• Title/Summary/Keyword: Engineering Coordinate System

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Comparison of analysis methods of estimating behavior of soil mass above rigid culvert (암거 상부지반의 거동 평가를 위한 해석법 비교)

  • Lee, Seung-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.8
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    • pp.71-77
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    • 2018
  • In order to estimate behavior of soil mass which is located straight up of reinforced concrete culvert, Ritz method and FEM were applied and arching effects between the soil mass and adjacent soil were considered for the analyses. Analysis results obtained from the Ritz method and finite element method were compared with analytical solution. In the case of estimating nodal forces considered in FEM, caution is needed that shear stress depending on depth from ground surface should be reflected regardless of local coordinate system. Comparing the displacements computed from Ritz method with those of the analytic solution, it is seen that as the power of assumed displacement function increases, differences between the computed displacements and those of analytic solution decreases. It seems that displacements of FEM becomes closer to those of analytical solution as the number of elements are increased. It is seen that stresses computed from the Ritz method don't get closer to those of the analytic solution as the power of assumed displacement function. Stresses from FEM become closer to those of analytic solution as the number of elements are increased. Comparing the analysis results from the Ritz method and FEM with those of analytic solution, it can be seen that FEM is more reliable than Ritz method.

Indicators and Planning Features of Ecologically Based Urban Regeneration -Cases from Hamburg, Germany and Copenhagen, Denmark (생태기반형 도시재생의 계획지표 및 특성에 관한 연구 -독일 함부르크와 덴마크 코펜하겐 사례를 중심으로)

  • Rhee, Bum-Hun;Chang, Dong-Min
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.10
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    • pp.158-166
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    • 2018
  • Contrary to urban development, urban regeneration is a process of land development through conservation, restoration, and management. In particular, ecologically based urban regeneration is an attempt to improve the quality of life in an area, establish a stable settlement space, and revitalize the local economy by considering the ecological environment. In this regard, the objectives of this study were to establish theoretical concepts and analyze the successful foreign cases of ecologically based urban regeneration, and propose a direction of socio-economic regeneration along with the physical-environmental regeneration of urban areas in Korea. The study results suggest the following. First, strategies must be developed to coordinate public transportation, such as buses and subways, by considering the importance of bicycle riders, along with the sustainable-commuting system. Second, both the importance of planning parks and trails around water systems in various scales while maintaining the existing natural environment as well as using natural elements, such as electric vehicles and wind-power generation systems, were emphasized. Third, urban regeneration for increased energy efficiency requires specific architectural planning and facilities. Fourth, education and research for easy access by the public, as well as public-private partnership, will be needed in the regeneration process.

Accuracy Evaluation by Point Cloud Data Registration Method (점군데이터 정합 방법에 따른 정확도 평가)

  • Park, Joon Kyu;Um, Dae Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.35-41
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    • 2020
  • 3D laser scanners are an effective way to quickly acquire a large amount of data about an object. Recently, it is used in various fields such as surveying, displacement measurement, 3D data generation of objects, construction of indoor spatial information, and BIM(Building Information Model). In order to utilize the point cloud data acquired through the 3D laser scanner, it is necessary to make the data acquired from many stations through a matching process into one data with a unified coordinate system. However, analytical researches on the accuracy of point cloud data according to the registration method are insufficient. In this study, we tried to analyze the accuracy of registration method of point cloud data acquired through 3D laser scanner. The point cloud data of the study area was acquired by 3D laser scanner, the point cloud data was registered by the ICP(Iterative Closest Point) method and the shape registration method through the data processing, and the accuracy was analyzed by comparing with the total station survey results. As a result of the accuracy evaluation, the ICP and the shape registration method showed 0.002m~0.005m and 0.002m~0.009m difference with the total station performance, respectively, and each registration method showed a deviation of less than 0.01m. Each registration method showed less than 0.01m of variation in the experimental results, which satisfies the 1: 1,000 digital accuracy and it is suggested that the registration of point cloud data using ICP and shape matching can be utilized for constructing spatial information. In the future, matching of point cloud data by shape registration method will contribute to productivity improvement by reducing target installation in the process of building spatial information using 3D laser scanner.

A Numerical Simulation of Three- Dimensional Nonlinear Free surface Flows (3차원 비선형 자유표면 유동의 수치해석)

  • Chang-Gu Kang;In-Young Gong
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.38-52
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    • 1991
  • In this paper, a semi-Lagrangian method is used to solve the nonlinear hydrodynamics of a three-dimensional body beneath the free surface in the time domain. The boundary value problem is solved by using the boundary integral method. The geometries of the body and the free surface are represented by the curved panels. The surfaces are discretized into the small surface elements using a bi-cubic B-spline algorithm. The boundary values of $\phi$ and $\frac{\partial{\phi}}{\partial{n}}$ are assumed to be bilinear on the subdivided surface. The singular part proportional to $\frac{1}{R}$ are subtracted off and are integrated analytically in the calculation of the induced potential by singularities. The far field flow away from the body is represented by a dipole at the origin of the coordinate system. The Runge-Kutta 4-th order algorithm is employed in the time stepping scheme. The three-dimensional form of the integral equation and the boundary conditions for the time derivative of the potential Is derived. By using these formulas, the free surface shape and the equations of motion are calculated simultaneously. The free surface shape and fille forces acting on a body oscillating sinusoidally with large amplitude are calculated and compared with published results. Nonlinear effects on a body near the free surface are investigated.

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3D Digital Design Optimization Process Considering Constructability of Freeform Structure (비정형 구조물의 시공성을 고려한 3차원 디지털 설계 최적화 프로세스)

  • Ryu, Han-Guk
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.35-43
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    • 2013
  • Nowadays the widely used media in architecture include visualizations, animations and three-dimensional models. 3D digital methods using active CAM(Computer Aided Manufacturing) and CNC(Computerized Numerical Control) imaging have been developed for accurate shape and 3D measurements in freeform buildings. In contrast to a conventional building using auto CAD system and others, the proposed digital optimization method is based on a combination of 3D numerical data and parametric 3D model for design and construction. The objective of this paper is therefore to present digital optimization process for constructability of freeform building. The method can be useful in the effective implementation of an error-proofing process of freeform building during design and construction phase. 3D digital coordinate data can be used effectively to identify correct size of structural and finish members and installation location of each members in construction field. In addition, architects, engineers and contractors can evaluate design, materials, constructability and identify error-proofing opportunities. Other project participants can also include representatives from all levels of management, departments as well as workers and key subcontractors' personnel, if necessary. The 3D digital optimization process is therefore appropriate to serious variations in freeform shape. For future study, the developed digital optimization method is necessary to be carried out to verify the robustness and accuracy for constructability in construction field.

A Study on the Thermo-Mechanical Stress of MEMS Device Packages (마이크로 머신(MEMS) 소자 패키지의 열응력에 대한 연구)

  • Jeon, U-Seok;Baek, Gyeong-Uk
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.8 no.8
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    • pp.744-750
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    • 1998
  • Unlike common device, MEMS(micro-electro-mechanical system) device consists of very small mechanical structures which determine the performance of the device. Because of its small mechanical structure inside. MEMS device is very sensitive to thermal stress caused by CTE(coefficient of thermal expansion) mismatch between its components. Therefore, its characteristics are affected by material properties. process temperature. and dimensions of each layer such as chip, adhesive and substrate. In this study. we investigated the change of the thermal stress in the chip attached to a substrate. With computer-aided finite element method (FEM), the computer simulation of the thermal stress was conducted on variables such as bonding material, process temperature, bonding layer thickness and die size. The commercial simulation program, ABAQUS ver5.6, was used. Subsequently 3-layer test samples were fabricated, and their degree of bending were measured by 3-D coordinate measuring machine. The experimental results were in good agreement with the simulation results. This study shows that the bonding layer could be the source of stress or act as the buffer layer for stress according to its elastic modulus and CTE. Solder adhesive layer was the source of stress due to its high elastic modulus, therefore high compressive stress was developed in the chip. And the maximum tensile stress was developed in the adhesive layer. On the other hand, polymer adhesive layer with low elastic modulus acted as buffer layer, and resulted in lower compressive stress. The maximum tensile stress was developed in the substrate.

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Automated Image Matching for Satellite Images with Different GSDs through Improved Feature Matching and Robust Estimation (특징점 매칭 개선 및 강인추정을 통한 이종해상도 위성영상 자동영상정합)

  • Ban, Seunghwan;Kim, Taejung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.38 no.6_1
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    • pp.1257-1271
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    • 2022
  • Recently, many Earth observation optical satellites have been developed, as their demands were increasing. Therefore, a rapid preprocessing of satellites became one of the most important problem for an active utilization of satellite images. Satellite image matching is a technique in which two images are transformed and represented in one specific coordinate system. This technique is used for aligning different bands or correcting of relative positions error between two satellite images. In this paper, we propose an automatic image matching method among satellite images with different ground sampling distances (GSDs). Our method is based on improved feature matching and robust estimation of transformation between satellite images. The proposed method consists of five processes: calculation of overlapping area, improved feature detection, feature matching, robust estimation of transformation, and image resampling. For feature detection, we extract overlapping areas and resample them to equalize their GSDs. For feature matching, we used Oriented FAST and rotated BRIEF (ORB) to improve matching performance. We performed image registration experiments with images KOMPSAT-3A and RapidEye. The performance verification of the proposed method was checked in qualitative and quantitative methods. The reprojection errors of image matching were in the range of 1.277 to 1.608 pixels accuracy with respect to the GSD of RapidEye images. Finally, we confirmed the possibility of satellite image matching with heterogeneous GSDs through the proposed method.

Characteristics of Subsurface Movement and Safety of the Songsanri Tomb Site of the Baekje Dynasty using Tiltmeter System (경사도변화 계측을 통한 백제 송산리 고분군의 지하 벽체거동특성과 안정성)

  • 서만철;박은주
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.191-205
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    • 1997
  • Measurements on subsurface movement of the Songsanri tomb site including the Muryong royal tomb was conducted using a tiltmeter system for the period of 15 months form July 7, 1996 to September 30, 1997. Two coordinate tilt monitoring data shows the biggest movement rate of 2.3mm/m/yr toward south in the frontal wall(N-S tilt) of the Muryong royal tomb. Southward tilting of bricks above the southern fire place in the western wall of the Muryong royal tomb is a proof of southward tilting of the royal tomb since its excavation in 1971. The eastern wall of the Muryong royal tomb is also tilting toward inside the tomb with the rate of 1.523mm/m/yr. Furthermore, tilting rate of wall increases twice in rainy season. It is interpreted tbat infiltration of water into the tomb and nearby ground in rainy season results in dangerous status for the safety of tomb structure. On the whole, normal component tilting of the walls of the 5th tomb is large than its shear component. It shows a small displacement toward one direction without no abrupt change in its direction and amount of tilting. The tilting rate of walls of the 6th tomb is about 8.8mm/m/yr in the dry season which is much bigger than those of other tombs in rainy season. Deformation events of walls of the tombs are closely related to amount of precipitation and variation of temperature. In comparison with different weather conditions, tilting is much bigger during the period of rainy weather than sunny weather. It is interpreted that rainwater flew into the turm through faults and nearby ground. High water content in nearby ground resulted strength of ground. The tilting event of walls shows a hysterisis phenomenon in analysis of temperature effect on tilting event. The walls tilt rapidly with steep rising of temperature, but the tilted walls do not come back to original position with temperature falling. Therefore, a factor of steep increase of the temperature must be removed. It means the tomb have to be kept with constant temperature. The observation of groundwater level using three boreholes located in construction site and original ground represented that groundwater level in construction site is higher than that of original ground during the rainy season from the end of June to August. It means that the drainage system of the Muryong royal tomb is worse than original ground, and it is interpreted that the poor drainage system is related to safety of tomb structure. As above mentioned, it is interpreted that artificial changes of the tomb environment since the excavation, infiltration of rainwater and groundwater into the tomb site and poor drainage system had resulted in dangerous situation for the tomb structure. According to the result of the long period observation for the tomb site, it is interpreted that protection of the tomb site from high water content should be carried out at first, and the rise of temperature by means of the dehumidifier inside the tomb must be removed.

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Analysis on the Positional Accuracy of the Non-orthogonal Two-pair kV Imaging Systems for Real-time Tumor Tracking Using XCAT (XCAT를 이용한 실시간 종양 위치 추적을 위한 비직교 스테레오 엑스선 영상시스템에서의 위치 추정 정확도 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, Hanseong;Kim, Youngju;Oh, Ohsung;Lee, Seho;Jeon, Hosang;Lee, Seung Wook
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.143-152
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    • 2015
  • In this study, we aim to design the architecture of the kV imaging system for tumor tracking in the dual-head gantry system and analyze its accuracy by simulations. We established mathematical formulas and algorithms to track the tumor position with the two-pair kV imaging systems when they are in the non-orthogonal positions. The algorithms have been designed in the homogeneous coordinate framework and the position of the source and the detector coordinates are used to estimate the tumor position. 4D XCAT (4D extended cardiac-torso) software was used in the simulation to identify the influence of the angle between the two-pair kV imaging systems and the resolution of the detectors to the accuracy in the position estimation. A metal marker fiducial has been inserted in a numerical human phantom of XCAT and the kV projections were acquired at various angles and resolutions using CT projection software of the XCAT. As a result, a positional accuracy of less than about 1mm was achieved when the resolution of the detector is higher than 1.5 mm/pixel and the angle between the kV imaging systems is approximately between $90^{\circ}$ and $50^{\circ}$. When the resolution is lower than 1.5 mm/pixel, the positional errors were higher than 1mm and the error fluctuation by the angles was greater. The resolution of the detector was critical in the positional accuracy for the tumor tracking and determines the range for the acceptable angle range between the kV imaging systems. Also, we found that the positional accuracy analysis method using XCAT developed in this study is highly useful and will be a invaluable tool for further refined design of the kV imaging systems for tumor tracking systems.

Analysis of Georeferencing Accuracy in 3D Building Modeling Using CAD Plans (CAD 도면을 활용한 3차원 건축물 모델링의 Georeferencing 정확도 분석)

  • Kim, Ji-Seon;Yom, Jae-Hong;Lee, Dong-Cheon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.117-131
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    • 2007
  • Representation of building internal space is an active research area as the need for more geometrically accurate and visually realistic increases. 3 dimensional representation is common ground of research for disciplines such as computer graphics, architectural design and engineering and Geographic Information System (GIS). In many cases CAD plans are the starting point of reconstruction of 3D building models. The main objectives of building reconstruction in GIS applications are visualization and spatial analysis. Hence, CAD plans need to be preprocessed and edited to adapt to the data models of GIS SW and then georeferenced to enable spatial analysis. This study automated the preprocessing of CAD data using AutoCAD VBA (Visual Basic Application), and the processed data was topologically restructured for further analysis in GIS environment. Accuracy of georeferencing CAD data was also examined by comparing the results of coordinate transformation by using digital maps and GPS measurements as the sources of ground control points. The reconstructed buildings were then applied to visualization and network modeling.