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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: Environmental Policy Assessment

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Nuclear Fuel Cycle Analysis Technology to Develop Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycle (선진 핵연료주기 기술 개발을 위한 핵연료주기 분석 기술)

  • Park, Byung-Heung;Ko, Won-Il
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.219-230
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    • 2011
  • The nuclear fuel cycle (NFC) analysis is a study to set a NFC policy and to promote systematic researches by analyzing technologies and deriving requirements at each stage of a fuel cycle. System analysis techniques are utilized for comparative analysis and assessment of options on a considered system. In case that NFC is taken into consideration various methods of the system analysis techniques could be applied depending on the range of an interest. This study presented NFC analysis strategies for the development of a domestic advanced NFC and analysis techniques applicable to different phases of the analysis. Strategically, NFC analysis necessitates the linkage with technology analyses, domestic and international interests, and a national energy program. In this respect, a trade-off study is readily applicable since it includes various aspects on NFC as metrics and then analyzes the considered NFC options according to the derived metrics. In this study, the trade-off study was identified as a method for NFC analysis with the derived strategies and it was expected to be used for development of an advanced NFC. A technology readiness level (TRL) method and NFC simulation codes could be utilized to obtain the required metrics and data for assessment in the trade-off study. The methodologies would guide a direction of technology development by comparing and assessing technological, economical, environmental, and other aspects on the alternatives. Consequently, they would contribute for systematic development and deployment of an appropriate advanced NFC.

Application of SWAT for the Estimation of Soil Loss in the Daecheong Dam Basin (대청댐 유역 토양 침식량 산정을 위한 SWAT 모델의 적용)

  • Ye, Lyeong;Yoon, Sung-Wan;Chung, Se-Woong
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.149-162
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    • 2008
  • The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) developed by the USDA-Agricultural Research Service for the prediction of land management impact on water, sediment, and agricultural chemical yields in a large-scale basin was applied to Daecheong Reservoir basin to estimate the amount of soil losses from different land uses. The research outcomes provide important indications for reservoir managers and policy makers to search alternative watershed management practices for the mitigation of reservoir turbidity flow problems. After calibrations of key model parameters, SWAT showed fairly good performance by adequately simulating observed annual runoff components and replicating the monthly flow regimes in the basin. The specific soil losses from agricultural farm field, forest, urban area, and paddy field were 33.1, 2.35.4 depending on the tree types, 1.0, and 0.1 tons/ha/yr, respectively in 2004. It was noticed that about 55.3% of the total annual soil loss is caused by agricultural activities although agricultural land occupies only 10% in the basin. Although the soil erosion assessment approach adopted in this study has some extent of uncertainties due to the lack of detailed information on crop types and management activities, the results at least imply that soil erosion control practices for the vulnerable agricultural farm lands can be one of the most effective alternatives to reduce the impact of turbidity flow in the river basin system.

Development and Application of Green Infrastructure Planning Framework for Improving Urban Water Cycle: Focused on Yeonje-Gu and Nam-Gu in Busan, Korea (도시물순환 개선을 위한 그린인프라 계획 프레임워크 개발 및 시범적용 - 부산시 연제구 및 남구를 대상으로 -)

  • Kang, JungEun;Lee, MoungJin;Koo, YouSeong;Cho, YeonHee
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.43-73
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    • 2014
  • Cities in Korea have rapidly urbanized and they are not well prepared for natural disasters which have been increased by climate change. In particular, they often struggle with urban flooding. Recently, green infrastructure has been emphasized as a critical strategy for flood mitigation in developed countries due to its capability to infiltrate water into the ground, provide the ability to absorb and store rainfall, and contribute to mitigating floods. However, in Korea, green infrastructure planning only focuses on esthetic functions or accessibility, and does not think how other functions such as flood mitigation, can be effectively realized. Based on this, we address this critical gap by suggesting the new green infrastructure planning framework for improving urban water cycle and maximizing flood mitigation capacity. This framework includes flood vulnerability assessment for identifying flood risk area and deciding suitable locations for green infrastructure. We propose the use of the combination of frequency ratio model and GIS for flood vulnerability assessment. The framework also includes the selection process of green infrastructure practices under local conditions such as geography, flood experience and finance. Finally, we applied this planning framework to the case study area, namely YeonJe-gu an Nam-gu in Busan. We expect this framework will be incorporated into green infrastructure spatial planning to provide effective decision making process regarding location and design of green infrastructure.

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Analysis of Current Status and Teacher Librarians' Perception about Space Composition and Interior Environment of School Libraries (학교도서관 공간 영역 및 실내 환경 요소의 구성 현황과 사서 교사 인식 분석)

  • Song, Gi-Ho;Kang, Bong-Suk
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.67-87
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze current status and teacher librarians' perceptions of school library space composition and indoor environment, and propose some methods for the school library to be a basic educational facility. The space most secured by the 126 teacher librarians who participated in the survey was the free reading area, and the space with the lowest level was the media production and group project area. The most important types of spaces for teacher librarians are the teaching area and the free reading area, while the recognition of the importance of media production and group project areas is relatively low. Among the elements of indoor environmental assessment, they showed that safety and comfort were the most important but diversity and flexibility were relatively less important. The result of this analysis is different from the school and library policy direction that emphasizes the learning commons and maker spaces. Teacher librarians still seem to appreciate the importance of traditional library space. Therefore, it is necessary to include the establishment and operation of maker spaces and learning commons in the teacher librarians training and retraining process. In addition, it is necessary to increase the participation of users such as teachers, students, and parents in space composition and interior design initiatives to increase the user's interior environment satisfaction.

The Effectiveness of Anti-Smoking Advertisement on Smoking Cessation Intention in Citizens of Ulsan Metropolitan City (울산광역시 시민에서 금연 광고가 금연 의향 및 유지에 미치는 영향)

  • Ock, Jongwoo;Pyo, Jeehee;Ock, Minsu;Kim, Seo-jun;Yoo, Cheolin
    • The Journal of Health Technology Assessment
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.114-122
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: In this study, we evaluated the effectiveness of the typical anti-smoking advertisement on smoking cessation intention in citizens of Ulsan Metropolitan City. Methods: A total of 700 citizens (600 adults and 100 high school student) participated in face-to-face interviews survey using paper questionnaire. Three anti-smoking advertisements were used in this study; chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patient video advertisement, tobacco hazard information advertisement, and COPD patient voice advertisement. Each participant randomly evaluated only one of the three non-smoking anti-smoking advertisements. Participants were asked whether they had seen or heard anti-smoking advertisements before and asked whether they understood the advertisement well. They also assessed the effectiveness of non-smokers to maintain smoking cessation and how effective it would be to help smokers quit. Results: Among the three anti-smoking advertisements, 54.8% of participants said that they watched COPD patient video advertisement before. More than 95% of participants said they can understood anti-smoking advertisements. Among the three anti-smoking advertisements, tobacco hazard information advertisement was evaluated to be most effective to maintain non-smokers' smoking cessation (234, 92.5%). Tobacco hazard information advertisement was also evaluated to be most effective to make smokers quit smoking (216, 84.7%). Conclusion: Anti-smoking advertisements have a positive effect on non-smoker's willingness to keep smoking and smokers' willingness to quit smoking. In future studies, it would be meaningful to look at the long-term effects of smoking cessation or to evaluate the effectiveness of the more various anti-smoking advertisements.

Distributions of Chromium, Copper, and Arsenic in Soils Adjacent to Stairs, a Deck, and a Sound Barrier Constructed with a Wood Preservative CCA-Treated Timbers (방부제 CCA로 처리된 목재를 사용한 계단, 데크 및 방음벽에 인접한 토양에서 크롬, 구리 및 비소의 분포)

  • Kim He-Kap;Kim Dong-Jin;Park Jeong-Gue;Shin Yong-Seung;Hwang In-Young;Kim Yoon-Kwan
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.54-64
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    • 2006
  • Chromated copper arsenate (CCA), a wood preservative, has been widely used to protect wood products from attacks by bacteria, fungi and insects. However, the use of CCA is currently forbidden or limited to some applications in many countries because the toxic elements (Cr, Cu, and As) of CCA are released into the environments during outdoor uses, which may cause adverse health effects on humans and ecological systems. This study was conducted to investigate the distributions of chromium, copper and arsenic in soils adjacent to two CCA-treated wood structures. In a 7 month old pond entry structure, ten surface soil samples (0-2.5 cm) were collected at lateral distances of 0, 0.5, and 1 m from the stairway, and nine surface soil samples were collected beneath the deck. Nine top soil samples were taken from a 2 year old sound barrier structure at lateral distances of 0, 1, and 2 m. Background surface soil samples were also collected from each structure. Samples were analyzed for some physicochemical properties such as pH, electrical conductivity, organic matter content, and soil texture. Following the extraction of the elements with a microwave digestion system, samples were analyzed for Cr, Cu, and As. The concentrations of the three elements in soils adjacent to the structures were significantly elevated compared to the background levels, indicating that the elements have been leached out of the structures. Released e1ements showed lateral concentration gradients within 1 m. The elevations of the three elements in soils underneath the deck did not seem different (background-corrected concentrations: Cr, 5.01 mg/kg; Cu, 5.50 mg/kg; As, 4.91 mg/kg), while the elements in soils near the sound barrier were elevated in the order of As>Cu>Cr with measured concentrations of 49.7, 44.7 and 52.5 mg/kg, respectively. Background As, Cu, and Cr concentrations near the sound barrier were 9.88, 30.8, and 46.5 mg/kg, respectively. These results showed that CCA constituents are released into the environment and it is suggested that risk assessment need to be conducted to investigate harmful effects of the released elements on humans and ecological systems.

Determination of Heterocyclic Amines and Acrylamide in Agricultural Products with Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry

  • Lee, Kyung-Jun;Lee, Gae-Ho;Kim, HaeSol;Oh, Min-Seok;Chu, Seok;Hwang, In Ju;Lee, Jee-yeon;Choi, Ari;Kim, Cho-il;Park, Hyun-Mee
    • Toxicological Research
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.255-264
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    • 2015
  • Heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and acrylamide are unintended hazardous substances generated by heating or processing of foods and are known as carcinogenic and mutagenic agents by the animal experiments. A simple method was established for a rapid and accurate determination of 12 types of HCAs (IQ, MeIQ, Glu-P-1, Glu-P-2, MeIQx, Trp-P-1, Trp-P-2, PhIP, AαC, MeAαC, Harman and Norharman) and acrylamide in three food matrices (non-fat liquid, non-fat solid and fat solid) by isotope dilution liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). In every sample, a mixture of internal standards including IQd3, MeIQxd3, PhIPd3, TrpP213C215N and MeAαCd3 was spiked for quantification of HCAs and 13C3-acrylamide was also spiked for the analysis of acrylamide. HCAs and acrylamide in sample were extracted with acetonitrile and water, respectively, and then two solid-phase extraction cartridges, ChemElut: HLB for HCAs and Accucat: HLB for acrylamide, were used for efficiently removing interferences such as pigment, lipid, polar, nonpolar and ionic compounds. Established method was validated in terms of recovery, accuracy, precision, limit of detection, limit of quantitation, and linearity. This method showed good precision (RSD < 20%), accuracy (71.8~119.1%) and recovery (66.0~118.9%). The detection limits were < 3.1 ng/g for all analytes. The correlation coefficients for all the HCAs and acrylamide were > 0.995, showing excellent linearity. These methods for the detection of HCAs and acrylamide by LC-MS/MS were applied to real samples and were successfully used for quantitative monitoring in the total diet study and this can be applied to risk assessment in various food matrices.

Risk Assessment on the Water BOT Business Participation in China : Domestic EPC Contractor's View (해외기업의 중국 수처리 BOT시장 참여 저해 위험요인 분석 : 국내 EPC 건설기업의 관점)

  • Choi, Jae-ho;Li, Shoushuang;Lee, Seungho
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.5D
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    • pp.695-703
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    • 2008
  • China water market has huge potential for increased use of BOT mode and one of the most attractive markets of doing business. However, the current China water BOT market shows that many foreign companies are retreating from the market while Chinese water companies fast growing. From the view no domestic companies have track records in China BOT water market, the research identified twenty market access barriers in terms of construction laws, regulations, BOT-related policy and the recent market situation. These are evaluated based on interview results with 10 professionals direct or indirect having a China water BOT experience. All the factors are found to be highly influential to foreign company's decision on the market participation. Among those, no fixed return policy and low water price, difficulty in water price adjustment and approval, and no government guarantees, all directly related to the project viability and under the control of government, were the most critical factors, implying government's role is the key in increasing the market competition by attracting more foreign participation on the market. In addition, new construction law regulating foreign EPC contractor's construction work, namely Decree 113, and requirement of applying competitive bidding in selecting EPC contractor in a BOT project are also considered signigicant barriers on foreign participation, which contradicts international norm and therefore necessitates an adjustment on current decision process in domestic companies.

Assessment of Public Engagement Approach in Various Project Stages: The Case Study of Central Market, Hong Kong

  • Wong, Crystal;Chan, Icy;Lam, Lily;Zayed, Tarek;Sun, Yi
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2020.12a
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    • pp.267-277
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    • 2020
  • The present research evaluates the public engagement approach in various project stages. Hong Kong had long been criticized as top-down and executive-led jurisdiction by overlooking the importance of cultural heritage and public concerns on public projects. It was suggested to the government to engage public and provide sufficient public consultation. Thereby, the government announced a series of revitalization and conversion measures in Policy Address in 2008. To carry out the measures, there were voices, because of diverse and sometimes conflicting interests, over the effect of revitalization project. On the other hand, studies reveal that there are benefits of revitalization and enhancement of public engagement approach. In pursuit of the subject, the present research aims at studying the Central Market as a case study pilot project. In October 2009, the Policy Address announced that the Central Market be revitalized. Tasked to implement the project, Urban Renewal Authority (URA) continued to adopt the people-oriented approach as the guiding principle in its core business and in heritage preservation and revitalization so as to create a sustainable development. Between government and the public, URA acts as a bridge for communication. As between URA and the public, URA conducted public consultation, set up an ad-hoc committee in January 2016 to be in charge of the project and will continuously inform the government and public with the updates and project progress. The main objectives of the present research are to assess the advantages and challenges in different stages of public engagement approach, to evaluate the engagement system, to give a comprehensive view for participation of stakeholders, and to find out effective strategies to enhance civil engagement. Research was achieved through interviews to key persons in the project, questionnaire that was distributed to community and experts in the field. Case Study of the Central Market was studied and investigated using different sources, such as newspapers, journals, etc, to evaluate the degree of public engagement in the project. Both detailed qualitative methodological approaches of interview, questionnaire, and case study, act as a synergy to demonstrate the research objectives and provide the comprehensive perceptions on the revitalization project. The results show that public participants in revitalized project have generated considerable value enhancements to social-cultural, environmental, political and economic aspect. This study provides valuable insights that the public participation can make positive contribution to sustainability in the city. The findings indicate that no any single system is flawless therefore seeking both public opinions and professional advices are also important as a comprehensive approach to achieve higher sustainability of the building.

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Wetland Function Evaluation and Expert Assessment of Organic Rice-Fish Mixed Farming System (유기농 벼-담수어 복합영농의 습지기능평가 및 전문가 조사)

  • Nam, Hongsik;Park, Kwanglai;An, Nanhee;Lee, Sangmin;Cho, Junglai;Kim, Bongrae;Lim, Jongahk;Lee, Changwon;Choi, Seonu;Kim, Changhyun;Kong, Minjae;Son, Jinkwan
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.161-172
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    • 2018
  • A mixed farming system that includes organic rice production and freshwater fish farming is being called into attention in Korean agricultural industry and rural areas in order to improve farm management and environmental conservation. This study was conducted to evaluate the environmental and ecological value of such mixed farming practices. Expert assessment and rapid assessment method (RAM) of wetland evaluation were employed for this study. Experts have responded that biodiversity conservation including amphibian and reptile habitat (2.39), aquatic insect habitat (2.36), Fishery habitat (2.34), vegetation diversity (2.13), avian habitat (2.05), and experience and education were the most important function of mixed farming. The wetland function evaluation conducted using modified RAM indicated that rice-fish mixed system showed improvements in most of the evaluated functions, compared to the conventional rice paddies. The overall wetland function of rice paddies in rice-fish mixed system was greatly improved as compared with the conventional rice paddies. Rice paddies are known to play an important role in biodiversity maintenance, and provide ecosystem services such as climate modulation and carbon reduction. Rice-fish mixed system of farming may not only improve various ecosystem services of rice paddies, but may increase farm income through value added fish farming, as well as promotion of social services such as education and maintenance of tradition. Additional research is needed for quantitative analysis of the values gained from the most improved wetland function when mixed farming system is actually put into practice, and to utilize the results in advertising of the organic rice, and in various sectors such as food, education and direct payment policy.