• Title/Summary/Keyword: Elevation Angle Accuracy

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The Method of Elevation Accuracy In Sound Source Localization System (음원 위치 추정 시스템의 정확도 향상 방법)

  • Kim, Yong-Eun;Chung, Jin-Gyun
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.24-29
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    • 2009
  • Sound source localization system is used in a robot, a video conference and CCTV(Closed-circuit television) systems. In this Sound source localization systems are applied to human and they can receive a number of sound data frames during speaking. In this paper, we propose methods which is reducing angle estimation error by selecting sound data frame which can more precisely compute the angles from inputted sound data frame. After selected data converted to angle, the error of sound source localization recognition system can be reduced by applying to medium filter. By the experiment using proposed system it is shown that the average error of angle estimation in sound source recognition system can be reduced up to 31 %.

Performance Evaluation of KOMPSAT-3 Satellite DSM in Overseas Testbed Area (해외 테스트베드 지역 아리랑 위성 3호 DSM 성능평가)

  • Oh, Kwan-Young;Hwang, Jeong-In;Yoo, Woo-Sun;Lee, Kwang-Jae
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.6_2
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    • pp.1615-1627
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to compare and analyze the performance of KOMPSAT-3 Digital Surface Model (DSM) made in overseas testbed area. To that end, we collected the KOMPSAT-3 in-track stereo image taken in San Francisco, the U.S. The stereo geometry elements (B/H, converse angle, etc.) of the stereo image taken were all found to be in the stable range. By applying precise sensor modeling using Ground Control Point (GCP) and DSM automatic generation technique, DSM with 1 m resolution was produced. Reference materials for evaluation and calibration are ground points with accuracy within 0.01 m from Compass Data Inc., 1 m resolution Elevation 1-DSM produced by Airbus. The precision sensor modeling accuracy of KOMPSAT-3 was within 0.5 m (RMSE) in horizontal and vertical directions. When the difference map was written between the generated DSM and the reference DSM, the mean and standard deviation were 0.61 m and 5.25 m respectively, but in some areas, they showed a large difference of more than 100 m. These areas appeared mainly in closed areas where high-rise buildings were concentrated. If KOMPSAT-3 tri-stereo images are used and various post-processing techniques are developed, it will be possible to produce DSM with more improved quality.

The Evaluation of Accuracy for Airborne Laser Surveying via LiDAR System Calibration (시스템 초기화(Calibration)에 따른 항공레이저측량의 정확도 평가)

  • 이대희;위광재;김승용;김갑진;이재원
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2004.04a
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    • pp.15-26
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    • 2004
  • The calibration for systematic error in LiDAR is crucial for the accuracy of airborne laser scanning. The main error is the misalignment of platforms between INS(Inertial Navigation System) and Laser scanner For planimetrical calibration of LiDAR, the building is good feature which has great changes in height and continuous flat area in the top. The planimetry error(pitch, roll) is corrected by adjustment of height which is calculated from comparing ground control points(GCP) of building to laser scanning data. We can know scale correction of laser range by the comparison of LiDAR data and GCP is arranged at the end of scan angle where maximize the height error. The area for scale calibration have to be large flat and have almost same elevation. At 1000m for average flying height, The Accuracy of laser scanning data using LiDAR is within 110cm in height and ${\pm}$50cm in planmetry so we can use laser scanning data for generating 3D terrain surface, expecically digital surface model(DSM) which is difficult to measure by aerial photogrammetry in forest, coast, urban area of high buildings

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Misclassified Area Detection Algorithm for Aerial LiDAR Digital Terrain Data (항공 라이다 수치지면자료의 오분류 영역 탐지 알고리즘)

  • Kim, Min-Chul;Noh, Myoung-Jong;Cho, Woo-Sug;Bang, Ki-In;Park, Jun-Ku
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.79-86
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    • 2011
  • Recently, aerial laser scanning technology has received full attention in constructing DEM(Digital Elevation Model). It is well known that the quality of DEM is mostly influenced by the accuracy of DTD(Digital Terrain Data) extracted from LiDAR(Light Detection And Ranging) raw data. However, there are always misclassified data in the DTD generated by automatic filtering process due to the limitation of automatic filtering algorithm and intrinsic property of LiDAR raw data. In order to eliminate the misclassified data, a manual filtering process is performed right after automatic filtering process. In this study, an algorithm that detects automatically possible misclassified data included in the DTD from automatic filtering process is proposed, which will reduce the load of manual filtering process. The algorithm runs on 2D grid data structure and makes use of several parameters such as 'Slope Angle', 'Slope DeltaH' and 'NNMaxDH(Nearest Neighbor Max Delta Height)'. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm quite well detected the misclassified data regardless of the terrain type and LiDAR point density.

Analysis of the Optimal Degree and Order of Spherical Harmonics for the GNSS Receiver Antenna's PCV Correction (GNSS 수신기 안테나의 PCV 보정 모델 산출을 위한 구면조화함수 최적차수 분석)

  • Kim, Jin Yi;Won, Ji Hye;Park, Kwan Dong;Seo, Seung Woo;Park, Heung Won
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.113-119
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    • 2014
  • The positioning accuracy of GNSS surveys deteriorates due to various error factor, and many users sometimes ignore Phase Center Variation (PCV) of antennas. IGS provides an ANTEX file which contains PCV correction information to correct for PCVs. But it is not directly applicable because PCV correction information is provided at 5-degree intervals in the azimuth and elevation directions for the case of receiver antennas, and at 1-degree intervals in the nadir angle for the case of satellite antennas. So, we devised new and optimal ways of interpolating PCV in any desired line of sight to the GNSS satellite. We used spherical harmonics fitting methods in terms of the azimuth and elevation angle for interpolation, and found an optimal degree and order. It is shown that the best accuracy was obtained from the 8 by 8 spherical harmonics. If one requires lower burden on computing resources, the order and degree less than 8 could produce resonable accuracy except for 1st and 5th order.

Study on Application of Topographic Position Index for Prediction of the Landslide Occurrence (산사태 발생지 예측을 위한 Topographic Position Index의 적용성 연구)

  • Woo, Choong-Shik;Lee, Chang-Woo;Jeong, Yongho
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2008
  • The objective of the study is 10 know the relation of landslide occurrence with using TPI (Topographic Position Index) in the Pyungchang County. Total 659 landslide scars were detected from aerial photographs. To analyze TPI, 100m SN (Small-Neighborhood) TPI map, 500m LN (Large-Neighborhood) TPI map, and slope map were generated from the DEM (Digital Elevation Model) data which are made from 1 : 5,000 digital topographic map. 10 classes clustered by regular condition after overlapping each TPI maps and slope map. Through this process, we could make landform classification map. Because it is only to classify landform, 7 classes were finally regrouped by the slope angle information of landslide occurrence detected from aerial photography analysis. The accuracy of reclassified map is about 46%.

GNSS NLOS Signal Classifier with Successive Correlation Outputs using CNN

  • Sangjae, Cho;Jeong-Hoon, Kim
    • Journal of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2023
  • The problem of classifying a non-line-of-sight (NLOS) signal in a multipath channel is important to improve global navigation satellite system (GNSS) positioning accuracy in urban areas. Conventional deep learning-based NLOS signal classifiers use GNSS satellite measurements such as the carrier-to-noise-density ratio (CN_0), pseudorange, and elevation angle as inputs. However, there is a computational inefficiency with use of these measurements and the NLOS signal features expressed by the measurements are limited. In this paper, we propose a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)-based NLOS signal classifier that receives successive Auto-correlation function (ACF) outputs according to a time-series, which is the most primitive output of GNSS signal processing. We compared the proposed classifier to other DL-based NLOS signal classifiers such as a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) and Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) to show the superiority of the proposed classifier. The results show the proposed classifier does not require the navigation data extraction stage to classify the NLOS signals, and it has been verified that it has the best detection performance among all compared classifiers, with an accuracy of up to 97%.

Soil Depth Estimation and Prediction Model Correction for Mountain Slopes Using a Seismic Survey (탄성파 탐사를 활용한 산지사면 토심 추정 및 예측모델 보정)

  • Taeho Bong;Sangjun Im;Jung Il Seo;Dongyeob Kim;Joon Heo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.112 no.3
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    • pp.340-351
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    • 2023
  • Landslides are major natural geological hazards that cause enormous property damage and human casualties annually. The vulnerability of mountainous areas to landslides is further exacerbated by the impacts of climate change. Soil depth is a crucial parameter in landslide and debris flow analysis, and plays an important role in the evaluation of watershed hydrological processes that affect slope stability. An accurate method of estimating soil depth is to directly investigate the soil strata in the field. However, this requires significant amounts of time and money; thus, numerous models for predicting soil depth have been proposed. However, they still have limitations in terms of practicality and accuracy. In this study, 71 seismic survey results were collected from domestic mountainous areas to estimate soil depth on hill slopes. Soil depth was estimated on the basis of a shear wave velocity of 700 m/s, and a database was established for slope angle, elevation, and soil depth. Consequently, the statistical characteristics of soil depth were analyzed, and the correlations between slope angle and soil depth, and between elevation and soil depth were investigated. Moreover, various soil depth prediction models based on slope angle were investigated, and corrected linear and exponential soil depth prediction models were proposed.

A Pilot Study on Environmental Understanding and Estimation of the Nak-Dong River Basin Using Fuyo-1 OPS Data (Fuyo-1 OPS 자료를 이용한 낙동강 하류지역의 환경계측 시고)

  • Kim, Cheon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.169-198
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    • 1996
  • The objectives of this investigation are : 1. To analyze spectral signature and the associated vegetation index for geometric illumination conditions inf1uenced by low solar elevation and high slope orientations in mountainous forest. 2. To assess the accuracy of the spectral angle mapper classification for the a winter land cover in comparison with the maximum likelihood classification. 3. To produce the image of water quality and water properties that could be used to estimate the water pollution sources and the tide-included by turbid water in estuarine and coastal areas. These objectives are to characterize environmental and ecological monitoring applications of the Nak-Dong River Basin by using Fuyo-1 OPS VNIR data acquired on December 26, 1992. The results of this paper are as follows : 1. The spectral digital numbers and vegetation indexes (NDVI and TVI) of mountainous forest are higher on the slope facing the sun than on the slope hidden the sun under low sun elevation condition. 2. The spectral angle mapper algorithm produces a more accurate land cover classification of areas with steep slope, various aspects and low solar elevation than the maximum likelihood classifier. 3. The maximum likelihood classification images can be used for identifying the location and movement of both freshwater and salt water, regardless of geometric illumination conditions. 4. The color-coded density sliced image of selected water bodies by using the near-infrared band 3 can provide distribution of the water quality of the Lower Nak-Dong River. 5. The color-coded normalized difference vegetation index image of the selected mountain forest is suitable to classify winter vegetation cover types, i.e., forest canopy densities for slope orientations.

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Quasi-Zenith Satellite System on Positioning Accuracy Based on 3D Digital Map Through Simulation

  • Suh, Yong-Cheol;Konishi, Yusuke;Shibasaki, Ryosuke
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.751-756
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    • 2002
  • Since the operation of the first satellite-based navigation services, satellite positioning has played an increasing role in both surveying and navigation, and has become an indispensable tool for precise relative positioning. However, in some situations, e.g. at a low angle of elevation, the use of satellites for navigation is seriously restricted because obstacles like buildings and mountains can block signals. As a mean to resolve this problem, the quasi-zenith satellite system has been proposed as a next-generation satellite navigation system. Quasi-zenith satellite is a system which simultaneously deploys several satellites in a quasi-zenith geostationary orbit so that one of the satellites always stay close to the zenith if viewed from a specific point on the ground of East Asia. Thus, if a position measurement function compatible with GPS is installed in the quasi-zenith and stationary satellites, and these satellites are utilized together with the GPS, four satellites can be accessed simultaneously nearly all day long and a substantial improvement in position measurement, especially in metropolitan areas, can be achieved. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the effectiveness of quasi-zenith satellite system on positioning accuracy improvement through simulation by using precise orbital information of the satellites and a three-Dimensional digital map. Through this simulation system, it is possible to calculate the number of simultaneously visible satellites and available area of the positioning without the need of actual observation.

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