acids (EAA), non-essential amino acids (NEAA) and total amino acids (TAA) digestibilities were higher in gilts than barrows (p<0.01). However, no differences in mean value of EAA, NEAA and TAA digestibilities were observed among dietary SAA:lysine ratios. Between sexes and among SAA:lysine ratios, no significant difference in BUN concentration was observed. This study demonstrated that the optimal inclusion ratio of SAA:lysine was 55% and below 50% in barrows and gilts, respectively.

키토산과 글루탐산의 병용처리에 따른 발아현미 중의 수용성 단백질 및 유리 아미노산 함량변화 (Changes in the levels of Water Soluble protein and flee Amino Acids in Brown Rice Germinated in a Chitosan/Glutamic Acid Solution)

  • 오석흥;이인태;박기범;김병주
    • KSBB Journal
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    • 제17권6호
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    • pp.515-519
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    • 2002
  • 발아현미를 생산하기 위하여 현미를 물에 침지, 키토산을 젖산에 용해하여 침지, 키토산을 글루탐산에 용해하여 침지 하였으며, 발아시키지 않은 현미와 아미노산 및 총 단백질 함량을 비교 분석하였다. 키토산을 50 ppm 되게 5 mM glutamic acid에 용해하여 침지액으로 사용한 경우 가장 높은 alanine, serine, lysine, isoleucine, methionine 함량의 증진과 총 유리아미노산 함량의 증진을 보였다. 또한 total soluble protein의 함량은 발아하지 않은 현미에 비하여 발아한 현미가 모두 낮았다. 특히 CG구는 물발아나 CL 발아시 현저히 감소되던 serine의 함량을 오히려 증진시겼다. 모든 발아구에서 aspartic acid 함량은 현저히 감소하였다. 이는 발아 과정에 의해 aspartic acid가 alanine, lysine, isoleucine, methionine 등으로 전환된 것에 기인된 것이라 여겨진다. 이상의 결과를 종합하면 현미발아시 키토산을 글루탐산에 용해하여 침지액으로 사용하면 유용한 아미노산인 alanine, serine 및 필수아미노산인 lysine, isoleucine, methionine 함량을 현저히 증진시킬 수 있어 영양성이 보강된 발아현미를 얻을 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.

식용(食用)버섯류(類)의 아미노산(酸)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) (A Study on the Amino Acid Contents of Edible Mushrooms)

  • 표명윤;노일협
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.47-59
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    • 1975
  • Free amino acids in extracts and total amino acids in hydrolysates of eleven species of edible mushrooms were analyzed by amino acid autoanalyzer (Technicon PNC-1 Type). All these 11 species of mushroom can be repesented for convenience sake as follows. S-1; Agaricus campestris Fr. S-2: Agaricus campestris S-3; Pholiota nameko(I. Ito) S. Ito et Imai S-4; Auricularia auricula-judae(Fr.) $Qu{\acute{e}}l$ S-5; Tremella fuciformis Berk. S-6; Tricholoma matsutake(S. Ito et Imai) Sing. S-7; Pleurotus ostreatus Fr. $Qu{\acute{e}}l$ S-8; Lentinus edodes Berk Sing. S-9; Ramaria botrytis (Pers.) Ricken S-10; Coprinus comatus(Fr.) S.F, Gray S-11; Gyrophora esculenta The results obtained from this study are as follows. 1) 17 kinds of amino acid, including 7 kinds of essential amino acid in human nutrition except tryptophan were identified and quantified. 2) Of all free amino acids contained in mushrooms, glutamic acid is the richest, and then comes Ala, Thr, Pro and Lys in that order. There were no found Cys'and His in S-9;His in S-1; Met and Arg in S-11; Cys and Met in S-5;Pro, Cys, Met, Lys and Arg in S-4. Of all total amino acids which are closely related with nutritional valuation, glutamic acid is the richest, and then comes Asp, Ala, Arg, Leu, Thr, Gly in that order. Especially S-1 and S-2 contain high quantity $o{\acute{i}}$ proline in both free and total amino acids. 3) Cotents of ammonia in extracts of mushrooms in decreasing order in S-1, S-10, S-8, S-2, S-7, S-6, and S-2, S-6, S-8, S-9, S-1 in hydrolysates of mushrooms. 4) Gross Contents of free amino acid in extracts is high in decreasing order in S-10, S-1, S-7, S-6, S-8, and total amino acid in hydrolysates is high in S-10, S-2, S-2, S-8, S-1, S-9, S-6. 5) Besides 17 kinds of amino acid, 5 kinds of unknown amino acid are found in extracts and hydrolysates.

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