• Title/Summary/Keyword: Emergency response training

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Analysis of Korean Medicine Education for Vaccination of Korean Medical Doctors (한의사 예방접종을 위한 한의학 교육 분석)

  • Suyeon Cho;Hyein Jeong;Young-shin Shim;Minhui Hong;Kyeong Han Kim
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2024
  • Objectives : This study aimed to analyze the College of Korean Medicine's education related to vaccination to examine the feasibility of Korean medical doctors administering vaccines. Methods : We conducted a comprehensive review of the guidelines from the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency (KDCP) and the U.S. Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), along with the educational standards of Korean medical colleges. From these sources, key knowledge areas essential for vaccination were identified and distilled into 12 core items, creating a checklist used to evaluate the vaccination-related education. The curricula of Korean medical colleges and online continuing education courses for Korean medical doctors were analyzed using this checklist. Additionally, we reviewed the compulsory education course for vaccination providers for comparative purposes. Results : The analysis of common textbooks from colleges of Korean medicine revealed that while basic concepts of vaccination are widely covered, practical guidance on vaccine administration is less comprehensive. Continuing education for Korean medical doctors emphasizes basic epidemiological knowledge, vaccination contraindications and treating adverse reactions, but lacks details on patient education and the vaccination process. Compulsory education for vaccination providers covers extensive administrative content and comprehensively addresses essential vaccination knowledge, including patient education and practical vaccination procedures. Conclusion : The College of Korean Medicine's curriculum covers basic vaccination theories but lacks specific training in vaccine management. Additional training can improve Korean medical doctors' vaccination skills, enhancing the healthcare system's emergency response.

The Public's Response to Communication between a Terminal Cancer Patient and Physicians: A Qualitative Study of Three Sets of Online News Comments (한 말기 암환자와 의사와의 의사소통에 대한 대중의 반응: 3개의 온라인 기사 댓글에 대한 질적 연구)

  • Park, Song Yi;Park, Kyung Hye
    • Korean Medical Education Review
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.240-249
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    • 2022
  • This study explored the public's response to an incident involving publicity about how physicians broke bad news to a terminal cancer patient by analyzing 1,960 comments from three online news websites that reported on this event using Braun and Clarke's theme analysis methods. Three themes and 10 subthemes emerged from the public's responses to the way the physicians broke the bad news. Theme 1 (a physician is a person who tells the facts) contained the following subthemes: physicians are responsible for delivering facts, but it is a matter of consideration for patients to deliver bad news to them, empathy and consolation should be expected from people other than physicians, and physicians who say what patients want to hear are cheaters. Theme 2 (there is a problem with physicians) included the following subthemes: the physicians' empathy or personality and problems with their communication methods. Theme 3 (there are obstacles to communication with dying patients) had the following subthemes: physicians become emotionally dull and find it very stressful to break bad news, giving hope to dying patients can lead to medical disputes, and empathy and consolation are also costly. When breaking bad news, the physicians delivered factual information, but they did so inappropriately, and emotional support for the patient was insufficient. In medical communication education, it is necessary to emphasize training in emotional support. In the medical field, an environment should be created where physicians can communicate as they have learned.

A Survey of Sedation Practices in the Korean Dentistry (치과 치료 시 진정법 시행에 대한 실태 조사 연구)

  • Bae, Chi-Hoon;Kim, Hyuk;Cho, Kyoung-Ah;Kim, Mi-Seon;Seo, Kwang-Suk;Kim, Hyun-Jeong
    • Journal of The Korean Dental Society of Anesthesiology
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.29-39
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    • 2014
  • Background: Dental phobia or anxiety of patients is the serious impediment to appropriate and effective dental treatment. Sedative technique helps to mitigate patients' fear and anxiety thus make them more cooperative and familiar to dental practices. With increasing attention to sedative dentistry in dentists, educational requirements and technical qualification also become stricter but actual survey on recent sedative dentistry has not been reported yet. Especially there is insufficient study reporting the survey of sedative dentistry subjected to Korean adults. In this paper, we conducted a survey study on the actual condition and practice related to sedation with a questionnaire to dentists in South Korea. Methods: The survey was done for members of The Korean Dental Society of Anesthesiology (KDSA), who had great interest in sedation and for whom survey-by-mail was convenient. 472 members of The KDSA having dental license and solid address and contact information were subjected to the survey by sending them survey questions about their sedative techniques and knowledge. In order to increase the response rate, small gifts were presented to those who accurately responded to the survey questions and text messages and phone calls were made to encourage their participation. We collected their responses over two months and examined the returned surveys. Statistical analysis was performed using IBM SPSS Statistics 21 for each question. Results: Out of 472 dentists, 181 responded (38.4% response rate). 63.0% (114 dentists; 77 male and 37 female) of respondents had experience on sedative technique and their average age was $39.8{\pm}7.6$ year. 74 of them were private practitioners, 17 of them were professors (14.9%), 11 of them were dentists-in-service (9.6%), 11 of them were residents (specialist training) (9.6%) and 1 of them was military doctors (0.9%). There were 89 dentists (78.1%) who were specialists or receiving trainings to be specialist, most of whom were pediatric dentists (55, 48.2%) and oral surgeon (31, 27.2%). The most popular route for drug medications was orderly oral, inhalational, intravenous medication. Combination of oral and inhalational medications or single use of intravenous medication was the most common. The most preferred sedative drug was pocral in oral sedation and midazolam in intravenous sedation. 48.2% of practitioners responded that they experienced side effects and emergency situations. Airway obstruction was the most frequent. Conclusions: Results from the survey show that the protocol and system for sedative dentistry have been improved compared to the past. Nevertheless, quality of emergency protocol, monitoring devices and preparation of sedative drugs was still insufficient to achieve safe sedative procedure. This study acquires novelty since actual survey on recent sedative dentistry for adult patients has not been reported yet.

The Teacher's Knowledge and Performance State of Safety Management and First-Aid Education at Daycare Center for Young Children with Disabilities (장애아 보육시설에서 근무하는 교사의 안전관리 및 응급처치 교육에 대한 지식과 수행정도)

  • Lee, Hyo-Cheol;Jang, Yong-Su;Yoo, Byung-Kook
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.57-69
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: This study aims to examine perceived safety management in teachers working for young children with disabilities, to grasp the state and problems of safety management and first-aid education at daycare center for young children with disabilities, and to provide basic materials to develop programs for safety management and first-aid education. Results: 1. For the perception items of accident possibility in daycare centers, career with more than 10 years had higher response in 'very high' and 'moderately high' than 'moderately or very low' and statistically significant difference was found(p < .05). 2. For the perception items of accident prevention in daycare centers, no teaches with at least college education thought that 'it was not possible to prevent' and most of them thought that 'it was totally possible to prevent' and statistically significant difference was found(p < .05). 3. For the performance level of safety management and first-aid items, forty and over(4.73) showed higher than age of 20-29(4.32) and 30-39 of age(4.26) and statistically significant difference was found(p < .05). 4. For the knowledge level of safety management and first aid items, the highest religion was found as Christian(16.96), followed by Catholic(15.33), Buddhism(14.91), and no religion(15.81) and statistically significant difference was found(p < .05). 5. For the items of confidence in safety management and first aid, performance level, and knowledge level, teachers who competed safety management and first-aid education( 4,48) had higher performance score than those who did not (4.17) and statistically significant difference was found(p < .05). 6. For the items of confidence in safety management and first aid, performance level, and knowledge level, teachers who competed first-aid education(2.77) had higher confidence than those who did not(2.35) and statistically significant difference was found(p < .05). Conclusion: The results suggest that safety management and first-aid education in teachers working for daycare center for young children with disabilities was closely correlated with knowledge and performance levels. Thus, it is necessary to provide continuous safety management and first-aid education for teachers working for day care center for young children with disabilities through regular in-service training. Also further research should be conducted with all subjects and various regions who contact with young children with disabilities.

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A Survey on the Occupational Health Nursing Activities for primary care (산업간호사의 의료행위 직무지침서 활용 및 의료행위직무 수행실태)

  • Yun, Soon Nyoung;Kirn, Soon Lae;Kim, Young Im;Song, Young Sook;An, Jung Hae;June, Kyung Ja;Cho, Tong Ran;Kim, Jeong Hees
    • Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.5-17
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    • 2000
  • The occupational health nursing guideline for primary care was developed by the Korean Academic Society of occupational health nursing and the organization for occupational health nurses (currently known as the Korean Association of Occupational Health Nurses) in 1993. Since then, there have been many changes in the health care environment and job performance of occupational health nurses. Appropriate revisions are necessary of the guidelinea based on this background. The purpose of this study was to describe the use of the occupational health nursing guideline for primary care and to analyze the characteristics of primary care activities by occupational health nurses. The questionnaire was mailed to 150 occupational health nurses(OHNs) with the response rate of 64%. The results can be summarized as follows; 1. 65.6% of OHNs have been using the guideline for primary care and 75.9% of them agreed that the guideline was be helpful for their job. 2. Common symptom care, emergency care and chronic illness care were more frequently implemented than occupational disease care by OHNs. In manufacturing industries, emergency care was more frequently implemented than chronic illness care in contrast to the service industries. 3. Most frequent common symptoms treated by OHNs were indigestion, diarrhea, abdominal pain, headache, and coughing. In the case of chronic illness, OHNs more frequently treated diseases of the gastro-intestinal system, skin and sensory organs, and the respiratory system. Emergency care for bruises, burn, and abrasions was more frequently provided. VDT syndrome was the most common occupational disease cared by OHNs in manufacturing and service industries. 4. OHNs prescribed the medicine for external application more frequently than internal medicine. Remedy for colds, analgesics, vitamins, and digestives were more frequently used. From these results, we suggest that the guideline should be revised to emphasize the activities consisting problem finding such as health assessment, physical examinations, monitoring and screening, and to renew the drug list in the range of over- the counter medication (OTC). In the future, the guideline will include the strategies for the role as the case manager.

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A study on Fire Case and Countermeasure of Tourist Hotel (관광호텔의 화재손해 위험관리방안 - 화재발생현황과 대형화재사례 분석 중심)

  • Han, Sukman;Son, Jung Hyoun;Kim, Jong Won
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.362-375
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    • 2012
  • Tourist hotels are equipped with facilities such as accommodation and restaurants, exercise, recreation. Unspecified guests, visitors and management of tourist hotels are very vulnerable on the casualties and property losses due to fire peril exist. In this study, we analysis that the fire statistics status of tourist hotels from 2001 to 2010. And the 15 cases of a large hotel fire are reviewed. The total number of fires on hotel are consist of a hotel rooms fire(33.2%), a restaurant kitchen fire(11.8%). And the major causes of the fire are an electrical fire (40.8%), a cigarette fire (14.5%) and a hot-work fire (9.2%). In case study, the fire wall defect and combustible materials are major fire loss causes for 10year. Each tourist hotels are needed a development of suitable fire risk management and a field operations. A hotel is required an active fire risk management on a preventive inspection, an education and training, and a preventive maintenance. It is necessary that a fire wall maintenance to prevent of the spread of a fire and a sprinkler installation of whole area to protect fire. And it is very important an emergency response for evacuation of guest, and operate emergency procedures on a fire or emergency situation.

Status and Issues on Disaster Preparation Programs in Public Health Center (보건소의 재난관련 대비-대응 사업의 실태와 과제)

  • Cho, Yoo Hyang;Chung, YoungHae;Chie, Nagahiro
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.63-73
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to review the disaster preparation and response programs and the status of disaster preparation in public health center. Methods: In depth interview was performed in September 2017 using 5 open questions to the persons who are in charge of disaster response services in 5 public health centers of different levels in Korea. The questions included general characteristics of public health center, disaster programs and future issues. The research hired a quality method. Results: In general, the persons in charge recognized the cooperative agency of local government in disaster management. There were no disaster preparation programs developed by the public health centers. Most of the preparation were passive activities such as emergency support, crisis management on communicable disease and quarantine, participation in biological disaster response training, and education etc. The persons in charge emphasized necessity of disaster preparation programs. Conclusions: Disaster preparation and responsiveness is an evolving issue in public health centers in Korea. Medical support system and communicable disease management system are being set up in the national level. A comprehensive system covering health management, nutritional support, mental health, environment management of shelter, and volunteers supports on public health center level needs to be developed along with a easy-to-follow manual.

Knowledge, Awareness and Health Risk Concerns on Occupational Exposure to Radiation among Firefighters in Korea (소방공무원의 직업적 방사선노출에 대한 지식, 자각 및 건강피해 우려)

  • Lee, Hyeongyeong;Yoon, Hyeongwan;Park, Jeongim
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.516-524
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    • 2015
  • Objectives: This study aims to investigate the current status of knowledge, awareness and health risk concerns on occupational radiation exposures among firefighters in Korea. The results will provide basic information for developing a prevention program to minimize adverse health effects relating to radiation exposure among firefighters. Methods: A questionnaire was composed of general characteristics of participants, and their knowledge, awareness, health risk concerns relating to occupational radiation exposure. It was distributed by email to all of 307 firefighters in Jeollabukdo in April 2014 and 259 of them (response rate 84.3%) were responded. Answers were analyzed for descriptive statistics including frequencies and percentages. SPSS/WIN 18.0 program was utilized for statistical analysis of t-test, ANOVA and Pearson's correlation. Results: The average score of radiation protection knowledge was $5.83{\pm}1.77$ ($average{\pm}SD$) out of 10. The score of awareness and health risk concerns on radiation exposure were 4.27, 3.94 out of 5, respectively. The results indicated that the knowledge on the characteristics of radiation was marginal among the firefighters, while the awareness and health risk concerns relating to radiation exposures were relatively higher comparing to other professions. Conclusions: Knowing the characteristics of potential risks is the first step for minimizing the adverse health effects relating to the risks. Therefore, it is necessary to provide adequate training and information on radiation and exposure protection methods for firefighters.

Considerations in Establishing a Decision-Making process for Korea's Places of Refuge

  • Lee, Chang-Hyun
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.629-636
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    • 2014
  • To minimize secondary damages from marine environment pollution resulting from marine accidents, International Maritime Organization(IMO) adopted "Guidelines on Places of Refuge(POR) for ships in need of assistance" as Resolution A.949(23) in it is 23rd General Assembly in 2003 and recommends Parties to the Organization designate PoR. This resolution suggests that they establish a "Decision-Making process" so as to provide reasonable PoR when disabled ships request use of PoR. Korea has not been performed introduce a PoR system in the country. Therefore, there is no decision-making process to deal with ships which need PoR. When Korea implements the PoR system in the future, the nation should establish a Decision-Making process to provide reasonable PoR in case ships in need of assistance request for PoR. In order to present what should be considered in the process of establishing a Decision-Making process for PoR in Korea in the future, in this study presents matters which should be considered in the process of founding PoR Decision-Making processes. When Korea tries to conduct POR system so that other countries' PoR Decision-Making process and the relating process of IMO and REMPEC (Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Response Centre for the Mediterranean Sea) were investigated and analyzed. In addition, in times of marine accident in Korea's sea areas, Korea's action manuals for marine accident which regulates management for an accident is analyzed and articles will be presented to be taken into account during establishing final PoR Decision-Making process.

A Study on the Establishment of Rules of Safe Navigation and Management for Gyeongin Ara Waterway (경인 아라뱃길 안전운항 및 관리규칙 제정에 관한 연구)

  • Yun, Giw-Ho;Kim, Jin-Kwon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.235-243
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    • 2011
  • Gyeongin Ara Waterway will be open on Oct., 2011, Which is the first inland artificial waterway constructed in Korea. There have been arguments about the environmental issues and economic effectiveness, however, it's now time to focus on the safety of navigation at the waterway to protect human life, property and environment. Therefore this paper aims at examining the establishment of the rule of safe navigation and management for the safe and effective management of the waterway and tries to draft the rules based on these examinations. The draft rule consists of 7 chapters, which are general rules, general rules on navigation, specific rules on navigation, general restrictions, emergency response, restrictions on navigation and penalties in consideration of the characteristic of Gyeongin Ara Waterway and regulations on navigation in major canals in the world.