Objectives : Objectiveness and accuracy of numbers could allow for a new way of understanding the principle of Ten Heavenly Stems(THS) and Twelve Earthly Branches(TEB) when applied. Methods : The order of the THS and TEB, the Five phases of direction and change, conversion of other, conversion of self of the Stems and Branches were examined through numbers. Results & Conclusions : The numerical combination of the Stems and Branches depends on the identification of the Three Points. Conversion of self of the Heavenly Stems are as follows: for 甲 3+5=8, for 乙 8+4=12, for 丙 7+1=8, for 丁 2+8=10, for 戊 5+7=12, for 己 10+10=20, for 庚 9+9=18, for 辛 4+6=10, for 壬 1+3=4, for 癸 6+2=8. Conversion of self of the Earthly Branches are as follows: for 子 1+2=3, for 丑 5+5=10, for 寅 3+2=5, for 卯 8+4=12, for 辰 5+1=6, for 巳 2+8=10, for 午 7+7=14, for 未 10+10=20, for 申 9+7=16, for 酉 4+9=13, for 戌 5+6=11, for 亥 6+3=9. Here the Stems and Branches could be understood intensively. Among the Stems and Branches, the Great Points are 壬, 癸, 戌, 亥, 子, Emperor Points are 甲, 戊, 丑, 午, and Empty Points are 己, 未.