• 제목/요약/키워드: Enterprise resource planning system

검색결과 190건 처리시간 0.023초

A Study on Establishment of Small and Medium Business Information Security Plan under Resource Restrictions (자원 제약하의 중소기업 정보보안계획 수립방안 연구)

  • Kwon, Jang-Kee;Kim, kyung-Ihl
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • 제7권2호
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    • pp.119-124
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    • 2017
  • Information is a valuable asset regardless of the size of the enterprise and information security is an essential element for the survival and prosperity of the enterprise. However, in the case of large corporations, Security is ensured through rapid introduction of information security management system. but In the case of SMEs, security systems are not built or construction is delayed due to complex factors such as budget constraints, insufficient security guidelines, lack of security awareness. In this paper, we analyze the actual situation of information security management of SMEs through questionnaires, and We would like to suggest a comprehensive security plan for SMEs in free or inexpensive ways. We believe that by applying the method presented in this paper, SMEs will be able to implement the lowest cost basic information security and will benefit SMEs who plan to establish an information security plan.

An Implementation of Intefrated Database for Electronic Medical Record System in East-West Medical Collabration (${\cdot}$양방 협진 전자의무기록 시스템 구축을 위한 통합 데이터베이스 구축)

  • Ahn, Yo-Chan;Oh, Sang-Bong
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • 제12권2호
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    • pp.129-143
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    • 2005
  • In recent years, two major streams in medical information systems are:1) system integration among OCS(Order Communication System), EMR(Electronic Medical Record), PACS(Picture Archiving and Communication System), and ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning) and 2) system integration through medical collaboration between East and West medical service providers. One of the characteristics which differentiate the Korean medical industry from the western medical industry is the East-West medical collaboration. In many respects there are many differences between East and West medical treatment. Although East and West medical treatment have developed from different medical philosophies and standards, we assume that the better medical care can be provided by integrating their medical procedures effectively. The two possible approaches to the integration of East and West medical information systems are suggested in this paper:One is loosely coupled model and the other is tightly coupled model. EMR improves the quality of medical record which reflects the quality of clinical practice. It provides more efficient and convenient way of input, retrieval, storage, communication and management of medical data. We abstracted the standard medical procedures from the two medical procedures performed in Daejeon Oriental Hospital and Hehwa Clinic at Daejeon University and also abstracted database schema by analyzing the characteristics of information needed in East-West medical collaboration. Our EMR is composed of two types of data:one is structured data and the other is unstructured data, which are formalized by SOAP(Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Plan) format. Currently the integrated system is implemented and operated successfully for six months.

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Streamlining ERP Deployment in Nepal's Oil and Gas Industry: A Case Analysis

  • Dipa Adhikari;Bhanu Shrestha;Surendra Shrestha;Rajan Nepal
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • 제12권3호
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    • pp.140-147
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    • 2024
  • Oil and gas industry is a unique sector with complex activities, long supply chains and strict rules for the business. It is important to use enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems to address these challenges as it helps in simplifying operations, improving efficiency and facilitating evidence-based decision making. Nonetheless, successful integration of ERP systems in this industry involves careful planning, customization and alignment with specific business processes including regulatory requirements. Several critical factors, such as strong change management, support of top managers and training that works have been identified in the study. Amongst the hurdles are employee resistance towards the changes, data migration complications and integration with existing systems. Nonetheless, NOCL's ERP implementation resulted in significant improvements in operating efficiency, better data visibility and compliance management. It also led to a decrease in financial reporting timeframes, more accurate inventory tracking and improved decision-making capabilities. The study provides useful insights on how to optimize oil and gas sector ERP implementations; key among them is practical advice including strengthening change management strategies, prioritizing data security and collaborating with ERP vendors. The research highlights the importance of tailoring ERP solutions to specific industry needs as well as emphasizes the strategic role of ongoing monitoring/feedback for future benefits sustainability.

Development of Mobile Camera Vision System and Build of Wire.Wireless Integration ERP System (모바일 카메라 비전 시스템 개발과 유.무선 통합 ERP 시스템 구축)

  • Lee, Hyae-Jung;Shin, Hyun-Cheol;Joung, Suck-Tae
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • 제7권2호
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    • pp.81-89
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    • 2007
  • Mobile computing environment that support so that can offer employees inside information that enterprise has always improves business productivity and fetches efficiency enlargement. In this paper, limit model that can process ERP information by real-time as easy and convenient always utilizing radio network and PDA, Mobile camera based on Mobile vision concept. Calculable information between seller and customer is supplied supplying real-time brand image and information by practical use of Enterprise Resource Planning doing based on Mobile. Technical development and commercialization that utilize mobility, enforcement stronghold, portability etc. that is advantage of Mobile communication are required. In this paper, mobility of precious metals.jewel field that use portable terminal equipment taking advantage of a Mobile technology is secured. Constructed Mobile vision system that satisfy photography and bar-code scan at the same time from Mobile camera.

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Verification of ERP Standard Time Using TOC Technique and Improvement of MES Routing Point (TOC 기법을 적용한 ERP 표준시간 검증 및 MES 공정실적개선)

  • Kim, Sung-Min;Ahn, Jaekyoung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • 제41권4호
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    • pp.22-33
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    • 2018
  • Recently domestic manufacturing companies have been experiencing worsening profitability and stunted growth due to the long-term economic recession and the rapid rise of developing countries such as China and Southeast Asia. These difficulties force many companies to concentrate their core competencies on new value creation and innovation in order to gain momentum for new growth. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) has been considered as one of viable solutions. Among the various modules in ERP, shop floor control function in the production management module is rather limited. In order to overcome this problem, Manufacturing Execution System (MES) has been used as a subsystem which has a strong information gathering power and flexibility. Both systems interact closely with each other. In particular, ERP requires fast, accurate shop floor information at MES. This paper describes how to synchronize relevant information between ERP and MES with theory of constraints (TOC). The processing time information transmitted from the MES workplace is received at the ERP workplace. In the process, the received processing time is causing information distortion in ERP, when the information gathering standard of MES is different from the ERP information interpretation standard. The Drum-Buffer-Rope theory of TOC was applied to resolve this problem, therefore, information synchronization between both systems was made. As a precondition, the standard time of the upper ERP system was rearranged according to the capacity constraints resource. As a result, standard time restructuring has affected changes in labor costs. Standard labor costs have come close to actual ones, and information synchronization of MES transmission data has improved the reliability of standard product costs, such that it enabled various company-wide restructuring actions to be much more effective.

A Study on the ERP system introduction direction for Office Automation (사무자동화를 위한 ERP 시스템 도입 방향에 관한 고찰)

  • 남태희
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.95-102
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    • 2004
  • This treatise is not sparing many efforts and investment for efficient improvement of business about limited office automation because the latest corporations apply various internet and ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning) system. Corporations as information -oriented society is made up information analysis and corporation new information creation, automation of business and productivity by purpose in ERP system induction gradual investment do. Embodied ERP system to invent corporation business automation and productive profit in treatise that see according1y investigated existing system, web, gear relation with intranet and validity by present corporation business application, and investigated about effect that ERP system gets in corporation hereafter.

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On Study for the CIM By DAS(DATA Acquisition System) (CIM구축을 위한 생산현장의 정보화 사례연구)

  • Lee, Jong-Hyung;Lee, Youn-Heui
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • 제8권2호
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    • pp.69-76
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    • 2005
  • This study for Customer Satisfaction(Customer Focus) by Profit security' in the field Process improvement activity and man-power upgrade by DAS(DATA Acquisition System) in the Plant that is fusion Off Line and On Line(IT), Especially the basic of the most foundation in the beginning Step of Toyota system is 3-jeong(a standard instrument; right volume, right box, right position), 5S(Seiri, Seiton, Seisoh, Seiketsu, Sitsuke ; KAISEN, KANBNA System(for Logistic), Further more KPC has established the digital environment such as CIM ; Computer Integrated Manufacturing), IMS ; Intelligent Manufacturing System ERP ; Enterprise Resource Planning, DAS; Data Acquisition System, Autonomous QC & SPC etc,.) in order to realize the intelligent informatization, which is core base for obtaining the competitive power and for responding to the various 21C management environment in flexibility. In this digital management environment, continuously and powerfully they would advance for becoming the best of the world. For strategic changes to take place in industry 3 key important factors need to be included ; Integration of tasks function and process, Decentralization of information, Responsibility, Finally simplification of products and product structures.

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An Improved Cost Management Method for ERP System (ERP시스템의 원가 운영 개선 방안)

  • Ahn, Min-Sub;Park, Dong-Gyu
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • 제14권4호
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    • pp.795-802
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    • 2010
  • Currently, the business environment has been rapidly changed due to the fast globalization and development of information technology. Therefore, many companies are trying to change their management system by improving their own decision making systems and innovations. Many domestic enterprises are introducing or considering the ERP system. In the field of ERP management accounting, there are many auxiliary functions for helping efficient internal management analysis for company. In this paper, we proposed and developed an improved method for minimize the variance between standard cost and actual cost of materials of the company. In this method we proposed efficient ERP cost management system considering current cost component including currency and actual material cost and overhead costs.

A Study on the Improvement of Bayesian networks in e-Trade (전자무역의 베이지안 네트워크 개선방안에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, Boon-Do
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • 제9권3호
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    • pp.305-320
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    • 2007
  • With expanded use of B2B(between enterprises), B2G(between enterprises and government) and EDI(Electronic Data Interchange), and increased amount of available network information and information protection threat, as it was judged that security can not be perfectly assured only with security technology such as electronic signature/authorization and access control, Bayesian networks have been developed for protection of information. Therefore, this study speculates Bayesian networks system, centering on ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning). The Bayesian networks system is one of the methods to resolve uncertainty in electronic data interchange and is applied to overcome uncertainty of abnormal invasion detection in ERP. Bayesian networks are applied to construct profiling for system call and network data, and simulate against abnormal invasion detection. The host-based abnormal invasion detection system in electronic trade analyses system call, applies Bayesian probability values, and constructs normal behavior profile to detect abnormal behaviors. This study assumes before and after of delivery behavior of the electronic document through Bayesian probability value and expresses before and after of the delivery behavior or events based on Bayesian networks. Therefore, profiling process using Bayesian networks can be applied for abnormal invasion detection based on host and network. In respect to transmission and reception of electronic documents, we need further studies on standards that classify abnormal invasion of various patterns in ERP and evaluate them by Bayesian probability values, and on classification of B2B invasion pattern genealogy to effectively detect deformed abnormal invasion patterns.

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A Study on the Production Informatization Strategy for Korean SMEs of Manufacturing Industries (I) - Evaluation of Production Informatization Level (중소 제조기업의 생산정보화(MES) 도입 전략에 관한 연구 (I) - 생산정보화 수준 진단 및 평가)

  • Lee, Ju Yeon;Zhao, Wen-Bin;Park, Yang Ho;Lee, Eon;Noh, Sang Do;Jo, Hyunjei;Jo, Yong Ju;Choi, Seog Ou
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • 제30권2호
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    • pp.194-205
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    • 2013
  • In recent years, the main concerns of enterprise management activities is how to strengthen the competitiveness to quickly respond to changes and sustain the growth in business environment. In order to achieve competitiveness and sustainability, a large variety of production informatization systems, such as MES (Manufacturing Execution System), ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), have been introduced to manufacturing companies. However, there have been many problems owing to the reckless introduction of those systems. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the informatization level of the manufacturing company before introducing production informatization systems. This paper presents methodology and system to evaluate the informatization level of manufacturing company. The proposed evaluation method, based on the traditional questionnaire approaches, considers the various characteristics of the company. And then, we proposed models for calculation and production informatization level using 450 results of conducting a survey. Finally, a web-based system was developed for the evaluation of informatization level.