• Title/Summary/Keyword: Emotion-Structure

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Research on the Structure of 4 Panel Comic Strips and Rhetoric Expression for the Education of Comic Contents: with of Kyunghyangsinmoon (만화콘텐츠 교육을 위한 네칸만화 구조와 수사법 연구: 경향신문 <장도리>를 중심으로)

  • Park, Keong-Cheol
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.19
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    • pp.17-35
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    • 2010
  • We can say that there are several majors in the course of cartoon education of college; cartoon, manpyung, 4 panel comic strips, editorial cartoon, webtoon and so on. Among them, this study starts with concrete question; "How can we encourage students to understand 4 panel comic strips better in the educational course of 4 panel comic strips?" 4 panel comic strips divided into two groups, depending on the materials. The first is daily cartoon which depicts the emotion in daily life. The second is editorial cartoon which deals with the problems of society in the ironical and witty way. Judging from my own thoughts that it would be better in the understanding and analysis of structures to take editorial cartoon in which materials are confined to social problems, this study treats rhetoric expression and structures of 4 panel comic strips. Introduction, development, turn and conclusion of "Jangdori" on Kyunghyangsinmoon are good materials for this study. So, "Jangdori" is in the center of this study. The objective of this study is to provide knowledge in creating 4 panel comic strips with the understanding the area of 4 panel comic strips through the analysis of the rhetoric expression and structures of this field. Even though this study has a limit, no access to daily 4 panel comic strips, I hope that this study would be a little help in any places in which the education of 4 panel comic strips is needed as a part of a course of cartoon in college.

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The Expressionism on the Modern costume (20세기 현대복식에 나타난 표현주의)

  • 채금석;양숙희
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.24
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    • pp.121-142
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    • 1995
  • The Expressionism took shape in the early twentieth century, so called as the time of change and innovation which intermediated between the time of extreme prosperity and peace and the time of disruption. This study is based on the wide sense of Expressionism out of various concepts of Expressionism. The afore-mentioned phenomenon was emphasized all the more in the French Expressionism and it is the most important and substantial object in the Art to make a direct transference of emotion , feeling and thought and it could be regarded as one of characteristics of the French Expressionism . In Addition, the Expressionism produced " Aesthetics on Ugliness "Aesthetics des H lichen )" in creating work of art. It was an expression of the Existentialism based on Humanism for modern people who lived at time of nihility and such artistic movement accepted polarity and ambivalance concepts claimed by Nietzsche into three specific fields in accordance with thought and technique in the work of art and those are the Intuitional Expressionism. Cubistic Expressionism and Fantastic Expressionism. This study makes a close analysis of costume style trends on the basis of the categorized Expressionism enumerated as above. The characteristics of Intuitional Expressionism is that poverty and a sense of alienation dominated all society and thus the social reality brought a trend of social participation . This social reality effected significantly modern costume style and a reformative costume turned up at last . This reformative costume was classified into Gar onne look, Military look and Lingerie look by characteristics of style in order to make a close examination for the relationship between social reality and the reformative structure. Cubistic Expressionism effected costume forming and changed costume style through " Deformation " and " Distortion" in forming technique , and also it has developed geometrical style of costume, which could be symbolized by mechanism. And on the other hand, this Cubistic Expressionism has emphasized exaggerated expression ability to produce rigid and stiff style of costume. Fantastic Expression pursued basic artistic worth from the primitive and ethnic customs and accepted fantastic oriental Exoticism . This Fantastic Expressionism effected costume style of twentieh century and such designers as Lon Bakst, Paul Poiret, Elsa Schiapareli adopted intentive primary color. It also applied " Depaysment" to modern costume style , which introduced avant-garde design to give an impact through destruction of the existing traditional concept. This study also analized seven major representative costume designers of the early twentieth century. They are L on Bakst, Paul Poiret, Madeline Vionnet, JeanPatou, Gabriel Chanel and Elsa Schiaparelli. These designers deployed creative costume design work with peculiar expression technique based on the French expressionism. The costume study related to art history was so far made mostly to approach costume forming but only a few study is found to have approached idealistic background of art history in connection with creating costume. From that point of view, it is profoundly significant for this study to analize idealistic background and characteristics of Expressionism and relationship between costume and expressionism and to examine modern costume of twntieth century in conjunction with technical characteristics and spiritual sense of Expresionism.eristics and spiritual sense of Expresionism.

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The Lived Experiences of Inpatients' Families in the Intensive Care Units (중환자실 입원환자 가족의 경험)

  • Hwang, Hye Nam;Kim, Kwuy Bun
    • Korean Journal of Adult Nursing
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.175-183
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    • 2000
  • The study was done by applying a phenomenological study, which is qualitative research methods, in order to understand the meaning of the lived experiences, to confirm and describe the meaning structure, and to prepare nursing interventive strategies centering around the meanings of the inpatients' families in the intensive care units. In the study, the family members were the main important nursing providers for in the inpatients' who were admitted in the neurosurgical intensive care unit in K-university hospital and who agreed to participate in the study after being given on explanation about the purpose of the study. The data were collected from the seven participants who had feelings of trust and intimacy favorable toward the researcher as they were families of patients who had been cared for by the researcher in the ICU where the researcher has been assigned. The data were collected from April to October, 1999. The participants described their experiences as candidly as possible. The researcher described closely the lived experiences with their own words and the observations of the researcher. A tape recorder was used with the consent of the participants to prevent nursing information and communication. The analysis of the data was made through the phenomenological analytic method suggested by Giorgi; as an unit of description, which include the participants' expressions and the researcher's observations, the analysis was used based on the data described from the expressions of the participants and the details of observations of the researcher. The conclusions of the study were as follows : The meanings of the lived experience of the inpatients' families in the ICU was confirmed by indepth interviews and observations including these of the participatants : (1) Psychological impact: confusion, impatience, surprise, insensibility; (2) Physical suffering: fatigue, discomfort, indigestion; (3) Psychological suffering: heartbreaking emotion, anxiety, annoyance, fear, compassion, grief; (4) Economical suffering: economical difficulties; (5) Psychological disagreement: escape from reality, personnel avoidance, grudge, powerlessness, carefulness, transposition of life-tract, abandonment, role-crisis, hope, lack of understanding, regret, feeling of ambivalence(progressive process, medical personnel interest); (6) Psychological dependency; self-reliance group support, family support, religious support; (7) Psychological acceptance; acquaintance, gratitude, reassurance; The study will offer better understanding of experiences therefore, based on the experiences confirmed by the study, it may facilitate more appropriate nursing interventive strategies for health maintenance and to prevent occurrence of possible problems with the inpatients' families in the ICUs.

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Effects of Executive Compassion and Forgiving Behavior on Organizational Activities and Performance (중소기업에서 경영자의 배려와 용서가 학습조직 활동과 조직성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Soo-Yong;Hawang, Moon-Young;Chol, Eun-Soo
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.105-118
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    • 2015
  • Purpose - Currently, strengthening small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) in terms of competitiveness is a key economic issue. However, the problem is that many SMEs lack the internal competence required to cope with a rapidly changing market structure. Such problems can act as an obstacle to economic development, yet most SMEs in Korea are dealing with this problem today. A company's source of competitive advantage is changing from quantity to quality, facility to knowledge, and hardwork to creativity. Under such circumstances, a company should place learning and sharing of knowledge and continuously creating new knowledge as its priority. This study aims to identify the effect of a chief executive officer's (CEO) compassion and forgiveness - positive factors in organizational emotion - on learning organization activities and organizational performance, through a theoretical comparison. Research design, data, and methodology - For this study, SMEs based in Daejeon and Chungcheong area were selected. To secure credibility of the data, the subjects were selected among those who have been working at the business for six months or longer. The survey was conducted for 30 days from March 5, 2015 to April 5, 2015. Both offline and online surveys were conducted. Fifty companies were chosen and 700 questionnaires were distributed, with 506 used for analysis. Fifty subject companies (25 from Daejeon, 10 from Chungnam, 10 from Chungbuk, and five from Sejong) were selected and the objective, target, and survey content were explained to a manager at each company either face-to-face or on the phone. Of the total of 700 questionnaires distributed via mail or e-mail, 78.6% or 550 copies were returned. Excluding 44 insufficient questionnaires, the remainder, 506 questionnaires, were used for analysis. Results - This study analyzed how the CEO's compassion and forgiveness affects learning organization activities and organizational performance. First, compassion of the CEO at the SMEs directly affected the learning organization activities and indirectly affected the organizational performance. Second, forgiveness of the CEO at the SMEs did not affect the learning organization activities and organizational performance directly or indirectly. Conclusions - The study conclusions are as follows. First, CEO compassionate behavior at the SMEs was a significant variable that directly and indirectly affected learning organization activities and organizational performance. Therefore, the CEO of an SME can create a positive organizational atmosphere through compassionate behaviors in the organization. Second, the forgiving behavior of the CEO did not have direct or indirect effects on learning organization activities and organizational performance. However, the reason for a CEO to continue his or her forgiving behavior is because it strengthens employee resilience, commitment, and self-efficacy to protect the organization from negative influences such as layoffs, risks, and wrongdoings. The action of forgiveness does not have direct or indirect effects. However, the CEO shall continue such behavior to strengthen members' physiological resilience, commitment, and self - effectiveness, and to protect the organization from risks including layoff and external negative factors.

A Study of Changes in Consumption Values Shown in Women's Magazines - Focus on Advertisement Content in Women's Magazines from 1955 to 2008 - (여성잡지광고에 나타난 소비가치의 변화와 광고소구방법 및 문장표현방법 분석연구 - 1955~2008년 여성잡지광고내용 분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Ko, Eun-Ju;Do, Hyun-Ji;Kim, Seon-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.226-241
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    • 2010
  • This study details the history and characteristics of consumption values, text style analyses, and appeal types expressed in magazine commercials from 1955 to 2008. This study analyzes the level of the social structure of commercial expression for each period. Consumption values based on the categories of consumption values by Sheth (1991) were classified through a total commercials analysis. Analyses on closing types of sentences, types of sentences, and rhetorical figures were executed focusing on headline text and text style. Appealing types were composed of rational, emotional, and ethical appeals. For analysis, the crosstab analysis and chi-square test of SPSS are used. The results are as follow. Seven values were constructed, functional value, social value, emotional value, conditional value, epistemic value, fashionable value, and indistinct value. The ratio of emotional value was the highest and functional value, epistemic value conditional value, fashionable value, social value, and indistinct value followed. The emotional value social value, conditional value, fashionable value, and epistemic value that focused on the emotion of consumers increased, while the functional value decreased. Sentences that use narrative styles, hyperboles, and metaphors that increased the interest of readers were dominantly used in the headline texts. For sentence expression, a declarative sentence in a sentence type, exciting curiosity in the expression method where hyperbole and figures of speech in rhetorical expressions are used most often. Emotional appeal was used almost twice more than the reasonable appeal for appeal types of the total commercial. The lower level of reasonable appeal is information that provides the product function. Interest and expression (such as pleasure and achievement) were used most often for emotional appeal. These results show that the most important issue is the emotional value in consumption in understanding the consumer. Marketing managers should also be aware of the functional value as well as an emotional value.

The Political Fandom of Korean and the Acceptance of the Film : ,(2013) vs.,(2014) (한국인의 정치적 팬덤 정서와 영화의 수용 : <변호인>,(2013)과 <국제시장>,(2014)을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Bae Suk
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.289-304
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    • 2018
  • The fandom phenomenon of political emotion originated from ideological conflicts between the conservative and the progressive amplifies social conflicts in South Korea in interpreting and accepting films as culture media. The purpose of this paper is to examine why the structure of political consciousness in South Korea is fandomized, what is the acceptance of cinema at the center of the controversy of political ideology, and what is the desirable attitude of film reception. I conducted a discourse analysis that closely examined the debates and articles on the internet regarding ,(2013) and ,(2014) which were controversial in terms of conservatism and progressivism. As a result, First, while Korean society has not constituted a consensus on modern and contemporary history, it has easily led the acceptance of cinema to the controversy surrounding the political ideology. Second, the failure of constructing consensual memories of modern and contemporary history has made the conservative and the progressive not acknowledge the other's achievements. Third, film interpretation and meaning production are ultimately the roles of the audience, and on interpretation, diversity should be respected but conformity would be rejected. Film acceptance and interpretation should focus on rational awareness of social reality and would reflect on the social ideal objectively.

The study of Internal Meaning of Mise-en-Scène in Realism Movie -How Hong Sang-Su Handles His Realism with Ordinary Life- (리얼리즘 미학에 나타난 미장셴의 내적 의미 연구 -홍상수 영화의 일상과 리얼리즘 중심으로-)

  • Jin, Seung-Hyun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.130-138
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    • 2015
  • Korean movies with a great variety of styles have recently succeeded in drawing people's attention Rule number one is "the more entertainment, the more audiences". On the top of box offices are always the movies that have a number of spectacular scenes, pounding sounds and big budget characters. Hong Sang Su movies, however, receive attention from the public without above noted descriptions. One of his effective methods of expression is "realism" He has illustrated the trivial episodes with his own wits and ways. Not only has his style become famous and popular but he has many followers. He enjoys using ordinary emotion and sentiment that are likely to happen to everyone. This paper uses two tools. One is the traditional analysis of realism. The other is how he can approach the public meaningfully by listing common elements he frequently uses in his movies. Nevertheless, we can't fully understand his realism by explaining how he shows our everyday life and how much his movie looks like it. Though admitting there are so many preceding papers on his works but this paper will try to look deep into his realism through the analysis of Mise-en-Sc`ene.

Color Analysis of Disney Animation Villain Characters (디즈니 애니메이션 악당 캐릭터의 색채분석)

  • Sung, Rea;Kim, Hyesung
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.69-85
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    • 2021
  • In the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution, not only artificial intelligence, big data, robots, and biotechnology, but also cultural industries that require human creativity will lead. Among the cultural industries, the animation industry has high industrial utilization value due to its high connection with other industries. Among them, animation characters play the most important role as the subject leading the story of animation. In particular, the villain character not only serves as a medium for the main character to lead the story, but also captivates the audience with a different presence from the main character, adding to the fun and completeness of the animation. These characters consist of visual elements such as form and color, of which color is a tool that effectively conveys the character's personality and role to the audience, and is the first visual element to be considered in delicately describing the character's emotions and the relationship between characters. Therefore, this study attempts to analyze the color of the villain character. To this end, we will select eight Disney animations to derive the characteristics of the villain character's color by analyzing the color, value, chroma, and color association of the colors used in the Disney villain character. As a result of the analysis, the colors mainly used by Disney to convey the villain's image were red (R) and Orange (YR), and there was no difference depending on the times or animation production methods. Second, the brightness of Disney villain characters appeared to be the same medium/famous regardless of the times and production methods, and the frequency of use of high brightness was very low. In terms of saturation, the frequency of use of high and low saturation was high. Third, blackish (Bk), Strong (S), dull (Dl), and deep (Dp) tones were mainly used for tones. In particular, in recent 3D animations than previously produced 2D animations, the use of low chroma and the high black mixing rate increased. Fourth, it can be seen that Disney uses color as a visual method to more clearly express the psychology of the villain character using color association. In conclusion, the color selection of animation characters should be carefully considered as a tool to convey the character's personality, role, and emotion beyond simply using color, and the color selection of characters using color associations and symbols strengthens the narrative structure. It is hoped that this study will help analyze and select the character color of animation.

From exclamation of enlightenment of a high priest to the boom of secular music - From the era of "Sanaega" to the era of quatrain (고승의 깨달음의 탄식에서 세속의 음악적 울림으로 - 사뇌가의 시대에서 4행시의 시대로 -)

  • Kim, Chang Won
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.59
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    • pp.9-32
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this paper is to study the development process of our native verses from the Three Kingdoms Period to the Goryeo Dynasty. The contents of the discussion can be summarized as follows. Typical form of "Sanega" from the Three Kingdoms Period to the late Silla/ early Goryeo Dynasty is a well organized 3-layered structure representing the contents of enlightenment of a high priest. Sanaega has a poetic style characterized by distinct literary features compared to other native verses in the same era. The reason is that 10-line Hyangga improves its poetic level as it is aware of Chinese poetry. As it enters the Goryeo Dynasty, this literary composition starts to change. In other words, Sanega declines and quatrain emerges in the front of literary history. Unlike the Three Kingdoms Period ~ the late Silla/ early Goryeo Dynasty, development of quatrain results from that native verses enhances the characteristics of song rather than poem in the Goryeo Dynasty. Native verses form the mutually complementary relationship by adjusting the position as the song rather than competing with it as the poem as Chinese poetry becomes more common. In the Goryeo Dynasty, Sanaega declines and Sijo emerges in literary history, because native verses have been developed in the poetic form to freely express general emotion and to be more loved from the public. It is in the same vein as a native verse in the form of quatrain raises its vitality by enhancing the characteristics of the song through the adjustment of its position compared to Chinese poetry.

Modern transformation phrase of (<공무도하가>의 현대적 변용 양상)

  • Ha, Gyoung Sook
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.43
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    • pp.93-123
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    • 2011
  • is a work of art that was composed through fluid and laminating by being passed down orally for a long time like other ancient songs. As well as, it is given a history of literature's value in the point that it is a Korea's first poetry work, it is considered it casts a long shadow to establishing traditionality of our country's poetry. Even today, has been transformed and recreated into a variety of genres because its literary subject carry the universal emotions and win the sympathy. This manuscript examines modern poetry, modern novel and modern songs that consist of changed ancient song and looks modern writers' perspective about through characteristic that each of works has and then aims checking special situation and meaning that is implicit and recognizing the value of the original. As the has been recreated as modern poetry, it shows the current chaotic situation specifically by embodying it and actively seeks expressing human character, agony and longing, etc, by excluding factor of the original mythical interpretation. Also it rouses situation of reality as detained and repressed. , recreated as modern novel, expands narrative structure and shows portrait of various characters and speaks diverse human condition about reality and suggests plan for dealing with that. Basic emotions of the original is strongly passed to modern popular song . It makes us know that universal emotions which human has across generations can touch people transcending time and space and it is a fresh discovery and possibility that reaffirms the emotion of our people. Ancient song has been studied with emphasis on resignation and grief by focusing on the subject, simply parting and death. But recently, through transformation between a wide range of genres. it carries the spirit of the times that author toward, showing realistic and specific situations. Flexibility of ancient song is expected to continue its vitality transcending generations. Ancient song is assured that it can lead various aspects through active groping in era of change with a various possibility, that the original has, through communication between genres.