• Title/Summary/Keyword: Emergency Rescue System

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An Application Design for Emergency Medical System: A Software Engineering Approach

  • Choi, In-Lyeol;Huh, Jun-Ho
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2017.04a
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    • pp.728-730
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    • 2017
  • The proposed application design for emergency medical system includes the functions that help securing the window of opportunity for the patients in an emergency situation and efficiently link rescue agency, emergency medical treatment center and patients together. First, the treatment time can be saved at the emergency room by understanding the patient's condition by entering his/her health information such as anamnesis, family history, social history and blood type together with an identification number. Also, if the siren function which signals whereabouts of patients to the rescue crew is used, it will be much easier to find the location of the patient in need. The design allows rescue crew to call the patient to check whether he/she is conscious or not. Just by receiving the call, he/she will be deemed conscious.

Design of Emergency Fire Fighting and Inspection Robot Riding on Highway Guardrail

  • Ma, Xiaotong;Li, Xiaochen;Liu, Yanqiu;Tao, Xueheng
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.833-843
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    • 2022
  • Based on the problems of untimely Expressway fire rescue and backward traditional fire rescue methods, an emergency fire fighting and inspection robot riding on expressway guardrail is designed. The overall mechanical structure design of emergency fire fighting and inspection robot riding on expressway guardrail is completed by using three-dimensional design software. The target fire detection is realized by using the target detection algorithm of Yolov5; By selecting a variety of sensors and using the control method of multi algorithm fusion, the basic function of robot on duty early warning is realized, and it has the ability of intelligent fire extinguishing. The BMS battery charging and discharging system is used to detect the real-time power of the robot. The design of the expressway emergency fire fighting and inspection robot provides a new technical means for the development of emergency fire fighting equipment, and improves the reliability and efficiency of expressway emergency fire fighting.

Accurate Long-Term Evolution/Wi-Fi hybrid positioning technology for emergency rescue

  • Myungin Ji;Ju-il Jeon;Kyeong-Soo Han;Youngsu Cho
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.939-951
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    • 2023
  • It is critical to estimate the location using only Long-Term Evolution (LTE) and Wi-Fi information gathered by the user's smartphone and deployable for emergency rescue, regardless of whether the Global Positioning System is received. In this research, we used a vehicle to gather LTE and Wi-Fi wireless signals over a large area for an extended period of time. After that, we used the learning technique to create a positioning database that included both collection and noncollection points. We presented a two-step positioning algorithm that utilizes coarse localization to discover a rough location in a wide area rapidly and fine localization to estimate a particular location based on the coarse position. We confirmed our technology utilizing different sorts of devices in four regional types that are generally encountered: dense urban, urban, suburban, and rural. Results presented that our algorithm can satisfactorily achieve the target accuracy necessary in emergency rescue circumstances.

Psychological burden for legal responsibility of 119 emergency personnels (119구급대원의 법적책임에 대한 심리적 부담감)

  • Lim, Jae-Man;Yun, Seok-Jeong;Lim, Gwan-Su;Kang, Shin-Kap;Choi, Eun-Sook;Seo, Kyung-Hee
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.87-96
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    • 2009
  • Purpose : To grasp the mental burden for legal responsibility that rescue members have in the performance of job. Method : Questionnaire was presented to rescue members serving in 2 direct control safety centers of fire station located in Seoul, Daejon, Incheon, Kwangju, Busan, Daegu and Ulsan. Results : 1. Questioned whether they have mental burden for legal responsibility while performing job on the site, the rescue members responded : very burdensome in 38.0%, burdensome in 56.0%, moderate in 4.5%, not burdensome in 1.0%, no burden at all in 0.5%. 2. Questioned on the first aid treat for which they have the most mental burden, the rescue members responded : intubation into trachea laryngeal mask airway(LMA) in 40.4%, automatic external defibrillator in 16.3%, securing vein providing sap(medicine) in 10.8%, basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation in 7.2%, eliminating foreign matters inserted into body in 5.4%, stanching external bleeding and treating injury in 5.4%, fixing extremities and spine by using splint in 1.8%, measuring the symptom of vitality in 1.2%, providing oxygen in 0.0%. 3. Questioned whether experiencing legal problem or firm petition(complaint) raised by patient while serving as rescue members, they responded : experiencing a complaint in 41.6%, experiencing no complaint in 58.4%. Asked to indicate the stress level in the scale of which they suffered when lawsuit or firm petition was raised, 0(weak)-10(strong), they answered 8.8 in average. 4. Questioned whether 119 rescue members put the legal responsibility in case that they cause damage to patients intentionally in performing, they responded to the inquiry 3.66 in average(of 5.00). It represented meaningful differences (F=2.874, p=.024) whether they had license or not. 5. In future, legal action will raise against the rescue member by 99% because of people's rights improvement(63.1%), high expectations for the rescue system(29.5%), non-licensed rescue members(5.1%). Conclusion : It was found that the rescue members had severe mental burden for advanced life support which was investigated to have low enforcement rate in the preceding research, for instance, intubation into trachea securing vein management by using automatic external defibrillator. To improve the qualitative level of rescue service in the fire fighting, it may be required to construct the environment that eliminates the mental burden of rescue members for legal responsibility.

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The present condition analysis of patients who transferred to the emergency room by 119 Rescue service at night - Focused on the Emergency Center of Chonnam National University Hospital - (119 구급대를 이용하여 야간에 응급실로 내원한 환자 현황 분석 - 전남대학교병원 응급의료센터를 중심으로 -)

  • Yoon, Jonggun;Kim, Gunnam;Kim, Kyungwan;Jeong, Yongtae
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.117-126
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    • 2004
  • In general, the patients who transferred to the hospital by 119 rescue service at night go to the emergency room(ER) of general hospital rather than that of their nearby the 1st(clinic) and 2nd(local hospital) hospital. And the hospital is mainly selected not by 119 EMST but by patients or his/her conservators. Therefore we had studied retrospectively with emergency situation diary and medical chart for 697 patients of being transferred to one emergency medical center for 6 months since January 2004, and results are as follows. 1. The 280 patients(42.5%) of being transferred hospital at night by 119 rescue service were not emergency case and their average staying time in hospital was about $7.15{\pm}10.06$ minutes. 2. Transfer time was distributed in each time intervals of 1819, 2021, 2223, and 2401 and patients ratio in each intervals were 15.1%, 17.8%, 16.4%, and 15.2%. 3. In response of ambulance, the average time from the spot to the hospital was $14.53{\pm}9.27min$. and average distance of that was $7.95{\pm}9.21km$. 4. Diseases rather than traffic accidents or traumatic injury were main causes of ambulance calling and its value was 533(76.5%), and accidents were mainly occurred in patients' house and its value was 479(68.7%). 5. In time of transfer by 119 rescue service, hospital was mainly selected by patient/conservator and its value was 648(93.0%). In result. the hospital was selected not by EMST but by patient/conservator. 6. The case that the 1st grade EMT was rode in ambulance was 161(23.1%), and the case that 2nd EMT and emergency team member who educated for emergency were rode in ambulance were 504(72.3%). So the number of the 1st grade EMT was short in fire station of Kwangju metropolitan city than other city. 7. The first aids for patients before reaching hospital were limited to oxygen inhalation, airway control, and BLS for maintaining limbs and spine. So it seems to be a simple patients transfer. Consequently, to establish an efficient emergency medical system, it has been thought that it should be advanced a moderate education and public information about the appropriate use of emergency medical system toward citizen, and also need the hospital selection by the patients categorizing standards for 119 rescue service member, securing the 1st grade EMT, appropriate first-aids education, and securing professional human power in emergency room of the Ist(clinic) and 2nd(local hospital) hospital at night.

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A Study on Educational CD-Title develop to Basic Life Support (기본인명구조술 교육용 CD-Title 개발 연구)

  • Lee, Jung-Eun;Koh, Bong-Yeun;Ahn, Kisoo
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.33-45
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    • 2004
  • The study is designed to develop an educational CD-Title for Basic Life Support. The study is conducted from July to December, 2002, Based on the course of program development suggested by Dick and Cray. the study followed the planning, development, education and evaluation of a program. The developed CD-Title consists of 8 parts. 1. Intro include Introduction, Adult CPR, Child CPR, Infant CPR, Adult Foreign-Body Airway Obstruction, Infant Foreign-Body Airway Obstruction, and Exercise in Menu at Right of screen. 2. Introduction consist of death process at cardiac arresst, chain of survival, introduction of CPR, respiratory & ciculatory anatomy and physiology. 3. Adult CPR consist of assessment responsiveness, activating EMS system, position victim, opening a airway, checking for breathing, rescue breathing, checking for sign of circulation, chest compression, 1 person & 2 persion adult CPR video. 4. Child & Infant CPR consist of, causes, assessment responsiveness, position victim, opening the airway, checking for breathing, rescue breathing, checking for sign of circulation, chest compression, activating EMS system, child & infant CPR video. 5. Adult Foreign-Body Airway Obstruction include assessment responsiveness, activating EMS system, position victim, opening a airway, checking for breathing, 2 rescue breathing, reopening the airway, 2 rescue breathing, finger sweep, 5 abdominal thrusts, unresponsiveness adult Foreign-Body Airway Obstruction video. 6. Infant Foreign-Body Airway Obstruction consist of, causes, assessment responsiveness, position victim, opening the airway, checking for breathing, 2 rescue breathing, reopening the airway, 2 rescue breathing, checking foreign-body object in oral cavity of victim, 5 back blow, 5 chest thsusts, activating EMS system, video. 7. 32 exercise consist of 8 Adult CPR, 12 Child & Infant CPR, 5 Adult Foreign-Body Airway Obstruction, 7 Infant Foreign-Body Airway Obstruction. Every part consist of animations to trigger students interests. This CD-Title will be useful education for first responders and lay rescuers.

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A Study on Civil and Criminal Liabilities of 119 Rescue and Its Legal Protection (공무원인 119구급대원의 직무수행과 관련하여 발생할 수 있는 민$\cdot$형사상 책임과 그에 따른 법적 보호를 위한 대책에 관한 연구)

  • Bae Hyun-A;Yun Soon-Young;Jung Koo-Young;Lee Kyung-Whan;Kim Chan-Woong
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.19 no.2 s.58
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    • pp.45-62
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    • 2005
  • This thesis has defined the legal status of 119 rescue who plays a major role in the Korean prehospital emergency medical system and reviewed the various issues that may occur depending on work related legal liabilities. As a result, the purpose of this study was to represent the countermeasures for legal protection of 119 rescue required for the quality improvement of prehospital emergency medical system and as well as the countermeasures for risk management prepared for its related lawsuits. The legal liabilities of 119 rescue officers can be divided largely into public law liabilities and civil and criminal liabilities. In order to decrease the incidences of legal problems and provide the legal protection to rescue officers, the liability of supervising physician should be emphasized when the emergency medical practice is performed by a rescue officer under their supervision by consolidating medical control and the rescue officer should have legal liability on his emergency medical practice. itself Also, the emergency medical service guideline for 119 rescue officers should be prepared and their works should be performed according to such a guideline and procedures. In addition, the accurate legal documentation on emergency medical system from on-site to ER and related mobilization should be framed and preserved. Moreover, it is required to enact a new law such as the Good Samaritan Act or the Rescue Officers Protection Act.

A Study on Cognition about 119 Rescue·First Aid Team - Gwangju Area College Student as the Central Figure - (119구조·구급대에 대한 인식도 조사 연구 - 광주지역 보건계열과 비보건계열 대학생을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Kab-Sun
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.141-152
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to provide the basic materials for searching the way of improvement to heighten the emergency medical welfare level by one step further. To achieve this purpose, the subjects of this study were selected 452 college students in Gwangju, using a random sampling method. The statistical analysis methods utilized for analyzing the collected data are frequency analysis, $x^2$ test. The conclusions obtained from these analyses are as following ; 1. In question about necessary optimum number of persons for rescue first aid activity, health and non-health major college students responded by 39.2%, 45.3% respectively that rescue team 15 people, first aid team 3 people is most suitable. But there was no significant difference in major department(p<0.05). 2. In question about security of the public health doctor and the emergency medical technician, all health and non-health major college students are recognizing necessity urgently, but there was no significant difference in major department(p<0.05). 3. In question about 119 rescue first aid team member applying for an examination qualification grant to the department of EMT's graduate, all health and non-health major college students were highest by 52.9%, 52.4% respectively in "necessity" item. But there was no significant difference in major department(p<0.05). 4. Because rescue first aid equipment level appears higher than 41.7% in non-health major college student's case by 54.2% in health major college student's case, health major college students are recognizing that equipment level should be supplemented more but there was no significant difference in major department(p<0.05). 5. In question about equipment supplement, all health and non-health major college students appeared highest by 64.8%, 69.3% in accident type different special equipment. But there was no significant difference in major department(p<0.05). 6. In question about rescue ambulance car size, we could know being thinking that health and non-health major college student each 61.2%, 56.5% is small and narrow that large size of the rescue ambulance amount need. But there was no significant difference in major department(p<0.05). 7. In question about patient's state is worsened, because rescue first aid equipment is inferior, health major college student responded sometimes 55.1%, many 29.5%. very many by 11.5%, while non-health major college student responded 65.8%, 23.1%, 4.0% respectively. There was significant difference in major department(p<0.05). 8. In question about emergency patient must utilize for 119 rescue ambulance car, all health and non-health major college students appeared highest by 38.8%, 41.3% in "not so" item. In question about rescue first aid team's first-aid treatment ability improves more, all health and non-health major college students appeared highest by 58.1% and 58.7% respectively in "improve" item. In question about "119 rescue ambulance car must go more rapidly than now", all health and non-health major college students are recognizing that should be quicker by 58.1%, 60.9% respectively. When called to 119 all health and non-health major college students responded highest by 55.5%, 53.3% respectively that we must receive first-aid treatment direction from a doctor. In question about "119 rescue ambulance car must be made the pay system", all health and non-health major college students responded 74%, 80% respectively in "not so" item. There was significant difference in major department(p<0.05). In conclusions, In oder to provide superior rescue first aid service to people, a public health doctor should be placed in the situation room inside the fire station so that the doctor could instruct the proper emergency treatment suitable for each situation to the rescue first aid team. Also, national education about a first-aid treatment that do to all people is necessarily necessary in emergency delivery system and this should be spread extensively through school education and broadcasting medium and education should be gone side by side, and see that will can save emergency patients' life which is more when these education consists continuously fixed period for public institution of policeman, fire officer etc. specially. And for reinforcement of patient transfer system, public organization must procure special ambulance car so that emergency patient receive first aid treatment while transfer.

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Enhancement Plan for Overall Disaster Prevention System

  • Moon, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.6-10
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    • 2011
  • In Korea, overall disaster prevention system or 119 emergency rescue system has been established to protect life and fortune of citizens. This system supports command & control operation, emergency 119 caller location indicator, automatic formation of fire troops and dispatch, and emergency management. To do this, various new information technologies such as GIS, telematics, CTI and TTS are applied to implement the system. In the future, however, it is not impossible to prevent a large scale disasters caused by world climate environment change and complication of city culture using the current system. In this paper, we propose enhancement plan for overall disaster prevention system to solve this problem.

The Problems of the Emergency Rescue and First-aid and the Plan of Improvement in Korea (우리나라 긴급구조$\cdot$구급체계의 문제점과 개선방안)

  • Jung Gi-Sung
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.19 no.2 s.58
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    • pp.81-92
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    • 2005
  • It is natural that The government should be responsibility for the fulfillment of obligation to prevent a notional life, accurate rescue and first-aid from various calamities. Although, The government policy is established a foundation that is reventing a national life and a property from the calamity with deciding of the fire line, that is not satisfied with taking precautions against a calamity. In case of the calamity there is always pointed the confrontation procedures, especially, In case of crisis The government is lacking to come to an developed country on account of system of the emergency rescue and first-aid. The prevention and provision are the most important thing with reference to a confrontation of the calamity. But calamity is happened without warning, so We should establish line of prompt rescue and first-aid lately that is very important thing. The First, We should get the single line of the rescue and first-aid through a integration and elimination in terms of a law of the emergency rescue and first-aid, but also we strengthen a line of a scene confrontation ability and speciality. To raise awareness of improving a rescue and ability of first-aid, through reinforcing the human and material equipment of The 119 rescue party to charge of emergency rescue and first-aid in effect.