• Title/Summary/Keyword: Emotion-Structure

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Measuring Changes of Dominance in Designs of Mobile Phones (휴대폰 디자인에 있어서 지배성 변화 측정)

  • Park, Sang-June;Lee, Yu-Ri
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.91-102
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    • 2010
  • This study investigates the dominant degree of product design factors through the process of change of design factors. The previous research suggested a concrete measurement method of dominant designs, but it did not investigate empirically the degree of dominance due to the limited data for changes of designs. In this research, thus, after collecting design data of mobile phones and we measured the dominance and structure change of the designs by year. The analyses showed the following two things. First, in design factors of mobile phone the dominance on the body form and the edge grows more and both of them as dominant design factors tend to converge into the rectangular body form and the round edge, respectively. Second, the dominance on other design factors(e.g. the button type, the open type, whether or not to have digital multimedia broadcasting(DMB) and video telephony functions, the combination of colors and the body color) increases and decreases; and hence, design levels tend to diverge. In conclusion, the measurement of dominance on product design factors contributes to marketing managers and designers who are required to establish a strategy for products under the rapidly changing circumstances of market. This research aims to provide those managers and designers with a guide line for a successful development of new product to prepare for the dominant design from this empirical study.

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A study of Luminescence effects of POF-woven Fabric Display by Method of Weaving (직물화 방식에 따른 유연 광섬유 직물 디스플레이의 광원 색채별 발광효과에 관한 연구)

  • Yang, Jin-Hee;Park, Sun-Hyung;Cho, Hyun-Seung;Lee, Joo-Hyeon
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.517-526
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    • 2013
  • This paper reports on flexible plastic optical fiber (POF) fabric displays which are used to develop light-emitting clothing from photonic fabric. We first evaluated the luminescence value corresponding to different methods of processing flexible optical fibers, types of reflective fabric structure, and colors of the light. Moreover, we tried to identify the optimum conditions of the flexible POF fabric displays to realize high luminescence value. The processing methods that were compared were the "Pre-etching" method and the "Post-etching" method. On the basis of the reflective structure of the fabric, the fabrics were categorized as the "White fabric" and the "Reflective fabric." Analysis results showed that the effect of the processing method is more dominant than that of the types of reflective fabric structure. Further, the capability of the Post-etching method to increase luminescence value is slightly higher than that of the Pre-etching method. Further, the 'Reflective fabric' is slightly more efficacious as the base fabric to increase the luminescence value, than the White fabric is. Thus, optimum increase in luminance can be realized by employing the Post-etching method and the Reflective fabric as the base fabric.

The Analysis of the Dimensions of Affection Structure and Hand Movements (손동작과 정서 차원 분석)

  • Yoo Sang;Han Kwang-Hee;Cho Kyung-Ja
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.119-132
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    • 2006
  • The dimensions of affection structure from hand movements was developed for the purpose of understanding relationship between affective words and physical factors to apply it to computing environment. To analyze hand movements, three dimensions -direction, time, weight- were found through reconstructing sub-properties of Laban Movement Analysis. The direction dimension has five freedoms of movement (horizontal, vertical, sagittal, circular, shaking) while the time and weight dimensions both have two sub categories each, (sudden, sustained), (light, strong) respectively. By factorial design using the three dimensions, twenty movement were videotaped. Participants rated a list of fifty korean affective words on each twenty movements. The results were studied by nonlinear principal component analysis. The results suggested that time and weight dimensions are closely related with arousal level dimension of affection. Strong and sudden movements associated with highly aroused affection, while light and sustained movements associated with the opposite affection. The direction sub-dimensions were found to be associated with the kinds of affection. Linear movements like horizontal, vortical and sagittal direction were correlated to highly aroused negative affection. Circular movements were found to correlate closely by fun and delight on the graph, while shaking movements were correlated to anxiety and impatience. These results imply that the dimensions of affection structure and sub-properties of hand movements are closely connected with each other.

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Sex Differences in Preference Style for Navigation Design (네비게이션 디자인에 있어 성별에 따른 선호 스타일 연구)

  • Kim Soon-Deok;Seo Jong-Hwan
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.221-229
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    • 2005
  • This study aimed to understand the sex differences in cognitive behaviors in website design and demonstrate a practical basis for utilizing these differences into more user-centered design concept. Especially, we focused on the sex-different preference according to the information architecture of website navigation. First, We investigated general differences between men and women in cognitive behaviors through various literature studies. According to our investigation, men's cognitive works generally tend to follow a regular sequence and proceed step by step. On the other hand, women's cognitive style is generally characterized by random generation and simultaneous progress. To examine that these differences can be found in use of website navigation, we made an experiment in website design. We designed several test websites that have same contents but different style of navigation structure. A similar number of men and women were chosen for this test and they implemented given tasks. During the test, participants reported their preference on each websites and their implementing time and number of errors were collected. Based on the analysis of test data, it was possible to conclude that male participants' preference for the navigation with a narrow and deep information structure is relatively higher than female participants' preference for the same navigation, On the other hand, female participants have a preference of the navigation with a broad and swallow information structure. The result of study showed that there is a close correlation between the sex differences in preference of navigation types and the general sex differences in cognitive behavior. This finding can be used as a basis for designing the website navigation in which sex differences are reflected.

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A study on writing about 'emotions' in war experience narrative: Focusing on restorative writing about negative emotions in Ganyangnok(看羊錄) (전란 체험 실기에 나타난 감정의 글쓰기 양상 - 『간양록』에 나타나는 부정적 감정에 대한 회복적 글쓰기를 중심으로)

  • Yoon In-sun
    • 기호학연구
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    • v.55
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    • pp.169-193
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    • 2018
  • This paper deals with the formation and communication of negative emotions in war focusing on Ganyangnok(看羊錄). To this end, attention is paid to modal structure of the negative emotions that can be experienced in war and discourse strategy to maintain resilience. The subject of Ganyangnok is in a situation where personal 'will'(want) and social 'duty'(must) are frustrated during the Japanese invasion of Imjinwar. At this time, the subject experiences mental depression conditions such as loss of existence and anxiety through the frustration of personal will and anger and hostility to external objects through frustration of social duty. Then the subject develops resilience to write poetry about negative emotion and to write about the process of proving the legitimacy of existence. In other words, the subject recovers the negative emotions experienced in the war through writing. Through the above discussion, this paper can analyze the negative emotions surrounding the subject logically through 'modal structure' and can see the restorative writing which appeared differently according to the 'modal structure'. This can provide new perspectives on the situation in which the subject is placed on the restorative writing about negative emotions in various contexts.

A study on the temperature inside clothing as fundamental data for development of the heat energy harvesting clothing (인체 전력에너지 수확의류 개발을 위한 의복내 온도 측정의 기초적 고찰)

  • Yang, Jin-Hee;Cho, Hyun-Seung;Park, Sun-Hyung;Lee, Joo-Hyeon
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.125-132
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    • 2013
  • Recently, the consciousness of energy crisis is rapidly growing and sustainable eco-friendly energy sources are becoming issue. Therefore the portable electronic device requires new energy sources for providing continuous power supply and the power energy harvesting system of the human body that enables the power-harvesting research requests anytime, anywhere. One of the sources for energy harvesting is heat energy, which is the difference in temperature of the body and the surrounding environment. We tried to analyze the temperature difference between the environmental temperature and the temperature inside clothing according to the structure of the closed portion. And we examined the temperature difference between the environmental temperature and the temperature inside clothing according to the material of the clothing. The analysis showed that we have been able to get different results at parts of the body in the temperature inside clothing according to the structure of clothing. In upper torso of the chest and back, the temperature inside clothing of 'closed structure' was higher than the temperature inside clothing of 'opened structure'. In the section of arm and leg, it was reduced the difference of temperature inside clothing between 'closed structure' and 'opened structure'. It was particularly noticeable in the section of leg. The results of analysis of the difference between the environmental temperature and the temperature inside clothing according to the material of the clothing, in both cases of the two materials, 'closed structure' was higher than the 'opened structure' in the difference value between the environmental temperature and the temperature inside clothing. There was a difference according to the material in the section of leg. In this study, we outlined the basic guidelines for developing heat energy harvesting clothing by exploring the structure and material of clothing suitable for the heat energy harvesting.

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A Study on the Iconological Approach of the Korean Traditional Space Design - Focusing on Regional Prototype and Creative Fantasy - (한국 전통공간디자인의 도상해석학적 접근에 관한 연구 - 지역적 원형과 창조적 환상의 개념을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Kyung-Ae
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.120-127
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    • 2008
  • Korean space design image is a kind of writing as well as one of the sign that dissembles itself as a direct transcript of what it represents. Moreover it is pictorial representation and notions such as mental and perceptual imaginary. Significance of Iconology lies in how we transform image and the imagination that produces it into power of trust and respect. From this point of view, the process of this study is illustrated as follows: At first, this study search out concept of archetype, collective unconsciousness and collective representation that found principles on basic theory for interpretation of korean space icon. Secondly, it mentions theoretical background of iconological contents and structure. And it clarifies Iconology as a method that is applicable logic for Korean space design. Finally, as an analysis of korean space design, this study analyse in three steps that are pre-iconological description, iconological analysis, iconological interpretation each in terms of modernization at regional korean space design. In the step of the pre-iconological description, it describe visual representative style based on era and place. In the step of the iconological analysis, the typical structure is classified in status, vernacular, ethnic, traditional. In the step of the iconological interpretation, connotation is categorized into allegory, multivalence, potential. Through this process, this study suggest that iconology is an appropriate analysis system of Korean space design images that represent symbols combined with our collective emotion.

Experience of Patients Living with Chronic Renal Failure (만성신부전 환자의 체험)

  • 강성례;이병숙
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.525-537
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    • 2001
  • The Purpose of the study was to understand the experience of chronic renal failure patients for the qualified individual care for them. The purpose of this study was to explore the experience of patients living with chronic renal failure and to identify the meaning and structure of their experience. The subjects were four patients, two females and two males. The age range was from 21 to 54. Data was collected with a few in-depth interviews by the authors until the data was fully saturated. The framework and methodology of this study was based on Parse′s "Human Becoming methodology," an existential phenomenological research methodology. The findings of this study were as follows. Three experience structures of chronic renal failure patients were : 1. Sufferings and conflicts originated in the frustration caused by uncurable disease. 2. Dependence upon God and significant others with complex emotions. 3. Acceptance of sufferings, emerging hope for serving people, and gratitude for living. In conclusion the experience of chronic renal failure patients could be described from the findings (three structures) as "Experiencing the sufferings, conflicts originated in the frustration caused by uncurable disease, dependence upon God and significant others with complex emotion, acceptance of the suffering and hope for serving people, and gratitude for living." The three structures of the lived experience of patients with chronic renal failure, the findings of this study, could be explained by the three concepts of "Theory of Human Becoming," the first structure could be explained with values, the second with revealing-concealing, and the third with transforming.

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The Yin-Yang in Korea Traditional Medicine - Focusing the establishment and the Yin-Yang of Sasang Constitutional Medicine - (한의학(韓醫學)에 나타난 음양관(陰陽觀) - 사상의학(四象醫學)의 성립배경(成立背景)과 사상의학(四象醫學)에 나타난 음양관(陰陽觀) -)

  • Song, Il Byung
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 1997
  • Neiging Medicine(內經醫學) based on Yin-Yang and Five elements was the main stream of Korea Traditional Medicine until the end of 19th century. And the establishment of Sasang Constitutional medicine. In this paper, author proved that the Yin-Yang of Sasang Constitutional Medicine was different from that of Neiging Medicine and that explained the Yin-Yang of Sasang Constitutional Medicine as our own medicine. After considering the philosophical and medical background of Sasang Constitutional Medicine, and author researched the Yin-Yang of ontology, structure, function, symptoms in Sasang Constitutional Medicine. Also we compared this with that of Neiging medicine. The results were as follows 1. Neiging Medicine was based on the Yin-Yang and Five elements centering on the nature and Sasang joy, and pleasure centering on the human. 2. The ontology of Sasang Constitutional Medicine were the mind as a unitary substance, the mind and body as a dual substance, and affair, mind, body, and objects as a four substance which were the basic theory of philosophy. 3. Sasang Constitutional Medicine explained social phenomenon with a four substancial structure consisted of affairs, mind, body, and objects, a complex four substancial structure consisted of heaves, human, nature and order, and a three dimension structure including time. 4. On the other hand Neiging Medicine recognized seven emotions as five emotions, Sasang Constitutional Medicine recognized seven emotions as qi, nature, and emotions which consisted of sorrow, anger, joy, and pleasure. The qi had an effect on internal and external part of body and the nature and the emotion had an effect on the upward and downward of body. 5. It was taked great importance to control the up and down balance and the internal and external balance in Sasang Constitutional Medicine instead of reinforcing and reducting method of Neiging Medicine. 6. The Yin-Yang of Korean Traditional Medicine developed centering on the human from centering on the nature and Sasang Constitutional Medicine was a practical medicine compared with Neiging Medicine.

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MR imaging of cortical activation by painful peripheral stimulation in rats (쥐에서 말초 자극에 따른 뇌피질 활성화의 자기공명 영상)

  • Lee, Bae-Hwan;Cha, Myeoung-Hoon;Cheong, Chae-Joon;Lee, Kyu-Hong;Lee, Chul-Hyun;Sohn, Jin-Hun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Emotion and Sensibility Conference
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    • 2009.11a
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    • pp.183-185
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    • 2009
  • As imaging technology develops, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques have contributed to the understanding of brain function by providing anatomical structure of the brain and functional imaging related to information processing. Manganese-enhanced MRI (MEMRI) techniques can provide useful information about functions of the nervous system. However, systematic studies regarding information processing of pain have not been conducted. The purpose of this study was to detect brain activation during painful electrical stimulation using MEMRI with high spatial resolution. Male Sprague-Dawley rats (250-300 g) were divided into 3 groups: normal control, sham stimulation, and electric stimulation. Rats were anesthetized with 2.5% isoflurane for surgery. Polyethylene catheter (PE-10) was placed in the external carotid artery to administrate mannitol and MnCl2. The blood brain barrier (BBB) was broken by 20% D-mannitol under anesthesia mixed with urethane and a-chloralose. The hind limb was electrically stimulated with a 2Hz (10V) frequency while MnCl2 was infused. Brain activation induced by electrical stimulation was detected using a 4.7 T MRI. Remarkable signal enhancement was observed in the primary sensory that corresponds to sensory tactile stimulation at the hind limb region. These results suggest that signal enhancement is related to functional activation following electrical stimulation of the peripheral receptive field.

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